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Python math.isnan函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中math.isnan函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python isnan函数的具体用法?Python isnan怎么用?Python isnan使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: test_init

    def test_init(self):
        import numpy as np
        import math
        import sys

        assert np.intp() == np.intp(0)
        assert np.intp("123") == np.intp(123)
        raises(TypeError, np.intp, None)
        assert np.float64() == np.float64(0)
        assert math.isnan(np.float64(None))
        assert np.bool_() == np.bool_(False)
        assert np.bool_("abc") == np.bool_(True)
        assert np.bool_(None) == np.bool_(False)
        assert np.complex_() == np.complex_(0)
        # raises(TypeError, np.complex_, '1+2j')
        assert math.isnan(np.complex_(None))
        for c in ["i", "I", "l", "L", "q", "Q"]:
            assert np.dtype(c).type().dtype.char == c
        for c in ["l", "q"]:
            assert np.dtype(c).type(sys.maxint) == sys.maxint
        for c in ["L", "Q"]:
            assert np.dtype(c).type(sys.maxint + 42) == sys.maxint + 42
        assert np.float32(np.array([True, False])).dtype == np.float32
        assert type(np.float32(np.array([True]))) is np.ndarray
        assert type(np.float32(1.0)) is np.float32
        a = np.array([True, False])
        assert np.bool_(a) is a

示例2: load

    def load(cls, filename):
        """ @brief Loads a png from a file as a 16-bit heightmap.
            @param filename Name of target .png image
            @returns A 16-bit, 1-channel image.

        # Get various png parameters so that we can allocate the
        # correct amount of storage space for the new image
        dx, dy, dz = ctypes.c_float(), ctypes.c_float(), ctypes.c_float()
        ni, nj = ctypes.c_int(), ctypes.c_int()
        libfab.load_png_stats(filename, ni, nj, dx, dy, dz)

        # Create a python image data structure
        img = cls(ni.value, nj.value, channels=1, depth=16)

        # Add bounds to the image
        if math.isnan(dx.value):
            print 'Assuming 72 dpi for x resolution.'
            img.xmin, img.xmax = 0, 72*img.width/25.4
        else:   img.xmin, img.xmax = 0, dx.value

        if math.isnan(dy.value):
            print 'Assuming 72 dpi for y resolution.'
            img.ymin, img.ymax = 0, 72*img.height/25.4
        else:   img.ymin, img.ymax = 0, dy.value

        if not math.isnan(dz.value):    img.zmin, img.zmax = 0, dz.value

        # Load the image data from the file
        libfab.load_png(filename, img.pixels)
        img.filename = filename

        return img

示例3: _align_top_level

    def _align_top_level(self):
        """Temporary function to plot data. Expected to be
        implemented in plotter

        result_1 = self._first_agg.aggregate(level="all")
        result_2 = self._second_agg.aggregate(level="all")

        s_x = self._resample(result_1[0])
        s_y = self._resample(result_2[0])

        front_x, front_y, front_shift = align(s_x, s_y, mode="front")
        front_corr = self._correlate(front_x, front_y)

        back_x, back_y, back_shift = align(s_x, s_y, mode="back")
        back_corr = self._correlate(back_x, back_y)

        if math.isnan(back_corr):
            back_corr = 0
        if math.isnan(front_corr):
            front_corr = 0

        if front_corr >= back_corr:
            return front_shift
            return back_shift

示例4: _tabulate

 def _tabulate(self, tablefmt="simple", rollups=False, rows=10):
     """Pretty tabulated string of all the cached data, and column names"""
     if not self.is_valid(): self.fill(rows=rows)
     # Pretty print cached data
     d = collections.OrderedDict()
     # If also printing the rollup stats, build a full row-header
     if rollups:
         col = next(iter(viewvalues(self._data)))  # Get a sample column
         lrows = len(col['data'])  # Cached rows being displayed
         d[""] = ["type", "mins", "mean", "maxs", "sigma", "zeros", "missing"] + list(map(str, range(lrows)))
     # For all columns...
     for k, v in viewitems(self._data):
         x = v['data']  # Data to display
         t = v["type"]  # Column type
         if t == "enum":
             domain = v['domain']  # Map to cat strings as needed
             x = ["" if math.isnan(idx) else domain[int(idx)] for idx in x]
         elif t == "time":
             x = ["" if math.isnan(z) else time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(z / 1000)) for z in x]
         if rollups:  # Rollups, if requested
             mins = v['mins'][0] if v['mins'] and v["type"] != "enum" else None
             maxs = v['maxs'][0] if v['maxs'] and v["type"] != "enum" else None
             #Cross check type with mean and sigma. Set to None if of type enum.
             if v['type'] == "enum":
                 v['mean'] = v['sigma'] = v['zero_count'] = None
             x = [v['type'], mins, v['mean'], maxs, v['sigma'], v['zero_count'], v['missing_count']] + x
         d[k] = x  # Insert into ordered-dict
     return tabulate.tabulate(d, headers="keys", tablefmt=tablefmt)

