本文整理汇总了Python中matplotlib.numerix.array函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python array函数的具体用法?Python array怎么用?Python array使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: set_data
def set_data(self, data):
if data is None:
self.inputdata = None
self.chartdata = None
data = array(data)
dim = len(shape(data))
if dim not in (1, 2, 3):
raise AttributeError, "Input data must be a 1, 2, or 3d matrix"
self.inputdata = data
# If the input data is a 1d matrix, then it describes a
# standard bar chart.
if dim == 1:
self.chartdata = array([[data]])
# If the input data is a 2d matrix, then it describes a bar
# chart with groups. The matrix being an array of groups of
# bars.
if dim == 2:
self.chartdata = transpose([data], axes=(2, 0, 1))
# If the input data is a 3d matrix, then it describes an array
# of groups of bars with each bar being an array of stacked
# values.
if dim == 3:
self.chartdata = transpose(data, axes=(1, 2, 0))
示例2: plot
def plot(self):
win = gtk.Window()
winBox = gtk.HBox()
plotBox = gtk.VBox()
rightBox = gtk.VBox()
statFrame = gtk.Frame()
statBox = gtk.VBox()
rightBox.pack_start(statFrame, True, False)
winBox.pack_start(rightBox, False, False)
# statFrame.add (statBox)
win.add (winBox)
fig = Figure(figsize=(5,4), dpi=100)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
xMean = array([0.0, self.y.size()])
yMean = array([self.mean, self.mean])
h1 = ax.plot(xMean, yMean, 'g', linewidth=2)
canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
toolbar = NavigationToolbar(canvas, win)
plotBox.pack_start(toolbar, False, False)
# Make statistics box
statTable = gtk.Table(3, 2, False)
(meanStr, errorStr) = MeanErrorString(self.mean, self.error)
meanLabel1 = gtk.Label("Mean: ")
meanLabel2 = gtk.Label(meanStr + " +/- " + errorStr)
statTable.attach(meanLabel1, 0, 1, 0, 1, gtk.SHRINK)
statTable.attach(meanLabel2, 1, 2, 0, 1, gtk.SHRINK)
varStr = '%1.2f' % self.var
varLabel1 = gtk.Label("Variance:")
varLabel2 = gtk.Label(varStr)
statTable.attach(varLabel1, 0, 1, 1, 2, gtk.SHRINK)
statTable.attach(varLabel2, 1, 2, 1, 2, gtk.SHRINK)
kappaStr= '%1.2f' % self.kappa
kappaLabel1=gtk.Label("Kappa: ")
statTable.attach(kappaLabel1, 0, 1, 2, 3, gtk.SHRINK)
statTable.attach(kappaLabel2, 1, 2, 2, 3, gtk.SHRINK)
示例3: volume_overlay2
def volume_overlay2(ax, closes, volumes,
colorup='k', colordown='r',
width=4, alpha=1.0):
Add a volume overlay to the current axes. The closes are used to
determine the color of the bar. -1 is missing. If a value is
missing on one it must be missing on all
ax : an Axes instance to plot to
width : the bar width in points
colorup : the color of the lines where close >= open
colordown : the color of the lines where close < open
alpha : bar transparency
nb: first point is not displayed - it is used only for choosing the
right color
opens = nx.array(closes[:-1])
last = 0
for i in range(0,len(opens)):
if opens[i] == -1:
opens[i] = last
last = opens[i]
return volume_overlay(ax,opens,closes[1:],volumes[1:],colorup,colordown,width,alpha)
示例4: set_err
def set_err(self, err):
if err is None:
self.inputerr = None
self.charterr = None
err = array(err)
dim = len(shape(err))
if dim not in (1, 2, 3):
raise AttributeError, "Input err must be a 1, 2, or 3d matrix"
self.inputerr = err
if dim == 1:
self.charterr = array([[err]])
if dim == 2:
self.charterr = transpose([err], axes=(2, 0, 1))
if dim == 3:
self.charterr = transpose(err, axes=(1, 2, 0))
示例5: get_ticker
def get_ticker(ticker):
vals = []
lines = file( '%s' % ticker ).readlines()
for line in lines[1:]:
vals.append([float(val) for val in line.split()[0:]])
M = array(vals)
c = C()
c.sma = M[:,0]
c.flux = M[:,1]
c.flux_err = M[:,2]
c.mag = M[:,3]
c.mag_uerr = M[:,4]
c.mag_lerr = M[:,5]
return c
示例6: __init__
def __init__( self, strengthRange, ax, pos, decay_time=2 ) :
n = 25
t = arange(n)*2*pi/n
self.disc = array([(cos(x),sin(x)) for x in t])
