本文整理汇总了Python中maya.cmds.tabLayout函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python tabLayout函数的具体用法?Python tabLayout怎么用?Python tabLayout使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: __init__
def __init__(self) :
# now we create a window ready to populate the components
self.m_window = cmds.window( title='Flock The System', )
# create a layout
form = cmds.formLayout()
tabs = cmds.tabLayout(innerMarginWidth=10, innerMarginHeight=10)
cmds.formLayout( form, edit=True, attachForm=((tabs, 'top', 0), (tabs, 'left', 0), (tabs, 'bottom', 0), (tabs, 'right', 0)) )
child1 = cmds.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns=1)
#cmds.image( image='/home/i7867155/Desktop/Screenshot.png' )
cmds.intFieldGrp( numberOfFields=2, label='Start Frame', extraLabel='End Frame', value1=3, value2=3, )
#cmds.button( label='Update Flock', bgc=(1,0,0) )
#cmds.iconTextButton( style='iconOnly', image1='/home/i7867155/Desktop/Screenshot.png', command='click()' )
exportButton = cmds.button( label='Export/Update Curves', command='exportCurves()' )
cmds.setParent( tabs )
child2 = cmds.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns=2)
cmds.setParent( tabs )
cmds.tabLayout( tabs, edit=True, tabLabel=((child1, 'Pre-flock'), (child2, 'Post-flock')) )
# finally show the window
cmds.showWindow( self.m_window )
示例2: simpleTemplateEditorAddCallbacks
def simpleTemplateEditorAddCallbacks( *args):
currTab = str(cmds.tabLayout(tabs1,q=1, st=1))
currColChld = cmds.columnLayout(str(cmds.tabLayout(tabs1,q=1, st=1)),q=1, ca=1)
curList = ""
for temp in currColChld:
if cmds.textScrollList(temp, exists= True):
curList= temp
tempSelAttrs = cmds.textScrollList(curList, q=1, si= True)
tempSelIndAttrs = cmds.textScrollList(curList, q=1, sii= True)
if cmds.textScrollList(curList, q=1, nsi= True)!=0:
result = cmds.promptDialog(title='Add Callback', message='Enter The Callback command for the selected attributes:',button=['OK', 'Cancel'],defaultButton='OK', cancelButton='Cancel', dismissString='Cancel')
if result == 'OK':
text = str(cmds.promptDialog(query=True, text= True))
if text != "":
for tempAttrI in tempSelIndAttrs:
cmds.textScrollList(curList, e=1, sii=tempAttrI)
tempAttrs = cmds.textScrollList(curList, q=1, si= True)
tempAttr = tempAttrs[0]
tempAttrStrp = tempAttr.replace(" ","")
tempAttrStrp = tempAttrStrp.replace(" *","")
dictCallbacks[currTab + "_" + tempAttrStrp] = text
if (cmds.menuItem(verbMenuI, q=1, checkBox = True)) == True:
print (' - Callback created for ' + tempAttrStrp + ' in view "' + currTab + '"')
cmds.textScrollList(curList, e=1, rii=tempAttrI)
cmds.textScrollList(curList, e=1, ap=[tempAttrI," " + tempAttrStrp+ " *"])
示例3: makeAppFolders
def makeAppFolders( tabLayout, title, cmdType, folderPath ):
childArr = cmds.tabLayout( tabLayout, q=1, ca=1 )
tabLabels = cmds.tabLayout( tabLayout, q=1, tabLabel=1 )
appFolder = folderPath+'/'+ title
deletePath( appFolder )
if cmdType == 'python':
initPath = appFolder+'/__init__.py'
makeFile( initPath )
for i in range( len( childArr ) ):
childUi = childArr[i]
tabLabel = tabLabels[i].replace( ' ', '_' )
srcFile = appFolder+'/'+tabLabel+'.py'
makeFile( srcFile )
f = open( srcFile, 'w' )
f.write( cmds.scrollField( childUi, q=1, tx=1 ) )
elif cmdType == 'mel':
for i in range( len( childArr ) ):
childUi = childArr[i]
tabLabel = tabLabels[i].replace( ' ', '_' )
srcFile = appFolder+'/'+tabLabel+'.mel'
makeFile( srcFile )
f = open( srcFile, 'w' )
f.write( cmds.scrollField( childUi, q=1, tx=1 ) )
示例4: tdTab
def tdTab(myPath, myDirs, parent):
Depending upon how many directory are located in the folder,
create tabs for each one.
