本文整理汇总了Python中math.copysign函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python copysign函数的具体用法?Python copysign怎么用?Python copysign使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: write_corner
def write_corner(fhandler, r, n, last_id, m_fact=1.0):
"""Write the Ghost particles as well as the common mirror particle, for a
This method is only for convex bodies, and Ghost particles.
Position arguments:
r -- Mirroring position
n -- Outward normal of the corner
last_id -- Number of already written particles
Keyword arguments:
m_fact -- Mass multiplier factor (To eventually overlap ghost particles)
Returned value:
Number of written particles
if BC != 'GP':
return 0
n_box = 1
write_particle(fhandler, r, n=n, mass=dr, imove=-2)
dir = (math.copysign(1.0, n[0]), math.copysign(1.0, n[1]))
dx = 0.5 * dr
while dx < sep * h:
x = r[0] + dir[0] * dx
dy = 0.5 * dr
while dy < sep * h:
y = r[1] + dir[1] * dy
write_particle(fhandler, (x, y), n=n, mass=m_fact*refd*dr**2,
imove=-1, associated=last_id)
n_box += 1
dy += dr
dx += dr
return n_box
示例2: assertFloatsAreIdentical
def assertFloatsAreIdentical(self, x, y):
"""assert that floats x and y are identical, in the sense that:
(1) both x and y are nans, or
(2) both x and y are infinities, with the same sign, or
(3) both x and y are zeros, with the same sign, or
(4) x and y are both finite and nonzero, and x == y
msg = 'floats {!r} and {!r} are not identical'
if isnan(x) or isnan(y):
if isnan(x) and isnan(y):
elif x == y:
if x != 0.0:
# both zero; check that signs match
elif copysign(1.0, x) == copysign(1.0, y):
msg += ': zeros have different signs'
if test_support.due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/28352"):
print msg.format(x, y)
self.fail(msg.format(x, y))
示例3: apply_matching
def apply_matching(self,error_type,matching):
""" applies appropriate flips to the array to bring it back to the codespace using the given matching """
channel=0 if error_type=="X" else 1
for pair in matching:
if channel==1 and (p1==-1 or p1==self.size*2+1)and(q1==-1 or q1==self.size*2+1):
elif channel==0 and (p0==-1 or p0==self.size*2+1)and(q0==-1 or q0==self.size*2+1):
for x in range1:
for y in range0:
for flip in flips:
示例4: move_vector
def move_vector(self):
if self.x_real == self.x_dest:
self.x_move = 0
#up by default
self.y_move = 1
#whoops, we need down
if(self.y_dest < self.y_real):
self.y_move = -1
#negative safely unreald slope
self.m = (-999,1)
#positive safely unreal slope
self.m = (999,1)
#we have vertical movement, find slope
self.m = ((self.y_dest - self.y_real), (self.x_dest - self.x_real))
self.y_move = self.m[0]/(abs(self.m[0])+abs(self.m[1]))
self.x_move = 1 - self.y_move
#make sure the sign is correct
self.y_move = math.copysign(self.y_move, self.m[0])
self.x_move = math.copysign(self.x_move, self.m[1])
示例5: scrollEvent
def scrollEvent(self, dx=0, dy=0):
Generate scroll events from parametters and displacement
@param int dx delta movement from last call on x axis
@param int dy delta movement from last call on y axis
@param bool free set to true for free ball move
@return float absolute distance moved this tick
