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Python cbook.dedent函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中matplotlib.cbook.dedent函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python dedent函数的具体用法?Python dedent怎么用?Python dedent使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: parse_options

def parse_options():
    doc = (__doc__ and __doc__.split("\n\n")) or "  "
    op = OptionParser(
        usage="%prog [options] [--] [backends and switches]",
        # epilog='\n'.join(doc[1:])  # epilog not supported on my python2.4 machine: JDH
    op.set_defaults(dirs="pylab,api,units,mplot3d", clean=False, coverage=False, valgrind=False)
      Run only the tests in these directories; comma-separated list of
      one or more of: pylab (or pylab_examples), api, units, mplot3d"""
      Run tests only for these backends; comma-separated list of
      one or more of: agg, ps, svg, pdf, template, cairo,
      Default is everything except cairo."""
    op.add_option("--clean", action="store_true", dest="clean", help="Remove result directories, run no tests")
    op.add_option("-c", "--coverage", action="store_true", dest="coverage", help="Run in coverage.py")
    op.add_option("-v", "--valgrind", action="store_true", dest="valgrind", help="Run in valgrind")

    options, args = op.parse_args()
    switches = [x for x in args if x.startswith("--")]
    backends = [x.lower() for x in args if not x.startswith("--")]
    if options.backends:
        backends += [be.lower() for be in options.backends.split(",")]

    result = Bunch(
        backends=backends or ["agg", "ps", "svg", "pdf", "template"],
    if "pylab_examples" in result.dirs:
        result.dirs[result.dirs.index("pylab_examples")] = "pylab"
    # print(result)
    return result

示例2: __call__

 def __call__(self, func):
     if func.__doc__:
         doc = func.__doc__
         if self.auto_dedent:
             doc = dedent(doc)
         func.__doc__ = self._format(doc)
     return func

示例3: parse_options

def parse_options():
    doc = (__doc__ and __doc__.split('\n\n')) or "  "
    op = OptionParser(description=doc[0].strip(),
                      usage='%prog [options] [--] [backends and switches]',
                      #epilog='\n'.join(doc[1:])  # epilog not supported on my python2.4 machine: JDH
                    clean=False, coverage=False, valgrind=False)
    op.add_option('-d', '--dirs', '--directories', type='string',
                  dest='dirs', help=dedent('''
      Run only the tests in these directories; comma-separated list of
      one or more of: pylab (or pylab_examples), api, units, mplot3d'''))
    op.add_option('-b', '--backends', type='string', dest='backends',
      Run tests only for these backends; comma-separated list of
      one or more of: agg, ps, svg, pdf, template, cairo,
      cairo.png, cairo.ps, cairo.pdf, cairo.svg. Default is everything
      except cairo.'''))
    op.add_option('--clean', action='store_true', dest='clean',
                  help='Remove result directories, run no tests')
    op.add_option('-c', '--coverage', action='store_true', dest='coverage',
                  help='Run in coverage.py')
    op.add_option('-v', '--valgrind', action='store_true', dest='valgrind',
                  help='Run in valgrind')

    options, args = op.parse_args()
    switches = [x for x in args if x.startswith('--')]
    backends = [x.lower() for x in args if not x.startswith('--')]
    if options.backends:
        backends += map(string.lower, options.backends.split(','))

    result = Bunch(
        dirs = options.dirs.split(','),
        backends = backends or ['agg', 'ps', 'svg', 'pdf', 'template'],
        clean = options.clean,
        coverage = options.coverage,
        valgrind = options.valgrind,
        switches = switches)
    if 'pylab_examples' in result.dirs:
        result.dirs[result.dirs.index('pylab_examples')] = 'pylab'
    #print result
    return result

示例4: get_scale_docs

def get_scale_docs():
    Helper function for generating docstrings related to scales.
    docs = []
    for name in get_scale_names():
        scale_class = _scale_mapping[name]
        docs.append("    '%s'" % name)
        class_docs = dedent(scale_class.__init__.__doc__)
        class_docs = "".join(["        %s\n" % x for x in class_docs.split("\n")])
    return "\n".join(docs)

示例5: test_lazy_imports

def test_lazy_imports():
    source = dedent("""
    import sys

    import matplotlib.figure
    import matplotlib.backend_bases
    import matplotlib.pyplot

    assert 'matplotlib._png' not in sys.modules
    assert 'matplotlib._tri' not in sys.modules
    assert 'matplotlib._qhull' not in sys.modules
    assert 'matplotlib._contour' not in sys.modules
    assert 'urllib.request' not in sys.modules


示例6: scale_factory

def scale_factory(scale, axis, **kwargs):
    Return a scale class by name.

