本文整理汇总了Python中matplotlib.cbook.is_numlike函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python is_numlike函数的具体用法?Python is_numlike怎么用?Python is_numlike使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: is_numlike
def is_numlike(x):
The Matplotlib datalim, autoscaling, locators etc work with
scalars which are the units converted to floats given the
current unit. The converter may be passed these floats, or
arrays of them, even when units are set.
if iterable(x):
for thisx in x:
return is_numlike(thisx)
return is_numlike(x)
示例2: is_numlike
def is_numlike(x):
The matplotlib datalim, autoscaling, locators etc work with
scalars which are the units converted to floats given the
current unit. The converter may be passed these floats, or
arrays of them, even when units are set. Derived conversion
interfaces may opt to pass plain-ol unitless numbers through
the conversion interface and this is a helper function for
if iterable(x):
for thisx in x:
return is_numlike(thisx)
return is_numlike(x)
示例3: ScanDir
def ScanDir(folder='.',keys=[],pattern=r".*\.h5",return_dict=False,req={}):
for f in os.listdir(folder):
if re.match(pattern,f) is not None:
if not isreq:
for k in req.keys():
if is_numlike(req[k]):
isreq=isreq and (abs(req[k]-fd[k])<1e-9)
isreq=isreq and (req[k]==fd[k])
except KeyError:
if isreq:
if len(keys):
s="{0}: ".format(f)
if keys=='*':
for k in keys:
s="{0} {1}:{2} /".format(s,k,out[folder+'/'+f][k])
except KeyError:
s="{0} None /".format(s)
except IOError:
print('Could not open \"'+f+'\".')
if return_dict:
return out
示例4: _calculate_global
def _calculate_global(self, data):
# Calculate breaks if x is not categorical
binwidth = self.params['binwidth']
self.breaks = self.params['breaks']
right = self.params['right']
x = data['x'].values
# For categorical data we set labels and x-vals
if is_categorical(x):
labels = self.params['labels']
if labels == None:
labels = sorted(set(x))
self.labels = labels
self.length = len(self.labels)
# For non-categoriacal data we set breaks
if not (is_categorical(x) or self.breaks):
# Check that x is numerical
if not cbook.is_numlike(x[0]):
raise GgplotError("Cannot recognise the type of x")
if binwidth is None:
_bin_count = 30
_bin_count = int(np.ceil(np.ptp(x))) / binwidth
_, self.breaks = pd.cut(x, bins=_bin_count, labels=False,
right=right, retbins=True)
self.length = len(self.breaks)
示例5: getname_val
def getname_val(identifier):
'return the name and column data for identifier'
if is_string_like(identifier):
return identifier, r[identifier]
elif is_numlike(identifier):
name = r.dtype.names[int(identifier)]
return name, r[name]
raise TypeError('identifier must be a string or integer')
示例6: is_known_scalar
def is_known_scalar(value):
Return True if value is a type we expect in a dataframe
def _is_datetime_or_timedelta(value):
# Using pandas.Series helps catch python, numpy and pandas
# versions of these types
return pd.Series(value).dtype.kind in ('M', 'm')
return not cbook.iterable(value) and (cbook.is_numlike(value) or
示例7: getname_val
def getname_val(identifier):
'return the name and column data for identifier'
if is_string_like(identifier):
print "Identifier " + identifier + " is a string"
col_name = identifier.strip().lower().replace(' ', '_')
col_name = ''.join([c for c in col_name if c not in delete])
return identifier, r[col_name]
elif is_numlike(identifier):
name = r.dtype.names[int(identifier)]
return name, r[name]
raise TypeError('identifier must be a string or integer')
示例8: _convert_numcompatible
def _convert_numcompatible(self, c):
"""Convert c to a form usable by arithmetic operations"""
#the compatible dataset to be returned, initialize it to zeros.
comp = {'x':np.zeros_like(self._x),
# if c is a DataSet:
if isinstance(c, AliasedVectorAttributes):
if self.shape() != c.shape(): # they are of incompatible size, fail.
