本文整理汇总了Python中math.atan2函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python atan2函数的具体用法?Python atan2怎么用?Python atan2使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: filter_stabilized
def filter_stabilized(): # Analog zu filter_reference()
global sens_stab
offset = [0.0, 0.0]
sens_stab = [0.0, 0.0]
out = [0.0, 0.0]
iterations = 0
k = 0.025
while True:
out[0] = (
+ 0.99 * (out[0] + stabilized_gyro_omega[0] * DT - offset[0])
+ 0.01
* (360 / (2 * math.pi))
* (math.atan2(stabilized_accelerometer_acc["y"], stabilized_accelerometer_acc["z"]) + math.pi)
out[1] = (
+ 0.99 * (out[1] + stabilized_gyro_omega[1] * DT - offset[1])
+ 0.01
* (360 / (2 * math.pi))
* (math.atan2(stabilized_accelerometer_acc["z"], stabilized_accelerometer_acc["x"]) + math.pi)
iterations += 1
time.sleep(k * DT)
if iterations == 30 * (1 / DT):
offset[0] = 0.0 - out[0]
offset[1] = 0.0 - out[1]
out[0] = 0
out[1] = 0
print "Sensor 2 calibrated"
k = 1
sens_stab[0] = int(out[0])
sens_stab[1] = int(out[1])
示例2: isRectangle
def isRectangle(pts, seuil=0.05):
if len(pts) != 4:
raise ValueError('Input must be 4 points')
coords = pts.ravel().reshape(-1, 2)
cx, cy = np.mean([coord[0] for coord in coords]), np.mean(
[coord[1] for coord in coords])
dist = [distance((cx, cy), coord) for coord in coords]
res = 0
# print coords
for i in xrange(1, 4):
res += abs(dist[0] - dist[i])
bias = res / distance(coords[1], coords[2])
logging.info('Regtangle bias: %.3f', res)
logging.info('Ratio bias: %.3f', bias)
if bias < seuil:
line1 = coords[3] - coords[0]
line2 = coords[2] - coords[1]
mean_radian = - \
(math.atan2(line1[1], line1[0]) +
math.atan2(line2[1], line2[0])) / 2
inclination = math.degrees(mean_radian) # / np.pi * 90
logging.info('Document rotation: %.3f degree', inclination)
return True, mean_radian
return False, None
示例3: matrix_to_euler
def matrix_to_euler(rotmat):
'''Inverse of euler_to_matrix().'''
if not isinstance(rotmat, np.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix):
# As this calculation relies on np.matrix algebra - convert array to
# matrix
rotmat = np.matrix(rotmat)
def cvec(x, y, z):
return np.matrix([[x, y, z]]).T
ex = cvec(1., 0., 0.)
ez = cvec(0., 0., 1.)
exs = rotmat.T * ex
ezs = rotmat.T * ez
enodes = np.cross(ez.T, ezs.T).T
if np.linalg.norm(enodes) < 1e-10:
enodes = exs
enodess = rotmat * enodes
cos_alpha = float((ez.T*ezs))
if cos_alpha > 1.:
cos_alpha = 1.
if cos_alpha < -1.:
cos_alpha = -1.
alpha = acos(cos_alpha)
beta = np.mod(atan2(enodes[1, 0], enodes[0, 0]), pi * 2.)
gamma = np.mod(-atan2(enodess[1, 0], enodess[0, 0]), pi*2.)
return unique_euler(alpha, beta, gamma)
示例4: update_searchlight_from_orientation_
def update_searchlight_from_orientation_(self):
qw, qx, qy, qz = self.move.get_orientation()
