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Python cmds.curve函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中maya.cmds.curve函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python curve函数的具体用法?Python curve怎么用?Python curve使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: maya_move

def maya_move(angular_velocity, time_step):
    objects = cmds.ls(sl=True)
    if objects == []:
        print('* Please select at least an object.')
    trajectory = cmds.ls('trajectory')
    for i, o in enumerate(objects):
        x = cmds.getAttr(o + '.translateX')
        y = cmds.getAttr(o + '.translateY')
        z = cmds.getAttr(o + '.translateZ')
        loc = [x, y, z]
        state = make_state(loc)
        state = simulate_circle(state, angular_velocity, time_step)
        old_loc = loc
        loc = get_location(state)
        cmds.move(loc[0], loc[1], loc[2])
        # draw trajectory for the first object
        if i == 0:
            if trajectory == []:
                cv = cmds.curve(point=[old_loc, loc], degree=1)                
                cmds.rename(cv, 'trajectory')
                cmds.curve('trajectory', point=[loc], degree=1, append=True)
    # keep all objects selected

示例2: createCurveaBasedOnLocator

def createCurveaBasedOnLocator( prevLoc, loc, baseName, hrsSys ):
	leastSquaresMod = mn.createNode( 'leastSquaresModifier' )
	origCurv = crv.Curve( mc.curve( d = 1, ep = [prevLoc.worldPosition, loc.worldPosition] ) )
	index = mm.eval( 'getNextFreeMultiIndex( "'+ hrsSys.name +'.inputHair", 0 )' )
	origCurv.name = 'spiderWeb_base_'+ baseName + '_' + str( index ) + '_CRV'
	mc.rebuildCurve( origCurv.name, rpo = 1, rt = 0, end = 1, kr = 0, kcp = 1, kep = 1, kt =0, s= 4, d = 1, tol = 0.01  )
	origCurv.a.intermediateObject.v = 1
	controledCurv = origCurv.duplicate()
	origCurv.shape.attr( 'worldSpace[0]' ) >> leastSquaresMod.a.inputNurbsObject
	prevLoc.attr( 'worldPosition[0]')      >> leastSquaresMod.attr( 'pointConstraint[0].pointPositionXYZ' )
	leastSquaresMod.attr( 'pointConstraint[0].pointConstraintU' ).v = 0
	loc.attr( 'worldPosition[0]')          >> leastSquaresMod.attr( 'pointConstraint[1].pointPositionXYZ' )
	leastSquaresMod.attr( 'pointConstraint[1].pointConstraintU' ).v = 1
	leastSquaresMod.a.outputNurbsObject    >> controledCurv.shape.a.create
	controledCurv.shape.attr( 'worldMatrix[0]' ) >> leastSquaresMod.a.worldSpaceToObjectSpace
	fol = mn.createNode( 'follicle' )
	fol.a.restPose.v = 1
	fol.a.startDirection.v = 1
	fol.a.pointLock.v = 3
	fol.a.degree.v = 3
	fol.a.sampleDensity.v = 3
	fol.a.outHair >> hrsSys.attr( 'inputHair[' + str( index ) + ']' )
	hrsSys.attr( 'outputHair[' + str( index ) + ']' ) >> fol.a.currentPosition
	controledCurv.shape.attr( 'worldSpace[0]' ) >> fol.a.startPosition
	curv = crv.Curve( mc.curve( d = 3, ep = [prevLoc.worldPosition, loc.worldPosition] ) )
	curv.name = 'spiderWeb_' + baseName + '_' + str( index ) + '_CRV'
	fol.a.outCurve >> curv.a.create
	folPar = fol.parent
	folPar.name = 'spiderWeb_' + baseName + '_' + str( index ) + '_FOL'
	return curv, folPar

示例3: createPoleVector

    def createPoleVector(self, prefix=None, distanceScale=2, verbose=False):
        print 'Building pole vector...'

