本文整理汇总了Python中maya.cmds.scaleConstraint函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python scaleConstraint函数的具体用法?Python scaleConstraint怎么用?Python scaleConstraint使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: setCST
def setCST(self, constrainttype = 'parent', source = '', weight = 1, mo = True, remove = False, skip = "none"):
"""This can be used instead of the constraint class to constrain the current superObject to something quickly.
@param type: the type of constraint,valid options are point, parent, aim, scale, orient.
@param source: what you want to constrain to. single source only
@param weight: the weight of the constraint
@param mo: maintain offset
@param remove: remove from constraint
@type type: string
@type target: string
@type weight: int
@type mo: boolean
@type remove: boolean
self.cstName = self.name + constrainttype + '_Constraint'
self.cstType = constrainttype
self.source = source
cstTypes = ['point', 'orient', 'aim', 'parent', 'scale']
if self.cstType not in cstTypes:
print 'Invalid constraint type called for superObject %s, try again' % self.name
elif self.cstType == 'point':
cmds.pointConstraint(self.source, self.name, weight = weight, mo = mo, rm = remove, n = self.cstName, skip = skip)
elif self.cstType == 'parent':
cmds.parentConstraint(self.source, self.name, weight = weight, mo = mo, rm = remove, n = self.cstName)
elif self.cstType == 'aim':
cmds.aimConstraint(self.source, self.name, weight = weight, mo = mo, rm = remove, n = self.cstName)
elif self.cstType == 'scale':
cmds.scaleConstraint(self.source, self.name, weight = weight, mo = mo, rm = remove, n = self.cstName)
elif self.cstType == 'orient':
cmds.orientConstraint(self.source, self.name, weight = weight, mo = mo, rm = remove, n = self.cstName)
示例2: attachGeoToBlueprint_parenting
def attachGeoToBlueprint_parenting(self,blueprintJoint,geometry):
jointName = utils.stripAllNamespaces(blueprintJoint)[1]
parentGroup = cmds.group(empty=True,n=jointName + '_geoAttach_parentGrp#')
if len(geometry) == 1:
geoParent = cmds.listRelatives(geometry,parent=True)
if geoParent != None:
cmds.parent(parentGroup, geoParent)
cmds.parentConstraint(blueprintJoint,parentGroup, maintainOffset=False,n=parentGroup+'_parentConstraint')
cmds.scaleConstraint(blueprintJoint,parentGroup, maintainOffset=False,n=parentGroup+'_scaleConstraint')
geoParent = parentGroup
children = cmds.listRelatives(blueprintJoint, children=True)
children = cmds.ls(children,type='joint')
if len(children) != 0:
childJoint = children[0]
scaleGroup = cmds.group(empty=True, n=jointName+'_geoAttach_scaleGrp#')
geoParent = scaleGroup
originalTxValue = cmds.getAttr(childJoint + '.translateX')
scaleFactor = cmds.shadingNode('multiplyDivide', asUtility=True, n=scaleGroup+'_scaleFactor')
cmds.setAttr(scaleFactor+'.input2X', originalTxValue)
for geo in geometry:
示例3: rigFace
def rigFace() :
jntGrp = 'facialJnt_grp'
if not mc.objExists(jntGrp) :
mc.group(em = True, n = jntGrp)
facePolyMap = {'L_brow_ply': 'L_brow_ctrl',
'L_baseEye_ply': 'L_baseEye_ctrl',
'L_eye_ply': 'L_eye_ctrl',
'R_brow_ply': 'R_brow_ctrl',
'R_baseEye_ply': 'R_baseEye_ctrl',
'R_eye_ply': 'R_eye_ctrl',
'nose_ply': 'noseface_ctrl',
'mouth_ply': 'mount_ctrl'
for each in facePolyMap :
poly = each
ctrl = facePolyMap[poly]
if mc.objExists(poly) :
movePivot(ctrl, poly)
joint = mc.createNode('joint', n = poly.replace('_ply', '_jnt'))
mc.delete(mc.pointConstraint(poly, joint))
mc.skinCluster(poly, joint, tsb = True)
mc.parentConstraint(ctrl, joint)
mc.scaleConstraint(ctrl, joint)
mc.parent(joint, jntGrp)
示例4: claw
def claw(ref):
# duplicate geo
selection = cmds.ls(sl=True)
for locator in selection:
split = locator.split("section_")
