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Python cmds.camera函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中maya.cmds.camera函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python camera函数的具体用法?Python camera怎么用?Python camera使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: setThreePanelLayout

def setThreePanelLayout():     
    shotCamera = animMod.getShotCamera()
    if not shotCamera: shotCamera = "persp"
    mel.eval("toolboxChangeQuickLayoutButton \"Persp/Graph/Hypergraph\" 2;"+\
             "lookThroughModelPanel %s hyperGraphPanel2;"%shotCamera+\
             "lookThroughModelPanel persp modelPanel4;")
             #"scriptedPanel -e -rp modelPanel2 graphEditor1;")
    viewports = [view for view in cmds.getPanel(type='modelPanel') if view in cmds.getPanel(visiblePanels=True)]
    defaultCameras = [u'front', u'persp', u'side', u'top']
    for view in viewports:
        camera          = utilMod.getCamFromSelection([cmds.modelEditor(view, query=True, camera=True)])
        cameraTransform = camera[0]
        cameraShape     = camera[1]
        if cameraTransform in defaultCameras:
            if cameraTransform == "persp":
                cmds.camera(cameraTransform, edit=True, orthographic=False)
                cmds.setAttr("%s.nearClipPlane"%cameraShape, 1000)
                cmds.setAttr("%s.farClipPlane"%cameraShape, 10000000)
                cmds.setAttr("%s.focalLength"%cameraShape, 3500)
            cmds.setAttr("%s.displayFilmGate"%cameraShape, 1)
            cmds.setAttr("%s.overscan"%cameraShape, 1)

示例2: createPreviewCamera

def createPreviewCamera(objectName):
    mel.eval("cameraMakeNode 2 \"\";")
    selList = cmds.ls(selection=True)

    previewCam = selList[0]
    previewAim = selList[1]

    boxMin = cmds.getAttr(objectName + ".boundingBoxMin")[0]
    boxMax = cmds.getAttr(objectName + ".boundingBoxMax")[0]

    ## move aim to bbx center
    aimPos = [(boxMax[0] + boxMin[0]) / 2, (boxMax[1] + boxMin[1]) / 2, (boxMax[2] + boxMin[2]) / 2]
    cmds.move(aimPos[0], aimPos[1], aimPos[2], previewAim)

    camPosy = boxMax[1] * 1.7
    camPosx = boxMin[0] + camPosy * 1.2
    camPosz = boxMin[2] + camPosy * 1.2
    cmds.move(camPosx, camPosy, camPosz, previewCam)

    preCamShape = cmds.listRelatives(previewCam, children=True)[0]
    cmds.lookThru(preCamShape, "perspView")

示例3: save_image_with_camera_pos

def save_image_with_camera_pos(csv_writer, mesh_name, file_ext, dest_dir, camera_pos, camera_interest_pos):
	camera_name, camera_shape = cmd.camera(p=camera_pos, wci=camera_interest_pos)
	cmd.setAttr(camera_shape+'.backgroundColor', back_color[0], back_color[1], back_color[2], type="double3")
	cmd.setAttr(camera_shape+".renderable", 1)
	focal_length = cmd.camera(camera_shape, q=True, fl=True)

	inches_to_mm = 25.4
	app_horiz = cmd.camera(camera_shape, q=True, hfa=True) * inches_to_mm
	app_vert = cmd.camera(camera_shape, q=True, vfa=True) * inches_to_mm
	pixel_width = cmd.getAttr("defaultResolution.width")
	pixel_height = cmd.getAttr("defaultResolution.height")

	focal_length_x_pixel = pixel_width * focal_length / app_horiz
	focal_length_y_pixel = pixel_height * focal_length / app_vert

	# print cmd.camera(camera_shape, q=True, fs=True)
	# print focal_length
	# print app_horiz, app_vert
	# print focal_length_x_pixel, focal_length_y_pixel

	image_file = mesh_name+"."+file_ext

	image_src = cmd.render(camera_shape)
	image_dest = path.join(dest_dir, image_file)
	shutil.move(image_src, image_dest)

	save_camera_data_to_writer(csv_writer, mesh_name, camera_pos, camera_interest_pos, focal_length)

