本文整理汇总了Python中maya.cmds.setAttr函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python setAttr函数的具体用法?Python setAttr怎么用?Python setAttr使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: create_line_from_2_obj
def create_line_from_2_obj(self, obja, objb, crv_name='_curve_CRV'):
Make a line between 2 objects
crv_name = name of curve
pta = first object
ptb = second object
Return: Curve name
# Define generic curve
curve=cmds.curve(d=1, p=[(0,0,0),(0,0,0)], k=[0,1], n=crv_name)
cmds.setAttr(curve+'.overrideColor', 13)
# Making connection in worldSpace using decomposeMatrix
dMa=cmds.createNode('decomposeMatrix', n='_DMAT')
dMb=cmds.createNode('decomposeMatrix', n='_DMAT')
# Connect control worldMatrix to decomposeMatrix.inputMatrix
KstMaya.node_op(obja+'.worldMatrix','>>', dMa+'.inputMatrix')
KstMaya.node_op(objb+'.worldMatrix','>>', dMb+'.inputMatrix')
return curve
示例2: spaceSwitchToken
def spaceSwitchToken(self, obj, args):
objects, attr, switchTo = args
enumTokens = animMod.getTokens(obj, attr)
value = 0
switchToNum = None
for loopToken in enumTokens:
splitValue = loopToken.split("=")
if splitValue:
if len(splitValue) > 1:
loopToken = splitValue[0]
value = eval(splitValue[1])
if switchTo == loopToken:
switchToNum = value
value += 1
if switchToNum != None:
cmds.setAttr("%s.%s"%(obj, attr), switchToNum)
示例3: removeFloatVariable
def removeFloatVariable(self, nodeAttr, varslayout, index):
# Remove variable
children = cmds.columnLayout(varslayout, query=1, childArray=1)
if len(children) <= index:
baseNameAttr = nodeAttr
baseValueAttr = nodeAttr.replace("fparam_name", "fparam_value");
for i in xrange(index+1, len(children)):
rembtn, namefld, _, valfld = cmds.formLayout(children[i], query=1, childArray=1)
indexStr = "[%d]" % (i - 1)
nextIndexStr = "[%d]" % i
nameAttr = baseNameAttr + indexStr
valueAttr = baseValueAttr + indexStr
cmds.setAttr(nameAttr, cmds.getAttr(baseNameAttr + nextIndexStr), type="string")
cmds.setAttr(valueAttr, cmds.getAttr(baseValueAttr + nextIndexStr));
self.setupVariableNameCallback(nameAttr, namefld)
self.setupFloatVariableValueCallback(valueAttr, valfld)
cmds.button(rembtn, edit=1, command=lambda *args: self.removeFloatVariable(nodeAttr, varslayout, i-1))
cmds.removeMultiInstance("%s[%d]" % (baseNameAttr, len(children)-1), b=True)
cmds.removeMultiInstance("%s[%d]" % (baseValueAttr, len(children)-1), b=True)
示例4: set_color
def set_color(self, position):
"""Change display color of shapes"""
color = common.get_color_index(position)
for shape in self.nodes:
cmds.setAttr("%s.overrideEnabled" % shape, 1)
cmds.setAttr("%s.overrideColor" % shape, color)
示例5: createLocators
def createLocators(self):
#create list of loc names (self.name)
for i in range(len(self.jointList)):
#check that these don't exist already
if (cmds.objExists(self.locList[0])):
cmds.error("these limb locators exists already!")
#fill dictionary - assign values from list
self.locPos = {}
for j in range(len(self.locList)):
self.locPos[self.locList[j]] = self.locPosValues[j]
#create the locs
for key in self.locPos.keys():
thisLoc = cmds.spaceLocator(n=key)
cmds.move(self.locPos[key][0], self.locPos[key][1], self.locPos[key][2], thisLoc)
#parent them together (from list of loc names)
for k in range((len(self.locList)-1),0,-1):
cmds.parent(self.locList[k], self.locList[k-1])
######### make this true only for the arms. . . or figure out how to extract which rot this should be
#rotate second joint to just get a preferred angle
cmds.setAttr("%s.ry"%self.locList[1], -5)
示例6: connectBind
def connectBind(self):
#Create opposite node to blend
blendOpposite = rc.create1MinusNode(
"%s.%s" %(self.m_blendControl, self.m_blendAttr),
"%s_IKFKBlendOpp_CTRL" %(self.m_name)
