本文整理汇总了Python中matplotlib.pyplot.arrow函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python arrow函数的具体用法?Python arrow怎么用?Python arrow使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: phaseportrait
def phaseportrait(fs,inits,t=(-5,5),n=100, head_width = 0.13, head_length = 0.3, **kw):
plots phase portrait of the differential equation (\dot x,\dot y)=fs(x,y)
f -- must accept an array of X and t=0, and return a 2D array of \dot y and \dot x
inits -- list of vectors representing inital conditions
t -- time interval
n -- number of points
from itertools import product
phaseportrait(lambda X, t=0: array([X[0],2*X[1]]), product(linspace(-4,4,15),linspace(-4,4,15)), [-2,0.3], n=20)
assert(t[0]<t[1] and t[1]>0)
for x0 in inits:
if t[0]<0:
for s in segments:
for i,Z in enumerate([X,Y]):
direction = fs(x0)
direction = direction / scipy.linalg.norm(direction) * 0.01
head_width=head_width, head_length=head_length, lw=0.0, **kw)
示例2: draw_arrow
def draw_arrow(pair, alpha=alpha, ec=ec, labelcolor=labelcolor):
# set the length of the arrow
if display == 'length':
length = max_head_length + data[pair]/sf*(max_arrow_length -
length = max_arrow_length
# set the transparency of the arrow
if display == 'alph':
alpha = min(data[pair]/sf, alpha)
alpha = alpha
# set the width of the arrow
if display == 'width':
scale = data[pair]/sf
width = max_arrow_width*scale
head_width = max_head_width*scale
head_length = max_head_length*scale
width = max_arrow_width
head_width = max_head_width
head_length = max_head_length
fc = colors[pair]
ec = ec or fc
x_scale, y_scale = deltas[pair]
x_pos, y_pos = positions[pair]
plt.arrow(x_pos, y_pos, x_scale*length, y_scale*length,
fc=fc, ec=ec, alpha=alpha, width=width, head_width=head_width,
head_length=head_length, **arrow_params)
# figure out coordinates for text
# if drawing relative to base: x and y are same as for arrow
# dx and dy are one arrow width left and up
# need to rotate based on direction of arrow, use x_scale and y_scale
# as sin x and cos x?
sx, cx = y_scale, x_scale
where = label_positions[pair]
if where == 'left':
orig_position = 3*np.array([[max_arrow_width, max_arrow_width]])
elif where == 'absolute':
orig_position = np.array([[max_arrow_length/2.0, 3*max_arrow_width]])
elif where == 'right':
orig_position = np.array([[length - 3*max_arrow_width,
elif where == 'center':
orig_position = np.array([[length/2.0, 3*max_arrow_width]])
raise ValueError("Got unknown position parameter %s" % where)
M = np.array([[cx, sx], [-sx, cx]])
coords = np.dot(orig_position, M) + [[x_pos, y_pos]]
x, y = np.ravel(coords)
orig_label = rate_labels[pair]
label = '$%s_{_{\mathrm{%s}}}$' % (orig_label[0], orig_label[1:])
plt.text(x, y, label, size=label_text_size, ha='center', va='center',
color=labelcolor or fc)
示例3: plot_pick_and_place_stage
def plot_pick_and_place_stage(image_rgb, labeled_image, approximated_polygon, unfold_paths,
pick_point, place_point, to_file=None, show=True):
plot_rgb(image_rgb, show=False)
plt.imshow(labeled_image, cmap=plt.cm.RdGy, alpha=0.6)
points = [tuple(point[0]) for point in approximated_polygon]
# Plot polygon lines
for (start_x, start_y), (end_x, end_y) in zip(points, points[1:]+points[0:1]):
plt.plot( (start_x, end_x), (start_y, end_y), 'r-', linewidth=2.0 )
# Plot polygon points
for x, y in points:
plt.plot(x, y, 'ro')