# Compute mouse mouvement from interger part of d * scale
self._scr_dx += dx * self._scr_xscale
self._scr_dy += dy * self._scr_yscale
_syn = False
if int(self._scr_dx):
self.relEvent(rel=Rels.REL_HWHEEL, val=int(copysign(1, self._scr_dx)))
self._scr_dx -= int(self._scr_dx)
_syn = True
if int(self._scr_dy):
self.relEvent(rel=Rels.REL_WHEEL, val=int(copysign(1, self._scr_dy)))
self._scr_dy -= int(self._scr_dy)
_syn = True
if _syn:
示例6: readline
def readline(self):
if self.readList is None:
return ''
n = 0
timeDiff = self.lastTempAt - time.time()
self.lastTempAt = time.time()
if abs(self.temp - self.targetTemp) > 1:
self.temp += math.copysign(timeDiff *
10, self.targetTemp - self.temp)
if self.temp < 0:
self.temp = 0
if abs(self.bedTemp - self.bedTargetTemp) > 1:
self.bedTemp += math.copysign(timeDiff *
10, self.bedTargetTemp - self.bedTemp)
if self.bedTemp < 0:
self.bedTemp = 0
while len(self.readList) < 1:
n += 1
if n == 20:
return ''
if self.readList is None:
return ''
return self.readList.pop(0)
示例7: squashMatching
def squashMatching(size,error_type,matching):
channel=0 if error_type=="X" else 1
flip_array=[[1]*(2*size+1) for _ in range(2*size+1)]
for [(pt,p0,p1),(qt,q0,q1)] in matching:
flips = []
if (p0 in [-1,size*2+1] and q0 in [-1,size*2+1]) or (p1 in [-1,size*2+1] and q1 in [-1,size*2+1]):
for x in range1:
for y in range0:
for flip in flips:
return flip_array
示例8: update
def update(self, txn):
if self.sid != txn.sid:
raise Exception('updating position with txn for a '
'different sid')
total_shares = self.amount + txn.amount
if total_shares == 0:
self.cost_basis = 0.0
prev_direction = copysign(1, self.amount)
txn_direction = copysign(1, txn.amount)
if prev_direction != txn_direction:
# we're covering a short or closing a position
if abs(txn.amount) > abs(self.amount):
# we've closed the position and gone short
# or covered the short position and gone long
self.cost_basis = txn.price
prev_cost = self.cost_basis * self.amount
txn_cost = txn.amount * txn.price
total_cost = prev_cost + txn_cost
self.cost_basis = total_cost / total_shares
# Update the last sale price if txn is
# best data we have so far
if self.last_sale_date is None or txn.dt > self.last_sale_date:
self.last_sale_price = txn.price
self.last_sale_date = txn.dt
self.amount = total_shares
示例9: stepThatWay
def stepThatWay(self):
Not used.
fX = self.goal[0] - self.pos.means[0]
fY = self.goal[1] - self.pos.means[1]
fM = math.hypot(fX, fY)
fD = math.atan2(fY, fX)
# Convert to robot frame
fDR = fD - self.pos.means[2]
if math.fabs(fDR) > math.pi:
fDR -= math.copysign(2 * math.pi, fDR)
if math.fabs(fDR) > math.pi/10.0:
provX = 0.0
provX = min(self.maxSpeed, self.kSpeed * fM)
provZ = math.fabs(self.kTurn * fDR)
provZ = min(self.maxTurn, provZ)
provZ = math.copysign(provZ, fDR)
twist = Twist()
twist.linear.x = provX
twist.angular.z = provZ
return twist
示例10: intersection_point
def intersection_point(center_x, center_y, source_x, source_y, \
width, height=None):
"""Determines where the rhombus centered at (center_x, center_y)
intersects with a line drawn from (source_x, source_y) to
(center_x, center_y).
