本文整理汇总了Python中maya.cmds.menu函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python menu函数的具体用法?Python menu怎么用?Python menu使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _init_menu
def _init_menu(self):
# Get Maya's main window
maya_main_window = mel.eval("$tmpVar = $gMainWindow")
# Delete previously created Rigathon menu, if exists
menus = cmds.window(maya_main_window, query=True, menuArray=True)
for menu in menus:
label = cmds.menu(menu, query=True, label=True)
if label == "Rigathon":
# Create Rigathon menu
rigathon_menu = cmds.menu(parent=maya_main_window, label="Rigathon")
cmds.menuItem(parent=rigathon_menu, label="Rig a Character", command=partial(self.show_rig_a_character_window))
parent=rigathon_menu, label="Add Character for Animation", command=partial(self.add_character_for_animation)
cmds.menuItem(parent=rigathon_menu, divider=True)
cmds.menuItem(parent=rigathon_menu, label="Show Animation UI", command=partial(self.show_animation_ui_window))
cmds.menuItem(parent=rigathon_menu, divider=True)
menuAdvanced = cmds.menuItem(parent=rigathon_menu, label="Ad&vanced", subMenu=True)
cmds.menuItem(parent=menuAdvanced, label="(&1) Reload modules", command=partial(self.reload_modules))
cmds.menuItem(parent=rigathon_menu, divider=True)
cmds.menuItem(parent=rigathon_menu, label="&About...", command=partial(self.show_about_window))
示例2: process
def process():
Brings up the Dome Light Rig UI.
dlWin = "domeLightWin"
if cmds.window(dlWin, exists=True):
if cmds.windowPref(dlWin, exists=True):
cmds.windowPref(dlWin, remove=True)
winWidth = 425
winHeight = 485
cmds.window(dlWin, width=winWidth, height=winHeight, sizeable=False, menuBar=True,
title="Dome Light Rig")
command="from project import domeLight; domeLight.aboutWin()")
cmds.frameLayout(borderVisible=1, borderStyle="etchedIn", labelVisible=0)
mainForm = cmds.formLayout("mainForm")
_buildControls( dlWin )
_positionControls( dlWin, mainForm )
cmds.window(dlWin, edit=True, width=winWidth, height=winHeight)
示例3: pythonScripts
def pythonScripts():
if cmds.menu("pythonScripts_menu", exists=True):
# print ("Removing old pythonScripts menu...")
gMainWindow = maya.mel.eval("$gMainWindow=$gMainWindow")
gMainProgressBar = maya.mel.eval("$gMainProgressBar=$gMainProgressBar")
mainDir = findFile("pythonScripts.py")
timer = maya.mel.eval("timerX")
# print ""
status="Creating pythonScripts...",
pMenu = cmds.menu("pythonScripts_menu", parent=gMainWindow, tearOff=True, aob=True, label="pythonScripts")
gen_pythonScripts(mainDir, pMenu)
endTime = maya.mel.eval("timerX -st %(timer)s" % vars())
cmds.progressBar(gMainProgressBar, edit=True, endProgress=True)
示例4: createMenu
def createMenu(*args):
mi = cmds.window('MayaWindow', ma=True, q=True)
for m in mi:
if m == 'RDojo_Menu':
cmds.deleteUI('RDojo_Menu', m=True)
cmds.menu('RDojo_Menu', label='RDMenu', to=True, p='MayaWindow')
示例5: buildTimeMenu
def buildTimeMenu( self, parent, uiItem ):
cmd.menu( parent, e=True, dai=True )
cmd.setParent( parent, m=True )
cmd.menuItem( l="! - use current range", c=lambda a: cmd.textField( uiItem, e=True, tx='!' ) )
cmd.menuItem( l=". - use current frame", c=lambda a: cmd.textField( uiItem, e=True, tx='.' ) )
cmd.menuItem( l="$ - use scene range", c=lambda a: cmd.textField( uiItem, e=True, tx='$' ) )
示例6: appendMayaMenu
def appendMayaMenu(self, path):
Add tools to the maya menus
menuLabel = labelFromPath(path)
formatLabel = menuLabel.replace(' ','').lower()
menuItemArray = mc.menu(self.mainMenus[formatLabel], query=True, itemArray=True)
#if this menu hasn't been built yet, run the post menu command to build it
#that took a long time to figure out.