        if prefix is None:
            prefix = self.prefix

        # Create Joint Vectors
        shoulderIkPos = cmds.xform(self.shoulder, q=True, ws=True, t=True)
        shoulderIkVec = OpenMaya.MVector(shoulderIkPos[0], shoulderIkPos[1], shoulderIkPos[2])
        elbowIkPos = cmds.xform(self.elbow, q=True, ws=True, t=True)
        elbowIkVec = OpenMaya.MVector(elbowIkPos[0], elbowIkPos[1], elbowIkPos[2])
        wristIkPos = cmds.xform(self.wrist, q=True, ws=True, t=True)
        wristIkVec = OpenMaya.MVector(wristIkPos[0], wristIkPos[1], wristIkPos[2])

        # Transpose vectors to correct pole vector translation point
        bisectorVec = (shoulderIkVec * 0.5) + (wristIkVec * 0.5)
        transposedVec = (elbowIkVec * distanceScale) - (bisectorVec * distanceScale)
        ikChainPoleVec = bisectorVec + transposedVec

        # Create a pole vector
        poleVecCon = self.utils.createBoxControl('%selbowPV' % self.prefix, 0.125)
        poleVecPos = [ikChainPoleVec.x, ikChainPoleVec.y, ikChainPoleVec.z]
        cmds.xform(poleVecCon, t=poleVecPos)
        self.utils.orientSnap(self.elbow, poleVecCon)

        # Visualize Vectors and End Points
        if verbose:
            for vector, letter in zip([bisectorVec, transposedVec, ikChainPoleVec,
                                       shoulderIkVec, elbowIkVec, wristIkVec],
                                      ['bisectorVec', 'transposedVec', 'ikChainPoleVec',
                                      'shoulderIk', 'elbowIk', 'wristIk']):
                cmds.spaceLocator(n='%sVecLoc' % letter, p=[vector.x, vector.y, vector.z])
                cmds.curve(n='%sVecCurve' % letter, degree=1, p=[(0, 0, 0), (vector.x, vector.y, vector.z)])

        return poleVecCon

示例4: buildNurbsRibbon

	def buildNurbsRibbon(self):
		if self.guideSpline:
			guideDeg = cmds.getAttr(self.guideSpline + '.degree' )
			guideSpan = cmds.getAttr(self.guideSpline + '.spans' )
			oneCurvePoints = []
			otherCurvePoints = []
			for i in xrange(guideDeg + guideSpan):
				cvPos = cmds.pointPosition(self.guideSpline + '.cv[' + str(i) + "]", w=True )
				newPara = cmds.closestPointOnCurve(self.guideSpline, ip=cvPos, paramU=True)  #Find the parameter Value
				newParaVal = cmds.getAttr(newPara + ".paramU")
				infoNode = cmds.pointOnCurve(self.guideSpline, ch=True, pr=newParaVal)  #Now find the Position and tangent!
				posy = (cmds.getAttr(infoNode + ".position"))[0]  # returns the position
				posy = MVector(posy[0],posy[1],posy[2])
				normy = (cmds.getAttr(infoNode + ".tangent"))[0]
				normy = MVector(normy[0],normy[1],normy[2]) #Use MVector from maya.openMaya
				normy = normy.normal()
				vertVect = MVector(0,1,0)
				sideMove = normy^vertVect #This is the notation for a cross product. Pretty cool. Should be a normal movement
				sideMove = sideMove.normal() * 0.5
				sideMovePos = posy + sideMove 
				otherSideMovePos = posy - sideMove

			oneSideCurve = cmds.curve(editPoint = oneCurvePoints, degree=3)
			OtherSideCurve = cmds.curve(editPoint = otherCurvePoints, degree=3)
			#Now we loft the surface between the two Curves!
			nameStart = nameBase(self.totalMarkerList[0].getName(), self.searchString, "loc", "nbs")
			nameStart += "ribbonSurface"
			self.guideNurbsRibbon = cmds.loft(oneSideCurve, OtherSideCurve, name = nameStart, constructionHistory = True, uniform = True, close = False, autoReverse = True, degree = 3, sectionSpans = 1, range = False, polygon = 0, reverseSurfaceNormals = True)
			self.guideNurbsRibbon = self.guideNurbsRibbon[0]

