本文整理汇总了Python中matplotlib.externals.six.moves.zip函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python zip函数的具体用法?Python zip怎么用?Python zip使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _compute_convex_hull
def _compute_convex_hull(self):
"""Extract the convex hull from the triangulation information.
The output will be a list of point_id's in counter-clockwise order
forming the convex hull of the data set.
border = (self.triangle_neighbors == -1)
edges = {}
edges.update(dict(zip(self.triangle_nodes[border[:, 0]][:, 1],
self.triangle_nodes[border[:, 0]][:, 2])))
edges.update(dict(zip(self.triangle_nodes[border[:, 1]][:, 2],
self.triangle_nodes[border[:, 1]][:, 0])))
edges.update(dict(zip(self.triangle_nodes[border[:, 2]][:, 0],
self.triangle_nodes[border[:, 2]][:, 1])))
# Take an arbitrary starting point and its subsequent node
hull = list(edges.popitem())
while edges:
# hull[-1] == hull[0], so remove hull[-1]
return hull
示例2: add_lines
def add_lines(self, levels, colors, linewidths, erase=True):
Draw lines on the colorbar.
*colors* and *linewidths* must be scalars or
sequences the same length as *levels*.
Set *erase* to False to add lines without first
removing any previously added lines.
y = self._locate(levels)
igood = (y < 1.001) & (y > -0.001)
y = y[igood]
if cbook.iterable(colors):
colors = np.asarray(colors)[igood]
if cbook.iterable(linewidths):
linewidths = np.asarray(linewidths)[igood]
N = len(y)
x = np.array([0.0, 1.0])
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
if self.orientation == 'vertical':
xy = [list(zip(X[i], Y[i])) for i in xrange(N)]
xy = [list(zip(Y[i], X[i])) for i in xrange(N)]
col = collections.LineCollection(xy, linewidths=linewidths)
if erase and self.lines:
for lc in self.lines:
self.lines = []
self.stale = True
示例3: do_3d_projection
def do_3d_projection(self, renderer):
s = self._segment3d
xs, ys, zs = list(zip(*s))
vxs, vys,vzs, vis = proj3d.proj_transform_clip(xs, ys, zs, renderer.M)
self._path2d = mpath.Path(list(zip(vxs, vys)), self._code3d)
# FIXME: coloring
self._facecolor2d = self._facecolor3d
return min(vzs)
示例4: get_grid_positions
def get_grid_positions(self, fig):
return lists of bottom and top position of rows, left and
right positions of columns.
nrows, ncols = self.get_geometry()
subplot_params = self.get_subplot_params(fig)
left = subplot_params.left
right = subplot_params.right
bottom = subplot_params.bottom
top = subplot_params.top
wspace = subplot_params.wspace
hspace = subplot_params.hspace
totWidth = right-left
totHeight = top-bottom
# calculate accumulated heights of columns
cellH = totHeight/(nrows + hspace*(nrows-1))
sepH = hspace*cellH
if self._row_height_ratios is not None:
netHeight = cellH * nrows
tr = float(sum(self._row_height_ratios))
cellHeights = [netHeight*r/tr for r in self._row_height_ratios]
cellHeights = [cellH] * nrows
sepHeights = [0] + ([sepH] * (nrows-1))
cellHs = np.add.accumulate(np.ravel(list(zip(sepHeights, cellHeights))))
# calculate accumulated widths of rows
cellW = totWidth/(ncols + wspace*(ncols-1))
sepW = wspace*cellW
if self._col_width_ratios is not None:
netWidth = cellW * ncols
tr = float(sum(self._col_width_ratios))
cellWidths = [netWidth*r/tr for r in self._col_width_ratios]
cellWidths = [cellW] * ncols
sepWidths = [0] + ([sepW] * (ncols-1))
cellWs = np.add.accumulate(np.ravel(list(zip(sepWidths, cellWidths))))
figTops = [top - cellHs[2*rowNum] for rowNum in range(nrows)]
figBottoms = [top - cellHs[2*rowNum+1] for rowNum in range(nrows)]
figLefts = [left + cellWs[2*colNum] for colNum in range(ncols)]
figRights = [left + cellWs[2*colNum+1] for colNum in range(ncols)]
return figBottoms, figTops, figLefts, figRights
示例5: _edges
def _edges(self, X, Y):
Return the separator line segments; helper for _add_solids.
N = X.shape[0]
# Using the non-array form of these line segments is much
# simpler than making them into arrays.
if self.orientation == 'vertical':
return [list(zip(X[i], Y[i])) for i in xrange(1, N - 1)]
return [list(zip(Y[i], X[i])) for i in xrange(1, N - 1)]
示例6: get_glyphs_with_font
def get_glyphs_with_font(self, font, s, glyph_map=None,
convert the string *s* to vertices and codes using the
provided ttf font.
# Mostly copied from backend_svg.py.
lastgind = None
currx = 0
xpositions = []
glyph_ids = []
if glyph_map is None:
glyph_map = dict()
if return_new_glyphs_only:
glyph_map_new = OrderedDict()
glyph_map_new = glyph_map
# I'm not sure if I get kernings right. Needs to be verified. -JJL
for c in s:
ccode = ord(c)
gind = font.get_char_index(ccode)
if gind is None:
ccode = ord('?')