if not menuItemArray:
if self.verbose:
print 'pre-building menu: ',menuLabel
pmc = mc.menu(self.mainMenus[formatLabel], query=True, postMenuCommand=True)
if pmc:
menuItemArray = mc.menu(self.mainMenus[formatLabel], query=True, itemArray=True)
#get all the menu items in the menu
menuItems = dict()
for each in menuItemArray:
eachLabel = mc.menuItem(each, query=True, label=True)
menuItems[eachLabel] = each
subItems = [posixpath.join(path,x) for x in os.listdir(path) if (x.endswith('.py') or x.endswith('.mel')) and x != '__init__.py']
if subItems:
for path in subItems:
tool = Tool(path)
if not tool.errors:
tool.createMenuItem(parent=self.mainMenus[formatLabel], labelPrefix=MENU_ITEM_PREFIX+' ', italicized=True)
示例7: pythonScripts
def pythonScripts():
if (cmds.menu ('pythonScripts_menu', exists=True)):
print ("Removing old pythonScripts menu...")
cmds.deleteUI ('pythonScripts_menu')
gMainWindow = maya.mel.eval('$temp1=$gMainWindow')
gMainProgressBar = maya.mel.eval('$temp=$gMainProgressBar')
mainDir = findFile('pythonScripts.py')
timer = cmds.timerX()
cmds.waitCursor (state=True)
print ""
cmds.progressBar (gMainProgressBar, edit=True,
status="Creating pythonScripts...",
pMenu = (cmds.menu ('pythonScripts_menu', parent=gMainWindow, tearOff=True, aob=True, label="pythonScripts"))
gen_pythonScripts(mainDir, pMenu)
cmds.waitCursor (state=False)
endTime = cmds.timerX(startTime=timer)
cmds.progressBar (gMainProgressBar, edit=True,
print ("pythonTools has now been updated in: " + str(endTime) + " seconds...!")
示例8: setupMayaPipe
def setupMayaPipe():
import fxpipe # generic and should already be loaded!
import vrayUtils # for vray mojo
# let's create the menus
if cmds.menu('fxpipeMenu', exists=1):
fxpipeMenu = cmds.menu('fxpipeMenu', p='MayaWindow', to=1, aob=1, l='Pipeline Tools')
cmds.menuItem(p=fxpipeMenu, d=1)
toolsMenu = cmds.menuItem(p=fxpipeMenu, subMenu = 1, l="Tools")
vrayMenu = cmds.menuItem(p=toolsMenu, subMenu = 1, to =1, l='VRay')
# Tools Menu
cmds.menuItem(p=toolsMenu, l='Remove Namespaces', c='from removeNamespaces import removeNamespaces;removeNamespaces()')