for i in range(len(self.m_bindJoints)):
const1 = cmds.parentConstraint(
st = ["x", "y", "z"]
const2 = cmds.parentConstraint(
st = ["x", "y", "z"]
"%s.blendParent2" %(self.m_bindJoints[i])
# Change to quarternion
pairBlend = cmds.listConnections(
"%s.constraintRotateX" %(const1),
cmds.setAttr("%s.rotInterpolation" %(pairBlend), 1)
示例7: stampCompiled
def stampCompiled(self, audioNodes):
Used by the compiler - stamp the audioNodes from which this audio
track was compiled from
cmds.addAttr(self.audioNode, longName='compiledAudio', dt='string')
cmds.setAttr('%s.compiledAudio' % self.audioNode, ','.join(audioNodes), type="string")
示例8: _mirror_setFollowValues
def _mirror_setFollowValues(self):
for target in self.__followTargets:
if target.find( 'Collar' ) != -1:
otherTarget = target.replace( 'Collar_L', 'Arm_L_PoleV' ).replace( 'Collar_R', 'Arm_R_PoleV' )
mtxList = cmds.getAttr( otherTarget+'.wm' )
elif target.find( 'Leg' ) != -1:
poleVTarget = target.replace( 'Switch_CTL', 'PoleV_CTL' )
poleVMtxList = cmds.getAttr( poleVTarget+'.wm' )
mtxList = cmds.getAttr( target.replace( 'Switch', 'IK' )+'.wm' )
mtxList = cmds.getAttr( target.replace( 'Switch', 'IK' )+'.wm' )
index = self.__followTargets.index( target )
udAttrs = cmds.listAttr( target, ud=1 )
for attr in udAttrs:
if attr.find( 'Follow' ) != -1:
cmds.setAttr( target+'.'+attr, self.__followValues[index].pop(0) )
if target.find( 'Switch' ) != -1: target = target.replace( 'Switch', 'IK' )
elif target.find( 'Collar' ) != -1:
target = target.replace( 'Collar_L', 'Arm_L_PoleV' ).replace( 'Collar_R', 'Arm_R_PoleV' )
cmds.xform( target, ws=1, matrix = mtxList )
if cmds.nodeType( target ) == 'joint':
rigbase.setRotate_keepJointOrient( mtxList, target )
if target.find( 'Leg' ) != -1:
cmds.xform( poleVTarget, ws=1, matrix = poleVMtxList )
示例9: goToObject
def goToObject(self, first, second, *args ):
if cmds.nodeType( first ) == 'joint':
jo = cmds.getAttr( first+'.jo' )[0]
mpxTransform = mpx.MPxTransformationMatrix()
rotVector = om.MVector( math.radians( jo[0] ), math.radians( jo[1] ), math.radians( jo[2] ) )
mpxTransform.rotateTo( om.MEulerRotation( rotVector ) )
joMtx = mpxTransform.asMatrix()
fMtx = om.MMatrix()
fPMtx = om.MMatrix()
fMtxList = cmds.getAttr( first+'.wm' )
fPMtxList = cmds.getAttr( first+'.pm' )
sMtx = om.MMatrix()
sMtxList = cmds.getAttr( second+'.wm' )
om.MScriptUtil.createMatrixFromList( fMtxList, fMtx )
om.MScriptUtil.createMatrixFromList( fPMtxList, fPMtx )
om.MScriptUtil.createMatrixFromList( sMtxList, sMtx )
sMtxPose = [ sMtx(3,0), sMtx(3,1), sMtx(3,2) ]
rMtx = sMtx*(joMtx*fPMtx).inverse()
rTransform = mpx.MPxTransformationMatrix( rMtx )
rVector = rTransform.eulerRotation().asVector()
rot = [ math.degrees( rVector.x ), math.degrees( rVector.y ), math.degrees( rVector.z ) ]
cmds.setAttr( first+'.r', *rot )
cmds.move( sMtxPose[0], sMtxPose[1], sMtxPose[2], first, ws=1 )
rigbase.goToSamePosition( first, second )
示例10: setupScene
def setupScene():
Setup some scene attributes we want to be common to all Spinifex car scenes
make width over height as float
# Check if we haven't done this before
if cmds.objExists('vraySettings.setupSceneHasBeenRun'):
# Check that everything is setup correctly before continuing.
dialogMessage = 'setupScene has already been run. Do you wish to continue? Some of your render settings will be reset.'
result = cmds.confirmDialog( title='spckSetupScene', message=dialogMessage, button=['YES','NO'], defaultButton='NO', cancelButton='NO', dismissString='NO' )
if result == 'NO' :
print("Aborted. We\'ve done this before...\n")
# Check that everything is setup correctly before continuing.
dialogMessage = 'Have you set up your workspace.mel?'