    ACCEPTS: [ %(names)s ]
    scale = scale.lower()
    if scale is None:
        scale = 'linear'

    if scale not in _scale_mapping:
        raise ValueError("Unknown scale type '%s'" % scale)

    return _scale_mapping[scale](axis, **kwargs)
scale_factory.__doc__ = dedent(scale_factory.__doc__) % \
    {'names': " | ".join(get_scale_names())}

def register_scale(scale_class):
    Register a new kind of scale.

    *scale_class* must be a subclass of :class:`ScaleBase`.
    _scale_mapping[scale_class.name] = scale_class

def get_scale_docs():
    Helper function for generating docstrings related to scales.

示例7: frequency

        spec = spec[:, 0]

    return spec, freqs

# Split out these keyword docs so that they can be used elsewhere
    Fs : scalar
        The sampling frequency (samples per time unit).  It is used
        to calculate the Fourier frequencies, freqs, in cycles per time
        unit. The default value is 2.

    window : callable or ndarray
        A function or a vector of length *NFFT*.  To create window vectors see
        `window_hanning`, `window_none`, `numpy.blackman`, `numpy.hamming`,
        `numpy.bartlett`, `scipy.signal`, `scipy.signal.get_window`, etc.  The
        default is `window_hanning`.  If a function is passed as the argument,
        it must take a data segment as an argument and return the windowed
        version of the segment.

    sides : {'default', 'onesided', 'twosided'}
        Specifies which sides of the spectrum to return.  Default gives the
        default behavior, which returns one-sided for real data and both
        for complex data.  'onesided' forces the return of a one-sided
        spectrum, while 'twosided' forces two-sided.

    pad_to : int
        The number of points to which the data segment is padded when
        performing the FFT.  While not increasing the actual resolution of

示例8: dedent

def dedent(func):
    "Dedent a docstring (if present)"
    func.__doc__ = func.__doc__ and cbook.dedent(func.__doc__)
    return func

示例9: scale_factory

def scale_factory(scale, axis, **kwargs):
    Return a scale class by name.

    ACCEPTS: [ %(names)s ]
    scale = scale.lower()
    if scale is None:
        scale = 'linear'

    if scale not in _scale_mapping:
        raise ValueError("Unknown scale type '%s'" % scale)

    return _scale_mapping[scale](axis, **kwargs)
scale_factory.__doc__ = cbook.dedent(scale_factory.__doc__) % \
    {'names': " | ".join(get_scale_names())}

def register_scale(scale_class):
    Register a new kind of scale.

    *scale_class* must be a subclass of :class:`ScaleBase`.
    _scale_mapping[scale_class.name] = scale_class

def get_scale_docs():
    Helper function for generating docstrings related to scales.

示例10: __init__

    def __init__(self,projparams,llcrnrlon,llcrnrlat,
        initialize a Proj class instance.

        Input 'projparams' is a dictionary containing proj map
        projection control parameter key/value pairs.
        See the proj documentation (http://www.remotesensing.org/proj/)
        for details.

        llcrnrlon,llcrnrlat are lon and lat (in degrees) of lower
        left hand corner of projection region.

