本文整理汇总了Python中mathutils.geometry.normal函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python normal函数的具体用法?Python normal怎么用?Python normal使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: normal
def normal(*vecs):
# 3~4個のVectorのNormalを求める
if len(vecs) == 3:
return geom.normal(*vecs)
elif len(vecs) == 4:
n1 = geom.normal(vecs[0], vecs[1], vecs[3])
n2 = geom.normal(vecs[1], vecs[2], vecs[3])
if n1.dot(n2) < 0:
return (n1 + n2).normalized()
示例2: get_color_from_normal
def get_color_from_normal(dvk, pol, num_verts, vectorlight, colo):
if num_verts <= 4:
normal_no = normal(dvk[pol[0]], dvk[pol[1]], dvk[pol[2]])
normal_no = normal(dvk[pol[0]], dvk[pol[1]], dvk[pol[2]], dvk[pol[3]])
normal_no = (normal_no.angle(vectorlight, 0)) / pi
r = (normal_no * colo[0]) - 0.1
g = (normal_no * colo[1]) - 0.1
b = (normal_no * colo[2]) - 0.1
return (r+0.2, g+0.2, b+0.2)
示例3: __init__
def __init__(self, v1, v2, v3):
self.verts = [v1, v2, v3]
self.normal = geom.normal(v1.co, v2.co, v3.co)
self.edge_keys = [tuple(sorted((self.verts[i - 1], self.verts[i]),
key=lambda v: v.index))
for i in range(3)]
self.outer_verts = []
示例4: generate_3PT
def generate_3PT(pts, obj, nv, mode=1):
mw = obj.matrix_world
V = Vector
nv = max(3, nv)
# construction
v1, v2, v3, v4 = V(pts[0]), V(pts[1]), V(pts[1]), V(pts[2])
edge1_mid = v1.lerp(v2, 0.5)
edge2_mid = v3.lerp(v4, 0.5)
axis = geometry.normal(v1, v2, v4)
mat_rot = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(math.radians(90.0), 4, axis)
# triangle edges
v1_ = ((v1 - edge1_mid) * mat_rot) + edge1_mid
v2_ = ((v2 - edge1_mid) * mat_rot) + edge1_mid
v3_ = ((v3 - edge2_mid) * mat_rot) + edge2_mid
v4_ = ((v4 - edge2_mid) * mat_rot) + edge2_mid
r = geometry.intersect_line_line(v1_, v2_, v3_, v4_)
if r:
p1, _ = r
cp = mw * p1
bpy.context.scene.cursor_location = cp
if mode == 0:
elif mode == 1:
generate_bmesh_repr(p1, v1, axis, nv)
print('not on a circle')
示例5: _binary_write
def _binary_write(filepath, faces):
with open(filepath, 'wb') as data:
fw = data.write
# header
# we write padding at header beginning to avoid to
# call len(list(faces)) which may be expensive
fw(struct.calcsize('<80sI') * b'\0')
# 3 vertex == 9f
pack = struct.Struct('<9f').pack
# number of vertices written
nb = 0
for face in faces:
# calculate face normal
# write normal + vertexes + pad as attributes
fw(struct.pack('<3f', *normal(*face)) + pack(*itertools.chain.from_iterable(face)))
# attribute byte count (unused)
nb += 1
# header, with correct value now
fw(struct.pack('<80sI', _header_version().encode('ascii'), nb))
示例6: calc_vert_normal
def calc_vert_normal(self, vert, looptris, fallback=Vector((0, 0, 0))):
normal = Vector()
num = 0
for tri in looptris:
normal += geom.normal(*[loop.vert.co for loop in tri])
num += 1
return normal / num
示例7: generate_3PT_mode_1_
def generate_3PT_mode_1_(pts, obj):
origin = obj.location
transform_matrix = obj.matrix_local
V = Vector
# construction
v1, v2, v3, v4 = V(pts[0]), V(pts[1]), V(pts[1]), V(pts[2])
edge1_mid = v1.lerp(v2, 0.5)
edge2_mid = v3.lerp(v4, 0.5)
axis = geometry.normal(v1, v2, v4)
mat_rot = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(math.radians(90.0), 4, axis)
# triangle edges
v1_ = ((v1 - edge1_mid) * mat_rot) + edge1_mid