#Plot unfold paths
for path in unfold_paths:
(start_x, start_y), (end_x, end_y) = path
plt.plot( (start_x, end_x), (start_y, end_y), 'go-', linewidth=2.0 )
# Plot arrow
plt.arrow(pick_point[0], pick_point[1], place_point[0]-pick_point[0], place_point[1]-pick_point[1],
head_width=15, head_length=15, fc='blue', ec='blue', lw=5, alpha=0.7)
if to_file:
plt.savefig(to_file, bbox_inches='tight')
elif show:
示例4: draw_experiment_data
def draw_experiment_data(experiment, viewport=None, estimate=True, camera=True, truth=True, cov=False):
with open('/home/cristi/Dropbox/FIRM/Experiments/iser_trials/experiment_data_{}.txt'.format(experiment), 'r') as fin:
for line in fin:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('#'):
elif line:
data = dict(eval(line))
if data.has_key('opti') and data.has_key('filter'):
plot_data = []
if estimate:
plot_data.append((data['x'], (1.0, 0, 0)))
if camera:
plot_data.append((data['filter'], (1, 1, 0)))
if truth:
plot_data.append((data['opti'], (0, 1, 0))) # TODO: colors 'g'
for (x, y, yaw,), col in plot_data:
plt.arrow(x, y, 0.1*np.cos(yaw), 0.1*np.sin(yaw),
hold=True, color=col)
if cov:
viewport.add_patch( Mission.covariance_ellipse(
data['x'][:2], np.diag(data['cov'][:2]), color='b',
fill=False, lw=1, zorder=0))
示例5: animate
def animate(generation):
chromosome = ts_ga.generation_fittest[generation]
x, y = [], []
for city_id, point in city_points.items():
ax.plot(x, y, marker='s', linestyle='', label='cities', alpha=0.6)
# plot optimal route
chrom_city_ids = ts_ga.translator.translate_chromosome(chromosome)
dist = round(ts_ga.calc_distance(chromosome), 2)
ax.set_title("generation " + str(generation) + "\ndistance = " + str(dist))
for i, start_city_id in enumerate(chrom_city_ids):
end_city_idx = i + 1
if end_city_idx == num_cities:
# distance from last city to first
end_city_idx = 0
end_city_id = chrom_city_ids[end_city_idx]
x1, y1 = city_points[start_city_id]
x2, y2 = city_points[end_city_id]
mid_x = (x2 - x1) / 2 + x1
mid_y = (y2 - y1) / 2 + y1
plt.arrow(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1, head_width=1.5, fc='k', ec='k', alpha=0.7, linestyle='dotted', length_includes_head=True)
plt.text(mid_x, mid_y, str(i + 1))
示例6: Velocities_2D
def Velocities_2D(n):
dim = 2
fig = plt.figure(dim, figsize=(8, 8), facecolor='white')
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = 1000, -1000, 1000, -1000
e = .5
for k in range((2*n+1)**dim):
v = pylbm.stencil.Velocity(dim = dim, num = k)
x = v.vx
y = v.vy
xmin = min(xmin, x)
xmax = max(xmax, x)
ymin = min(ymin, y)
ymax = max(ymax, y)
couleur_texte = 0.
couleur_trait = 0.5
plt.text(x, y, str(v.num), color=[couleur_texte]*3,
for x in range(xmin, xmax+1):
plt.plot([x, x], [ymin, ymax], ':', color=[couleur_trait]*3)
for y in range(ymin, ymax+1):
plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [y, y], ':', color=[couleur_trait]*3)
plt.text(0., ymax+2*e, "Velocities numbering {0:1d}D".format(dim),fontsize=20,
verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', color='b')
plt.arrow(xmin-e, ymin-e, 1, 0, head_width=0.05*dim, head_length=0.1, fc='b', ec='b')
plt.arrow(xmin-e, ymin-e, 0, 1, head_width=0.05*dim, head_length=0.1, fc='b', ec='b')
plt.text(xmin-e+.5, ymin-1.5*e, 'x', color='b',
verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center')