示例5: createSquare

def createSquare(*args):
    cmds.curve(d=1,p=[(0.5,0,0.5), (-0.5,0,0.5), 
    print 'Created a Nurbs Square'

示例6: createLine

def createLine(_parents, _sceneData = False, _layer = False):
    nodes = []
    lineCurve = ""
    firstTime = True
    for obj in _parents:
        pos = cmds.xform(obj, q=1, t=1, ws=1)
        if firstTime:
            lineCurve = cmds.curve(d=1, p=[pos])
            cmds.setAttr(lineCurve+".overrideEnabled", 1)
            cmds.setAttr(lineCurve+".overrideDisplayType", 2)
            cmds.setAttr(lineCurve+".inheritsTransform", 0)
            firstTime = False
            cmds.curve(lineCurve, a=True, p=pos)
    #Clusters must be added after all the cvs are created.
    #Don't ask me why!
    for j in range(len(_parents)):
        clusterName = _parents[j]+"_CLUSTER"
        clusterPoint = cmds.cluster(lineCurve+".cv["+str(j)+"]", n=clusterName)
        #cmds.setAttr(clusterPoint[1]+".visibility", 0)
        cmds.parent(clusterPoint[1], _parents[j], a=1)
        addToLayer(_sceneData, "hidden", nodes)
        if _layer:
            addToLayer(_sceneData, _layer, lineCurve)
    return nodes

示例7: createCurve

	def createCurve(self,*args):
		  Create curve on locators
		prefix = mc.textFieldGrp(self.prefixFld,query=True,text=True)
		locators = mc.ls(sl=True,fl=True)
		rotations = mc.intFieldGrp(self.rotFld,query=True,v1=True)
		#Error checking here: Are locators selected?
		if len(locators) == 0:
			print '\nSelection is empty. Please select locators.\n'
		#create splineIK curve
		curve = " "
		x = 0
		while x < rotations:
			for each in locators:
				try:        #Try to append to existing curve
					x_loc = mc.getAttr('%s.localPositionX'%each)
					y_loc = mc.getAttr('%s.localPositionY'%each)
					z_loc = mc.getAttr('%s.localPositionZ'%each)
					mc.curve(curve,a=True,p=(x_loc,y_loc,z_loc) )
				except:     #If appending fails, means a new curve needs to be created
					x_loc = mc.getAttr('%s.localPositionX'%each)
					y_loc = mc.getAttr('%s.localPositionY'%each)
					z_loc = mc.getAttr('%s.localPositionZ'%each)
					curve = mc.curve( p=(x_loc,y_loc,z_loc), n='%s_ikCurve'%prefix ) 
			x = x + 1

示例8: arrowController

def arrowController(name, color = 0, lockAttr = ['sc', 'vi'], lock = True):
        cmds.curve(n = name , d =  1, p = [(0, 2, 1),(0, 3, 1),(0, 0, 3), (0, -3, 1), (0, -2, 1), (0, -2, -2), (0, 2, -2), (0, 2, 1), (0, -2, -2), (0, 2, -2), (0, -2, 1)], k = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
        cmds.createNode('transform', n = '%s_grp' %name)

        #lock Attribute
        for attr in lockAttr:
                if attr == 'tr':
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.translateX' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.translateY' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.translateZ' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                elif attr == 'ro':
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.rotateX' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.rotateY' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.rotateZ' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                elif attr == 'sc':
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.scaleX' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.scaleY' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.scaleZ' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                elif attr == 'vi':
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.visibility' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
        #color change
        shapeNode = cmds.listRelatives(name)
        cmds.rename(shapeNode, name + 'Shape')
        cmds.setAttr(name + 'Shape.overrideEnabled', 1)
        cmds.setAttr(name + 'Shape.overrideColor', color)       
        cmds.select(name, r = True)
        cmds.select('%s_grp' %name, tgl = True)
        return name