# VRay Menu
# please note that even though we have imported vrayUtils, we need to do it again in the commands as it loses context.
cmds.menuItem(p=vrayMenu, l='Set up basic render settings', c='import vrayUtils;vrayUtils.createBaseRenderSettings()')
cmds.menuItem(p=vrayMenu, l='Add Gamma to file nodes', c='import vrayUtils;vrayUtils.vrayAddGamma()')
cmds.menuItem(p=vrayMenu, l='Add tech render passes', c='import vrayUtils;vrayUtils.createTechPasses()')
cmds.menuItem(p=vrayMenu, l='Add Light Select Render Element', c='import vrayUtils;vrayUtils.createLightSelect()')
cmds.menuItem(p=vrayMenu, l='Add Subdivision to selected objects', c='import vrayUtils;vrayUtils.addSubdivision()')
cmds.menuItem(p=vrayMenu, l='Disable Subdivision on selected objects', c='import vrayUtils;vrayUtils.remSubdivision()')
cmds.menuItem(p=vrayMenu, l='Enable Subdivision on selected objects', c='import vrayUtils;vrayUtils.enableSubdivision()')
cmds.menuItem(p=vrayMenu, l='Add Object ID to Selected Objects', c='import vrayUtils;vrayUtils.addObjectID()')
cmds.menuItem(p=vrayMenu, l='Create Material Selects from Selected Shaders', c='import vrayUtils;vrayUtils.createMaterialSelect()')
cmds.menuItem(p=vrayMenu, l='Convert files to tiled EXRs', c='import vrayUtils;vrayUtils.vrayConvertToTiledEXR()')
if fxpipe.job != '':
mayaJobPath = (os.path.join(fxpipe.jobPath, fxpipe.job, fxpipe.jobPathMaya))
示例9: p4buildMenu
def p4buildMenu( parent, file=None ):
file = Path( file )
cmd.menu( parent, e=True, dai=True )
cmd.setParent( parent, m=True )
#if the given file is an empty string, then query the currently opened file and use that
if not file:
file = Path( cmd.file( q=True, sn=True ) )
addPerforceMenuItems( file )
cmd.menuItem( d=True )
if isPerforceEnabled() and file.exists:
def doGather( *a ):
import exportManagerCore
cmd.menuItem( l="Generate Changelist For This Scene", c=doGather, ann="adds all files that this scene depends on or generates (ie textures, dmx files, .qc files, .mdl files etc...) to the changelist for the current scene" )
#ignoreTexs = cmd.optionVar( q='vIgnoreTexturesOnCheckin' ) if cmd.optionVar( ex='vIgnoreTexturesOnCheckin' ) else True
#def doTex( *a ):
#cmd.optionVar( iv=('vIgnoreTexturesOnCheckin', a[ 0 ] ) )
#cmd.menuItem( l="Ignore Textures", cb=ignoreTexs, c=doTex, ann="ignores textures by default when doing most perforce operations" )
def syncDeps( *a ):
import exportManagerCore
ans = cmd.confirmDialog( m="do you want to reload the file?", b=("Yes", "No"), db="No" )
if ans == "Yes": cmd.file( file, f=True, o=True )
cmd.menuItem( l="Sync Maya Dependencies", c=syncDeps )
cmd.menuItem( d=True )
addExploreToMenuItems( file )
示例10: optionsWindow
def optionsWindow():
"""This function creates an options window for inserting parents above all items in the selection list."""
# create the main interface
if cmds.window(kInsertOptionsWindow, q=True, ex=True):
mainWindow = cmds.window(kInsertOptionsWindow, title='%s Options' % kToolName, menuBar=True, wh=(545,350))
# build the menu bar
amui.helpMenuItem(kToolName, __file__)
amui.aboutMenuItem(kToolName, kVersionNumber, kVersionDate)
mainForm = cmds.formLayout(nd=100)
# build the section to get information about the new parents
if_prefixName = cmds.textFieldGrp(text='', label='Prefix of New Parents:')
if_suffixName = cmds.textFieldGrp(text='_xForm', label='Suffix of New Parents:')
if_locatorScale = cmds.floatSliderGrp(v=1.0, min=0.0, max=10.0, fmn=0.0, fmx=100.0, label='Parent Locator Scale:', field=True)
# position the input fields for the new parents
cmds.formLayout(mainForm, edit=True, attachForm=[(if_prefixName, 'left', 30), (if_prefixName, 'top', 5)], attachNone=[(if_prefixName, 'right'), (if_prefixName, 'bottom')])