plt.text(xmin-1.5*e, ymin-e+.5, 'y', color='b',
verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center')
plt.xlim(xmin-2*e, xmax+2*e)
plt.ylim(ymin-2*e, ymax+2*e)
示例7: plot_state
def plot_state(self, i, history):
ax = plt.gca()
w = float(self.width + 1)
h = float(self.height + 1)
minw = np.min(self.internal_weights)
maxw = np.max(self.internal_weights)
diffw = maxw - minw
for n, neuron in enumerate(self.neurons):
x, y = self.neuron_position(n)
line_y = -history[i - 100:i:4, n]
#line_y = history[max(i - 20, 0):i, n] + .25
line_x = np.arange(len(line_y)) / 50.0
#line_x = np.arange(len(line_y)) / 40.0
line = mlines.Line2D((line_x + x + .75) / w, 1 - (line_y + y + 1) / h)
k = .2
for dx, dy in DIRECTIONS:
weight = self.internal_weights[self.neuron_index(x, y), self.neuron_index((x + dx) % self.width, (y + dy) % self.height)]
(1 + x + (1 - k) / 2 * dx) / w,
1 - (1 + y + (1 - k) / 2 * dy) / h,
(k * dx) / w,
-(k * dy) / h,
color=str(weight / maxw),
示例8: show
def show(model):
spiral_x = []
spiral_y = []
model.calculate_spiral(spiral_x, spiral_y)
figure = plot.figure(1)
plot.subplot2grid((1, 3), (0, 2), colspan=1)
plot.title('Комплексная амплитуда волны E')
#d = sqrt((spiral_x[1] - spiral_x[0])**2 + (spiral_y[1] - spiral_y[0])**2)
d = 0.01
w = d / 3
h_w = w * 2
h_l = d / 3
plot.plot(spiral_x, spiral_y, color='r', linewidth=2)
#for i in arange(0, len(spiral_x) - 1, 1):
# plot.arrow(spiral_x[i], spiral_y[i], spiral_x[i + 1] - spiral_x[i], spiral_y[i + 1] - spiral_y[i],
# width=w, head_width=h_w, head_length=h_l, length_includes_head=True, fc='r', ec='k')
plot.arrow(0, 0, spiral_x[-1], spiral_y[-1],
width=w*1.5, head_width=h_w*1.5, head_length=h_l*1.5, length_includes_head=True, fc='g', ec='k')
mx = max(spiral_x)
my = max(spiral_y)
#plot.xlim([-mx - d, mx + d])
#plot.ylim([-d, my + d])
示例9: visual_addition
def visual_addition(vectors):
x = 0
y = 0
for v in vectors:
plt.arrow(x, y, v[0], v[1], head_width=0.1, head_length=0.1)
x += v[0]
y += v[1]
示例10: draw
def draw(self, show_normal=False, color='green'):
for i, segment in enumerate(self.segments):
plt.plot(segment[:, 0], segment[:, 1], color=color)
if show_normal:
normal = math2d.normal(segment)
center = math2d.center(segment)
plt.arrow(center[0], center[1], normal[0], normal[1], width=0.01, color=color)
示例11: draw
def draw(self,file=None):
Trace l'ensemble des lignes de champ passant par les points de départ
stockés dans Startpoints. Si un nom de fichier est donné, enregistre
la figure dans le fichier mais n'affiche rien à l'écran
def fun(P,t):
B = self.B(P)
Bx = B[0]
By = B[1]
B = np.sqrt(Bx*Bx+By*By)
return [Bx/pow(B,4./3.),By/pow(B,4./3.)]
t = np.linspace(0,self.k*self.maxint,self.numpoints/2)
t2 = - t
for P0 in self.startpoints:
sol = odeint(fun,P0,t)
x = sol[:,0]
y = sol[:,1]
sol = odeint(fun,P0,t2)
x = sol[1:,0]
y = sol[1:,1]
if file:
示例12: open_spline_chain_main
def open_spline_chain_main():
#x = [0, 3, -20, -10]
#y = [0, 30, -5, -3]
#th = [np.pi/2., np.pi, -np.pi/2., 0.]
x = np.cos(np.deg2rad(135.))*np.array([-10., 1., 50.])
y = np.sin(np.deg2rad(135.))*np.array([-10., 1., 50.])
th = [np.deg2rad(135.), np.deg2rad(135.), np.deg2rad(135.)]
X = np.column_stack((x, y))
# Random desired discretization along the splines for demonstration purposes
Ns = np.random.random_integers(100., 200., (X.shape[0]-1,)) # one less spline than waypoints.