raise ValueError('incompatible length')
# if the size of them is compatible, check if the abscissae are
# compatible.
xtol = min(self._xtolerance, c._xtolerance) # use the strictest
if max(np.abs(self._x - c._x)) < xtol:
comp['x'] = c._x
comp['y'] = c._y
comp['dy'] = c._dy
comp['dx'] = c._dx
except AttributeError:
pass # this is not a fatal error
raise ValueError('incompatible abscissae')
elif isinstance(c, ErrorValue):
comp['x'] = self._x
comp['y'] += c.val
comp['dy'] += c.err
elif isinstance(c, tuple): # if c is a tuple
#the fields of comp were initialized to zero np arrays!
comp['x'] += c[0]
comp['y'] += c[1]
comp['dy'] += c[2]
comp['dx'] += c[3]
except IndexError:
pass # this is not fatal either
if is_numlike(c):
comp['x'] = self._x
comp['y'] += c # leave this job to numpy.ndarray.__iadd__()
raise DataSetError('Incompatible size')
raise DataSetError('Incompatible type')
return comp
示例9: from_any
def from_any(size, fraction_ref=None):
Creates Fixed unit when the first argument is a float, or a
Fraction unit if that is a string that ends with %. The second
argument is only meaningful when Fraction unit is created.
>>> a = Size.from_any(1.2) # => Size.Fixed(1.2)
>>> Size.from_any("50%", a) # => Size.Fraction(0.5, a)
if cbook.is_numlike(size):
return Fixed(size)
elif cbook.is_string_like(size):
if size[-1] == "%":
return Fraction(float(size[:-1])/100., fraction_ref)
raise ValueError("Unknown format")
示例10: draw_networkx_edges
for c in edge_color]):
# If color specs are given as (rgb) or (rgba) tuples, we're OK
if numpy.alltrue([cb.iterable(c) and len(c) in (3, 4)
for c in edge_color]):
edge_colors = tuple(edge_color)
# numbers (which are going to be mapped with a colormap)
edge_colors = None
raise ValueError('edge_color must consist of either color names or numbers')
if cb.is_string_like(edge_color) or len(edge_color) == 1:
edge_colors = (colorConverter.to_rgba(edge_color, alpha), )
raise ValueError('edge_color must be a single color or list of exactly m colors where m is the number or edges')
edge_collection = LineCollection(edge_pos,
transOffset = ax.transData,
edge_collection.set_zorder(1) # edges go behind nodes
# Note: there was a bug in mpl regarding the handling of alpha values for
# each line in a LineCollection. It was fixed in matplotlib in r7184 and
# r7189 (June 6 2009). We should then not set the alpha value globally,
# since the user can instead provide per-edge alphas now. Only set it
# globally if provided as a scalar.
if cb.is_numlike(alpha):
if edge_colors is None:
if edge_cmap is not None:
assert(isinstance(edge_cmap, Colormap))
if edge_vmin is not None or edge_vmax is not None:
edge_collection.set_clim(edge_vmin, edge_vmax)
arrow_collection = None
if G.is_directed() and arrows:
# a directed graph hack
# draw thick line segments at head end of edge
# waiting for someone else to implement arrows that will work
arrow_colors = edge_colors
a_pos = []
p = 1.0-0.25 # make head segment 25 percent of edge length
for src, dst in edge_pos:
x1, y1 = src
x2, y2 = dst
dx = x2-x1 # x offset
dy = y2-y1 # y offset
d = numpy.sqrt(float(dx**2 + dy**2)) # length of edge
if d == 0: # source and target at same position
if dx == 0: # vertical edge
xa = x2
示例11: __init__
def __init__(
Build an :class:`ImageGrid` instance with a grid nrows*ncols
:class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` in
:class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` *fig* with
*rect=[left, bottom, width, height]* (in
:class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` coordinates) or
the subplot position code (e.g., "121").