示例5: test_variance

    def test_variance(self):
        Case = namedtuple("Case", "array variance")
        cases = [
            Case([], float("nan")),
            Case([1], float("nan")),
            Case([1, 1], 0),
            Case([1, 1, 1], 0),
            Case([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2.5),
            Case([1.5, 4.7, 24, 8.5], 99.38916666666665),
            Case([-34, 5, 3.6, -104.95, 67.4], 3989.6705)

        # Calculating the variance using the pystat module.
        for case in cases:
            runningStat = RunningStat()

            # Push all elements.
            for element in case.array:

            # Ensures that both numbers are either NaNs or not NaNs.
            # If the variance is not a NaN compare it to the expected variance.
            if not math.isnan(runningStat.variance()):
                precision = 0
                if "." in str(case.variance):
                    precision = len(str(case.variance).split(".")[1])
                self.assertEqual(round(runningStat.variance(), precision),
                                 round(case.variance, precision))

示例6: test_max

    def test_max(self):
        Case = namedtuple("Case", "array max")
        cases = [
            Case([], float("nan")),
            Case([1], 1),
            Case([1, 1], 1),
            Case([1, 1, 1], 1),
            Case([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 5),
            Case([1.5, 4.7, 24, 8.5], 24),
            Case([-34, 5, 3.6, -104.95, 67.4], 67.4)

        # Calculating the max using the pystat module.
        for case in cases:
            runningStat = RunningStat()

            # Push all elements.
            for element in case.array:

            # Ensures that both numbers are either NaNs or not NaNs.
            # If the max is not a NaN compare it to the expected max.
            if not math.isnan(runningStat.max()):
                self.assertEqual(runningStat.max(), case.max)

示例7: testLdexp

    def testLdexp(self):
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.ldexp)
        self.ftest('ldexp(0,1)', math.ldexp(0,1), 0)
        self.ftest('ldexp(1,1)', math.ldexp(1,1), 2)
        self.ftest('ldexp(1,-1)', math.ldexp(1,-1), 0.5)
        self.ftest('ldexp(-1,1)', math.ldexp(-1,1), -2)
        self.assertRaises(OverflowError, math.ldexp, 1., 1000000)
        self.assertRaises(OverflowError, math.ldexp, -1., 1000000)
        self.assertEquals(math.ldexp(1., -1000000), 0.)
        self.assertEquals(math.ldexp(-1., -1000000), -0.)
        self.assertEquals(math.ldexp(INF, 30), INF)
        self.assertEquals(math.ldexp(NINF, -213), NINF)
        self.assert_(math.isnan(math.ldexp(NAN, 0)))

        # large second argument
        for n in [10**5, 10L**5, 10**10, 10L**10, 10**20, 10**40]:
            self.assertEquals(math.ldexp(INF, -n), INF)
            self.assertEquals(math.ldexp(NINF, -n), NINF)
            self.assertEquals(math.ldexp(1., -n), 0.)
            self.assertEquals(math.ldexp(-1., -n), -0.)
            self.assertEquals(math.ldexp(0., -n), 0.)
            self.assertEquals(math.ldexp(-0., -n), -0.)
            self.assert_(math.isnan(math.ldexp(NAN, -n)))

            self.assertRaises(OverflowError, math.ldexp, 1., n)
            self.assertRaises(OverflowError, math.ldexp, -1., n)
            self.assertEquals(math.ldexp(0., n), 0.)
            self.assertEquals(math.ldexp(-0., n), -0.)
            self.assertEquals(math.ldexp(INF, n), INF)
            self.assertEquals(math.ldexp(NINF, n), NINF)
            self.assert_(math.isnan(math.ldexp(NAN, n)))