示例9: obj_single_rotate

 def obj_single_rotate ():
     ctrl_shapes = []
     ctrl_shapes.append( mc.curve( p = [( -7.105427357601002e-15, -0.3358735290035888, 0.7361468691490706 ), ( -0.030221345939771993, -0.43042515285533867, 0.6908148502394227 ), ( -0.072472769789524, -0.5107046042608161, 0.6274377144647979 ), ( -0.12400997464880703, -0.5684975545498503, 0.5501319071758723 ), ( -0.12400997464880703, -0.5684975545498503, 0.5501319071758723 ), ( -0.12400997464880703, -0.5684975545498503, 0.5501319071758723 ), ( -0.12400997464880703, -0.5819931861859402, 0.5346306603447717 ), ( -0.12400997464880703, -0.5819931861859402, 0.5346306603447717 ), ( -0.12400997464880703, -0.5819931861859402, 0.5346306603447717 ), ( -0.12400997464880703, -0.5819931861859402, 0.5346306603447717 ), ( -0.08197748359885537, -0.540253001036092, 0.5946770761304137 ), ( -0.04551343522386375, -0.48527382262420815, 0.6467685738089758 ), ( -0.015501246831107096, -0.4192182992656619, 0.6896431286557706 ), ( -0.015501246831107096, -0.4192182992656619, 0.6896431286557706 ), ( -0.015501246831107096, -0.4192182992656619, 0.6896431286557706 ), ( -0.015501246831107096, -0.7077292503941806, 0.43808875481816606 ), ( -0.015501246831107096, -0.80800092168273, -0.016811817720621902 ), ( -0.015501246831107096, -0.6943482219457593, -0.34108941639861884 ), ( -0.015501246831107096, -0.5527220271320061, -0.5148315398676033 ), ( -0.015501246831107096, -0.3348935247151239, -0.6771644412642893 ), ( -0.015501246831107096, -0.1758560186022855, -0.7361468691392242 ), ( -0.015501246831107096, -7.844604263429887e-05, -0.7361468691392242 )], per = False, d = 3, k = [0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19, 19] ) )
     ctrl_shapes.append( mc.curve( p = [( 3.552713678800501e-15, -0.3358735290035959, 0.7361468691490706 ), ( 0.03022134593976844, -0.43042515285534577, 0.6908148502394227 ), ( 0.07247276978952044, -0.5107046042608232, 0.6274377144647979 ), ( 0.12400997464880348, -0.5684975545498574, 0.5501319071758723 ), ( 0.12400997464880348, -0.5684975545498574, 0.5501319071758723 ), ( 0.12400997464880348, -0.5684975545498574, 0.5501319071758723 ), ( 0.12400997464880348, -0.5819931861859473, 0.5346306603447717 ), ( 0.12400997464880348, -0.5819931861859473, 0.5346306603447717 ), ( 0.12400997464880348, -0.5819931861859473, 0.5346306603447717 ), ( 0.12400997464880348, -0.5819931861859473, 0.5346306603447717 ), ( 0.08197748359885182, -0.5402530010360991, 0.5946770761304137 ), ( 0.0455134352238602, -0.48527382262421526, 0.6467685738089758 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, -0.419218299265669, 0.6896431286557706 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, -0.419218299265669, 0.6896431286557706 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, -0.419218299265669, 0.6896431286557706 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, -0.7077292503941877, 0.43808875481816606 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, -0.8080009216827371, -0.016811817720621902 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, -0.6943482219457664, -0.34108941639861884 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, -0.5527220271320132, -0.5148315398676033 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, -0.334893524715131, -0.6771644412642893 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, -0.1758560186022926, -0.7361468691392242 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, -7.844604263433487e-05, -0.7361468691392242 )], per = False, d = 3, k = [0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19, 19] ) )
     ctrl_shapes.append( mc.curve( p = [( 0.0, 0.33587352900359235, 0.7361468691490706 ), ( -0.030221345939764888, 0.4304251528553422, 0.6908148502394227 ), ( -0.07247276978951689, 0.5107046042608197, 0.6274377144647979 ), ( -0.12400997464879993, 0.5684975545498538, 0.5501319071758723 ), ( -0.12400997464879993, 0.5684975545498538, 0.5501319071758723 ), ( -0.12400997464879993, 0.5684975545498538, 0.5501319071758723 ), ( -0.12400997464879993, 0.5819931861859438, 0.5346306603447717 ), ( -0.12400997464879993, 0.5819931861859438, 0.5346306603447717 ), ( -0.12400997464879993, 0.5819931861859438, 0.5346306603447717 ), ( -0.12400997464879993, 0.5819931861859438, 0.5346306603447717 ), ( -0.08197748359884827, 0.5402530010360955, 0.5946770761304137 ), ( -0.045513435223856646, 0.4852738226242117, 0.6467685738089758 ), ( -0.01550124683109999, 0.41921829926566545, 0.6896431286557706 ), ( -0.01550124683109999, 0.41921829926566545, 0.6896431286557706 ), ( -0.01550124683109999, 0.41921829926566545, 0.6896431286557706 ), ( -0.01550124683109999, 0.7077292503941841, 0.43808875481816606 ), ( -0.01550124683109999, 0.8080009216827335, -0.016811817720621902 ), ( -0.01550124683109999, 0.6943482219457628, -0.34108941639861884 ), ( -0.01550124683109999, 0.5527220271320097, -0.5148315398676033 ), ( -0.01550124683109999, 0.33489352471512746, -0.6771644412642893 ), ( -0.01550124683109999, 0.17585601860228905, -0.7361468691392242 ), ( -0.01550124683109999, 7.844604263078215e-05, -0.7361468691392242 )], per = False, d = 3, k = [0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19, 19] ) )
     ctrl_shapes.append( mc.curve( p = [( 3.552713678800501e-15, 0.33587352900359235, 0.7361468691490706 ), ( 0.03022134593976844, 0.4304251528553422, 0.6908148502394227 ), ( 0.07247276978952044, 0.5107046042608197, 0.6274377144647979 ), ( 0.12400997464880348, 0.5684975545498538, 0.5501319071758723 ), ( 0.12400997464880348, 0.5684975545498538, 0.5501319071758723 ), ( 0.12400997464880348, 0.5684975545498538, 0.5501319071758723 ), ( 0.12400997464880348, 0.5819931861859438, 0.5346306603447717 ), ( 0.12400997464880348, 0.5819931861859438, 0.5346306603447717 ), ( 0.12400997464880348, 0.5819931861859438, 0.5346306603447717 ), ( 0.12400997464880348, 0.5819931861859438, 0.5346306603447717 ), ( 0.08197748359885182, 0.5402530010360955, 0.5946770761304137 ), ( 0.0455134352238602, 0.4852738226242117, 0.6467685738089758 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, 0.41921829926566545, 0.6896431286557706 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, 0.41921829926566545, 0.6896431286557706 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, 0.41921829926566545, 0.6896431286557706 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, 0.7077292503941841, 0.43808875481816606 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, 0.8080009216827335, -0.016811817720621902 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, 0.6943482219457628, -0.34108941639861884 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, 0.5527220271320097, -0.5148315398676033 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, 0.33489352471512746, -0.6771644412642893 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, 0.17585601860228905, -0.7361468691392242 ), ( 0.015501246831103543, 7.844604263078215e-05, -0.7361468691392242 )], per = False, d = 3, k = [0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19, 19] ) )
     return ctrl_shapes

