本文整理汇总了Python中maya.cmds.lsUI函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python lsUI函数的具体用法?Python lsUI怎么用?Python lsUI使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: toggle_server
def toggle_server(self, arg=None):
if self.ServerStarted:
self.ServerStarted = False
del self.timer
del self.receiver
if cmds.window(self.winName, exists=True):
cmds.intField(self.ui_oscport, edit=True, enable=True)
cmds.button(self.receiveButton, edit=True, label='Start Receiving')
for name in cmds.lsUI(type='shelfButton'):
if cmds.shelfButton(name, query=True, label=True) == 'NI mate receiver':
cmds.shelfButton(name, edit=True, enableBackground=False)
self.receiver = NImateReceiver(self.osc_port)
self.timer = TimerObj(self.timer_exec)
self.ServerStarted = True
if cmds.window(self.winName, exists=True):
cmds.intField(self.ui_oscport, edit=True, enable=False)
cmds.button(self.receiveButton, edit=True, label='Stop Receiving')
for name in cmds.lsUI(type='shelfButton'):
if cmds.shelfButton(name, query=True, label=True) == 'NI mate receiver':
if self.record:
cmds.shelfButton(name, edit=True, enableBackground=True, backgroundColor=(1,0,0))
cmds.shelfButton(name, edit=True, enableBackground=True, backgroundColor=(0,0.667,1))
示例2: mouseMoveEvent
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
#print 'Mouse Move'
if event.buttons() == QtCore.Qt.MiddleButton:
if not self.rect().contains(event.pos()):
drag = QtGui.QDrag(self)
data = QtCore.QMimeData()
data.setImageData(self.icon().pixmap(32, 32, self.icon().Normal, self.icon().On))
#drag.setPixmap(self.icon().pixmap(32, 32, self.icon().Normal, self.icon().On))
drag.setHotSpot(QtCore.QPoint(22, 22))
shelfButtons = set(cmds.lsUI(typ='shelfButton'))
dropAction = drag.exec_(QtCore.Qt.MoveAction|QtCore.Qt.CopyAction, QtCore.Qt.CopyAction)
new_buttons = list(set(cmds.lsUI(typ='shelfButton')).difference(shelfButtons))
if len(new_buttons) == 1:
button = new_buttons.pop()
print 'Dropped button!', button
print 'Dropped', dropAction
#print dropAction
#print drag.target()
#print drag.target().objectName()
super(ShelfButton, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)
示例3: uiCloseSceneUpdate
def uiCloseSceneUpdate( *args ):
existingWindows = cmds.lsUI( windows=1 )
for ui in sgBModel_editUi.targetWindowsClose_whenSceneUpdate:
if ui in existingWindows:
cmds.deleteUI( ui )
示例4: removeUiSeparateView
def removeUiSeparateView( cam ):
import sgBFunction_attribute
import sgBFunction_dag
uiPrefix = 'separatedViewCam_'
uis = cmds.lsUI( wnd=1 )
for ui in uis:
if not len( ui ) > len( uiPrefix ): continue
if ui[ : len( uiPrefix ) ] != uiPrefix: continue
cmds.deleteUI( ui, wnd=1 )
if not cmds.objExists( cam ): return None
for cam in cmds.ls( type='camera' ):
if not cmds.objExists( cam ): continue
cam = sgBFunction_dag.getTransform( cam )
sgBFunction_attribute.addAttr( cam, ln='filmTranslateCams', at='message' )
sgBFunction_attribute.addAttr( cam, ln='aniamtionCam', at='message' )
cons1 = cmds.listConnections( cam+'.filmTranslateCams', d=1, s=0 )
cons2 = cmds.listConnections( cam+'.aniamtionCam', d=1, s=0 )
if cons1: cmds.delete( cons1 )
if cons2: cmds.delete( cons2 )
示例5: main
def main(log=None):
if not log:
import logging
log = logging.getLogger()
# use ' ' as a fill char and center aligned
wins = cmds.lsUI(wnd=True)
if wins:
for x in wins :
if ( cmds.window(x,q=True,vis=True) and x != 'MayaWindow' ) :
#print x
# remove scriptEditor will cause maya crash ,so set scriptEditorPanel1Window vis to false
if x != 'scriptEditorPanel1Window' :
log.error('delete window %s error' % x)
log.debug('delete window %s success' % x)
# close scriptEditor
log.warning('close window %s' % x)
示例6: on_actionLoadAttributes_triggered
def on_actionLoadAttributes_triggered(self, clicked=None):
if clicked==None:return
mainChannelBox = 'mainChannelBox'
ChannelBoxs = mc.lsUI(typ='channelBox')
if len(ChannelBoxs) == 0:return
DriverOBJ = mc.channelBox(mainChannelBox, q=True, mol=True)
DriverAttr = mc.channelBox(mainChannelBox, q=True, sma=True)
if not DriverOBJ or not DriverAttr:return
self.driverAttributelineEdit.setText('%s.%s'%(DriverOBJ[0], DriverAttr[0]))
DrivenOBJ = mc.channelBox(ChannelBoxs[0], q=True, mol=True)