self.strength = 0
self.pos = pos
self.offset = (279, 157)
self.scale = 1.35
self.max_size = 5 #0.5
self.min_size = 0.10 #0.05
self.size = self.min_size
self.color = '#ff8000'
self.decay_time = decay_time
self.strengthRange = strengthRange
self.t0 = 0
v = self.disc * self.size + self.pos
self.poly = ax.fill( v[:,0], v[:,1], self.color )
示例7: savecsv
def savecsv(self, name):
f = file(name, "w")
data = array(self.inputdata)
dim = len(data.shape)
if dim == 1:
# if self.xlabel:
# f.write(', '.join(list(self.xlabel)) + '\n')
f.write(", ".join(["%f" % val for val in data]) + "\n")
if dim == 2:
# if self.xlabel:
# f.write(', '.join([''] + list(self.xlabel)) + '\n')
for i, row in enumerate(data):
ylabel = []
# if self.ylabel:
# ylabel = [ self.ylabel[i] ]
f.write(", ".join(ylabel + ["%f" % v for v in row]) + "\n")
if dim == 3:
f.write("don't do 3D csv files\n")
示例8: graph
def graph(self, name, graphdir, proxy=None):
from os.path import expanduser, isdir, join as joinpath
from barchart import BarChart
from matplotlib.numerix import Float, array, zeros
import os, re, urllib
from jobfile import crossproduct
confgroups = self.jobfile.groups()
ngroups = len(confgroups)
skiplist = [ False ] * ngroups
groupopts = []
baropts = []
groups = []
for i,group in enumerate(confgroups):
if group.flags.graph_group:
skiplist[i] = True
elif group.flags.graph_bars:
skiplist[i] = True
has_group = bool(groupopts)
if has_group:
groupopts = [ group for group in crossproduct(groupopts) ]
groupopts = [ None ]
if baropts:
baropts = [ bar for bar in crossproduct(baropts) ]
raise AttributeError, 'No group selected for graph bars'
directory = expanduser(graphdir)
if not isdir(directory):
html = file(joinpath(directory, '%s.html' % name), 'w')
print >>html, '<html>'
print >>html, '<title>Graphs for %s</title>' % name
print >>html, '<body>'
for options in self.jobfile.options(groups):
chart = BarChart(self)
data = [ [ None ] * len(baropts) for i in xrange(len(groupopts)) ]
enabled = False
stacked = 0
for g,gopt in enumerate(groupopts):
for b,bopt in enumerate(baropts):
if gopt is None:
gopt = []
job = self.jobfile.job(options + gopt + bopt)
if not job:
if proxy:
import db
proxy.dict['system'] = self.info[job.system]
val = self.info.get(job, self.stat)
if val is None:
print 'stat "%s" for job "%s" not found' % \
(self.stat, job)
if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
if len(val) == 1:
val = val[0]
stacked = len(val)
data[g][b] = val
if stacked == 0:
for i in xrange(len(groupopts)):
for j in xrange(len(baropts)):
if data[i][j] is None:
data[i][j] = 0.0
for i in xrange(len(groupopts)):
for j in xrange(len(baropts)):
val = data[i][j]
if val is None:
data[i][j] = [ 0.0 ] * stacked
elif len(val) != stacked:
raise ValueError, "some stats stacked, some not"
data = array(data)
if data.sum() == 0:
dim = len(data.shape)
x = data.shape[0]
xkeep = [ i for i in xrange(x) if data[i].sum() != 0 ]
y = data.shape[1]
ykeep = [ i for i in xrange(y) if data[:,i].sum() != 0 ]
data = data.take(xkeep, axis=0)
data = data.take(ykeep, axis=1)
if not has_group:
data = data.take([ 0 ], axis=0)
示例9: zip
that is, a single tuple instead of a list of tuples, to generate
successively offset curves, with the offset given in data
units. This behavior is available only for the LineCollection.
import pylab as P
from matplotlib import collections, axes, transforms
from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter
import matplotlib.numerix as N
nverts = 50
npts = 100
# Make some spirals
r = N.array(range(nverts))
theta = N.array(range(nverts)) * (2*N.pi)/(nverts-1)
xx = r * N.sin(theta)
yy = r * N.cos(theta)
spiral = zip(xx,yy)
# Make some offsets
xo = P.randn(npts)
yo = P.randn(npts)
xyo = zip(xo, yo)
# Make a list of colors cycling through the rgbcmyk series.
colors = [colorConverter.to_rgba(c) for c in ('r','g','b','c','y','m','k')]
fig = P.figure()