示例10: extraController

def extraController(name, color = 0, lockAttr = ['sc', 'vi'], lock = True):

        cmds.createNode('transform', n =  '%s_grp' %name)
        cmds.curve(n = name, d = 1, p =[(-4, 0, -3),(-1, 0, -3),(-1, 0, -2),(-3, 0, -2),(-3, 0, -1), (-1, 0, -1),(-1, 0, 0),(-3, 0, 0),(-3, 0, 1),(-1, 0, 1),(-1, 0, 2),(-4, 0, 2),(-4, 0, -3),(3, 0, -3),(2, 0, -1),(2, 0, 0),(3, 0, 2),(2, 0, 2),(1, 0, 0),(0, 0, 2),(-1, 0, 2),(0, 0, 0),(0, 0, -1),(-1, 0, -3),(0, 0, -3),(1, 0, -1),(2, 0, -3),(3, 0, -3),(3, 0, 2),(-4, 0, 2)], k= [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29])
        for attr in lockAttr:
                if attr == 'tr':
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.translateX' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.translateY' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.translateZ' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                elif attr == 'ro':
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.rotateX' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.rotateY' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.rotateZ' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                elif attr == 'sc':
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.scaleX' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.scaleY' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.scaleZ' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                elif attr == 'vi':
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.visibility' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
        shapeNode = cmds.listRelatives(name)
        cmds.setAttr('%s.overrideEnabled' %shapeNode[0], 1)
        cmds.setAttr('%s.overrideColor' %shapeNode[0], color)
        return name