gind = 0
if lastgind is not None:
kern = font.get_kerning(lastgind, gind, KERNING_DEFAULT)
kern = 0
glyph = font.load_char(ccode, flags=LOAD_NO_HINTING)
horiz_advance = (glyph.linearHoriAdvance / 65536.0)
char_id = self._get_char_id(font, ccode)
if char_id not in glyph_map:
glyph_map_new[char_id] = self.glyph_to_path(font)
currx += (kern / 64.0)
currx += horiz_advance
lastgind = gind
ypositions = [0] * len(xpositions)
sizes = [1.] * len(xpositions)
rects = []
return (list(zip(glyph_ids, xpositions, ypositions, sizes)),
glyph_map_new, rects)
示例7: f
def f():
for (xy, a), l in zip(
angle_normal = a
yield xy, angle_normal, angle_tangent, ""
示例8: __call__
def __call__(self, column):
ind = []
dsu = []
for rownum, thisiter in enumerate(self.parent.iters):
val = model.get_value(thisiter, self.i)
try: val = float(val.strip().rstrip('%'))
except ValueError: pass
if mlab.safe_isnan(val): val = npy.inf # force nan to sort uniquely
dsu.append((val, rownum))
if not self.num%2: dsu.reverse()
vals, otherind = list(zip(*dsu))
newiters = []
for i in ind:
self.parent.iters = newiters[:]
for i, thisiter in enumerate(self.parent.iters):
key = tuple([self.parent.model.get_value(thisiter, j) for j in range(len(colheaders))])
self.parent.rownumd[i] = key
示例9: set_3d_properties
def set_3d_properties(self, verts, zs=0, zdir='z'):
if not iterable(zs):
zs = np.ones(len(verts)) * zs
self._segment3d = [juggle_axes(x, y, z, zdir) \
for ((x, y), z) in zip(verts, zs)]
self._facecolor3d = Patch.get_facecolor(self)
示例10: get_line
def get_line(self, axes):
x, y = self.grid_info["line_xy"]
if self._get_line_path is None:
return Path(list(zip(x, y)))
return self._get_line_path(axes, x, y)
示例11: add_lines
def add_lines(self, levels, colors, linewidths):
Draw lines on the colorbar. It deletes preexisting lines.
del self.lines
N = len(levels)
x = np.array([1.0, 2.0])
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x,levels)
if self.orientation == 'vertical':
xy = [list(zip(X[i], Y[i])) for i in xrange(N)]
xy = [list(zip(Y[i], X[i])) for i in xrange(N)]
col = collections.LineCollection(xy, linewidths=linewidths,
self.lines = col
示例12: get_line
def get_line(self, axes):
from matplotlib.path import Path
k, v = dict(left=("lon_lines0", 0),
right=("lon_lines0", 1),
bottom=("lat_lines0", 0),
top=("lat_lines0", 1))[self._side]
xx, yy = self.grid_info[k][v]
return Path(list(zip(xx, yy)))
示例13: _arc
def _arc(self, quadrant=0, cw=True, radius=1, center=(0, 0)):
Return the codes and vertices for a rotated, scaled, and translated
90 degree arc.
Optional keyword arguments:
=============== ==========================================
Keyword Description
=============== ==========================================
*quadrant* uses 0-based indexing (0, 1, 2, or 3)
*cw* if True, clockwise
*center* (x, y) tuple of the arc's center
=============== ==========================================
# Note: It would be possible to use matplotlib's transforms to rotate,
# scale, and translate the arc, but since the angles are discrete,
# it's just as easy and maybe more efficient to do it here.
# Vertices of a cubic Bezier curve approximating a 90 deg arc
# These can be determined by Path.arc(0,90).
ARC_VERTICES = np.array([[1.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],
[1.00000000e+00, 2.65114773e-01],
[8.94571235e-01, 5.19642327e-01],
[7.07106781e-01, 7.07106781e-01],
[5.19642327e-01, 8.94571235e-01],
[2.65114773e-01, 1.00000000e+00],
# Insignificant
# [6.12303177e-17, 1.00000000e+00]])
[0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00]])
if quadrant == 0 or quadrant == 2:
if cw:
vertices = ARC_VERTICES
vertices = ARC_VERTICES[:, ::-1] # Swap x and y.
elif quadrant == 1 or quadrant == 3:
# Negate x.
if cw:
# Swap x and y.
vertices = np.column_stack((-ARC_VERTICES[:, 1],
vertices = np.column_stack((-ARC_VERTICES[:, 0],
if quadrant > 1:
radius = -radius # Rotate 180 deg.
return list(zip(ARC_CODES, radius * vertices +
np.tile(center, (ARC_VERTICES.shape[0], 1))))
示例14: create_artists
def create_artists(self, legend, orig_handle,
xdescent, ydescent, width, height, fontsize,
markerline, stemlines, baseline = orig_handle
xdata, xdata_marker = self.get_xdata(legend, xdescent, ydescent,
width, height, fontsize)
ydata = self.get_ydata(legend, xdescent, ydescent,
width, height, fontsize)
if self._bottom is None:
bottom = 0.
bottom = self._bottom
leg_markerline = Line2D(xdata_marker, ydata[:len(xdata_marker)])
self.update_prop(leg_markerline, markerline, legend)
leg_stemlines = []
for thisx, thisy in zip(xdata_marker, ydata):
l = Line2D([thisx, thisx], [bottom, thisy])
for lm, m in zip(leg_stemlines, stemlines):
self.update_prop(lm, m, legend)
leg_baseline = Line2D([np.amin(xdata), np.amax(xdata)],
[bottom, bottom])
self.update_prop(leg_baseline, baseline, legend)
artists = [leg_markerline]
for artist in artists:
return artists
示例15: path_to_3d_segment
def path_to_3d_segment(path, zs=0, zdir='z'):
'''Convert a path to a 3D segment.'''
if not iterable(zs):
zs = np.ones(len(path)) * zs
seg = []
pathsegs = path.iter_segments(simplify=False, curves=False)
for (((x, y), code), z) in zip(pathsegs, zs):
seg.append((x, y, z))
seg3d = [juggle_axes(x, y, z, zdir) for (x, y, z) in seg]
return seg3d