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Python cmds.ls函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中maya.cmds.ls函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ls函数的具体用法?Python ls怎么用?Python ls使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: blendAttrs

def blendAttrs(targ1=None, targ2=None, driven=None, blendAttr=None, translate=1, rotate=1):
    sets up blending of translation / rotation values from targs 1 & 2 on the driven node.
    If a blendAttr is supplied, this is connected to the blender value
    if not targ1 and not targ2 and not driven:
        if len(cmds.ls(sl=1)) == 3:
            targ1 = cmds.ls(sl=1)[0]
            targ2 = cmds.ls(sl=1)[1]
            driven = cmds.ls(sl=1)[2]
            return showDialog( 'Argument Error', 'Please supply or select targ1, targ2 and driven nodes' )
    if translate:
        t_bc = cmds.createNode('blendColors', name='%s_translate_bc' % driven)
        cmds.connectAttr('%s.t' % targ2, '%s.color1' % t_bc)
        cmds.connectAttr('%s.t' % targ1, '%s.color2' % t_bc)
        if blendAttr:
            cmds.connectAttr(blendAttr, '%s.blender' % t_bc)
        cmds.connectAttr('%s.output' % t_bc, '%s.t' % driven)
    if rotate:
        r_bc = cmds.createNode('blendColors', name='%s_rotate_bc' % driven)
        cmds.connectAttr('%s.rotate' % targ2, '%s.color1' % r_bc)
        cmds.connectAttr('%s.rotate' % targ1, '%s.color2' % r_bc)
        if blendAttr:
            cmds.connectAttr(blendAttr, '%s.blender' % r_bc)
        cmds.connectAttr('%s.output' % r_bc, '%s.rotate' % driven)

示例2: _ls

def _ls(nodeType = '', topTransform = True, stringFilter = '', unlockNode = False):
	if nodeType:
		nodes = cmds.ls(type = nodeType)
		if nodes:
			final_nodes = []
			for each in nodes:
				each = cmds.ls(each, long = True)[0]
				top_transform = cmds.listRelatives(each, parent = True, fullPath = True) if topTransform else None
				final_node = top_transform[0] if top_transform else each

				if unlockNode:
					try:    cmds.lockNode(final_node, lock = False)
					except: mel.eval('warning "Failed to unlock %s, skipping...";' % final_node)

				if stringFilter:
					if stringFilter in final_node:
						if final_node not in final_nodes:
					if final_node not in final_nodes:

			return final_nodes

		return []

示例3: _validate_item_for_alembic_cache_publish

	def _validate_item_for_alembic_cache_publish(self, item):
		Validate that the item is valid to be exported 
		to an alembic cache
		errors = []
		# check that the group still exists:
		if not cmds.objExists(item["name"]):
			errors.append("This group couldn't be found in the scene!")
			# print "\n\n### %s ###\n\n" %item["name"]
			# Deselect all
			# Use selection to get all the children of current "Alembic" objectset
			cmds.select(item["name"], hierarchy=True, add=True)
			# Get only the selected items. (if necessary take only certain types to export!)
			sel=cmds.ls(selection=True, showType=True)
			meshesFound = False
			for s in sel:
				if cmds.ls(s, type="mesh"):
					meshesFound = True
			if not meshesFound:
				errors.append("This group doesn't appear to contain any meshes!")
		# finally return any errors
		return errors

示例4: maya_move

def maya_move(angular_velocity, time_step):
    objects = cmds.ls(sl=True)
    if objects == []:
        print('* Please select at least an object.')
    trajectory = cmds.ls('trajectory')
    for i, o in enumerate(objects):
        x = cmds.getAttr(o + '.translateX')
        y = cmds.getAttr(o + '.translateY')
        z = cmds.getAttr(o + '.translateZ')
        loc = [x, y, z]
        state = make_state(loc)
        state = simulate_circle(state, angular_velocity, time_step)
        old_loc = loc
        loc = get_location(state)
        cmds.move(loc[0], loc[1], loc[2])
        # draw trajectory for the first object
        if i == 0:
            if trajectory == []:
                cv = cmds.curve(point=[old_loc, loc], degree=1)                
                cmds.rename(cv, 'trajectory')
                cmds.curve('trajectory', point=[loc], degree=1, append=True)
    # keep all objects selected