示例11: lollipopController

def lollipopController(name, color = 0, size = [1, 1, 1], lockAttr = ['tr', 'ro', 'sc', 'vi'], lock = True):

        #cmds.createNode('transform', n =  '%s_grp' %name)
        cmds.curve(n = name, d = 1, p = [ (0, 0, 0), (0, 3, 0),(0, 4, 1),(0, 5, 0), (0, 4, -1),(0, 3, 0),(0, 4, 1),(0, 4, -1)], k = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
        for attr in lockAttr:
                if attr == 'tr':
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.translateX' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.translateY' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.translateZ' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                elif attr == 'ro':
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.rotateX' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.rotateY' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.rotateZ' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                elif attr == 'sc':
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.scaleX' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.scaleY' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.scaleZ' %name, lock = lock, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
                elif attr == 'vi':
                        cmds.setAttr('%s.visibility' %name, lock = True, keyable = False, channelBox = False)
        shapeNode = cmds.listRelatives(name)
        cmds.setAttr('%s.overrideEnabled' %shapeNode[0], 1)
        cmds.setAttr('%s.overrideColor' %shapeNode[0], color)

        util.group(name, '%s_grp' %name)
        return name

示例12: archimedesDouble

def archimedesDouble(loops,spiralDown,gaps,height):
    Creates a Archimedes spiral that spirals out then in again
    loops      : Number of complete turns the spiral should have
    spiralDown : Direction of the generated curve
    growth     : Growth factor
    height     : Vertical height of the spiral
    The curve is created and the required number of control vertices is calculated 
    along with the fraction of the height each CV needs to be placed. The polar 
    equation of a Archimedes spiral is r=a+b*theta where a rotates the spiral 
    and b controls distance between successive turnings. The polar coordinates 
    are converted to Cartesian form by x=r*math.cos(theta) and y=r*math.sin(theta).
    After half the CVs, I reverse the equation to wind the spiral back in. The 
    direction of the curve can be reversed based on the spiralDown flag.
    heightFrac = float(height)/cvNo
    for i in range(1,(cvNo/2)+1):
    for i in reversed(range(0,cvNo/2)):
    if spiralDown==True:

示例13: createTemplate

        def createTemplate(self , eyeMesh):
                # create eye jnt
                if 'L_' in str(eyeMesh):
                        helpClu = mc.cluster(eyeMesh)[0]
                        LeyeJnt = mc.joint(p=(0,0,0),name=eyeMesh+'_skin_jnt')
                        ReyeJnt = mc.mirrorJoint(mirrorYZ=True,mirrorBehavior=False,searchReplace=('L_', 'R_')
                        self.mayaError('Please select the left eye.')