Optional keyword arguments:
================ ======== =========================================
Keyword Default Description
================ ======== =========================================
direction "row" [ "row" | "column" ]
axes_pad 0.02 float| pad between axes given in inches
add_all True [ True | False ]
share_all False [ True | False ]
aspect True [ True | False ]
label_mode "L" [ "L" | "1" | "all" ]
cbar_mode None [ "each" | "single" ]
cbar_location "right" [ "right" | "top" ]
cbar_pad None
cbar_size "5%"
cbar_set_cax True [ True | False ]
axes_class None a type object which must be a subclass
of :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
================ ======== =========================================
*cbar_set_cax* : if True, each axes in the grid has a cax
attribute that is bind to associated cbar_axes.
self._nrows, self._ncols = nrows_ncols
if ngrids is None:
ngrids = self._nrows * self._ncols
if (ngrids > self._nrows * self._ncols) or (ngrids <= 0):
raise Exception("")
self.ngrids = ngrids
self._axes_pad = axes_pad
self._colorbar_mode = cbar_mode
self._colorbar_location = cbar_location
if cbar_pad is None:
self._colorbar_pad = axes_pad
self._colorbar_pad = cbar_pad
self._colorbar_size = cbar_size
if direction not in ["column", "row"]:
raise Exception("")
self._direction = direction
if axes_class is None:
axes_class = self._defaultLocatableAxesClass
axes_class_args = {}
if isinstance(axes_class, maxes.Axes):
axes_class_args = {}
axes_class, axes_class_args = axes_class
self.axes_all = []
self.axes_column = [[] for i in range(self._ncols)]
self.axes_row = [[] for i in range(self._nrows)]
self.cbar_axes = []
h = []
v = []
if cbook.is_string_like(rect) or cbook.is_numlike(rect):
self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=aspect)
elif len(rect) == 3:
kw = dict(horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=aspect)
self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, *rect, **kw)
示例12: draw_networkx_edges
# list of color letters such as ['k','r','k',...]
edge_colors = tuple([colorConverter.to_rgba(c,alpha)
for c in edge_color])
elif np.alltrue([not cb.is_string_like(c)
for c in edge_color]):
# If color specs are given as (rgb) or (rgba) tuples, we're OK
if np.alltrue([cb.iterable(c) and len(c) in (3,4)
for c in edge_color]):
edge_colors = tuple(edge_color)
# numbers (which are going to be mapped with a colormap)
edge_colors = None
raise ValueError('edge_color must consist of either color names or numbers')
if len(edge_color)==1:
edge_colors = ( colorConverter.to_rgba(edge_color, alpha), )
raise ValueError('edge_color must be a single color or list of exactly m colors where m is the number or edges')
edge_collection = LineCollection(edge_pos,
colors = edge_colors,
linewidths = lw,
antialiaseds = (1,),
linestyle = style,
transOffset = ax.transData,
# Note: there was a bug in mpl regarding the handling of alpha values for
# each line in a LineCollection. It was fixed in matplotlib in r7184 and
# r7189 (June 6 2009). We should then not set the alpha value globally,
# since the user can instead provide per-edge alphas now. Only set it
# globally if provided as a scalar.
if cb.is_numlike(alpha):
# need 0.87.7 or greater for edge colormaps. No checks done, this will
# just not work with an older mpl
if edge_colors is None:
if edge_cmap is not None: assert(isinstance(edge_cmap, Colormap))
if edge_vmin is not None or edge_vmax is not None:
edge_collection.set_clim(edge_vmin, edge_vmax)
if G.is_directed() and arrows:
# a directed graph hack
# draw thick line segments at head end of edge
# waiting for someone else to implement arrows that will work
arrow_colors = ( colorConverter.to_rgba('k', alpha), )
p=1.0-0.25 # make head segment 25 percent of edge length
for src,dst in edge_pos:
dx=x2-x1 # x offset
dy=y2-y1 # y offset
d=np.sqrt(float(dx**2+dy**2)) # length of edge
if d==0: # source and target at same position
示例13: kepcotrendsc
# test log file
logfile = kepmsg.test(logfile)
# clobber output file
if clobber:
status = kepio.clobber(outfile,logfile,verbose)
if kepio.fileexists(outfile):
message = 'ERROR -- KEPCOTREND: ' + outfile + ' exists. Use --clobber'
status = kepmsg.err(logfile,message,verbose)
# open input file
if status == 0:
instr, status = kepio.openfits(infile,'readonly',logfile,verbose)
tstart, tstop, bjdref, cadence, status = kepio.timekeys(instr,
# fudge non-compliant FITS keywords with no values
if status == 0:
instr = kepkey.emptykeys(instr,file,logfile,verbose)
if status == 0:
if not kepio.fileexists(bvfile):
message = 'ERROR -- KEPCOTREND: ' + bvfile + ' does not exist.'