name = "%sclaw_%s" % (split[0], split[1].replace("locator", "C"))
bind = "bind_%s" % name
old_name = "old_%s" % name
old_bind = "old_%s" % bind
cmds.rename(name, old_name)
cmds.rename(bind, old_bind)
cmds.duplicate(ref, rr=True, un=True, name=bind)
cmds.duplicate(bind, name=name)
shape = cmds.listRelatives(bind, s=True)[0]
claw_bs = cmds.listConnections(shape, type="blendShape", s=True)[0]
cmds.connectAttr(locator + ".parameter", claw_bs + ".tentacle_claw")
cmds.scaleConstraint(locator, bind, maintainOffset=False)
cmds.parentConstraint(locator, bind, maintainOffset=False)
bs = cmds.blendShape(bind, name, origin="world")
cmds.setAttr(bs[0] + ".w[0]", 1)
cmds.parent(name, cmds.listRelatives(old_name, p=True)[0])
cmds.parent(bind, cmds.listRelatives(old_bind, p=True)[0])
cmds.delete(old_name, old_bind)
示例5: friendsBeachRig
def friendsBeachRig() :
for each in mc.ls( sl=True ) :
currName = each.split( '_' )[0]
ctrl = pc.Control( 'circle' )
ctrl.name = '%s_ctrl' % currName
ctrl.color = 'red'
ctrl.attr( 'v' ).lock = True
ctrl.attr( 'v' ).hide = True
ctrl.scaleShape( 7 )
grp = pc.group( ctrl )
grp.snap( each )
grp.name = '%sCtrlZro_grp' % currName
geoZro = mc.listRelatives( each , p=True )[0]
geoGrp = mc.listRelatives( geoZro , p=True )[0]
rigGrp = geoGrp.replace( 'Geo_' , 'Rig_' )
if not mc.objExists( rigGrp ) :
mc.group( em=True , n=rigGrp )
mc.parentConstraint( ctrl , geoZro , mo=True)
mc.scaleConstraint( ctrl , geoZro , mo=True )
mc.parent( grp , rigGrp )
示例6: createControl
def createControl( si, shape = 'circleX', childsAlso = True, par = None, lastAlso = False, constraint = True, connect = False, offsetGroup = True ):
if not lastAlso and not si.children:
if shape == 'joint':
mc.select( cl = True )
curv = mn.Node( mc.joint( n = si.name + "_jnt" ) )
elif shape == 'locator':
curv = mn.Node( mc.spaceLocator( n = si.name + '_loc' )[0] )
curv = crv.Curve( si.name + "_ctl" )
curv = curv.create( shape )
if offsetGroup:
grp = mn.createNode( "transform", ss = True )
grp.name = si.name + "_grp"
trf.snap( si, grp )
curv.parent = grp
curv.a.t.v = [0]*3
curv.a.r.v = [0]*3
if par:
grp.parent = par
trf.snap( si, curv )
if constraint:
mc.parentConstraint( curv, si, mo = True )
mc.scaleConstraint( curv, si, mo = True )
if connect:
curv.a.t >> si.a.t
curv.a.r >> si.a.r
curv.a.s >> si.a.s
if childsAlso and si.children:
for c in si.children:
c = mn.Node( c.name.split( '|' )[-1] )
createControl( c, shape, True, curv, lastAlso, constraint, connect, offsetGroup )
示例7: createGuide
def createGuide(self, *args):
# Custom GUIDE:
cmds.addAttr(self.moduleGrp, longName="flip", attributeType='bool')
cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".flip", 0)
cmds.addAttr(self.moduleGrp, longName="indirectSkin", attributeType='bool')
cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".indirectSkin", 0)
cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".moduleNamespace", self.moduleGrp[:self.moduleGrp.rfind(":")], type='string')
self.cvJointLoc, shapeSizeCH = ctrls.cvJointLoc(ctrlName=self.guideName+"_JointLoc1", r=0.3)
self.jGuide1 = cmds.joint(name=self.guideName+"_JGuide1", radius=0.001)
cmds.setAttr(self.jGuide1+".template", 1)
cmds.parent(self.jGuide1, self.moduleGrp, relative=True)
self.cvEndJoint, shapeSizeCH = ctrls.cvLocator(ctrlName=self.guideName+"_JointEnd", r=0.1)
cmds.parent(self.cvEndJoint, self.cvJointLoc)
cmds.setAttr(self.cvEndJoint+".tz", 1.3)
self.jGuideEnd = cmds.joint(name=self.guideName+"_JGuideEnd", radius=0.001)
cmds.setAttr(self.jGuideEnd+".template", 1)
cmds.transformLimits(self.cvEndJoint, tz=(0.01, 1), etz=(True, False))
ctrls.setLockHide([self.cvEndJoint], ['tx', 'ty', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz'])