print("Create tabs")
# On the nuke side this will be the folder that contain the render passes.
global tabs, mainTab
tabs = []
mainTab = cmds.tabLayout(w=winWidth, h=winWidth, p=parent)
# Just create the tabs
for myDir in myDirs:
# tabMainCol = cmds.columnLayout()
tabMainCol = cmds.rowColumnLayout( nc=1, w=winWidth, h=winHeight, cw=[1,winWidth+10])
# tabMainCol = cmds.formLayout()
#cmds.text(l="This is tab: %s" %myDir, w=winWidth, h=winHeight)
# Call frameLayout function
framePath = os.path.join(myPath, myDir)
frameDirs = os.walk(framePath).next()[1]
tdFrame(framePath, frameDirs, tabMainCol )
cmds.tabLayout(mainTab, e=True, tl=[tabMainCol, myDir])
return tabs
示例5: _saveTab
def _saveTab(self):
The name of the tab
The frames included
the attributes for each frame
# Prompt where to save the file.
# pack data
currTab = cmds.tabLayout( self.mainTab, q=True, selectTab=True)
tabIndex = cmds.tabLayout( self.mainTab, q=True, selectTabIndex=True) - 1 # tab index are 1 based.
tabLabels = cmds.tabLayout( self.mainTab, q=True, tl=True )
tabName = tabLabels[tabIndex]
frameNames = []
frames = {}
for frameInfo in self.tabs[self.tabNames[tabIndex]]:
frameNames.append([frameInfo.frameName, frameInfo.mainLayout])
frames[frameInfo.mainLayout] = frameInfo.attrs
path = cmds.fileDialog(mode=1)
fileInfo = open( path, "w" )
pickle.dump( tabName, fileInfo )
pickle.dump( frameNames, fileInfo )
pickle.dump( frames, fileInfo )
print("Save Cancelled.")
示例6: _addTab
def _addTab(self, name):
Adds an additional tab to the system.
# Make sure that a tab exists!
# scroll = cmds.scrollLayout( h=450, parent=self.mainTab )
col = cmds.columnLayout(parent=self.mainTab)
frm = cmds.formLayout( w=450 )
path = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
fullPath = lambda x : os.path.join( path, "icons", x )
btn1 = cmds.symbolButton( image=fullPath('plus_16b.xpm'), h=20,
command=Callback(self.addFramePrompt)) # self._attrGUI )
btn2 = cmds.symbolButton( image=fullPath('delete_16b.xpm'), h=20,
command=Callback(self._removeTab ))#command=self._removeAttrs )
btn3 = cmds.symbolButton( image=fullPath('save_16.xpm'), h=20,
command=Callback(self._saveTab)) # self._attrGUI )
txt = cmds.text( l="" )
cmds.formLayout( frm, e=1, af=[[btn1, "top", 5],[btn1, "left", 5], [btn2, "top", 5],[btn3, "top", 5], [txt, "top", 5], [txt, "right", 0]],
ac=[[btn2, "left", 0, btn1],[btn3, "left", 0, btn2]])
cmds.setParent( col )
# frm = cmds.formLayout( parent=self.mainTab, w=300, h=300 )
cmds.tabLayout( self.mainTab, e=1, tl=[col, name])
self.tabs[col] = []
return col
示例7: ModuleTemplateBuilderUI
def ModuleTemplateBuilderUI():
if cmds.window(MTB_UI,q=1,ex=1 ):
cmds.window(MTB_UI,t='creatureRigs: Modules Builder ' +__version__,mb=1)
cmds.menuItem(l='install shelf button',c='')
cmds.menuItem(label ="Close",c ="")
cmds.menuItem(l='Toggle Selectable',c='')
cmds.menuItem(l='Auto Rigger',c='')
cmds.menuItem(l='Curve Utilities',c='')
cmds.menuItem(label ="How to use",c ="")
cmds.menuItem(label ="Close",c ="")
cmds.menuItem(label ='')
form = cmds.formLayout()
tabs = cmds.tabLayout(innerMarginWidth=5, innerMarginHeight=5)
cmds.formLayout( form, edit=True, attachForm=((tabs, 'top', 0), (tabs, 'left', 0), (tabs, 'bottom', 0),(tabs, 'right', 0)) )
child1 = cmds.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns=1)
cmds.setParent( '..' )
child2 = cmds.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns=1)
cmds.setParent( '..' )
cmds.tabLayout( tabs, edit=True, tabLabel=((child1, ' Create Skeleton '), (child2, ' Create Rig ')))
示例8: buildMainLayout
def buildMainLayout(self):
'''Build the main part of the ui
tabs = mc.tabLayout()
tab1 = mc.columnLayout(adj=True)
self.shelfLayout = mc.shelfLayout()
tab2 = mc.columnLayout(adj=True)
mc.separator(height=8, style='none')
mc.text('Select curve(s) to export. Multiple selected curves will be combined.')
