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Python shortcuts.get_object_or_404函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中mapit.shortcuts.get_object_or_404函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python get_object_or_404函数的具体用法?Python get_object_or_404怎么用?Python get_object_or_404使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: _get_voting_area_info

def _get_voting_area_info(area_id):
    if re.match('\d\d([a-z][a-z])?([a-z][a-z])?$(?i)', area_id):
        area = get_object_or_404(Area, codes__type='ons', codes__code=area_id)
        area = get_object_or_404(Area, id=int(area_id))
    if isinstance(area, HttpResponse): return area

        os_name = area.names.get(type='O').name
        os_name = None
        ons_code = area.codes.get(type='ons').code
        ons_code = None

    current = Generation.objects.current().id
    out = {
        'area_id': area.id,
        'name': area.name,
        'os_name': os_name,
        'country': area.country,
        'parent_area_id': area.parent_area_id,
        'type': area.type,
        'ons_code': ons_code,
        'generation_low': area.generation_low_id if area.generation_low_id else 0,
        'generation_high': area.generation_high_id if area.generation_high_id else current,
        'generation': current,

    for item in ('type_name', 'attend_prep', 'general_prep', 'rep_name', 'rep_name_plural',
                 'rep_name_long', 'rep_name_long_plural', 'rep_suffix', 'rep_prefix'):
        out[item] = voting_area[item].get(area.type)

    return out

示例2: area

def area(request, area_id, legacy=False):
    if re.match('\d\d([A-Z]{2}|[A-Z]{4}|[A-Z]{2}\d\d\d|[A-Z]|[A-Z]\d\d)$', area_id):
        area = get_object_or_404(Area, codes__type='ons', codes__code=area_id)
    elif not re.match('\d+$', area_id):
        return output_json({ 'error': 'Bad area ID specified' }, code=400)
        area = get_object_or_404(Area, id=area_id)
    if isinstance(area, HttpResponse): return area
    return output_json( area.as_dict() )

示例3: area_intersect

def area_intersect(query_type, title, request, area_id, format):
    area = get_object_or_404(Area, format=format, id=area_id)
    if not area.polygons.count():
        raise ViewException(format, 'No polygons found', 404)

    generation = Generation.objects.current()
    types = [_f for _f in request.REQUEST.get('type', '').split(',') if _f]

        # Cast to list so that it's evaluated here, and output_areas doesn't get
        # confused with a RawQuerySet
        areas = list(Area.objects.intersect(query_type, area, types, generation))
    except QueryCanceledError:
        raise ViewException(
            format, 'That query was taking too long to compute - '
            'try restricting to a specific type, if you weren\'t already doing so.', 500)
    except DatabaseError as e:
        # Django 1.2+ catches QueryCanceledError and throws its own DatabaseError instead
        if 'canceling statement due to statement timeout' not in e.args[0]:
        raise ViewException(
            format, 'That query was taking too long to compute - '
            'try restricting to a specific type, if you weren\'t already doing so.', 500)
    except InternalError:
        raise ViewException(format, 'There was an internal error performing that query.', 500)

    title = title % ('<a href="%sarea/%d.html">%s</a>' % (reverse('mapit_index'), area.id, area.name))
    return output_areas(request, title, format, areas, norobots=True)

示例4: area_polygon

def area_polygon(request, srid="", area_id="", format="kml"):
    if not srid and hasattr(countries, "area_code_lookup"):
        resp = countries.area_code_lookup(request, area_id, format)
        if resp:
            return resp

    if not re.match("\d+$", area_id):
        raise ViewException(format, "Bad area ID specified", 400)

    if not srid:
        srid = 4326 if format in ("kml", "json", "geojson") else settings.MAPIT_AREA_SRID
    srid = int(srid)

    area = get_object_or_404(Area, id=area_id)

        simplify_tolerance = float(request.GET.get("simplify_tolerance", 0))
    except ValueError:
        raise ViewException(format, "Badly specified tolerance", 400)

        output, content_type = area.export(srid, format, simplify_tolerance=simplify_tolerance)
        if output is None:
            return output_json({"error": "No polygons found"}, code=404)
    except SimplifiedAway:
        return output_json({"error": "Simplifying removed all the polygons"}, code=404)

    return HttpResponse(output, content_type="%s; charset=utf-8" % content_type)