示例4: __init__

	def __init__ (self):
		try: self.name = self.get_camera_from_selection() [0]
		except: self.name = self.get_camera_from_panel()

		try: self.shape = cmds.listRelatives (self.name, shapes = True) [0]
		except: self.shape = ""
		if self.shape != "":
			self.res_x = cmds.getAttr ("defaultResolution.width")
			self.res_y = cmds.getAttr ("defaultResolution.height")
			self.focal = cmds.camera (self.shape, query = True, focalLength = True)
			self.aperture_h = cmds.getAttr (self.shape + ".horizontalFilmAperture")
			self.aperture_h = cmds.camera (self.shape, query = True, horizontalFilmAperture = True)
			self.aperture_v = cmds.getAttr (self.shape + ".verticalFilmAperture")
			self.pixelAspect = cmds.getAttr ("defaultResolution.pixelAspect")
			self.deviceAspect = cmds.getAttr ("defaultResolution.deviceAspectRatio")
			cmds.getAttr ("defaultResolution.lockDeviceAspectRatio")
			cmds.camera (self.shape, edit = True, displayResolution = 1)
			cmds.camera (self.shape, edit = True, displayFilmGate = 1)
			cmds.camera (self.shape, edit = True, farClipPlane = 1000000)
			cmds.camera (self.shape, edit = True, nearClipPlane = 0.01)
			cmds.setAttr (self.shape + ".focalLength", channelBox = True)
			cmds.setAttr (self.shape + ".horizontalFilmAperture", channelBox = True)
			cmds.setAttr (self.shape + ".verticalFilmAperture", channelBox = True)
			cmds.setAttr (self.name+".sx", keyable=False, channelBox = True)
			cmds.setAttr (self.name+".sy", keyable=False, channelBox = True)
			cmds.setAttr (self.name+".sz", keyable=False, channelBox = True)
			cmds.setAttr (self.name+".v", keyable=False, channelBox = True)
		else: print ":: SELECT CAMERA"

示例5: CreateCamera

 def CreateCamera(self):
     print "Creating camera"
     #Array to store all objects in the scene
     #Copy from the current active camera
     cmds.duplicate( self.GetActiveCamera(), name = self.Camera)
     try:cmds.delete(self.Camera + "|CMForegroundPlane")
     try:cmds.delete(self.Camera + "|CMBackgroundPlane")
     i = 0
     while(cmds.objExists("shot_" + str(i))):
         try:cmds.delete(self.Camera + "|" + "shot_" + str(i) + "_ImagePlane")
         i = i + 1
     #Make the camera startup so that the user may not delete it directly
     #Enable the resolution gate
     cmds.camera(self.Camera, edit = True, startupCamera = True, displayResolution = True)
     #Make the camera hidden
     cmds.setAttr(self.Camera + ".visibility", False)
     #Add the attributes to define range and renderability
     cmds.addAttr(longName = 'CMRenderable', attributeType = 'bool', defaultValue = True)
     cmds.addAttr(longName = 'StartRange', attributeType = 'short', defaultValue = 0, min = 0, max = 35)
     cmds.addAttr(longName = 'StopRange' , attributeType = 'short', defaultValue = 35, min = 0, max = 35)