v2_ = ((v2 - edge1_mid) * mat_rot) + edge1_mid
v3_ = ((v3 - edge2_mid) * mat_rot) + edge2_mid
v4_ = ((v4 - edge2_mid) * mat_rot) + edge2_mid
r = geometry.intersect_line_line(v1_, v2_, v3_, v4_)
if r:
p1, _ = r
# cp = transform_matrix * (p1 + origin)
cp = transform_matrix * p1
bpy.context.scene.cursor_location = cp
# generate_gp3d_stroke(cp, axis, obj, radius=(p1-v1).length)
print('not on a circle')
示例8: createMirror
def createMirror(angle):
mirror[0].xyz = [0,-1,-1]
mirror[1].xyz = [-1,1,1]
mirror[2].xyz = [1,1,1]
mirror[0].rotate( Matrix.Rotation( angle, 4, norm_mirror) )
mirror[1].rotate( Matrix.Rotation( angle, 4, norm_mirror) )
mirror[2].rotate( Matrix.Rotation( angle, 4, norm_mirror) )
n = geometry.normal(mirror[2],mirror[1],mirror[0])
return [mirror[2],mirror[1],mirror[0],n]
示例9: getPolyNormal
def getPolyNormal(poly):
""" Returns the normal of poligon based on the position of their vertex. It calculates the normal, it doesn't return manually modified normals.
:param poly: The poligon.
:type poly: |KX_PolyProxy|
mesh = poly.getMesh()
s = poly.getNumVertex()
v1 = mesh.getVertex(0, poly.v1)
v2 = mesh.getVertex(0, poly.v2)
v3 = mesh.getVertex(0, poly.v3)
if s == 4: v4v = mesh.getVertex(0, poly.v4).XYZ
else: v4v = None
if v4v: normal = geometry.normal(v1.XYZ, v2.XYZ, v3.XYZ, v4v)
else: normal = geometry.normal(v1.XYZ, v2.XYZ, v3.XYZ)
return normal
示例10: flatFace
def flatFace(verts):
#print(" Flatface: original vertices %s %s %s"%(verts[0],verts[1],verts[2]))
quatr = mg.normal(verts).rotation_difference(Vector((0, 0, 1)))
eul = quatr.to_euler()
eul.z = 0.0
#print(" Flatface called Euler is x=%2.2g deg y=%2.2g deg"%(degrees(eul.x),degrees(eul.y)))
for v in verts:
v.z = 0
示例11: execute
def execute(self, context):
obj = context.edit_object
me = obj.data
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(me)
vertCount = 0
selectedVerts = []
for vert in (vert for vert in bm.verts if vert.select): #count loop verts
if len(selectedVerts)<3:
if vertCount < 1:
self.report({'INFO'}, 'Select at least one vertex')
return {'CANCELLED'}
vertsMedianLoc = mathutils.Vector((0.0 ,0.0 ,0.0))
vertsMedianNorm = mathutils.Vector((0.0 ,0.0 ,0.0))
vertsCoordList = []
vectOffset = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, self.Depth))
offsetMatrix = mathutils.Matrix.Translation(vectOffset)
yawMatrix = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(radians(self.TrimRoll), 4, 'X')
pitchMatrix = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(radians(self.TripPitch), 4, 'Y')
for vert in selectedVerts:
vertsMedianLoc /= len(selectedVerts)
if vertCount>2:
if degrees(vertsMedianNorm.angle(trisNorm))>90:
vertsMedianNorm= trisNorm*(-1)
vertsMedianNorm = trisNorm
if vertCount==2: #fixes normal for 2 verts
perpendicular= vectorV1_V2.cross(vertsMedianNorm)
vertsMedianNorm = perpendicular.cross(vectorV1_V2)
normToRotation = vertsMedianNorm.to_track_quat('Z', 'X').to_euler()
selectionLocalMatrix = mathutils.Matrix.Translation(vertsMedianLoc)
selectionLocalMatrix *= selectionLocalMatrix.Rotation(normToRotation[2], 4, 'Z')
selectionLocalMatrix *= selectionLocalMatrix.Rotation(normToRotation[1], 4, 'Y')
selectionLocalMatrix *= selectionLocalMatrix.Rotation(normToRotation[0], 4, 'X')