mc.text('Center and fit the curve in the viewport,')
mc.text('and make sure nothing else is visible for best icon creation.')
mc.separator(height=16, style='in')
mc.button('Export Selected Curve', command=self.exportControl, annotation='Select a nurbsCurve to export.')
mc.tabLayout( tabs, edit=True, tabLabel=((tab1, 'Import'),
(tab2, 'Export')
if not mc.shelfLayout(self.shelfLayout, query=True, numberOfChildren=True):
mc.tabLayout( tabs, edit=True, selectTab=tab2)
示例9: duplicateSpecialZ
def duplicateSpecialZ(*args):
if cmds.window("dupSpecialZ", exists=True):
cmds.window("dupSpecialZ",title="Jelly Special Z",mnb=True, mxb=False,w=250,h=130,sizeable=False)
form = cmds.formLayout()
tabs = cmds.tabLayout(w=250, h=100, bgc = (0.3,0.3,0.3), innerMarginWidth=10, innerMarginHeight=5)
cmds.formLayout( form, edit=True, attachForm=((tabs, 'top', 0), (tabs, 'left', 0), (tabs, 'bottom', 0), (tabs, 'right', 0)) )
child1=cmds.columnLayout( columnAttach=('both', 0), rowSpacing=1,columnWidth=250,h=110)
cmds.text(label="Permanent Distance", bgc=(0.5,0.7,0.5))
cmds.text(label="Number of copies", align='left')
cmds.text(label="Translate", align='left')
cmds.button(label="Duplicate", bgc=(0.5,0.7,0.5),command=translateZpermanent)
cmds.setParent( '..' )
child2=cmds.columnLayout( columnAttach=('both', 0), rowSpacing=1,columnWidth=250,h=110)
cmds.text(label="Increasing Distance", bgc=(0.5,0.3,0.5))
cmds.text(label="Number of copies", align='left')
cmds.text(label="Translate", align='left')
cmds.setParent( '..' )
cmds.tabLayout( tabs, edit=True, tabLabel=((child1, 'Permanent Distance'),(child2,'Increasing Distance')))
cmds.setParent( '..' )
示例10: deletetab
def deletetab(*args):
alltabs = mc.tabLayout ('tabs',q=1,st=1)
chktabs = mc.tabLayout ('Animation',q=1,st=1)
chktabs1= mc.tabLayout ('Poses',q=1,st=1)
if alltabs == 'Animation':
seltab = mc.tabLayout('Animation',q=1,st=1)
for i in range(len(list_in)):
if chktabs=='':
mc.confirmDialog (title='Error',message='No tabs to delete', button='OK',defaultButton='Yes')
# else :
# return
else :
seltab = mc.tabLayout('Poses',q=1,st=1)
for i in range(len(list_in)):
if chktabs1=='':
mc.confirmDialog (title='Error',message='No tabs to delete', button='OK',defaultButton='Yes')
else :
示例11: savepose
def savepose(*args):
alltab = mc.tabLayout('tabs',q=1,st=1)
chktabs = mc.tabLayout ('Animation',q=1,st=1)
chktabs1= mc.tabLayout ('Poses',q=1,st=1)
sel_obj = mc.ls(sl=1)
if len(sel_obj)==0:
mc.confirmDialog (title = "Error",message ="Nothing is selected",button= "OK",defaultButton ="Yes")
else :
if alltab=='Animation':
if chktabs=='':
mc.confirmDialog (title = "Error",message ="Please create a tab first",button= "OK",defaultButton ="Yes")
Animname = mc.confirmDialog(
title='Frame chk',
message='Pls chk : Start frame and End frame ',
button=['OK', 'Cancel'],
if Animname =='OK':
if chktabs1=='':
mc.confirmDialog (title = "Error",message ="Please create a tab first",button= "OK",defaultButton ="Yes")
示例12: mainWindow
def mainWindow(configData, assetsList, modules):
layoutWidth = 450
#check if the window already exists, if it does delete it.