示例8: branch_calculte

def branch_calculte(filename):
    paml_rate = {}
    for line in f:
        line = line.strip()
        paml_out = paml.read_line(line)
        sp0 = round(((paml_out.sp1_sp0 + paml_out.sp2_sp0) - paml_out.sp2_sp1)/2,4)
        sp1 = round(((paml_out.sp2_sp1 + paml_out.sp1_sp0) - paml_out.sp2_sp0)/2,4)
        sp2 = round(((paml_out.sp2_sp1 + paml_out.sp2_sp0) - paml_out.sp1_sp0)/2,4)
        if math.isnan(sp0) or math.isnan(sp1) or math.isnan(sp2):
            sp0 = sp0 if sp0 > 0 else 0.0001
            sp1 = sp1 if sp1 > 0 else 0.0001
            sp0_devide_sp1 = sp0/sp1
            sp0_devide_sp1 = 16 if sp0_devide_sp1 > 16 else sp0_devide_sp1
            sp0_devide_sp1 = 0.0625 if sp0_devide_sp1 < 0.0625 else sp0_devide_sp1
            paml_rate[paml_out.sp0name]=np.log2(sp0_devide_sp1)    #paml-rate structure
    f = open(branch_file,"w")
    for name in paml_rate:
    return paml_rate

示例9: test_pow

    def test_pow(self):
        import math

        def pw(x, y):
            return x ** y
        def espeq(x, y):
            return not abs(x-y) > 1e05
        raises(ZeroDivisionError, pw, 0.0, -1)
        assert pw(0, 0.5) == 0.0
        assert espeq(pw(4.0, 0.5), 2.0)
        assert pw(4.0, 0) == 1.0
        assert pw(-4.0, 0) == 1.0
        assert type(pw(-1.0, 0.5)) == complex
        assert pw(-1.0, 2.0) == 1.0
        assert pw(-1.0, 3.0) == -1.0
        assert pw(-1.0, 1e200) == 1.0
        if self.py26:
            assert pw(0.0, float("-inf")) == float("inf")
            assert math.isnan(pw(-3, float("nan")))
            assert math.isnan(pw(-3., float("nan")))
            assert pw(-1.0, -float('inf')) == 1.0
            assert pw(-1.0, float('inf')) == 1.0
            assert pw(float('inf'), 0) == 1.0
            assert pw(float('nan'), 0) == 1.0

            assert math.isinf(pw(-0.5, float('-inf')))
            assert math.isinf(pw(+0.5, float('-inf')))
            assert pw(-1.5, float('-inf')) == 0.0
            assert pw(+1.5, float('-inf')) == 0.0

            assert str(pw(float('-inf'), -0.5)) == '0.0'
            assert str(pw(float('-inf'), -2.0)) == '0.0'
            assert str(pw(float('-inf'), -1.0)) == '-0.0'
            assert str(pw(float('-inf'), 1.0)) == '-inf'
            assert str(pw(float('-inf'), 2.0)) == 'inf'

示例10: explorer

def explorer():
	scipy.misc.imsave('map.png', image_array)
	while(not (isnan(x_im) and isnan(y_im)) and rospy.is_shutdown()):
		(x,y,theta)=pix_to_pose((x_im,y_im,0), pose_origin, metadata)
		# Plotting the location of the robot
		for i in range(-3,4):
		  for j in range(-3,4):
		    image_array[pose_in_im[0]+i, pose_in_im[1]+j] = (255, 0, 0)
		# Plotting its orientation
		for i in range(10):
		  image_array[int(pose_in_im[0]+i*sin(-pose_in_im[2])), int(pose_in_im[1]+i*cos(-pose_in_im[2]))] = (0, 0, 255)
		print("Enregistrement de l'image")
		scipy.misc.imsave('map.png', image_array)
		scipy.misc.imsave('map.png', image_array)