示例5: _area_geometry

def _area_geometry(area_id):
    area = get_object_or_404(Area, id=area_id)
    all_areas = area.polygons.all().collect()
    if not all_areas:
        return output_json({"error": "No polygons found"}, code=404)
    out = {"parts": all_areas.num_geom}
    if settings.MAPIT_AREA_SRID != 4326:
        out["srid_en"] = settings.MAPIT_AREA_SRID
        out["area"] = all_areas.area
        out["min_e"], out["min_n"], out["max_e"], out["max_n"] = all_areas.extent
        out["centre_e"], out["centre_n"] = all_areas.centroid
        out["min_lon"], out["min_lat"], out["max_lon"], out["max_lat"] = all_areas.extent
        out["centre_lon"], out["centre_lat"] = all_areas.centroid
        out["min_lon"], out["min_lat"], out["max_lon"], out["max_lat"] = all_areas.extent
        out["centre_lon"], out["centre_lat"] = all_areas.centroid
        if hasattr(countries, "area_geometry_srid"):
            srid = countries.area_geometry_srid
            out["srid_en"] = srid
            out["area"] = all_areas.area
            out["min_e"], out["min_n"], out["max_e"], out["max_n"] = all_areas.extent
            out["centre_e"], out["centre_n"] = all_areas.centroid
    return out

示例6: area_code_lookup

def area_code_lookup(request, area_id, format):
    from mapit.models import Area, CodeType
    area_code = None
    if re.match('\d\d([A-Z]{2}|[A-Z]{4}|[A-Z]{2}\d\d\d|[A-Z]|[A-Z]\d\d)$', area_id):
        area_code = CodeType.objects.get(code='ons')
    elif re.match('[EW]0[12]\d{6}$', area_id): # LSOA/MSOA have ONS code type
        area_code = CodeType.objects.get(code='ons')
    elif re.match('[ENSW]\d{8}$', area_id):
        area_code = CodeType.objects.get(code='gss')
    if not area_code:
        return None

    args = { 'format': format, 'codes__type': area_code, 'codes__code': area_id }
    if re.match('[EW]01', area_id):
        args['type__code'] = 'OLF'
    elif re.match('[EW]02', area_id):
        args['type__code'] = 'OMF'

    area = get_object_or_404(Area, **args)
    path = '/area/%d%s' % (area.id, '.%s' % format if format else '')
    # If there was a query string, make sure it's passed on in the
    # redirect:
    if request.META['QUERY_STRING']:
        path += "?" + request.META['QUERY_STRING']
    return HttpResponseRedirect(path)

示例7: area_children

def area_children(request, area_id, format='json'):
    q = query_args(request, format)
    area = get_object_or_404(Area, format=format, id=area_id)
    children = area.children.filter(q).distinct()
    if format in ('kml', 'geojson'):
        return _areas_polygon(request, format, children)
    return output_areas(request, _('Children of %s') % area.name, format, children)

示例8: area_polygon

def area_polygon(request, srid='', area_id='', format='kml'):
    if not srid and hasattr(countries, 'area_code_lookup'):
        resp = countries.area_code_lookup(request, area_id, format)
        if resp: return resp

    if not re.match('\d+$', area_id):
        raise ViewException(format, 'Bad area ID specified', 400)

    if not srid:
        srid = 4326 if format in ('kml', 'json', 'geojson') else settings.MAPIT_AREA_SRID
    srid = int(srid)

    area = get_object_or_404(Area, id=area_id)

        simplify_tolerance = float(request.GET.get('simplify_tolerance', 0))
    except ValueError:
        raise ViewException(format, 'Badly specified tolerance', 400)

        output, content_type = area.export(srid, format, simplify_tolerance=simplify_tolerance)
        if output is None:
            return output_json({'error': 'No polygons found'}, code=404)
    except SimplifiedAway:
        return output_json({'error': 'Simplifying removed all the polygons'}, code=404)

    return HttpResponse(output, content_type='%s; charset=utf-8' % content_type)