if cmds.window( 'pipeline', exists = True ):
cmds.deleteUI( 'pipeline' )
cmds.window( 'pipeline' )
# create the base layouts for the UI
form = cmds.formLayout( 'pipeline_mainFormLayout' )
tabs = cmds.tabLayout('pipeline_mainTabsLayout', innerMarginWidth=5, innerMarginHeight=5)
cmds.formLayout( form, edit=True, attachForm=((tabs, 'top', 0), (tabs, 'left', 0), (tabs, 'bottom', 0), (tabs, 'right', 0)) )
# tab one contents start here
tabOne = cmds.scrollLayout( horizontalScrollBarThickness=16, verticalScrollBarThickness=16)
cmds.rowColumnLayout( 'pipeline_TabOne', width = layoutWidth, numberOfColumns = 1 )
cmds.text( 'pipeline_tabOne_heading', label = 'manage pipline here' )
# use the module names to create the work flow catagories
for module in modules:
# becuase the name of hte module is a string, use __import__ method to import it.
currentModule = __import__(module)
#based of the setting in config, create the module or not
if module + '=True' in configData:
cmds.setParent( '..' )
if module + '=False' in configData:
cmds.setParent('..'), cmds.setParent('..')
# tab two starts here, it contains the options from the config file
tabTwo = cmds.rowColumnLayout( width = layoutWidth, numberOfColumns = 1 )
#cmds.text( label = 'This is intenationally blank.' )
cmds.text( label = '' )
# loop over the config data, creating relevant checkboxes and textfields
for data in configData:
dataName, dataType, property = pipe_func.findDataType(data)
#print dataName
if dataType == 'booleanData':
if property == 'True':
propertyValue = True
if property == 'False':
propertyValue = False
cmds.checkBox( dataName + 'CB', label = dataName, value = propertyValue)
if dataType == 'string':
cmds.text( label = dataName )
cmds.textField( dataName + 'TF', text = property, width = (layoutWidth -100) )
# the save button goes here
cmds.button( label = 'Save settings', command = lambda arg : pipe_func.saveOptionsSettings(configData) )
cmds.setParent('..'), cmds.setParent('..')