示例5: orderedVertsEdgeLoop

 def orderedVertsEdgeLoop(cls):
     #select 2 adjasent vertices ( corner and direction vertex)
     #list vertexes on edge loop( for curves )   
     myVert = cmds.ls( os=1, fl=1 )
     if len(myVert)==2:
         firstVert = myVert[0]
         secondVert = myVert[1]
         cmds.select (firstVert,secondVert, r =1)
         firstEdge = cmds.ls( sl=1 )[0]
         cmds.polySelectSp( firstEdge, loop =1 )
         edges = cmds.ls( sl=1, fl=1 )
         edgeDict = cls.getEdgeVertDict(edges) #{edge: [vert1, vert2], ...}
         ordered = [firstVert, secondVert]
         for i in range( len(edges)-2 ):            
             del edgeDict[firstEdge]
             #print edgeDict
             for x, y in edgeDict.iteritems():
                 if secondVert in y:                    
                     xVerts = y
                     firstEdge = x
             secondVert = xVerts[0]
             ordered.append( secondVert )
         return ordered
         print 'select 2 adjasent vertex!!'            

示例6: __uicb_setReferenceBwavNode

 def __uicb_setReferenceBwavNode(self, *args):
     : PRO_PACK : set the internal reference offset used to offset the audionode. 
     .. note::
         If you pass this a bwav then it caches that bwav for use as the offset. 
         If you pass it a node, and that node has the timecode attrs, then it caches the offset itself.
     selectedAudio=cmds.ls(sl=True, type='audio')
     self.__bwav_reference = None
     self.__cached_tc_offset = None
     if selectedAudio:
         if not len(selectedAudio)==1:
             log.warning("Please only select 1 piece of Audio to use for reference")
         if reference.isBwav():
             cmds.text('bwavRefTC', edit=True,
                       label='frame %s == %s' % (reference.startFrame,reference.bwav_timecodeFormatted()))
             raise IOError("selected Audio node is NOT a Bwav so can't be used as reference")
         selectedNode = cmds.ls(sl=True,l=True)
         if len(selectedNode)==1:
             relativeTC = self.pro_audio.Timecode(selectedNode[0]).getTimecode_from_node()
             actualframe = cmds.currentTime(q=True)
             self.__cached_tc_offset = actualframe - self.pro_audio.timecode_to_frame(relativeTC)
             cmds.text('bwavRefTC', edit=True,
                       label='frame %s == %s' % (cmds.currentTime(q=True), relativeTC))
             log.warning("No reference audio track selected for reference")

示例7: __init__

    def __init__(self):
        # Get our joint lists from a json file.
        print os.environ["RDOJO_DATA"]
        data_path = os.environ["RDOJO_DATA"] + 'data/rig/arm.json'
        # Use our readJson function
        data = utils.readJson(data_path)
        # Load the json into a dictionary
        self.module_info = json.loads( data )
        """ NOTE: If we wanted to build our arm from some set of joints
        in the scene, we could overwrite self.module_info['positions']"""
        # Make a new dictionary to store information about the arm rig.
        self.rig_info = {}

        # Here we will see if we have a selection to get new positions from.
        if len(cmds.ls(sl=True, type='joint')) == numjnts :
            sel=cmds.ls(sl=True, type='joint')
            positions = []
            for s in sel:
                positions.append(cmds.xform(s, q=True, ws=True, t=True))


        """ Instead of the else:, we could just return a message that the selection
        does not meet requirements for an arm. """

        """ What if we want a left and a right arm?  For now we will set
        a temporary variable to override the name, but later we will build
        this into the UI """
        self.instance = '_L_'

        # Run rig_arm function

示例8: getMaterials

def getMaterials(nodes=None):
    """ Returns the materials related to nodes

    :param nodes: The nodes to get the related materials from.
                  If nodes is None the current selection will be used.

    :rtype: list
    # Get selected nodes if None provided
    if nodes is None:
        nodes = mc.ls(sl=1)