                return eyeJnt

        def createEyeRig(self):
                if mc.objExists(self.eyeGlobalCtrl) == False:
                        EyesGlobalCtrl = mc.curve(d=1,p=[(-1.069806, 1.027703, 0),(-1.651954,1.89895,0),(-2.523201,2.481098,0),(-3.550904,2.68552,0),(-4.578607,2.481098,0),(-5.449854,1.89895,0),(-6.032002,1.027703,0),(-6.236424,0,0),(-6.032002,-1.027703,0),(-5.449854 ,-1.89895, 0),(-4.578607,-2.481098,0), (-3.550904,-2.68552,0),(-2.523201, -2.481098, 0),(-1.651954,-1.89895,0),(-1.069806,-1.027703,0),(1.058138,-1.032345,0),(1.642915, -1.907527,0),(2.518098,-2.492305,0),( 3.550443,-2.69765,0),(4.582788,-2.492305,0),(5.45797,-1.907527,0),( 6.042748,-1.032345,0),(6.248093,0,0),(6.042748,1.032345,0),( 5.45797,1.907527,0 ),(4.582788,2.492305,0),( 3.550443,2.69765,0),(2.518098,2.492305,0 ),(1.642915,1.907527,0),(1.058138,1.032345,0),( -1.069806,1.027703,0)],k=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 ,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30],n=self.eyeGlobalCtrl)
                        L_EyeAimCtrl = mc.curve(d=1,p=[(3.653116 ,0.946994,0), (3.653116 ,0 ,0),( 2.706122, 0, 0) , (3.653116 ,0, 0),(4.600109, 0 ,0) , (3.653116 ,0, 0) , (3.653116 ,-0.946994, 0) ],k=[0, 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 , 6 ],n='L_'+self.eyeAimCtrl)
                        R_EyeAimCtrl = mc.curve(d=1,p=[(3.653116 ,0.946994,0), (3.653116 ,0 ,0),( 2.706122, 0, 0) , (3.653116 ,0, 0),(4.600109, 0 ,0) , (3.653116 ,0, 0) , (3.653116 ,-0.946994, 0) ],k=[0, 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 , 6 ],n='R_'+self.eyeAimCtrl)

                        mc.parent(L_EyeAimCtrl , EyesGlobalCtrl)
                        mc.parent(R_EyeAimCtrl , EyesGlobalCtrl)

                        self.fastGrp('On' , ['zero','con','sdk'],L_EyeAimCtrl)
                        self.fastGrp'On' , ['zero','con','sdk'],R_EyeAimCtrl)
                        zeroGrp = self.fastGrp('On' , ['zero','con','sdk'],EyesGlobalCtrl)[2]

示例14: createCurve

def createCurve(ptList,start,end,group=''):
	# Initialize Curves
	crvList = []
	for pt in ptList:
		pos = mc.pointPosition(pt)
		curve = mc.curve(p=[pos,pos],d=1)
		curve = mc.rename(curve,pt+'_curve')
	# Track Curves
	for i in range(start,end+1):
		for n in range(len(ptList)):
			pos = mc.pointPosition(ptList[n])
	# Remove Initial CV and Rebuild
	for crv in crvList:
	# Group Curves
	if group:
		# Check Group
		if not mc.objExists(group): group = mc.group(em=True,n=group)
		# Parent Curves to Group
	# Return Result
	if group: return [group]
	else: return crvList

示例15: corners

    def corners(self):
        Create corners control
        ctrl = cmds.createNode('transform')

        pts = [(0.9, 0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.9)]
        cnr = cmds.curve(d=1, p=pts, k=range(3))
        cnrShape = cmds.listRelatives(cnr, s=True, ni=True)[0]
        cmds.parent(cnrShape, ctrl, s=True, r=True)

        pts = [(-0.9, 0.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 0.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 0.0, 0.9)]
        cnr = cmds.curve(d=1, p=pts, k=range(3))
        cnrShape = cmds.listRelatives(cnr, s=True, ni=True)[0]
        cmds.parent(cnrShape, ctrl, s=True, r=True)

        pts = [(0.9, 0.0, -1.0), (1.0, 0.0, -1.0), (1.0, 0.0, -0.9)]
        cnr = cmds.curve(d=1, p=pts, k=range(3))
        cnrShape = cmds.listRelatives(cnr, s=True, ni=True)[0]
        cmds.parent(cnrShape, ctrl, s=True, r=True)

        pts = [(-0.9, 0.0, -1.0), (-1.0, 0.0, -1.0), (-1.0, 0.0, -0.9)]
        cnr = cmds.curve(d=1, p=pts, k=range(3))
        cnrShape = cmds.listRelatives(cnr, s=True, ni=True)[0]
        cmds.parent(cnrShape, ctrl, s=True, r=True)

        return ctrl