cmds.formLayout(mainForm, edit=True, attachForm=[(if_suffixName, 'left', 30)], attachNone=[(if_suffixName, 'right'), (if_suffixName, 'bottom')], attachControl=[(if_suffixName, 'top', 5, if_prefixName)])
cmds.formLayout(mainForm, edit=True, attachForm=[(if_locatorScale, 'left', 30)], attachNone=[(if_locatorScale, 'right'), (if_locatorScale, 'bottom')], attachControl=[(if_locatorScale, 'top', 5, if_suffixName)])
# create the buttons to execute the script
cmd_create='amTools.rigging.insertParents.doOptions (\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\")' % (if_prefixName, if_suffixName, if_locatorScale)
amui.threeButtonLayout(mainForm, mainWindow, cmd_create)
示例11: popup_filemenu
def popup_filemenu( self, parent, *args ):
cmd.menu(parent, e=True, dai=True)
cmd.setParent(parent, m=True)
other = self.other()
items = self.selected()
numItems = len(items)
if numItems:
cmd.menuItem(l='copy to %s' % other, c=self.copy)
cmd.menuItem(l='move to %s' % other, c=self.move)
if len(items) == 1:
filepath = items[0].resolve()
cmd.menuItem(l='open in notepad', c=lambda *x: self.on_notepad( filepath ))
#if the files are global files, display the perforce menu
if self.locale == GLOBAL:
cmd.menuItem(l='delete', c=self.delete)
#if the file is a global file, display an option to sync to presets
if self.locale == GLOBAL:
if numItems: cmd.menuItem(d=True)
cmd.menuItem(l='sync to presets', c=self.syncall)
#if no files are selected, prompt the user to select files
if numItems == 0: cmd.menuItem(en=False, l='select a preset file')
示例12: create_Menu
def create_Menu(*args):
maya_Window = cmds.window('MayaWindow', ma=True, q=True)
for m in maya_Window:
if m == 'RDojo_Menu':
cmds.deleteUI('RDojo_Menu', m=True)
cmds.menu('RDojo_Menu', label='RDMenu', to=True, p='MayaWindow')
cmds.menuItem(label="arm", command="run_Script()")
示例13: main
def main():
mc.python('from kmAnimImpExp import *')
if mc.window( 'AnimImpExpUI', exists=True ):
WinName = mc.window(
title='Anim Import/Export with select',
mc.menu( label='Menu', tearOff=False )
mc.menuItem( label='Reload',command='from kmAnimImpExp import *;main()')
mc.menuItem( divider=True )
mc.menuItem( label='Quit' )
mc.button(label='Import Anim',command='kmAnimImp()')
mc.button(label='Export Anim',command='kmAnimExp()')
mc.setParent('..') #columnLayout
示例14: createMenu
def createMenu(self,menuDic,menuOrder=None):
""" Define and draw the window/widget top file menu
@type menuDic: dictionary
@param menuDic: the menu elements, ie entry, callback and submenu
@type menuOrder: array
@param menuOrder: the menu keys oredered
if menuOrder :
lookat = menuOrder
else :
lookat = menuDic.keys()
for mitem in lookat:
cmds.menu( label=mitem, tearOff=True , parent = self.winName)
for elem in menuDic[mitem]:
if elem["sub"] is not None:
elem['id']=cmds.menuItem(subMenu=True, label=elem["name"])
for sub in elem['sub'].keys():
checkBox = False#elem['sub'][sub]['checkBox']
if elem['sub'][sub]["action"] is not None :
elem['sub'][sub]['id']=cmds.menuItem( label=elem['sub'][sub]["name"],
# checkBox=checkBox,
else :
elem['sub'][sub]['id']=cmds.menuItem( label=elem['sub'][sub]["name"],)
# checkBox=checkBox,)
# if checkBox and elem['sub'][sub].has_key("var"):
# cmds.menuItem(elem['sub'][sub]['id'],e=1,checkBox=bool(elem['sub'][sub]['var']))
cmds.setParent( '..', menu=True )
if elem["action"] is not None :
elem['id']=cmds.menuItem( label=elem["name"],c=elem["action"])
else :
elem['id']=cmds.menuItem( label=elem["name"])
示例15: createHelpMenu
def createHelpMenu(self,actions):
cmds.menu( label='Help',mnemonic='H' )
cmds.menuItem( label='View Manual Online',command=self.viewManual )
cmds.menuItem( label='Check for Updates',command=self.execCheckForUpdates )
cmds.menuItem( label='Planned Features and Known Issues',command=self.openIssueTracker)
cmds.menuItem( label='About ngSkinTools',mnemonic='A',command=self.execAbout )