# Convert quaternion to euler-angle.
# Formulas from:
# http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/quaternionToEuler/
# but note that all values are negated.
azimuth = 0
elevation = 0
test = qx * qy + qz * qw
roll = math.asin(2 * test)
if test > 0.499:
azimuth = -2 * math.atan2(qx, qw)
elevation = math.pi / 2
elif test < -0.499:
azimuth = 2 * math.atan2(qx, qw)
elevation = 0
azimuth = -math.atan2(2 * qy * qw - 2 * qx * qz,
1 - 2 * qy * qy - 2 * qz * qz)
elevation = math.atan2(2 * qx * qw - 2 * qy * qz ,
1 - 2 * qx * qx - 2 * qz * qz)
# print 'az %.2f el %.2f roll %.2f' % (
# azimuth * 57.2957795, elevation * 57.2957795, roll * 57.2957795)
min_elevation = -1
for searchlight in self.searchlights:
min_elevation = max(min_elevation, searchlight.config.elevation_lower_bound)
min_elevation = clamp_and_scale(min_elevation, -1, 1, 0, 90 * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)
if elevation < min_elevation:
elevation = min_elevation
self.reactor.callFromThread(self.target_angle, azimuth, elevation)
示例5: pointObjectToTarget
def pointObjectToTarget(obj, targetLoc):
dx = targetLoc.x - obj.location.x;
dy = targetLoc.y - obj.location.y;
dz = targetLoc.z - obj.location.z;
xRad = math.atan2(dz, math.sqrt(dy**2 + dx**2)) + math.pi/2;
zRad = math.atan2(dy, dx) - math.pi/2;
obj.rotation_euler = mathutils.Euler((xRad, 0, zRad), 'XYZ');
示例6: draw_car
def draw_car(x,y,th,canv):
r = math.sqrt(math.pow(ROBOT_LENGTH,2) + math.pow(ROBOT_WIDTH,2))/2
x = x + 300.0/cm_to_pixels
y = y + 300.0/cm_to_pixels
# top left
phi = th + math.pi/2+ math.atan2(ROBOT_LENGTH,ROBOT_WIDTH)
topleft = (x + r*math.cos(phi),y+r*math.sin(phi))
#top right
phi = th + math.atan2(ROBOT_WIDTH,ROBOT_LENGTH)
topright = (x + r*math.cos(phi),y+r*math.sin(phi))
# bottom left
phi = th + math.pi + math.atan2(ROBOT_WIDTH,ROBOT_LENGTH)
bottomleft = (x + r*math.cos(phi),y+r*math.sin(phi))
# bottom right
phi = th + 3*math.pi/2 + math.atan2(ROBOT_LENGTH,ROBOT_WIDTH)
bottomright = (x + r*math.cos(phi),y+r*math.sin(phi))
canv.create_polygon(topleft[0]*cm_to_pixels,600 - topleft[1]*cm_to_pixels,
bottomleft[0]*cm_to_pixels,600 - bottomleft[1]*cm_to_pixels,
bottomright[0]*cm_to_pixels,600 - bottomright[1]*cm_to_pixels,
topright[0]*cm_to_pixels,600 - topright[1]*cm_to_pixels,
width = 1, outline = 'blue',fill = '')
x1 = x*cm_to_pixels
y1 = y*cm_to_pixels
canv.create_oval(x1-1,600-(y1-1),x1+1,600-(y1+1),outline = 'green',fill = 'green')
示例7: getValues
def getValues(self):
accx = self.twos_comp_combine(self.BUS.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.ACC_X_MSB), self.BUS.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.ACC_X_LSB))
accy = self.twos_comp_combine(self.BUS.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.ACC_Y_MSB), self.BUS.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.ACC_Y_LSB))
accz = self.twos_comp_combine(self.BUS.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.ACC_Z_MSB), self.BUS.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.ACC_Z_LSB))
gyrox = self.twos_comp_combine(self.BUS.read_byte_data(self.GYRO, self.GYRO_X_MSB), self.BUS.read_byte_data(self.GYRO, self.GYRO_X_LSB))
gyroy = self.twos_comp_combine(self.BUS.read_byte_data(self.GYRO, self.GYRO_Y_MSB), self.BUS.read_byte_data(self.GYRO, self.GYRO_Y_LSB))
gyroz = self.twos_comp_combine(self.BUS.read_byte_data(self.GYRO, self.GYRO_Z_MSB), self.BUS.read_byte_data(self.GYRO, self.GYRO_Z_LSB))
rate_gyrox = gyrox*self.GYRO_ADD
rate_gyroy = gyroy*self.GYRO_ADD
rate_gyroz = gyroz*self.GYRO_ADD
if (not self.FIRST):
self.FIRST = True
self.gyroXangle = rate_gyrox*self.DT
self.gyroYangle = rate_gyroy*self.DT
self.gyroZangle = rate_gyroz*self.DT
self.gyroXangle += rate_gyrox*self.DT