示例6: creatStereo

def creatStereo():
    camL = mc.ls(sl=1)
    if camL == []:
        mc.confirmDialog(title="Missing", message="Please select a camera!", button=["Ok"])
    cam = camL[0]
    camShape = mc.listRelatives(cam, s=1)[0]
    FL = mc.camera(cam, q=1, fl=1)
    NCP = mc.camera(cam, q=1, ncp=1)
    FCP = mc.camera(cam, q=1, fcp=1)
    cam3d = maya.app.stereo.stereoCameraRig.createStereoCameraRig()
    mc.parent(cam3d[0], cam)
    mc.setAttr(cam3d[0] + ".translate", 0, 0, 0, lock=1)
    mc.setAttr(cam3d[0] + ".rotate", 0, 0, 0, lock=1)
    mc.setAttr(cam3d[0] + ".scale", 1, 1, 1, lock=1)
    cam3dShape = mc.listRelatives(cam3d[0], s=1)[0]
    mc.connectControl("interaxialSleder", stereoShape + ".interaxialSeparation")
    mc.connectControl("zeroSleder", stereoShape + ".zeroParallax")
    mc.setAttr(cam3dShape + ".focalLength", FL)
    mc.setAttr(cam3dShape + ".nearClipPlane", NCP)
    mc.setAttr(cam3dShape + ".farClipPlane", FCP)
    mc.setAttr(cam3dShape + ".zeroParallaxPlane", 1)
    mc.setAttr(cam3dShape + ".safeViewingVolume", 1)
    for i in cam3d:
        mc.rename(i, cam + "_" + i)
    camListStereo = mc.ls(type="stereoRigTransform")
    if camListStereo == []:
        mc.floatSliderGrp(interaxialSleder, e=1, enable=False)
        mc.floatSliderGrp(zeroSleder, e=1, enable=False)
        stereoShape = mc.listRelatives(camListStereo[0], s=1)[0]
        mc.floatSliderGrp(interaxialSleder, e=1, enable=True)
        mc.floatSliderGrp(zeroSleder, e=1, enable=True)
        mc.connectControl(interaxialSleder, cam3dShape + ".interaxialSeparation")
        mc.connectControl(zeroSleder, cam3dShape + ".zeroParallax")

示例7: set_clip_plane_vals

def set_clip_plane_vals(near_val, far_val):
    cams = cmds.ls(cameras=True)
    for curr_cam in cams:
            cmds.camera (curr_cam, edit=True, cp=True, ncp=near_val, fcp=far_val)
        except RuntimeError, err:
            print 'Error: Camera clipping planes not set correctly for camera %s. (%s)' % (curr_cam, err[0][:-1])

示例8: twoK1152Cam

def twoK1152Cam(self):
    camName= "fin_05_shotCAM_01"
    camMake = cmds.camera(name=camName)
    camShape = camMake[1]
    cmds.camera( camShape, e=True, ff='horizontal', hfa=0.98, vfa=0.551 )
    del camName, camMake, camShape

示例9: highDefCam

def highDefCam(self):
    camName= "fin_06_shotCAM_01"
    camMake = cmds.camera(name=camName)
    camShape = camMake[1]
    cmds.camera( camShape, e=True, ff='horizontal', hfa=0.792, vfa=0.446 )
    del camName, camMake, camShape

示例10: nuke_track_node

def nuke_track_node():
	creates a nuke track node for the selected transform.
	selection order: trasnform, camera
	selection	= cmds.ls( selection = True )
	point		= selection[0]
	camera		= selection[1]
	cameraShape	= cmds.listRelatives( shapes = True )[0]
	aperture_h	= cmds.camera( camera, hfa=1, q=1)
	aperture_v	= cmds.camera( camera, vfa=1, q=1)
	trackNode	= 'Tracker3 { track1 {{curve x1 '
	tx			= ''
	ty			= ''
	endframe	= 48
	for frame in range( 1, endframe + 1 ):
		cmds.currentTime( frame )
		fov_h	= cmds.camera( camera, hfv=1, q=1)
		fov_v	= cmds.camera( camera, vfv=1, q=1)
		track	= get_normalized_screen_position( point, camera, fov_h, fov_v, aperture_h, aperture_v )
		tx		+= str( track[0] * 1280 ) + ' '
		ty		+= str( track[1] * 720 ) + ' '

	trackNode += tx + '} {curve x1 ' + ty + '}}}'
	print '#' * 50
	print '>>> tracker node, copy paste to nuke:'
	print trackNode

示例11: onActivateButtonClick

	def onActivateButtonClick(self,param):
		if self.isActive is True:
			self.isActive = False

			if self.cameraOrigin is not None :
				cmds.camera(self.currentCamera, edit=True, position=self.cameraOrigin["translate"], rotation=self.cameraOrigin["rotation"])
			self.setConsoleText("Rigging desactive.")