status = kepmsg.err(logfile,message,verbose)
#lsq_sq - nonlinear least squares fitting and simplex_abs have been
#removed from the options in PyRAF but they are still in the code!
if status == 0:
if fitmethod not in ['llsq','matrix','lst_sq','simplex_abs','simplex']:
message = 'Fit method must either: llsq, matrix, lst_sq or simplex'
status = kepmsg.err(logfile,message,verbose)
if status == 0:
if not is_numlike(fitpower) and fitpower is not None:
message = 'Fit power must be an real number or None'
status = kepmsg.err(logfile,message,verbose)
if status == 0:
if fitpower is None:
fitpower = 1.
# input data
if status == 0:
short = False
test = str(instr[0].header['FILEVER'])
version = 2
except KeyError:
version = 1
table = instr[1].data
if version == 1:
if str(instr[1].header['DATATYPE']) == 'long cadence':
#print 'Light curve was taken in Lond Cadence mode!'
quarter = str(instr[1].header['QUARTER'])
module = str(instr[1].header['MODULE'])
output = str(instr[1].header['OUTPUT'])
channel = str(instr[1].header['CHANNEL'])
lc_cad_o = table.field('cadence_number')
lc_date_o = table.field('barytime')
lc_flux_o = table.field('ap_raw_flux') / 1625.3468 #convert to e-/s
lc_err_o = table.field('ap_raw_err') / 1625.3468 #convert to e-/s
elif str(instr[1].header['DATATYPE']) == 'short cadence':
示例14: _calculate
def _calculate(self, data):
x = data.pop('x')
right = self.params['right']
# y values are not needed
del data['y']
except KeyError:
if len(x) > 0 and isinstance(x.get(0), datetime.date):
def convert(d):
d = datetime.datetime.combine(d, datetime.datetime.min.time())
return time.mktime(d.timetuple())
x = x.apply(convert)
elif len(x) > 0 and isinstance(x.get(0), datetime.datetime):
x = x.apply(lambda d: time.mktime(d.timetuple()))
elif len(x) > 0 and isinstance(x.get(0), datetime.time):
raise GgplotError("Cannot recognise the type of x")
# If weight not mapped to, use one (no weight)
weights = data.pop('weight')
except KeyError:
weights = np.ones(len(x))
weights = make_iterable_ntimes(weights, len(x))
if is_categorical(x.values):
x_assignments = x
x = self.labels
width = make_iterable_ntimes(self.params['width'], self.length)
elif cbook.is_numlike(x.iloc[0]):
x_assignments = pd.cut(x, bins=self.breaks, labels=False,
width = np.diff(self.breaks)
x = [self.breaks[i] + width[i] / 2
for i in range(len(self.breaks)-1)]
raise GgplotError("Cannot recognise the type of x")
# Create a dataframe with two columns:
# - the bins to which each x is assigned
# - the weights of each x value
# Then create a weighted frequency table
_df = pd.DataFrame({'assignments': x_assignments,
'weights': weights
_wfreq_table = pd.pivot_table(_df, values='weights',
rows=['assignments'], aggfunc=np.sum)
# For numerical x values, empty bins get have no value
# in the computed frequency table. We need to add the zeros and
# since frequency table is a Series object, we need to keep it ordered
empty_bins = set(self.labels) - set(x_assignments)
empty_bins = set(range(len(width))) - set(x_assignments)
_wfreq_table = _wfreq_table.to_dict()
for _b in empty_bins:
_wfreq_table[_b] = 0
_wfreq_table = pd.Series(_wfreq_table).sort_index()
y = list(_wfreq_table)
new_data = pd.DataFrame({'x': x, 'y': y, 'width': width})
# Copy the other aesthetics into the new dataframe
n = len(x)
for ae in data:
new_data[ae] = make_iterable_ntimes(data[ae].iloc[0], n)
return new_data
示例15: run
Hfile = np.load(Hfilename)
H = Hfile['H']; xe = Hfile['xe']; ye = Hfile['ye']
#levels = np.linspace(0, np.nanmax(H), 11)