@see: ShapeDrawer.intersection_point"""
height = height or width
if height == 0 and width == 0:
return center_x, center_y
delta_x, delta_y = source_x - center_x, source_y - center_y
# Treat edge case when delta_x = 0
if delta_x == 0:
if delta_y == 0:
return center_x, center_y
return center_x, center_y + copysign(height / 2, delta_y)
width = copysign(width, delta_x)
height = copysign(height, delta_y)
f = height / (height + width * delta_y / delta_x)
return center_x + f * width / 2, center_y + (1-f) * height / 2
示例11: update_vel
def update_vel(self, delta_time, desired_vel):
v = float(desired_vel.v)
omega = float(desired_vel.omega)
sigma = max(v/self.max_vel, omega/self.max_rot_vel, 1.0)
if sigma != 1.0:
if v/self.max_vel > omega/self.max_rot_vel:
v = copysign(self.max_vel, v)
omega /= sigma
else: # omega/self.max_rot_vel > v/self.max_vel
v /= sigma
omega = copysign(self.max_rot_vel, omega)
# these are the velocities wheels would get
# if they didn't have to accelerate smoothly
target_lvel = v - 0.5 * self.width * omega
target_rvel = v + 0.5 * self.width * omega
if abs(self.lvel - target_lvel) < delta_time * config.BOT_ACCEL_CAP:
self.lvel = target_lvel
self.lvel += copysign(config.BOT_ACCEL_CAP, target_lvel - self.lvel) * delta_time
if abs(self.rvel - target_rvel) < delta_time * config.BOT_ACCEL_CAP:
self.rvel = target_rvel
self.rvel += copysign(config.BOT_ACCEL_CAP, target_rvel - self.rvel) * delta_time
# cap velocity
v = max(abs(self.lvel), abs(self.rvel))
if v > self.max_vel:
self.lvel *= self.max_vel / v
self.rvel *= self.max_vel / v
示例12: drag3
def drag3(event):
global x, y, dpx
x=start3[0]+copysign(dpx*sizex, event.x-start3[0])
y=start3[1]+copysign(dpx*sizey, event.y-start3[1])
示例13: compare
def compare(self, flower1, flower2):
if (flower1.height == flower2.height):
return 0 # never happen
if ( self.block(flower1,flower2) ):
return int(math.copysign(1, flower1.height - flower2.height))
return int(math.copysign(1, flower2.height - flower1.height))
示例14: move_arc
def move_arc(self, radius, theta):
turn_speed = 0.0
initial_distance = self.total_distance
initial_heading = self.heading
arc_length = radius * theta # some calculation
while(self.total_distance - initial_distance < abs(arc_length)):
turn_speed = 0.0
# calculate desired angle based on distance travelled
target_heading = (self.total_distance - initial_distance)/radius
target_heading = math.copysign(target_heading, arc_length)
# offset by starting angle
target_heading += initial_heading
# ensure that 0 <= target_heading <= 2*pi
if target_heading < 0:
target_heading += 2*math.pi
if target_heading > 2*math.pi:
target_heading -= 2*math.pi
error = target_heading - self.heading
if error < -math.pi:
error += 2*math.pi
if error > math.pi:
error -= 2*math.pi
# correct angle
if(abs(error) > 0.008):
if abs(error) < 0.05:
turn_speed = math.copysign(0.3, error)
turn_speed = error*5
self.set_speeds(0.2, turn_speed)
print "relative distance: ", self.total_distance - initial_distance
print "error: ", error
return 1
示例15: GetG4XYZ
def GetG4XYZ(self):
"""Returns angles (theta,phi,psi) for:
an x-rotation by theta followed by a y-rotation by phi followed by a z-rotation by psi.
Passive rotations are considered here, as expected for a GEANT4 rotation. That is equivalent to
an Active rotation by -psi,-phi,-theta in the ZYX order.
Note that this is the same algorithm as GetXYZ(), for the INVERSE matrix.
This works in all quadrants
Note that if you construct a rotation matrix using three angles, you may not get back the same angles from this function
(i.e. the mapping between xyz-angle-triples and SO(3) is not 1-1)"""
phi= -math.asin(self.item(0,2))
if math.fabs(1.-math.fabs(self.item(0,2))) > 0.0000001:
psi = math.atan2(self.item(0,1),self.item(0,0))
theta= math.atan2(self.item(1,2),self.item(2,2))
psi = 0
if math.fabs(self.item(1,1)) > 0.0000001 and math.fabs(self.item(2,0))>0.0000001:
if math.copysign(1,self.item(1,1)) == math.copysign(1,self.item(2,0)):
if not math.copysign(1,self.item(1,0)) == math.copysign(1,self.item(2,1)):