			for p in self.pointsMap :


		self.isActive = True

		self.cameraOrigin = {
			"translate" : cmds.xform(self.currentCamera, query=1, ws=1,rp=1),
			"rotation" : cmds.xform(self.currentCamera, query=1, ws=1,ro=1),

		cmds.camera(self.currentCamera, edit=True, position=[0,0,self.cameraZ],rotation=[0,0,0])

		self.setConsoleText("Rigging actif, choisissez un point.", color=[0,0.4,0])

示例12: export2DPointData

def export2DPointData(path,pt,cam,start,end,width=2348,height=1152):
	Export raw 2D (screen space) point position data based on the specified camera to an ascii text file
	@param path: Directory to save the 2D data export file to
	@type path: str
	@param pt: The point to export 2D position data for
	@type pt: str
	@param cam: The camera used to calculate the 2D screen space from
	@type cam: str
	@param start: The first frame of the data sequence
	@type start: int
	@param end: The last frame of the data sequence
	@type end: int
	@param width: Maximum output screen space width
	@type width: int
	@param height: Maximum output screen space height
	@type height: int
	# Check path
	dirpath = path.replace(path.split('/')[-1],'')
	if not os.path.isdir(dirpath): os.makedirs(dirpath)
	# Open file for writing
	file = open(path,"w")
	# -----------------------
	# - Write Position Data -
	# -----------------------
	# Cycle through frame range
	for f in range(start,end+1):
		# Set current frame
		# Get point world space position
		pos = glTools.utils.base.getMPoint(pt)
		# Get camera details
		cam_hfv = mc.camera(cam,q=True,hfv=True)
		cam_vfv = mc.camera(cam,q=True,vfv=True)
		cam_mat = glTools.utils.matrix.getMatrix(cam).inverse()
		# Calculate 2D point
		ssPt = pos * cam_mat
		ptx = ( ( ( ssPt.x / -ssPt.z ) / math.tan( math.radians(cam_hfv / 2) ) ) / 2.0) + 0.5
		pty = ( ( ( ssPt.y / -ssPt.z ) / math.tan( math.radians(cam_vfv / 2) ) ) / 2.0) + 0.5
		# Write data to file
		file.write(str(ptx * width) + ' ' + str(pty * height) + '\n')
	# End file with new line
	# Close file
	# Print result
	print('2D point data exported to '+path)

示例13: place_cameras

def place_cameras(points):
	for i in points:
		cmds.camera(centerOfInterest=5, focalLength=35, lensSqueezeRatio=1, cameraScale=1, horizontalFilmAperture=1.41732, horizontalFilmOffset=0, 
			verticalFilmAperture=0.94488, verticalFilmOffset=0, filmFit="fill", overscan=1, motionBlur=0, shutterAngle=144, nearClipPlane=0.1,
			farClipPlane=10000, orthographic=0, orthographicWidth=30, panZoomEnabled=0, horizontalPan=0, verticalPan=0, zoom=1)
		cmds.move(i[0], 5.0, i[1])
		#cmds.rotate(0.0, i[2]+90, 0.0, absolute=True, objectSpace=True, forceOrderXYZ=True)
		cmds.viewPlace(lookAt=[0, 3.0, 0])

示例14: run_app

    def run_app(self):
        Callback from when the menu is clicked.
        ## Tell the artist to be patient... eg not genY
        cmds.headsUpMessage("Building shotCam...", time = 1)
        inprogressBar = pbui.ProgressBarUI(title = 'Building Shotcam:')
        ## Instantiate the API
        tk = sgtk.sgtk_from_path("T:/software/bubblebathbay")
        debug(app = self, method = 'run_app', message = 'API instanced...\n%s' % tk, verbose = False)
        debug(app = self, method = 'run_app', message = 'Fetch Shot Assets launched...', verbose = False)
        context = self.context ## To get the step
        debug(app = self, method = 'run_app', message = 'Context Step...\n%s' % context.step['name'], verbose = False)
        if context.step['name'] == 'Anm' or context.step['name'] == 'Blocking':
            inprogressBar.updateProgress(percent = 10, doingWhat = 'processing scene info...')
            cmds.cycleCheck(e = 1)
            ## Build an entity type to get some values from.
            entity = self.context.entity                                                                                    ## returns {'type': 'Shot', 'name': 'ep100_sh010', 'id': 1166}
            debug(app = self, method = 'run_app', message = 'entity... %s' % entity, verbose = False)