示例11: write_log

def write_log(task, data, in_rows, question, out_rows, out_cols, solution, version, git, fun, run, time_sec, mem_gb, cache, chk, chk_time_sec):
   batch = os.getenv('BATCH', "") 
   timestamp = time.time()
   csv_file = os.getenv('CSV_TIME_FILE', "time.csv")
   nodename = platform.node()
   comment = "" # placeholder for updates to timing data
   time_sec = round(time_sec, 3)
   chk_time_sec = round(chk_time_sec, 3)
   mem_gb = round(mem_gb, 3)
   if math.isnan(time_sec):
      time_sec = ""
   if math.isnan(mem_gb):
      mem_gb = ""
   log_row = [nodename, batch, timestamp, task, data, in_rows, question, out_rows, out_cols, solution, version, git, fun, run, time_sec, mem_gb, cache, chk, chk_time_sec, comment]
   log_header = ["nodename","batch","timestamp","task","data","in_rows","question","out_rows","out_cols","solution","version","git","fun","run","time_sec","mem_gb","cache","chk","chk_time_sec","comment"]
   append = os.path.isfile(csv_file)
   csv_verbose = os.getenv('CSV_VERBOSE', "true")
   if csv_verbose.lower()=="true":
      print('# ' + ','.join(str(x) for x in log_row))
   if append:
      with open(csv_file, 'a') as f:
         w = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n')
      with open(csv_file, 'w+') as f:
         w = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n')
   return True

示例12: assertFloatsAreIdentical

    def assertFloatsAreIdentical(self, x, y):
        """assert that floats x and y are identical, in the sense that:
        (1) both x and y are nans, or
        (2) both x and y are infinities, with the same sign, or
        (3) both x and y are zeros, with the same sign, or
        (4) x and y are both finite and nonzero, and x == y

        msg = 'floats {!r} and {!r} are not identical'

        if isnan(x) or isnan(y):
            if isnan(x) and isnan(y):
        elif x == y:
            if x != 0.0:
            # both zero; check that signs match
            elif copysign(1.0, x) == copysign(1.0, y):
                msg += ': zeros have different signs'
                if test_support.due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/28352"):
                    print msg.format(x, y)
        self.fail(msg.format(x, y))

示例13: tradeRuleNVI

def tradeRuleNVI(nvit1, nvi, sma):
    if math.isnan(nvit1) or math.isnan(nvi) or math.isnan(sma):
        return np.nan
    if nvit1 <= sma and nvi > sma:
        return 1  # buy
        return 0  # hold 

示例14: arith_min_same

 def arith_min_same(self, other):
     assert isinstance(other, values.W_Flonum)
     if math.isnan(self.value):
         return self
     if math.isnan(other.value):
         return other
     return values.W_Number.arith_min_same(self, other)

示例15: bv2rgb

def bv2rgb(bv):
    if math.isnan(bv):
        bc = 0
    if bv < -0.4: bv = -0.4
    if bv > 2.0: bv = 2.0
    if bv >= -0.40 and bv < 0.00:
        t = (bv + 0.40) / (0.00 + 0.40)
        r = 0.61 + 0.11 * t + 0.1 * t * t
        g = 0.70 + 0.07 * t + 0.1 * t * t
        b = 1.0
    elif bv >= 0.00 and bv < 0.40:
        t = (bv - 0.00) / (0.40 - 0.00)
        r = 0.83 + (0.17 * t)
        g = 0.87 + (0.11 * t)
        b = 1.0
    elif bv >= 0.40 and bv < 1.60:
        t = (bv - 0.40) / (1.60 - 0.40)
        r = 1.0
        g = 0.98 - 0.16 * t
        t = (bv - 1.60) / (2.00 - 1.60)
        r = 1.0
        g = (0.82 - 0.5) * t * t
    if bv >= 0.40 and bv < 1.50:
        t = (bv - 0.40) / (1.50 - 0.40)
        b = 1.00 - 0.47 * t + 0.1 * t * t
    elif bv >= 1.50 and bv < 1.951:
        t = (bv - 1.50) / (1.94 - 1.50)
        b = 0.63 - 0.6 * t * t
        b = 0.0
    if bv == 'nan' or math.isnan(bv):
        g = 0.5
    g /= 1.3
    return "rgb({0}, {1}, {2})".format(int(r*255),int(g*255),int(b*255))