self.gyroYangle += rate_gyroy*self.DT
self.gyroZangle += rate_gyroz*self.DT
roll = int(round(math.degrees(math.atan2(accx, accz))))
pitch = int(round(math.degrees(math.atan2(accy, accz))))
print "Przechylenie: ", int(round(roll,0)), " Pochylenie: ", int(round(pitch,0))
self.FILTR_X = self.MULTIPLY*(roll)+(1-self.MULTIPLY)*self.gyroXangle
self.FILTR_Y = self.MULTIPLY*(pitch)+(1-self.MULTIPLY)*self.gyroYangle
print "Filtr przechylenie: ", int(round(self.FILTR_X,0)), " Filtr pochylenie: ", int(round(self.FILTR_Y,0))
return str(roll)+';'+str(pitch)
示例8: getArcParameters
def getArcParameters(self, arc, version):
xs = self.setUnit(arc['pos'][0], version)
ys = self.setUnit(arc['pos'][1], version)
x1 = self.setUnit(arc['ofsa'][0], version)
y1 = self.setUnit(arc['ofsa'][1], version)
x2 = self.setUnit(arc['ofsb'][0], version)
y2 = self.setUnit(arc['ofsb'][1], version)
angle = float("%.1f" % ((atan2(y2, x2) - atan2(y1, x1)) * 180 / 3.14))
x1 = self.setUnit(arc['ofsa'][0], version) + xs
y1 = self.setUnit(arc['ofsa'][1], version) + ys
[x2R, y2R] = self.obrocPunkt2([x1, y1], [xs, ys], angle)
#FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning(u"angle = {0}\n".format(angle))
#FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning(u"xs = {0}\n".format(xs))
#FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning(u"ys = {0}\n".format(ys))
#FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning(u"x1 = {0}\n".format(x1))
#FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning(u"y1 = {0}\n".format(y1))
#FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning(u"x2R = {0}\n".format(x2R))
#FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning(u"y2R = {0}\n\n".format(y2R))
x2R = float("%.1f" % x2R)
y2R = float("%.1f" % y2R)
if angle < 0:
angle = angle - 360
width = self.setUnit(arc['width'], version)
return [x1, y1 * -1, x2R, y2R * -1, angle, width]
示例9: on_mouse_press
def on_mouse_press(x, y, button, modifiers):
#print player1.x, player1.y
#for n in range(0, player1.sides):
#print n, " ::: ", player1.vertices[2 * n + 2], player1.vertices[2 * n + 3], " : ", player1.colors[4*n + 4:4*n+8]
if button == mouse.MIDDLE:
player1.drawTarget = True
if button == mouse.LEFT and player1.sides > 3:
a1 = math.atan2(float(y - player1.y), float(x - player1.x))
side = 0
closest = 3.1415
a3 = 100
for n in range(1, player1.sides + 1):
vx = player1.vertices[2*n]
vy = player1.vertices[2*n + 1]
a2 = math.atan2((vy - player1.y), (vx - player1.x))
if abs(a2 - a1) < closest:
side = n
closest = abs(a2 - a1)
a3 = a2
vtx, clr = player1.removeSide(side)
#player1.x + math.cos(angle) * (player1.radius + 4), player1.y + math.sin(angle) * (player1.radius + 4)
b = bullet(angle = a1, vtx=vtx, color = clr)
示例10: pid
def pid(self, data):
#Function that does a z control over the heading for the ground vehicle
#Uses z from the ar tag and tries to reach it
#Calculate heading angle to goal
u_x = data.x - self.x
u_y = data.y - self.y
theta_g = math.atan2(u_y, u_x)
#Calculate error in heading
e_k = theta_g - self.theta
e_k = math.atan2(math.sin(e_k), math.cos(e_k))
#Calculate PID parameters
e_P = e_k
e_I = self.E_k + e_k
e_D = self.e_k_1 - e_k
#The controlled angular velocity
self.w = self.Kp*e_P + self.Ki*e_I + self.Kd*e_D
self.E_k = e_I
self.e_k_1 = e_k
#Print statements for debugging
rospy.loginfo('PID called, w is: ')
goal = np.array((data.x, data.y))
rospy.loginfo('distance from goal: ')
示例11: solve_2R_inverse_kinematics
def solve_2R_inverse_kinematics(x,y,L1=1,L2=1):
"""For a 2R arm centered at the origin, solves for the joint angles
(q1,q2) that places the end effector at (x,y).
The result is a list of up to 2 solutions, e.g. [(q1,q2),(q1',q2')].