cmds.parent(self.cvJointLoc, self.moduleGrp)
cmds.parent(self.jGuideEnd, self.jGuide1)
cmds.parentConstraint(self.cvJointLoc, self.jGuide1, maintainOffset=False, name=self.jGuide1+"_ParentConstraint")
cmds.parentConstraint(self.cvEndJoint, self.jGuideEnd, maintainOffset=False, name=self.jGuideEnd+"_ParentConstraint")
cmds.scaleConstraint(self.cvJointLoc, self.jGuide1, maintainOffset=False, name=self.jGuide1+"_ScaleConstraint")
cmds.scaleConstraint(self.cvEndJoint, self.jGuideEnd, maintainOffset=False, name=self.jGuideEnd+"_ScaleConstraint")
示例8: rigExtrudePlane
def rigExtrudePlane() :
mc.select(cl = True)
lf_leg = ['lf_upLeg_nrJnt', 'L_leg_profileCrv']
rt_leg = ['rt_upLeg_nrJnt', 'R_leg_profileCrv']
lf_arm = ['lf_upArm_nrJnt', 'L_arm_profileCrv']
rt_arm = ['rt_upArm_nrJnt', 'R_arm_profileCrv']
set1 = [lf_leg, rt_leg, lf_arm, rt_arm]
for each in set1 :
# constraint nonRoll to profile curve
mc.orientConstraint(each[0], each[1], mo = True)
print each[0], each[1]
mc.select(cl = True)
naming1 = ['L_arm_pathCrv', 'L_arm_profileCrv', 'R_arm_pathCrv', 'R_arm_profileCrv']
naming2 = ['L_leg_pathCrv', 'L_leg_profileCrv', 'R_leg_pathCrv', 'R_leg_profileCrv']
mc.select(naming1, naming2)
mc.select(cl = True)
grp = ['L_armProfileCrv_zGrp', 'R_armProfileCrv_zGrp', 'L_legProfileCrv_zGrp', 'R_legProfileCrv_zGrp']
for each in grp :
mc.scaleConstraint('placement_ctrl', each)
# mc.select(cl = True)
# # bind skin
# mc.skinCluster('lf_upArm_jnt', 'lf_loArm_jnt', 'lf_wrist_jnt', 'L_arm_pathCrv', tsb = True)
# mc.skinCluster('lf_upArm_jnt', 'lf_loArm_jnt', 'lf_wrist_jnt', 'L_arm_pathCrv', tsb = True)
# mc.skinCluster('rt_upLeg_jnt', 'rt_loLeg_jnt', 'rt_ankle_jnt', 'R_leg_pathCrv', tsb = True)
# mc.skinCluster('rt_upArm_jnt', 'rt_loArm_jnt', 'rt_wrist_jnt', 'Larm_pathCrv', tsb = True)
# print 'Done'
示例9: create_spine_rig
def create_spine_rig(base_curve, rig_region_name, pelvis, cog, spine_1, spine_2, spine_3, spine_4, neck):
# create group to contain all rigging nodes
spine_group = cmds.group(em=True, n=rig_region_name + '_group')
cmds.select(spine_group, base_curve, r=True)
# add the arm group node to the base curve rig nodes attr
add_node_to_rig_nodes(base_curve, rig_region_name, spine_group)
cog_curve, cog_curve_group = jt_ctl_curve.create(cog, 'star_5', lock_unused=False)
cmds.setAttr(cog_curve + '.scale', 3,3,3)
cmds.select(cog_curve, r=True)
cmds.makeIdentity(apply=True, t=0, r=0, s=1, n=0)
cmds.select(cog_curve, cog, r=True)
cmds.parentConstraint(mo=True, weight=1)
cmds.scaleConstraint(mo=True, weight=1)
cmds.select(cog_curve_group, base_curve, r=True)
pelvis_curve, pelvis_curve_group = jt_ctl_curve.create(pelvis, 'waist', True, True, True, True)
spine_1_curve, spine_1_curve_group = jt_ctl_curve.create(spine_1, 'circle', True, True, True, True)
spine_2_curve, spine_2_curve_group = jt_ctl_curve.create(spine_2, 'circle', True, True, True, True)
spine_3_curve, spine_3_curve_group = jt_ctl_curve.create(spine_3, 'circle', True, True, True, True)
spine_4_curve, spine_4_curve_group = jt_ctl_curve.create(spine_4, 'circle', True, True, True, True)
neck_curve, neck_curve_group = jt_ctl_curve.create(neck, 'circle', True, True, True, True)
# parent fk controlls to spine group
cmds.select(cog_curve_group, pelvis_curve_group, spine_1_curve_group, spine_2_curve_group, spine_3_curve_group, spine_4_curve_group, neck_curve_group, spine_group, r=True)
示例10: __init__
def __init__(self, _sceneData, _parent1, _parent2, _name, _baseName, _numCtrls, _numJoints = 5):
self.m_sceneData = _sceneData
self.m_parent1 = _parent1
self.m_parent2 = _parent2
self.m_name = _name
self.m_baseName = _baseName