spaceMatrixTransform = context.object.matrix_world*selectionLocalMatrix*offsetMatrix*yawMatrix*pitchMatrix
loc = spaceMatrixTransform.to_translation()
norm = spaceMatrixTransform.to_3x3()*mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
bpy.ops.mesh.bisect(plane_co=loc, plane_no=norm, use_fill=True, clear_inner= not self.clearOut, clear_outer=self.clearOut)
bmesh.update_edit_mesh(me, True)
return {"FINISHED"}
示例12: _ascii_write
def _ascii_write(filepath, faces):
with open(filepath, 'w') as data:
fw = data.write
header = _header_version()
fw('solid %s\n' % header)
for face in faces:
# calculate face normal
fw('facet normal %f %f %f\nouter loop\n' % normal(*face)[:])
for vert in face:
fw('vertex %f %f %f\n' % vert[:])
fw('endsolid %s\n' % header)
示例13: build_mirror_pivot
def build_mirror_pivot(f,verts,ob):
v0 = mathutils.Vector(verts[f[0]])
v1 = mathutils.Vector(verts[f[1]])
v2 = mathutils.Vector(verts[f[2]])
if len(f) == 4:
v3 = mathutils.Vector(verts[f[3]])
norm = normal(v0,v1,v2,v3)
v3 = None
norm = normal(v0,v1,v2)
rot = norm.to_track_quat('X','Z')
r = rot.to_euler('XYZ')
p0 = v0.lerp(v1,0.5)
if v3 == None: p1 = v2
else: p1 = v2.lerp(v3,0.5)
center = p0.lerp(p1,0.5)
dummy = bpy.data.objects.new(ob.name + "_mirror_pivot",None)
dummy.location = center.to_tuple()
print("ROTATING TO ",r.x," ",r.y," ",r.z)
dummy.rotation_euler = (r.x,r.y,r.z)
return dummy
示例14: generate_3PT_mode_1
def generate_3PT_mode_1(pts=None, num_verts=20, make_edges=False):
Arc from start - throught - Eend
- call this function only if you have 3 pts,
- do your error checking before passing to it.
num_verts -= 1
verts, edges = [], []
V = Vector
# construction
v1, v2, v3, v4 = V(pts[0]), V(pts[1]), V(pts[1]), V(pts[2])
edge1_mid = v1.lerp(v2, 0.5)
edge2_mid = v3.lerp(v4, 0.5)
axis = geometry.normal(v1, v2, v4)
mat_rot = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(math.radians(90.0), 4, axis)
# triangle edges
v1_ = ((v1 - edge1_mid) * mat_rot) + edge1_mid
v2_ = ((v2 - edge1_mid) * mat_rot) + edge1_mid
v3_ = ((v3 - edge2_mid) * mat_rot) + edge2_mid
v4_ = ((v4 - edge2_mid) * mat_rot) + edge2_mid
r = geometry.intersect_line_line(v1_, v2_, v3_, v4_)
if r:
# do arc
p1, _ = r
# find arc angle.
a = (v1 - p1).angle((v4 - p1), 0)
s = (2 * math.pi) - a
interior_angle = (v1 - v2).angle(v4 - v3, 0)
if interior_angle > 0.5 * math.pi:
s = math.pi + 2 * (0.5 * math.pi - interior_angle)
for i in range(num_verts + 1):
mat_rot = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(((s / num_verts) * i), 4, axis)
vec = ((v4 - p1) * mat_rot) + p1
# do straight line
step_size = 1 / num_verts
verts = [v1_.lerp(v4_, i * step_size)[:] for i in range(num_verts + 1)]
if make_edges:
edges = [(n, n + 1) for n in range(len(verts) - 1)]
return verts, edges
示例15: compute_distances_mu
def compute_distances_mu(plane, pts, result, gates, tolerance):
plane_origin = V(plane[0])
plane_a, plane_b = V(plane[1]), V(plane[2])
norm = normal([plane_origin, plane_a, plane_b])
if norm.length == 0:
print("Error: the three points of the plane are aligned. Not valid plane")
local_result = [[] for res in result]
for p in pts:
data = compute_point_tri_dist(V(p), plane_origin, plane_a, plane_b, norm, tolerance)
for i, r in enumerate(local_result):
for i, res in enumerate(result):
if gates[i]: