本文整理汇总了Python中matplotlib.mlab.rec2csv函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python rec2csv函数的具体用法?Python rec2csv怎么用?Python rec2csv使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: make_csv
def make_csv(self, out_csv, array):
if out_csv is None:
return 0
print "Generating csv"
mlab.rec2csv(array, out_csv)
return 1
示例2: rec2csv
def rec2csv(rec_array, csv_file, formatd=None, **kwargs):
Convenience wrapper function on top of mlab.rec2csv to allow fixed-
precision output to CSV files
rec_aray : numpy 1-d recarray
The recarray to be written out
csv_file : str
CSV file name
kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments to pass through to mlab.rec2csv
# Get the formatd objects associated with each field
formatd = mlab.get_formatd(rec_array, formatd)
# For all FormatFloat objects, switch to FormatDecimal objects
for (k, v) in formatd.iteritems():
if isinstance(v, mlab.FormatFloat):
formatd[k] = FormatDecimal()
# Pass this specification to mlab.rec2csv
mlab.rec2csv(rec_array, csv_file, formatd=formatd, **kwargs)
示例3: otherfunc
def otherfunc(roifiles, subjects):
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.mlab import rec2csv
import os
first = np.recfromcsv(roifiles[0])
numcons = len(first.dtype.names) - 1
roinames = ["subject_id"] + first["roi"].tolist()
formats = ["a20"] + ["f4" for f in roinames[1:]]
confiles = []
for con in range(0, numcons):
recarray = np.zeros(len(roifiles), dtype={"names": roinames, "formats": formats})
for i, file in enumerate(roifiles):
recfile = np.recfromcsv(file)
recarray["subject_id"][i] = subjects[i]
for roi in roinames[1:]:
value = recfile["con%02d" % (con + 1)][recfile["roi"] == roi]
if value:
recarray[roi][i] = value
recarray[roi][i] = 999
filename = os.path.abspath("grouped_con%02d.csv" % (con + 1))
rec2csv(recarray, filename)
return confiles
示例4: testR
def testR(d=simple(), size=500):
X = random_from_categorical_formula(d, size)
X = ML.rec_append_fields(X, 'response', np.random.standard_normal(size))
fname = tempfile.mktemp()
ML.rec2csv(X, fname)
Rstr = '''
data = read.table("%s", sep=',', header=T)
cur.lm = lm(response ~ %s, data)
COEF = coef(cur.lm)
''' % (fname, d.Rstr)
nR = list(np.array(rpy2.robjects.r("names(COEF)")))
nt.assert_true('(Intercept)' in nR)
nF = [str(t).replace("_","").replace("*",":") for t in d.formula.terms]
nR = sorted([sorted(n.split(":")) for n in nR])
nt.assert_true('1' in nF)
nF = sorted([sorted(n.split(":")) for n in nF])
nt.assert_equal(nR, nF)
return d, X, nR, nF
示例5: main
def main():
print "initializing"
ap.env.overwriteOutput = True
ap.env.workspace = WORKSPACE
ras = ["marginal_ag_land_ha",
lbls = ["mar_ha","fav_ha","water_ha","land_ha","both_ha"]
POLYS = "mena_plus"
POLYFIELD = "name"
recs = []
for i in range(len(ras)):
outrecs = [recs[i]["SUM"] for i in range(len(recs))]
outrecs.extend([recs[i][POLYFIELD] for i in range(len(recs))])
mlab.rec2csv(np.rec.fromarrays(outrecs, names=lbls),OUTCSV)
print "complete"
示例6: makediffs
def makediffs(models = _allmodels, verbose = False, kpp = True):
for model in models:
model = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(model))[0]
if kpp:
kppdat = csv2rec(os.path.join(model, model + '.dat'), delimiter = ' ')
if model not in _modelconfigs:
raise IOError('If KPP is not properly installed, you cannot run tests on mechanisms other than cbm4, saprc99, and small_strato.')
kppdat = csv2rec(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), model + '.dat'), delimiter = ' ')
pykppdat = csv2rec(os.path.join(model, model + '.pykpp.dat'), delimiter = ',')
diff = pykppdat.copy()
pct = pykppdat.copy()
keys = set(kppdat.dtype.names).intersection(pykppdat.dtype.names)
notkeys = set(pykppdat.dtype.names).difference(kppdat.dtype.names)
for k in notkeys:
diff[k] = np.nan
pct[k] = np.nan
for k in keys:
diff[k] = pykppdat[k] - kppdat[k][:]
pct[k] = diff[k] / kppdat[k][:] * 100
diff['t'] = pykppdat['t'] - (kppdat['time'] * 3600. + pykppdat['t'][0])
pct['t'] = diff['t'] / (kppdat['time'] * 3600. + pykppdat['t'][0]) * 100
rec2csv(diff, os.path.join(model, model + '.diff.csv'), delimiter = ',')
rec2csv(pct, os.path.join(model, model + '.pct.csv'), delimiter = ',')
示例7: rewrite_spec
def rewrite_spec(subj, run, root = "/home/jtaylo/FIAC-HBM2009"):
Take a FIAC specification file and get two specifications
(experiment, begin).
This creates two new .csv files, one for the experimental
conditions, the other for the "initial" confounding trials that
are to be modelled out.
For the block design, the "initial" trials are the first
trials of each block. For the event designs, the
"initial" trials are made up of just the first trial.
if exists(pjoin("%(root)s", "fiac%(subj)d", "subj%(subj)d_evt_fonc%(run)d.txt") % {'root':root, 'subj':subj, 'run':run}):
designtype = 'evt'
designtype = 'bloc'
# Fix the format of the specification so it is
# more in the form of a 2-way ANOVA
eventdict = {1:'SSt_SSp', 2:'SSt_DSp', 3:'DSt_SSp', 4:'DSt_DSp'}
s = StringIO()
w = csv.writer(s)
w.writerow(['time', 'sentence', 'speaker'])
specfile = pjoin("%(root)s", "fiac%(subj)d", "subj%(subj)d_%(design)s_fonc%(run)d.txt") % {'root':root, 'subj':subj, 'run':run, 'design':designtype}
d = np.loadtxt(specfile)
for row in d:
w.writerow([row[0]] + eventdict[row[1]].split('_'))
d = csv2rec(s)
# Now, take care of the 'begin' event
# This is due to the FIAC design
if designtype == 'evt':
b = np.array([(d[0]['time'], 1)], np.dtype([('time', np.float),
('initial', np.int)]))
d = d[1:]
k = np.equal(np.arange(d.shape[0]) % 6, 0)
b = np.array([(tt, 1) for tt in d[k]['time']], np.dtype([('time', np.float),
('initial', np.int)]))
d = d[~k]
designtype = {'bloc':'block', 'evt':'event'}[designtype]
fname = pjoin(DATADIR, "fiac_%(subj)02d", "%(design)s", "experiment_%(run)02d.csv") % {'root':root, 'subj':subj, 'run':run, 'design':designtype}
rec2csv(d, fname)
experiment = csv2rec(fname)
fname = pjoin(DATADIR, "fiac_%(subj)02d", "%(design)s", "initial_%(run)02d.csv") % {'root':root, 'subj':subj, 'run':run, 'design':designtype}
rec2csv(b, fname)
initial = csv2rec(fname)
return d, b
示例8: to_file
def to_file(self, filename, **kwargs):
Saves results to file, which will be gzipped if `filename` has a .gz
kwargs are passed to matplotlib.mlab.rec2csv
rec2csv(self.data, filename, **kwargs)
示例9: test_rec2csv_bad_shape
def test_rec2csv_bad_shape():
bad = np.recarray((99,4),[('x',np.float),('y',np.float)])
fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile(suffix='csv')
# the bad recarray should trigger a ValueError for having ndim > 1.
示例10: write_results_to_csv
def write_results_to_csv(results, directory):
experiments, outcomes = results
# deceased_pop = outcomes['relative market price']
# time = outcomes[TIME]
rec2csv(experiments, directory+'/experiments.csv', withheader=True)
for key, value in outcomes.iteritems():
np.savetxt(directory+'/{}.csv'.format(key), value, delimiter=',')
示例11: interesting_out
def interesting_out(opts,interesting,data):
Take a list of fields, and the recs
output recs as csv to opts["out"], e.g. --out
header = True
from matplotlib import mlab
for d in data:
cleaned = mlab.rec_keep_fields(d,interesting)
示例12: main
def main():
inputlist = ["bin/global_BWS_20121015.csv","bin/global_WRI_20121015.csv"]
lhs = mlab.csv2rec("bin/global_GU_20121015.csv")
rhslist = []
for x in inputlist:
rhslist[0]["basinid"] = rhslist[0]["basinid"].astype(np.long)
keys = ("basinid","countryid","id")
lhs = join_recs_on_keys(lhs,rhslist,keys)
print "complete"
示例13: main
def main():
print "initializing"
ap.env.overwriteOutput = True
sr = ap.SpatialReference(54034)
ap.Project_management(BASINPOLY, TMP_OUT, sr)
out = ap.da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray(TMP_OUT2,[BASIN_ID_FIELD,"F_AREA"])
print "complete"
示例14: test_recarray_csv_roundtrip
def test_recarray_csv_roundtrip():
expected = np.recarray((99,),
expected['x'][:] = np.linspace(-1e9, -1, 99)
expected['y'][:] = np.linspace(1, 1e9, 99)
expected['t'][:] = np.linspace(0, 0.01, 99)
fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile(suffix='csv')
actual = mlab.csv2rec(fd)
assert np.allclose( expected['x'], actual['x'] )
assert np.allclose( expected['y'], actual['y'] )
assert np.allclose( expected['t'], actual['t'] )
示例15: test_recarray_csv_roundtrip
def test_recarray_csv_roundtrip():
expected = np.recarray((99,),
expected['x'][0] = 1
expected['y'][1] = 2
expected['t'][2] = 3
fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile(suffix='csv')
actual = mlab.csv2rec(fd)
assert np.allclose( expected['x'], actual['x'] )
assert np.allclose( expected['y'], actual['y'] )
assert np.allclose( expected['t'], actual['t'] )