            ## Set the template to the maya publish folder
            shot_root_template = tk.templates[self.get_setting('shot_root_template')]
            debug(app = self, method = 'run_app', message = 'shot_root_template...\n%s' % shot_root_template, verbose = False)

            ## Now build the camera
            shotName = entity['name']
            cameraName = '%s_shotCam' % shotName
            if self.doesAssetAlreadyExistInScene(cameraName):
                inprogressBar.updateProgress(percent = 100, doingWhat = 'Camera found...')
                cmds.warning("Scene currently has a valid shotCamera in it! Aborting ...")
                QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None, "Scene currently has a valid shotCamera in it! Aborting ...")
                raise tank.TankError("Scene currently has a valid shotCamera in it! Aborting ...")
                inprogressBar.updateProgress(percent = 50, doingWhat = 'Building camera...')
                cmds.rename('camera1', cameraName)
                ## Now set the default camera stuff up
                ## Now set the renderGlobals up
                width = self.get_setting('movie_width')
                height = self.get_setting('movie_height')
                inprogressBar.updateProgress(percent = 90, doingWhat = 'Setting render globals...')
                settings._setRenderGlobals(width = width, height = height, animation = True)

            inprogressBar.updateProgress(percent = 100, doingWhat = 'Finished...')
            cmds.headsUpMessage("shotCam built successfully...", time = 1)
            cmds.headsUpMessage("Current context is not a valid Shot context. Please make sure you are under a valid shotgun Shot context!", time = 2)
            cmds.warning("Current context is not a valid Shot context. Please make sure you are under a valid shotgun Shot context!")
            QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None, "Current context is not a valid Shot context. Please make sure you are under a valid shotgun Shot context!")
            raise tank.TankError("Current context is not a valid Shot context. Please make sure you are under a valid shotgun Shot context!")

示例15: make

    def make(self, _make, **kwargs):
        """Can make a node in maya using this command.
        Valid things to make are, group, circle, scriptNode, customCurve.
        If customcurve, format type is sObjName..make(what = 'customCurve', curveType = 'validCurveType', orientation = 'Y')
        The list of valid types:
            triangle                      worldMove
            angledCompass                 worldRotate
            straightCompass               twoDirRotate
            square                        fourDirRotate
            sphere                        moveRotate
            plus                          worldMove02
            halfDiamond                   toe
            cube                          spineType01
            cross                         jawEgg
            bulb                          hand
            star                          foot
        if cmds.objExists(self.name):
            raise Exception, 'Object with name already exists in scene, you can not have duplicate names in scenes.'
            if _make == 'group':
                #print 'Making group %s now.' % self.name
                objects = kwargs.get('objects')
                if objects:
                    cmds.group(objects, name = self.name, em = False)
                    cmds.group(name = self.name, em = True)
            elif _make == 'locator':
                #print 'Building spacelocator %s now' % self.name
                cmds.spaceLocator(n = self.name, **kwargs)
            elif _make == 'circle':
                cmds.circle(n = self.name, **kwargs)
                self.name = '%s_ctrl' % self.name
            elif _make == 'scriptNode':
                cmds.scriptNode(n = self.name, **kwargs)
            elif _make == 'customCurve':
                ## Curve options are
                ### curveType = 'circle', snapTo = False, cstTo = False, orientation = 'Y', grouped = False, scaleFactor = 1, color = 15, boundingBox = True, dest = '', suffix = True, addGeoShowHide = True
                myNewCurve = BD_CurveBuilder.buildControlCurve(curveName = self.name, **kwargs)
                if kwargs.get('suffix'):
                    self.name = '%s_ctrl' % myNewCurve
                    self.name = '%s' % myNewCurve

            elif _make == 'nurbsPlane':
                cmds.nurbsPlane(n = '%s' % self.name, **kwargs)

            elif _make == 'camera':
                cmds.rename('camera1', '%s' % self.name)