sx, sy, sth, length, u, coeffs = PiazziSpline.splineOpenChain(X, th, Ns)
plt.plot(sx, sy, 'k-', linewidth=2.0)
#test_x = 3.0
#test_y = 30.01
test_x = 0.013
test_y = 0.008
u_star, closest, distance = closestPointOnSpline2D(length, sx, sy, test_x, test_y, u, coeffs, guess=None)
print "closest X = {:.3f}, {:.3f}, u* = {}".format(closest[0], closest[1], u_star)
# Figure out the LOS controller using this example
tangent_th = np.interp(u_star, u, sth)
print "tangent th = {:.3f} deg".format(tangent_th*180.0/np.pi)
lookAhead = 0.1 # how far forward in u
lookaheadState = splineToEuclidean2D(coeffs, min(u_star + lookAhead, u[-1]))
print "lookahead X = {:.3f}, {:.3f}".format(lookaheadState[0], lookaheadState[1])
dx_global = lookaheadState[0] - closest[0]
dy_global = lookaheadState[1] - closest[1]
print "dx_global = {:.3f}, dy_global = {:.3f}".format(dx_global, dy_global)
dx_frenet = dx_global*math.cos(tangent_th) + dy_global*math.sin(tangent_th)
dy_frenet = dx_global*math.sin(tangent_th) - dy_global*math.cos(tangent_th)
print "y error = {:.3f}, dx_frenet = {:.3f}, dy_frenet = {:.3f}".format(distance, dx_frenet, dy_frenet)
# need sign of distance to spline to change
# look at sign of cross product to determine "handed-ness"
angle_from_closest_to_test = math.atan2(closest[1] - test_y, closest[0] - test_x)
print "angle from closest to test = {:.3f} deg".format(angle_from_closest_to_test*180./np.pi)
sign_test = np.cross([math.cos(tangent_th), math.sin(tangent_th)], [math.cos(angle_from_closest_to_test), math.sin(angle_from_closest_to_test)])
distance *= np.sign(sign_test)
print "distance to spline after sign update = {:.3f}".format(distance)
# resulting triangle
relative_angle = math.atan2((distance - dy_frenet), dx_frenet)
global_angle = tangent_th + relative_angle
print "relative angle = {:.3f} deg, global angle = {:.3f} deg".format(relative_angle*180./np.pi, global_angle*180./np.pi)
# plot
plt.plot(test_x, test_y, 'r+', markersize=12., markeredgewidth=2.0)
plt.plot(closest[0], closest[1], 'gx', markersize=12., markeredgewidth=2.0)
plt.plot(lookaheadState[0], lookaheadState[1], 'go', markersize=12., markeredgewidth=2.0)
result_line = np.array([[test_x, test_y], closest])
lookAhead_line = np.array([closest, lookaheadState])
plt.plot(result_line[:, 0], result_line[:, 1], 'b-')
plt.plot(lookAhead_line[:, 0], lookAhead_line[:, 1], 'g-')
plt.arrow(closest[0], closest[1], 10.*math.cos(tangent_th), 10.*math.sin(tangent_th), linestyle='dashed')
d = math.sqrt(math.pow(lookaheadState[0] - test_x, 2) + math.pow(lookaheadState[1] - test_y, 2))
plt.arrow(test_x, test_y, d*math.cos(global_angle), d*math.sin(global_angle), linestyle='dotted')
plt.title("length = {:.2f}, u = {:.4f}, distance = {:.2f}".format(length[-1], u_star, distance))
示例13: plotArrow
def plotArrow(p0, p1, headWidth=.1):
dx = p1[0] - p0[0]
dy = p1[1] - p0[1]
plt.arrow(p0[0], p0[1], dx, dy, head_width=headWidth,
length_includes_head = True)
示例14: matrix2png
def matrix2png(matrixname, savedfolder, xlim, ylim, arrows):
matrix = open(matrixname, 'r').readlines()
matrix = [i.split() for i in matrix]
matrix = [[float(j) for j in i] for i in matrix]
matrix_t = transposed(matrix)
y = []
for col in range(0,len(matrix_t)):
longitud = len(y)
for i in range(0, len(y[1])):
for j in range(0, longitud/2):
for a in arrows:
ao = a[0] - 1
ai = a[1] - 1
plt.arrow(y[ao*2][i], y[ao*2+1][i], y[ai*2][i]-y[ao*2][i],y[ai*2+1][i]-y[ao*2+1][i])
#Limites de los ejes
plt.xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1])
plt.ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1])
plt.savefig(savedfolder + str(i).zfill(5) + '.png')
示例15: plotarrows
def plotarrows():
COORDINATES = np.load(savefilename)
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
ypmin = 0
ypmax = 100
xpmin = 0
xpmax = 70
plt.xlim(xmin=xpmin, xmax=xpmax)
plt.ylim(ymin=ypmin, ymax=ypmax)
for i in range(0,len(COORDINATES)-1):
lw = 1+COORDINATES[i,2]*10.
if i%2==0:
plt.arrow(COORDINATES[i,0], COORDINATES[i,1], (COORDINATES[i+1,0] - COORDINATES[i,0]), (COORDINATES[i+1,1] - COORDINATES[i,1]), fc="k", ec="k", head_width=1.5, head_length=1, linewidth=lw)
plt.arrow(COORDINATES[i,0], COORDINATES[i,1], (COORDINATES[i+1,0] - COORDINATES[i,0]), (COORDINATES[i+1,1] - COORDINATES[i,1]), linewidth=lw)
plt.title('Trajectory over time: ' + str(len(COORDINATES)*100))
plt.savefig('/Users/Anton/Dropbox/Aleksander/Figures/simavg0070-0134/particles/particle_'+ str(gSTART_INDEX) +'_'+ str(gSTART_x)+'_'+str(gSTART_y), bbox_inches='tight')