result = cmds.confirmDialog( title='spckSetupScene', message=dialogMessage, button=['YES','NO'], defaultButton='YES', cancelButton='NO', dismissString='NO' )
if result == 'NO' :
print('Go setup your workspace and run again.\n')
# Units for working in metric and 30fps
cmds.currentUnit (linear='cm')
cmds.currentUnit (angle='deg')
cmds.currentUnit (time='ntsc')
# Load VRAY if not active
cmds.loadPlugin ('vrayformaya', quiet=True)
cmds.pluginInfo ('vrayformaya', edit=True, autoload=True)
cmds.setAttr ('defaultRenderGlobals.ren', 'vray', type='string')
cmds.evalDeferred ( 'createBaseRenderSettings()' , lowestPriority=True )
示例11: _mirror_setFollowDefault
def _mirror_setFollowDefault(self):
for target in self.__followTargets:
if target.find( 'Collar' ) != -1:
otherTarget = target.replace( 'Collar_L', 'Arm_L_PoleV' ).replace( 'Collar_R', 'Arm_R_PoleV' )
mtxList = cmds.getAttr( otherTarget+'.wm' )
elif target.find( 'Leg' ) != -1:
poleVTarget = target.replace( 'Switch_CTL', 'PoleV_CTL' )
poleVMtxList = cmds.getAttr( poleVTarget+'.wm' )
mtxList = cmds.getAttr( target.replace( 'Switch', 'IK' ) +'.wm' )
mtxList = cmds.getAttr( target.replace( 'Switch', 'IK' ) +'.wm' )
udAttrs = cmds.listAttr( target, ud=1 )
for attr in udAttrs:
if attr.find( 'Follow' ) != -1:
case1 = target.find( 'Arm' ) != -1 and attr == 'collarFollow'
case2 = target.find( 'Leg' ) != -1 and attr == 'hipFollow'
case3 = attr == 'neckFollow'
if case1 or case2 or case3:
cmds.setAttr( target+'.'+attr, 10 )
cmds.setAttr( target+'.'+attr, 0 )
if target.find( 'Switch' ) != -1: target = target.replace( 'Switch', 'IK' )
elif target.find( 'Collar' ) != -1:
target = target.replace( 'Collar_L', 'Arm_L_PoleV' ).replace( 'Collar_R', 'Arm_R_PoleV' )
cmds.xform( target, ws=1, matrix = mtxList )
if cmds.nodeType( target ) == 'joint':
rigbase.setRotate_keepJointOrient(mtxList, target)
if target.find( 'Leg' ) != -1:
cmds.xform( poleVTarget, ws=1, matrix = poleVMtxList )
示例12: main
def main(selectedChannels=True, transformsOnly=False):
Resets selected channels in the channel box to default, or if nothing's
selected, resets all keyable channels to default.
gChannelBoxName = mm.eval('$temp=$gChannelBoxName')
sel = mc.ls(sl=True)
if not sel:
chans = None
if selectedChannels:
chans = mc.channelBox(gChannelBoxName, query=True, sma=True)
testList = ['translateX','translateY','translateZ','rotateX','rotateY','rotateZ','scaleX','scaleY','scaleZ',
for obj in sel:
attrs = chans
if not chans:
attrs = mc.listAttr(obj, keyable=True, unlocked=True)
if transformsOnly:
attrs = [x for x in attrs if x in testList]
if attrs:
for attr in attrs:
default = mc.attributeQuery(attr, listDefault=True, node=obj)[0]
mc.setAttr(obj+'.'+attr, default)
except StandardError:
示例13: followAttrVis
def followAttrVis(self, ctlNameList, attrName, onOff, *args ):
if onOff == True:
for ctlName in ctlNameList:
cmds.setAttr( ctlName+'.'+attrName, e=1, k=1 )
for ctlName in ctlNameList:
cmds.setAttr( ctlName+'.'+attrName, e=1, k=0 )
示例14: modifiy_joint_chain_axis
def modifiy_joint_chain_axis(joint_chain, orient_chain='xyz', up_axis_chain='yup'):
Modify specified joint chain orientation
joint_chain = chain to affect
orient_chain = axis to orient
up_axis_chain = chain up axis
for i in range(0, len(joint_chain)):
KstOut.debug(KstRig._debug, 'Reorient current joint:' )
KstOut.debug(KstRig._debug, 'joint: %s' % joint_chain[i])
cmds.joint(joint_chain[i], e=True, zso=True, oj=orient_chain, sao=up_axis_chain, ch=True)
print('Error on reorient, check the rotations')
# If it's the last joint reset rotation axis
if i == len(joint_chain)-1:
rot_axis = ['X','Y','Z']
for axis in rot_axis:
cmds.setAttr(joint_chain[i]+'.jointOrient'+axis, 0)
示例15: addVrayObjectIds
def addVrayObjectIds(shapes=None):
""" Add a vray_objectID attribute to selected meshes
:param shapes: Shapes to apply the attribute to. If shapes is None it will get
the shapes related to the current selection.
if shapes is None:
shapes = mc.ls(sl=1, s=1, dag=1, lf=1, o=1, long=True)
if shapes:
# Can only add objectIds to mesh, nurbsSurface so lets filter it
shapes = mc.ls(shapes, type=("mesh", "nurbsSurface"))
if shapes:
result = mc.promptDialog(
title="Object ID value",
message="Object ID:",
button=["OK", "Cancel"],
if result == "OK":
value = int(mc.promptDialog(query=True, text=True))
for shape in shapes:
mc.vray("addAttributesFromGroup", shape, "vray_objectID", 1)
mc.setAttr("{0}.{1}".format(shape, "vrayObjectID"), value)