self.m_group = cmds.group(em=1, n=_name+"_GRP")
self.m_numCtrls = _numCtrls
self.m_numJoints = _numJoints
self.m_isParentBend = True
self.m_blendControl = False
self.m_blendAttrName = "autoBend"
self.m_squetchAttrName = "squetchiness"
self.m_squetchBoolAttrName = "squetchOnOff"
self.m_attrHeading = "Heading"
self.m_isMirrored = False
self.m_twistAxis = "y"
self.m_userJoints = False
self.m_isAutoBend = True
self.m_isParentTwist = True
self.m_allControls = {}
#create null for scale fixing
self.m_scaleNull = cmds.group(em=1, n=_name+"_NULL", w=True)
cmds.setAttr(self.m_scaleNull+".inheritsTransform", 0)
cmds.parent(self.m_scaleNull, self.m_group)
cmds.scaleConstraint(self.m_group, self.m_scaleNull)
示例11: makeGlobalControl
def makeGlobalControl():
utils.debbug.DebbugMessage(message="Creating global control")
parent = nameLib.groupNames.modulesGroup["name"]
constraintTo = [nameLib.groupNames.jointsGroup["name"]]
globalControlData = {"name":nameLib.prefixNames.globalControl,
globalControl = utils.makeControl.MakeControl(name=globalControlData["name"],
lockChannels = ["v"])
# constraint to joints group
mc.parentConstraint(globalControl.controller, constraintTo[0], name="globalParent_constraint")
mc.scaleConstraint(globalControl.controller, constraintTo[0], name="globalScale_constraint")
# add to character set
utils.characterSet.characterSet(globalControl.controller, channelsToRemove = [".v"])
示例12: rigScale
def rigScale():
placementControl = nameLib.prefixNames.globalControl + nameLib.prefixNames.controlSuffix
groups = [nameLib.groupNames.leftLegRigGroup["name"],
for i in groups:
mc.scaleConstraint(placementControl, i)
示例13: scale
def scale(self):
"""make a scale constraint between lists"""
fromItems, toItems = self._getItemsInLists()
maintainOffset = self.maintainOffset_chb.isChecked()
if len( fromItems ) == 1:
for toNode in toItems:
mc.scaleConstraint( fromItems[0].name, toNode.name, mo = maintainOffset )
for fromNode,toNode in zip( fromItems, toItems ):
mc.scaleConstraint( fromNode.name, toNode.name, mo = maintainOffset )
示例14: scaleConstraintCmd
def scaleConstraintCmd(maintainOffset):
# Get selection Objects
selection = cmds.ls (sl = True)
# Error Checking
if len(selection) != 2:
raise Warning ("Please Select 2 Objects")
cmds.scaleConstraint(selection[0], selection[1], maintainOffset=maintainOffset)
示例15: create
def create(geo,prefix=''):
# Check prefix
if not prefix: prefix = geo
# Create Deformer
sMod = mc.softMod(geo,n=prefix+'_softMod')
sModHandle = sMod[1]
sMod = sMod[0]
sModBase = mc.duplicate(sModHandle,po=True,n=prefix+'_softModBase')[0]
# Get Handle pivot
piv = mc.xform(sModHandle,q=True,ws=True,rp=True)
# Initiate Control Builder
ctrlBuilder = glTools.tools.controlBuilder.ControlBuilder()
# Create Base control
base_grp = mc.createNode('transform',n=prefix+'_softModBase_grp')
base_ctrl = mc.createNode('transform',n=prefix+'_softModBase_ctrl',p=base_grp)
base_ctrlShape = ctrlBuilder.controlShape(base_ctrl,'box',scale=2)
# Create Offset control
offset_grp = mc.createNode('transform',n=prefix+'_softModOffset_grp',p=base_ctrl)
offset_ctrl = mc.createNode('transform',n=prefix+'_softModOffset_ctrl',p=offset_grp)
offset_ctrlShape = ctrlBuilder.controlShape(offset_ctrl,'sphere',scale=0.25)
# Create Falloff control
falloff_grp = mc.createNode('transform',n=prefix+'_softModFalloff_grp',p=base_ctrl)
falloff_ctrl = mc.createNode('transform',n=prefix+'_softModFalloff_ctrl',p=falloff_grp)
falloff_ctrlShape = ctrlBuilder.controlShape(falloff_ctrl,'circle',scale=1)
falloff_loc = mc.spaceLocator(n=prefix+'_softModFalloff_loc')[0]
# Move hierarchy into place
# Connect to deformer
# Parent and constrain softMod elements
# Return result
return sMod