D = vectorops.norm((x,y))
thetades = math.atan2(y,x)
if D == 0:
raise ValueError("(x,y) at origin, infinite # of solutions")
c2 = (D**2-L1**2-L2**2)/(2.0*L1*L2)
q2s = []
if c2 < -1:
print "solve_2R_inverse_kinematics: (x,y) inside inner circle"
return []
elif c2 > 1:
print "solve_2R_inverse_kinematics: (x,y) out of reach"
return []
if c2 == 1:
q2s = [math.acos(c2)]
q2s = [math.acos(c2),-math.acos(c2)]
res = []
for q2 in q2s:
thetaactual = math.atan2(math.sin(q2),L1+L2*math.cos(q2))
q1 = thetades - thetaactual
return res
示例12: quat2eulerZYX
def quat2eulerZYX (self,q):
euler = Vector3()
tol = self.quat2eulerZYX.tolerance
qww, qxx, qyy, qzz = q.w*q.w, q.x*q.x, q.y*q.y, q.z*q.z
qwx, qxy, qyz, qxz= q.w*q.x, q.x*q.y, q.y*q.z, q.x*q.z
qwy, qwz = q.w*q.y, q.w*q.z
test = -2.0 * (qxz - qwy)
if test > +tol:
euler.x = atan2 (-2.0*(qyz-qwx), qww-qxx+qyy-qzz)
euler.y = +0.5 * pi
euler.z = 0.0
return euler
elif test < -tol:
euler.x = atan2 (-2.0*(qyz-qwx), qww-qxx+qyy-qzz)
euler.y = -0.5 * pi
euler.z = tol
return euler
euler.x = atan2 (2.0*(qyz+qwx), qww-qxx-qyy+qzz)
euler.y = asin (test)
euler.z = atan2 (2.0*(qxy+qwz), qww+qxx-qyy-qzz)
return euler
示例13: speedsToReach
def speedsToReach( carrot, robotPose ) :
Compute robot commands for the next path point
use 'follow the carrot' algorithm
:param carrot: Point to reach
:param robotPose: Robot collection storing robot position and orientation
:return: speeds of the robots in a dictionnary
# robot angle
angleRobot = atan2( getBearing()['Y'], getBearing()['X'] )
# compute distance between the robot and the carrot
distanceCarrot = computeDistance( carrot, robotPose['Position'] )
# print "distance: ", distanceCarrot
# compute the angle to the carrot
angleCarrot = atan2( carrot['Y'] - robotPose['Position']['Y'], carrot['X'] - robotPose['Position']['X'] )
angleToCarrot = angleCarrot - angleRobot
if -pi > angleToCarrot :
angleToCarrot = ( 2 * pi ) + angleToCarrot
if pi < angleToCarrot :
angleToCarrot = ( 2 * pi ) - angleToCarrot
# print "angle: ", angleToCarrot
# compute angular speed
speeds = {}
speeds['angular'] = ( angleToCarrot ) / radPerSec
speeds['linear'] = ( speeds['angular'] * ( distanceCarrot / ( 2 * sin( angleToCarrot ) ) ) )
if maxLinearSpeed < speeds['linear'] :
speeds['linear'] = maxLinearSpeed
if -maxLinearSpeed > speeds['linear'] :
speeds['linear'] = -maxLinearSpeed
return speeds
示例14: calc_ogp
def calc_ogp(self, params1, params2, freq):
Calculates OGP values for both cores given best fit parameters
from a snap fit
z_fact = -500.0/256.0
true_zero = 0.0 * z_fact
d_fact = 1e12/(2*np.pi*freq*1e6)
z1 = z_fact * params1[0][0]
sin1a = params1[0][1]
cos1a = params1[0][2]
amp1 = math.sqrt(sin1a**2 + cos1a**2)
dly1 = d_fact*math.atan2(sin1a, cos1a)
z2 = z_fact * params2[0][0]
sin2a = params2[0][1]
cos2a = params2[0][2]
amp2 = math.sqrt(sin2a**2 + cos2a**2)
dly2 = d_fact*math.atan2(sin2a, cos2a)
avz = (z1+z2)/2.0
avamp = (amp1+amp2)/2.0
a1p = 100*(avamp-amp1)/avamp
a2p = 100*(avamp-amp2)/avamp
avdly = (dly1+dly2)/2.0
ogp1 = (z1-true_zero, a1p, dly1-avdly)
ogp2 = (z2-true_zero, a2p, dly2-avdly)
return ogp1, ogp2
示例15: to_geographic
def to_geographic(self, x, y):
# Retrieve the locals.
A, E, PI4, PI2, P0, M0, X0, Y0, P1, P2, m1, m2, t1, t2, t0, n, F, rho0 = self._locals
# Subtract the false northing/easting.
x = x - X0
y = y - Y0
# Calculate the Longitude.
lon = math.atan2(x, rho0 - y) / n + M0
# Estimate the Latitude.
rho = math.sqrt(math.pow(x, 2.0) + math.pow(rho0 - y, 2.0))
t = math.pow(rho / (A * F), 1.0 / n)
lat = PI2 - (2.0 * math.atan2(t, 1.0))
# Substitute the estimate into the iterative calculation
# that converges on the correct Latitude value.
while True:
lat1 = lat
es = E * math.sin(lat1)
lat = PI2 - 2.0 * math.atan2(t * math.pow((1.0 - es) / (1.0 + es), E / 2.0), 1.0)
if math.fabs(lat - lat1) < 2.0e-9:
# Return lat/lon in degrees.
return math.degrees(lat), math.degrees(lon)