# tab names
cmds.tabLayout( tabs, edit=True, tabLabel=((tabOne, 'pipeline'), (tabTwo, 'Options')) )
# This line docks the window as tool palette or utility window, so it sits nicey nice at the side
if cmds.dockControl( 'pipeline', exists = True ):
cmds.deleteUI( 'pipeline' )
cmds.dockControl( 'pipeline', label = 'Fire Monkeys Pipline Manager', area='right', content='pipeline', allowedArea='right' )
示例13: uvSetOptions
def uvSetOptions(self):
window_name = "uvSetOptions"
if cmds.window(window_name, q=True, exists=True):
self.optionWindow = cmds.window(window_name, title="Lightmap Options")
tabs = cmds.tabLayout(innerMarginWidth=5, innerMarginHeight=5)
standardLayout = cmds.columnLayout(parent=self.optionWindow, adj=True)
self.uvSetChoice = cmds.optionMenuGrp(label="Source UV Set")
for uvSet in self.uvList: #lists selections' uv sets
self.lightmapBox = cmds.textFieldGrp(label="New UV Set Name", text=self.lightmap)
self.presetSelect = cmds.optionMenuGrp(self.presetSelect, label="Spacing Presets", cc=self.presetValue)
for preset in self.spacingPresets:
cmds.floatSliderGrp(self.shellSpacingSlider, label="Percentage Space:", v=3.200, step=0.001, max=5.000, field=True)
print cmds.floatSliderGrp(self.shellSpacingSlider, q=True, v=True)
cmds.button(label="Generate Lightmap", width=200, c=self.copyAndLayoutCheck)
advancedLayout = cmds.columnLayout(parent=self.optionWindow, adj=True)
layoutObjectsCollection = cmds.radioCollection() #radial button, creates new layout
layoutObjectsCollection_layout = cmds.columnLayout()
cmds.text(label = "Layout objects:", p=layoutObjectsCollection_layout)
rbl = cmds.radioButton(label="Per object(overlapping)", p=layoutObjectsCollection_layout, onc=lambda *args: self.perObjectLayout(0))
rbl = cmds.radioButton(label="Single or multiple objects(non-overlapping)", p=layoutObjectsCollection_layout, onc=lambda *args: self.perObjectLayout(1), sl=True )
prescaleCollection = cmds.radioCollection() #radial button, creates new layout
prescaleCollection_layout = cmds.columnLayout()
cmds.text(label = "Prescale:", p=prescaleCollection_layout)
rbl = cmds.radioButton(label="None", p=prescaleCollection_layout, onc=lambda *args: self.prescaleLayout(0))
rbl = cmds.radioButton(label="Object", p=prescaleCollection_layout, onc=lambda *args: self.prescaleLayout(1))
rbl = cmds.radioButton(label="World", p=prescaleCollection_layout, onc=lambda *args: self.prescaleLayout(2), sl=True)
collection = cmds.radioCollection() #radial button, creates new layout
collection_layout = cmds.columnLayout()
cmds.text(label = "Shell Layout:", p=collection_layout)
rbl = cmds.radioButton(label="Into region", p=collection_layout, onc=lambda *args: self.shellLayout(0), sl=True)
rbl = cmds.radioButton(label="Along U", p=collection_layout, onc=lambda *args: self.shellLayout(1))
rbl = cmds.radioButton(label="None", p=collection_layout, onc=lambda *args: self.shellLayout(2))
collection = cmds.radioCollection() #radial button, creates new layout
collection_layout = cmds.columnLayout()
cmds.text(label = "Scale:", p=collection_layout)
rbl = cmds.radioButton(label="None", p=collection_layout, onc=lambda *args: self.scaleLayout(0))
rbl = cmds.radioButton(label="Uniform", p=collection_layout, onc=lambda *args: self.scaleLayout(1), sl=True)
rbl = cmds.radioButton(label="Stretch", p=collection_layout, onc=lambda *args: self.scaleLayout(2))
rotateCollection = cmds.radioCollection() #radial button, creates new layout
rotateCollection_layout = cmds.columnLayout()
cmds.text(label = "Rotate:", p=rotateCollection_layout)
rbl = cmds.radioButton(label="None", p=rotateCollection_layout, onc=lambda *args: self.rotationLayout(0))
rbl = cmds.radioButton(label="90 degrees", p=rotateCollection_layout, onc=lambda *args: self.rotationLayout(1), sl=True)
rbl = cmds.radioButton(label="Free", p=rotateCollection_layout, onc=lambda *args: self.rotationLayout(2))
cmds.tabLayout( tabs, edit=True, tabLabel=((standardLayout, 'General'), (advancedLayout, 'Advanced')) )