        urcrnrlon,urcrnrlat are lon and lat (in degrees) of upper
        right hand corner of projection region if urcrnrislatlon=True
        (default). Otherwise, urcrnrlon,urcrnrlat are x,y in projection
        coordinates (units meters), assuming the lower left corner is x=0,y=0.
        self.projparams = projparams
        self.projection = projparams['proj']
        # rmajor is the semi-major axis.
        # rminor is the semi-minor axis.
        # esq is eccentricity squared.
            self.rmajor = projparams['a']
            self.rminor = projparams['b']
                self.rmajor = projparams['R']
                self.rmajor = projparams['bR_a']
            self.rminor = self.rmajor
        if self.rmajor == self.rminor:
            self.ellipsoid = False
            self.ellipsoid = True
        self.flattening = (self.rmajor-self.rminor)/self.rmajor
        self.esq = (self.rmajor**2 - self.rminor**2)/self.rmajor**2
        self.llcrnrlon = llcrnrlon
        self.llcrnrlat = llcrnrlat
        if self.projection == 'cyl':
            llcrnrx = llcrnrlon
            llcrnry = llcrnrlat
        elif self.projection == 'ob_tran':
            self._proj4 = pyproj.Proj(projparams)
            llcrnrx,llcrnry = self(llcrnrlon,llcrnrlat)
            llcrnrx = _rad2dg*llcrnrx; llcrnry = _rad2dg*llcrnry
            if llcrnrx < 0: llcrnrx = llcrnrx + 360
        elif self.projection in 'ortho':
            if (llcrnrlon == -180 and llcrnrlat == -90 and
                urcrnrlon == 180 and urcrnrlat == 90):
                self._fulldisk = True
                self._proj4 = pyproj.Proj(projparams)
                llcrnrx = -self.rmajor
                llcrnry = -self.rmajor
                self._width = 0.5*(self.rmajor+self.rminor)
                self._height = 0.5*(self.rmajor+self.rminor)
                urcrnrx = -llcrnrx
                urcrnry = -llcrnry
                self._fulldisk = False
                self._proj4 = pyproj.Proj(projparams)
                llcrnrx, llcrnry = self(llcrnrlon,llcrnrlat)
                if llcrnrx > 1.e20 or llcrnry > 1.e20:
                    raise ValueError(_lower_left_out_of_bounds)
        elif self.projection == 'aeqd' and\
             (llcrnrlon == -180 and llcrnrlat == -90  and urcrnrlon == 180 and\
             urcrnrlat == 90):
            self._fulldisk = True
            self._proj4 = pyproj.Proj(projparams)
            # raise an exception for ellipsoids - there appears to be a bug
            # in proj4 that causes the inverse transform to fail for points
            # more than 90 degrees of arc away from center point for ellipsoids
            # (works fine for spheres) - below is an example
            #from pyproj import Proj
            #p1 = Proj(proj='aeqd',a=6378137.00,b=6356752.3142,lat_0=0,lon_0=0)
            #x,y= p1(91,0)
            #lon,lat = p1(x,y,inverse=True) # lon is 89 instead of 91
            if self.ellipsoid:
                msg = dedent("""
                full disk (whole world) Azimuthal Equidistant projection can
                only be drawn for a perfect sphere""")
                raise ValueError(msg)
            llcrnrx = -np.pi*self.rmajor
            llcrnry = -np.pi*self.rmajor
            self._width = -llcrnrx
            self._height = -llcrnry
            urcrnrx = -llcrnrx
            urcrnry = -llcrnry
        elif self.projection == 'geos':
            self._proj4 = pyproj.Proj(projparams)
            # find major and minor axes of ellipse defining map proj region.
            # h is measured from surface of earth at equator.
            h = projparams['h'] + self.rmajor
            # latitude of horizon on central meridian
            lonmax = 90.-(180./np.pi)*np.arcsin(self.rmajor/h)
            # longitude of horizon on equator
            latmax = 90.-(180./np.pi)*np.arcsin(self.rminor/h)
            # truncate to nearest hundredth of a degree (to make sure
            # they aren't slightly over the horizon)

示例11: ValueError

    Return a scale class by name.

    ACCEPTS: [ %(names)s ]
    scale = scale.lower()
    if scale is None:
        scale = "linear"

    if scale not in _scale_mapping:
        raise ValueError("Unknown scale type '%s'" % scale)

    return _scale_mapping[scale](axis, **kwargs)

scale_factory.__doc__ = dedent(scale_factory.__doc__) % {"names": " | ".join(get_scale_names())}

def register_scale(scale_class):
    Register a new kind of scale.

    *scale_class* must be a subclass of :class:`ScaleBase`.
    _scale_mapping[scale_class.name] = scale_class

def get_scale_docs():
    Helper function for generating docstrings related to scales.