    # Get materials from list
    materials = mc.ls(nodes, mat=1, long=True)

    # Get materials related to nodes (material from object)
    # And add those materials to the material list we already have
    if nodes:
        nodes_history = mc.listHistory(nodes,f=1)
        if nodes_history:
            nodes_connections = mc.listConnections(nodes_history)
            if nodes_connections:
                connected_materials = mc.ls(nodes_connections, mat=True, long=True)
                if connected_materials:
                    # Use a set so we don't have any duplicates
                    materials = set(materials)
                    materials = list(materials)

    return materials

示例9: selectPaintWeightsInfluence

    def selectPaintWeightsInfluence(self,infl):
        tries to select influence (provided as string) in current maya's paint weights context and UI
        if skin paint context is not available, nothing happens
        if not Utils.isCurrentlyPaintingWeights():
        # influence name can come in any form ('joint3', 'joint2|joint3', 'joint1|joint2|joint3')
        # get the absolute shortest possible (but still unique) and longest
            longName = cmds.ls(infl,l=True)[0]
            shortName = cmds.ls(longName,l=False)[0]

            log.info("selecting in paint weights: influence %s" % str(infl))
            # try to work around with the mess in the earlier versions of 
            # maya's paint weights UI:
            if Utils.getMayaVersion()<Utils.MAYA2011:
                itemName = Utils.mel('artAttrSkinShortName("%s")'%shortName)
                Utils.mel('artSkinSelectInfluence("artAttrSkinPaintCtx","%s","%s");' % (shortName,itemName));
                Utils.mel('artSkinSelectInfluence("artAttrSkinPaintCtx","%s");' % shortName);
            # show paint weights interface
            # problems listing given influence.. just die here
            Utils.displayError('problem selecting influence %s' % infl)

示例10: connectLoresVis

def connectLoresVis(toggleAttr="allTransA_ctrl.loGeoVis"):
	Connect lores geometry visibility to the specified visibility toggle attribute
	@param toggleAttr: Visibility toggle attribute
	@type toggleAttr: str
    # Check visibility toggle attribute
    if not mc.objExists(toggleAttr):
        raise Exception('Visibility toggle attribute "' + toggleAttr + '" does not exist!')

        # Get all joint list
    jointList = mc.ls(type="joint")
    if not jointList:

    # Iterate over all joints
    for joint in jointList:

        # Get all joint mesh shapes
        allShapes = mc.listRelatives(joint, s=True, pa=True)
        if not allShapes:
        meshShapes = mc.ls(allShapes, type="mesh")
        if not meshShapes:

        # Connect mesh shape visibility to vis toggle attr
        for meshShape in meshShapes:
            mc.connectAttr(toggleAttr, meshShape + ".v", f=True)

示例11: colourLoresGeo

def colourLoresGeo():
	Set default colouring for lores geometry,
    # Get all joint list
    jointList = mc.ls(type="joint")
    if not jointList:

    # Iterate over all joints
    for joint in jointList:

        # Get all joint mesh shapes
        allShapes = mc.listRelatives(joint, s=True, pa=True)
        if not allShapes:
        meshShapes = mc.ls(allShapes, type="mesh")
        if not meshShapes:

        # Colour mesh shape
        for meshShape in meshShapes:

            mc.setAttr(meshShape + ".overrideEnabled", 1)
            if joint.startswith("cn_"):
                mc.setAttr(meshShape + ".overrideColor", 24)
            if joint.startswith("lf_"):
                mc.setAttr(meshShape + ".overrideColor", 15)
            if joint.startswith("rt_"):
                mc.setAttr(meshShape + ".overrideColor", 4)

示例12: uiSetFlags

	def uiSetFlags(self):
		Gets the channel state data from the UI and then sets the flags.
		# Get channel state flag values
		channelState = []
		for attr in self.channel:
		# Get list of objects to set flags for
		objType = mc.radioButtonGrp('rbgObjType',q=1,sl=1)
		objectList = []
		if objType == 1: objectList = mc.ls(sl=1)
		elif objType == 2:
			doit = mc.confirmDialog(title='Confirm Set Flags on ALL Transforms', 
						m='Are you sure you want to mass edit all the channel state attributes?',
			if doit == 'No': return
			objectList = mc.ls('*.channelState',o=True)
		elif objType == 3:
			selType = mc.textField('tfType',q=1,text=1)
			objectList = mc.ls(type=selType)
		# Set Flags