示例14: __init__
def __init__(self):
self.moduleInstance = None
#store UI elements in a dictionary
self.UIElements = {}
if cmds.window("blueprint_UI_window", exists=True):
cmds.windowPref( "blueprint_UI_window", remove=True )
windowWidth = 400
windowHeight = 598
self.UIElements ["window"] = cmds.window("blueprint_UI_window", width=windowWidth, height=windowHeight, title="Blueprint Module UI", sizeable = True)
self.UIElements["topLevelColumn"] = cmds.columnLayout (adjustableColumn=True, columnAlign="center")
#Setup taps
tabHeight = 500
self.UIElements["tabs"] = cmds.tabLayout(height=tabHeight,width=windowWidth, innerMarginWidth=5, innerMarginHeight=5)
tabWidth = cmds.tabLayout(self.UIElements["tabs"], q=True, width=True)
self.scrollWidth = tabWidth - 40
self.initialiseTemplatesTab(tabHeight, tabWidth)
scenePublished = cmds.objExists('Scene_Published')
sceneUnlocked = not cmds.objExists('Scene_Locked') and not scenePublished
cmds.tabLayout(self.UIElements["tabs"], edit=True, tabLabelIndex=([1,"Modules"],[2,'Templates']),enable=sceneUnlocked)
self.UIElements['lockPublishColumn'] = cmds.columnLayout(adj=True,columnAlign='center',rs=3)
self.UIElements['lockBtn'] = cmds.button(label='Lock', c=self.lock, enable=sceneUnlocked)
self.UIElements['publishBtn'] = cmds.button(label='Publish',enable=not sceneUnlocked and not scenePublished, c=self.publish)
#Display window
示例15: __init__
def __init__( self ):
window_name = 'fissureToolWindow'
window_width = 200
window_height = 200
if cmds.window( window_name, exists = True, q = True ):
cmds.deleteUI( window_name )
cmds.window( window_name, title = 'Fissure Tool {0}'.format( VERSION ), widthHeight = ( window_width, window_height ) )
form = cmds.formLayout()
tabs = cmds.tabLayout( innerMarginWidth = 5, innerMarginHeight = 5 )
cmds.formLayout( form, edit = True, attachForm = ( ( tabs, 'top', 0 ), ( tabs, 'left', 0 ), ( tabs, 'bottom', 0 ), ( tabs, 'right', 0 ) ) )
# Crack Row
crack_row = cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 1 )
cmds.separator( style = 'none', height = 20 )
cmds.text( label = 'Crack Pieces' )
self.crack_float = cmds.floatField( value = 50, precision = 0 )
cmds.button( l = 'Crack Mesh', w = window_width, c = self.run_crack_obj )
cmds.separator( height = 40, style = 'in' )
cmds.button( l = 'Create Plane Rig', w = window_width, c = self.run_create_plane_rig )
cmds.button( l = 'Attach Plane Rig', w = window_width, c = self.run_attach_plane_rig )
cmds.separator( height = 40, style = 'in' )
cmds.button( l = 'Create Cluster', w = window_width, c = self.run_create_cluster )
cmds.setParent( '..' )
# Simulation Row
sim_row = cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 1 )
cmds.separator( style = 'none', height = 20 )
cmds.text( label = 'Gravity Magnitude' )
self.magnitude_float = cmds.floatField( value = 50, precision = 2 )
cmds.button( l = 'Add Rigid Body', w = window_width, c = self.run_add_rigid_body )
cmds.separator( height = 40, style = 'in' )
cmds.button( l = 'Add Crack Distance', w = window_width, c = self.run_create_crack_distance )
cmds.button( l = 'Run Crack Distance', w = window_width, c = self.run_build_crack_distance )
cmds.separator( height = 40, style = 'in' )
cmds.button( l = 'Bake Simulation', w = window_width, c = self.run_bake_sim )
cmds.setParent( '..' )
# Export Row
export_row = cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 1 )
cmds.separator( style = 'none', height = 20 )
cmds.button( l = 'Convert to game skin', w = window_width, c = self.run_convert_to_game_skin )
cmds.separator( height = 40, style = 'in' )
cmds.button( l = 'Export FBX Mesh', w = window_width )
cmds.button( l = 'Export FBX Skin', w = window_width )
cmds.button( l = 'Export FBX Animation', w = window_width )
cmds.setParent( '..' )
cmds.tabLayout( tabs, edit = True, tabLabel = ( ( crack_row, 'Crack' ), ( sim_row, 'Simulation' ), ( export_row, 'Export' ) ) )