# which time index to plot
# a number or 'mean' or 'none' (for coast and cross)
if whichtype == 'D2':
itind = 100 # 100
elif (whichtype == 'cross') or ('coast' in whichtype):
itind = 'none'
# Choose consistent levels to plot
locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(11)
# don't use highest max since everything is washed out then
# pdb.set_trace()
# 12000 for mean interannual-summer, 20000 for mean, interannual-winter, 1400 for 100 seasonal
# 1800 for 100 interannual-winter, 1800 for 100 interannual-summer
if whichtype == 'D2':
if itind == 30:
locator.set_bounds(0, 10)
elif itind == 100:
locator.set_bounds(0, 160)
elif itind == 150:
locator.set_bounds(0, 450)
elif itind == 300:
locator.set_bounds(0, 2200)
elif itind == 600:
locator.set_bounds(0, 8000)
elif itind == 900:
locator.set_bounds(0, 15000)
# locator.set_bounds(0, 0.2*np.nanmax(H[:,:,:,itind]))
#locator.set_bounds(0, 0.75*np.nanmax(np.nanmax(H[:,:,:,itind], axis=1), axis=1).mean())
levels = locator()
elif 'coast' in whichtype and whichdir == 'back':
hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(H.flat, bins=100) # find # of occurrences of histogram bin values
n = np.cumsum(hist)
Hmax = bin_edges[find(n<(n.max()-n.min())*.7+n.min())[-1]] # take the 80% of histogram occurrences as the max instead of actual max since too high
locator.set_bounds(0, 1)
levels = locator()
extend = 'max'
H = H/Hmax
extend = 'neither'
# Set up overall plot, now that everything is calculated
fig, axarr = plot_setup(whichtime, grid) # depends on which plot we're doing
# Loop through calculation files to calculate overall histograms
# pdb.set_trace()
for i in xrange(H.shape[0]): # Files has multiple entries, 1 for each subplot
# Do subplot
# pdb.set_trace()
# which time index to plot?
#itind = 100
if cbook.is_numlike(itind): # plot a particular time
mappable = plot_stuff(xe, ye, H[i,:,:,itind], cmap, grid, shelf_depth, axarr.flatten()[i], levels=levels)
elif itind=='mean': # plot the mean over time
mappable = plot_stuff(xe, ye, np.nansum(H[i,:,:,:], axis=-1)/np.sum(~np.isnan(H[i,:,:,:]), axis=-1), cmap, grid, shelf_depth, axarr.flatten()[i], levels=levels)
elif itind=='none': # just plot what is there
if 'levels' in locals():
mappable = plot_stuff(xe, ye, H[i,:,:].T, cmap, grid, shelf_depth, axarr.flatten()[i], extend=extend, levels=levels)
mappable = plot_stuff(xe, ye, H[i,:,:].T, cmap, grid, shelf_depth, axarr.flatten()[i], extend=extend)
# Add coastline area if applicable
if 'coast' in whichtype:
coastloc = whichtype.split('coast')[-1]
pts = np.load('calcs/' + coastloc + 'pts.npz')[coastloc]
axarr.flatten()[i].plot(pts[:,0], pts[:,1], color='0.0', lw=3)
# verts = np.vstack((pts[:,0], pts[:,1]))
# # Form path
# path = Path(verts.T)
# if not path.contains_point(np.vstack((xp[jd,it],yp[jd,it]))):
# Overlay mean wind arrows
if addwind:
# Right now is just for cross, interannual, winter
year = years[i]
# year = File.split('/')[-1].split('-')[0]
season = whichtime.split('-')[-1]
wind = np.load('../txla_plots/calcs/wind_stress/1st/jfm/' + str(year) + season + '.npz')
x = wind['x']; y = wind['y']; u = wind['u']; v = wind['v']
q = axarr.flatten()[i].quiver(x, y, u, v, color = '0.3',
pivot='middle', zorder=1e35, width=0.003)
# scale=1.0/scale, pivot='middle', zorder=1e35, width=0.003)
# if year == 2008:
# plt.quiverkey(q, 0.85, 0.07, 0.1, label=r'0.1 N m$^{2}$', coordinates='axes')
# Add colorbar
plot_colorbar(fig, mappable, whichtype, whichdir=whichdir, whichtime=whichtime)
# pdb.set_trace()
# save and close
plot_finish(fig, whichtype, whichtime, shelf_depth, itind, r, numdays)