DrivenAttr = mc.channelBox(ChannelBoxs[0], q=True, sma=True)
DrivenAttrList = []
for attribute in DrivenAttr:
DrivenAttrList.append('%s.%s'%(DrivenOBJ[0], attribute))
示例7: lsUI
def lsUI( **kwargs ):
""" List UI elements as python wrapped types
:param kwargs: flags from the respective maya command are valid
If no special type keyword is specified, all item types will be returned
:return: list of NamedUI instances of respective UI elements """
long = kwargs.pop( 'long', kwargs.pop( 'l', True ) )
head = kwargs.pop( 'head', kwargs.pop( 'hd', None ) )
tail = kwargs.pop( 'tail', kwargs.pop( 'tl', None) )
if not kwargs:
kwargs = {
'windows': 1, 'panels' : 1, 'editors' : 1, 'controls' : 1,
'controlLayouts' : 1,'collection' : 1, 'radioMenuItemCollections' : 1,
'menus' : 1, 'menuItems' : 1, 'contexts' : 1, 'cmdTemplates' : 1 }
# END kwargs handling
kwargs['long'] = long
if head is not None: kwargs['head'] = head
if tail is not None: kwargs['tail'] = tail
# NOTE: controls and controlLayout will remove duplcate entries - we have to
# prune them ! Unfortunately, you need both flags to get all items, even layouts
# NOTE: have to ignore errors as there are still plenty of items that we cannot
# wrap
return wrapUI( set( cmds.lsUI( **kwargs ) ), ignore_errors = True )
示例8: clear_superflous_windows
def clear_superflous_windows(self, arg=None):
This clears the interface of window clutter and puts display in wire to lower file load time
windows = cmds.lsUI(wnd=1)
for eachWindow in closeWindow:
if eachWindow in windows:
cmds.deleteUI(windows, window=1)
示例9: highlightCmdReporter
def highlightCmdReporter():
'''find cmdScrollFieldReporter and highlight it'''
mwin = getMayaWindowWidget()
cmdReporters = cmds.lsUI(type='cmdScrollFieldReporter')
if not cmdReporters: return
# only setup for the first one
cmdReporter = mwin.findChild(QtGui.QTextEdit, cmdReporters[0])
highlighter = Highlighter(parent=mwin)
示例10: getUI
def getUI(self,name):
items = cmds.lsUI(dumpWidgets=True)
for item in items:
if self._windowName in item:
for item in self._objectList:
if item.endswith(name):
return item
print self._objectList
示例11: hideUIElements
def hideUIElements():
global hiddenElements
global elementsToHide
for i in cmds.lsUI(ctl=True):
for e in elementsToHide:
if i.find(e) != -1 and cmds.control(i, q=True, visible=True):
#print "hiding... " + i
cmds.control(i, e=True, visible=False)
示例12: turnOffModelEditors
def turnOffModelEditors():
Turns off all modelEditors in maya
mel.eval('cycleCheck -e off;')
for editor in cmds.lsUI(panels = True):
if cmds.objectTypeUI(editor) == 'modelEditor':
logger.info('Turning off %s' % editor)
cmds.modelEditor(editor, edit = True, allObjects = False)
for editor in cmds.lsUI(editors = True):
if 'BB_myMayaEditor' in editor:
logger.info('Turning off %s' % editor)
## check for height fields that need to be turned of manually as they still display
heightFields = cmds.ls(type = 'heightField')
for eachHF in heightFields:
cmds.setAttr('%s.visibility' % eachHF, 0)
示例13: clear_superflous_windows
def clear_superflous_windows(self, arg=None):
This clears the interface of window clutter and puts display in wire to lower file load time
windows = cmds.lsUI(wnd=1)
getDeleteWindows=((each) for each in windows if each not in closeWindow)
for each in getDeleteWindows:
print each
cmds.deleteUI(each, window=1)
示例14: clearDock
def clearDock(dockName):
Clear given dock layout
:param dockName: Dock layout name
:type dockName: str
if dockName in mc.lsUI(type='dockControl'):
示例15: turnOnModelEditors
def turnOnModelEditors():
Turns on all modelEditors in maya
for editor in cmds.lsUI(panels= True):
if cmds.objectTypeUI(editor)=='modelEditor':
print 'Turning on %s' % editor
cmds.modelEditor(editor, edit = True, allObjects = True)
for editor in cmds.lsUI(editors= True):
if 'BB_myMayaEditor' in editor:
print 'Turning on %s' % editor
cmds.modelEditor(editor, edit = True, allObjects = True)
cmds.modelEditor(editor, edit = True, allObjects = False)
## check for height fields that need to be turned of manually as they still display
heightFields = cmds.ls(type = 'heightField')
for eachHF in heightFields:
cmds.setAttr('%s.visibility' % eachHF, 1)