示例13: __cleanup

 def __cleanup(self, version = 2.0):
     #--- hide groups and lock attributes
     cmds.setAttr(self.negative_grp + '.v', 0)
     cmds.setAttr(self.result_grp + '.v', 0)
     sf_objs = cmds.ls(self.sf_tool, self.blendshapes, self.shotfinaling,
                      self.mesh_bsp_grp, self.mesh_shotfinal_grp,
                      self.negative_grp, self.sculpt_grp, self.result_grp,
                      '*Negative*', '*Sculpt*', '*Result*', type = 'transform')
     for i in sf_objs:
         for axis in 'xyz':
             cmds.setAttr(i + '.t' + axis, lock = 1, keyable = 0)
             cmds.setAttr(i + '.r' + axis, lock = 1, keyable = 0)
             cmds.setAttr(i + '.s' + axis, lock = 1, keyable = 0)
         cmds.setAttr(i + '.v', keyable = 0)
         cmds.setAttr(i + '.ihi', 0)
     #--- hide isHistoricallyInteresting
     to_ihi = cmds.ls('*BSP*', '*Bshpe*', '*tweak*', '*Shape*')
     for i in sf_objs:
     for i in to_ihi:
         cmds.setAttr(i + '.ihi', 0)
     #--- add versionNumber of the SHOTFINAL script
     if not cmds.objExists(self.shotfinaling + '.version'):
                      longName = 'version',
                      shortName = 'version',
                      attributeType = 'float',
                      keyable = True)
         cmds.setAttr(self.shotfinaling + '.version',
                      edit  = True,
                      channelBox = True,
                      lock = True)
     #--- select the sculpt tool

示例14: check

def check():
	Non-Unique Checker looks for non unique node names. 
	It will separate shape, dag and dep nodes when reporting.
	@version history: 	03/30/07 : Gregory Smith : initial release
				06/13/07 : Ramiro Gomez : updated header format
				04/25/08 : Ramiro Gomez : initial python transfer
	@keyword: rig, model, naming
	@appVersion: 8.5, 2008

	##Create variables
	dagErrors=[] ##hold all the nonunique items
	shapeErrors=[] ##hold all the nonunique items
	depErrors=[] ##hold all the nonunique items
	dag = mc.ls(dag=True)
	shapes = mc.ls(geometry=True)
	dep = mc.ls(dep=True)
	for item in shapes:
		while dag.count(item): dag.remove(item)
	for item in shapes:
		while dep.count(item): dep.remove(item)
	for item in dag:
		while dep.count(item): dep.remove(item)
	##Print header statement
	print 'Non-Unique Checker'
	print '==========================================\n'

	print 'DAG NODES'
	print '------------'
	for item in dag:
		if item.count('|'): dagErrors.append(item)
	print '\n'.join(sorted(dagErrors)) + '\n'
	print 'DEP NODES'
	print '------------'
	for item in dep:
		if item.count('|'): depErrors.append(item)
	print '\n'.join(sorted(depErrors)) + '\n'
	print 'SHAPE NODES'
	print '------------'
	for item in shapes:
		if item.count('|'): shapeErrors.append(item)
	print '\n'.join(sorted(shapeErrors)) + '\n'
	del dep
	del dag
	del shapes
	print '=========================================='
	print ('Non-Unique Check located ' + str(len(dagErrors) + len(depErrors) + len(shapeErrors)) + ' errors.')

示例15: multObjShapeUpdate

def multObjShapeUpdate():
    sel_objs = cmds.ls(sl=True,fl=True)
    if len(sel_objs)>0:
        files_to_import = cmds.fileDialog2(fileFilter =  '*.obj', dialogStyle = 2, caption = 'import multiple object files', fileMode = 4,okc="Import")
        if len(files_to_import) == len(sel_objs):
            object_names = [file_to_import.split('/')[-1].split('.obj')[0] for file_to_import in files_to_import]
            if len(sel_objs) == len([x for x in object_names if x in sel_objs]):
                for file_to_import in files_to_import:
                    object_name  = file_to_import.split('/')[-1].split('.obj')[0]
                    returnedNodes = cmds.file('%s' % file_to_import, i = True, type = "OBJ", rnn=True, ignoreVersion = True, options = "mo=0",  loadReferenceDepth  = "all"  )
                    geo = cmds.listRelatives(cmds.ls(returnedNodes,g=1)[0],p=1)
                    cmds.rename( geo, "newShape_{0}".format(object_name))
                new_shapes = [s for s in cmds.listRelatives(cmds.ls(g=1),p=1) if "newShape_" in s]
                cur_shapes = sel_objs
                for new in new_shapes:
                    for cur in cur_shapes:
                        if new.split("newShape_")[1] == cur:
                            blendshapeNd = cmds.blendShape(new,cur)[0]
                cmds.confirmDialog(m="---===All Shapes Updated!===---")
                cmds.confirmDialog(m="--==Not Matching The Name!==--")
            cmds.confirmDialog(m="--==Please Select The Same Number Of Objects!==--")
        cmds.confirmDialog(m="--==Please Select Something!==--")