示例9: area_polygon

def area_polygon(request, srid='', area_id='', format='kml'):
    if not srid:
        srid = 4326 if format in ('kml', 'json', 'geojson') else int(mysociety.config.get('AREA_SRID'))
    srid = int(srid)
    area = get_object_or_404(Area, id=area_id)
    if isinstance(area, HttpResponse): return area
    all_areas = area.polygons.all()
    if len(all_areas) > 1:
        all_areas = all_areas.collect()
    elif len(all_areas) == 1:
        all_areas = all_areas[0].polygon
        return output_json({ 'error': 'No polygons found' }, code=404)
    if srid != int(mysociety.config.get('AREA_SRID')):
    if format=='kml':
        out = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
</kml>''' % (area.name, all_areas.kml)
        content_type = 'application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml'
    elif format in ('json', 'geojson'):
        out = all_areas.json
        content_type = 'application/json'
    elif format=='wkt':
        out = all_areas.wkt
        content_type = 'text/plain'
    return HttpResponse(out, content_type='%s; charset=utf-8' % content_type)

示例10: _area_geometry

def _area_geometry(area_id):
    area = get_object_or_404(Area, id=area_id)
    if isinstance(area, HttpResponse): return area
    all_areas = area.polygons.all().collect()
    if not all_areas:
        return output_json({ 'error': 'No polygons found' }, code=404)
    out = {
        'parts': all_areas.num_geom,
    if settings.MAPIT_AREA_SRID != 4326:
        out['srid_en'] = settings.MAPIT_AREA_SRID
        out['area'] = all_areas.area
        out['min_e'], out['min_n'], out['max_e'], out['max_n'] = all_areas.extent
        out['centre_e'], out['centre_n'] = all_areas.centroid
        out['min_lon'], out['min_lat'], out['max_lon'], out['max_lat'] = all_areas.extent
        out['centre_lon'], out['centre_lat'] = all_areas.centroid
        out['min_lon'], out['min_lat'], out['max_lon'], out['max_lat'] = all_areas.extent
        out['centre_lon'], out['centre_lat'] = all_areas.centroid
        if hasattr(countries, 'area_geometry_srid'):
            srid = countries.area_geometry_srid
            out['srid_en'] = srid
            out['area'] = all_areas.area
            out['min_e'], out['min_n'], out['max_e'], out['max_n'] = all_areas.extent
            out['centre_e'], out['centre_n'] = all_areas.centroid
    return out

示例11: area_polygon

def area_polygon(request, srid='', area_id='', format='kml'):
    if not srid and hasattr(countries, 'area_code_lookup'):
        resp = countries.area_code_lookup(request, area_id, format)
        if resp:
            return resp

    if not re.match('\d+$', area_id):
        raise ViewException(format, 'Bad area ID specified', 400)

    if not srid:
        srid = 4326 if format in ('kml', 'json', 'geojson') else settings.MAPIT_AREA_SRID
    srid = int(srid)

    area = get_object_or_404(Area, id=area_id)

        simplify_tolerance = float(request.GET.get('simplify_tolerance', 0))
    except ValueError:
        raise ViewException(format, 'Badly specified tolerance', 400)

        output, content_type = area.export(srid, format, simplify_tolerance=simplify_tolerance)
        if output is None:
            return output_json({'error': 'No polygons found'}, code=404)
    except TransformError as e:
        return output_json({'error': e.args[0]}, code=400)

    response = HttpResponse(content_type='%s; charset=utf-8' % content_type)
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    response['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=2419200'  # 4 weeks
    return response

示例12: area_intersect

def area_intersect(query_type, title, request, area_id, format):
    area = get_object_or_404(Area, format=format, id=area_id)
    if not area.polygons.count():
        raise ViewException(format, "No polygons found", 404)

    generation = Generation.objects.current()
    types = filter(None, request.REQUEST.get("type", "").split(","))

        # Cast to list so that it's evaluated here, and add_codes doesn't get
        # confused with a RawQuerySet
        areas = list(Area.objects.intersect(query_type, area, types, generation))
        areas = add_codes(areas)
    except QueryCanceledError:
        raise ViewException(
            "That query was taking too long to compute - try restricting to a specific type, if you weren't already doing so.",
    except DatabaseError, e:
        # Django 1.2+ catches QueryCanceledError and throws its own DatabaseError instead
        if "canceling statement due to statement timeout" not in e.args[0]:
        raise ViewException(
            "That query was taking too long to compute - try restricting to a specific type, if you weren't already doing so.",

示例13: area_code_lookup

def area_code_lookup(request, area_code, format):
    from mapit.models import Area, CodeType
    area_code_type = None
    if re.match(r'\d\d([A-Z]{2}|[A-Z]{4}|[A-Z]{2}\d\d\d|[A-Z]|[A-Z]\d\d)$', area_code):
        area_code_type = CodeType.objects.get(code='ons')
    elif re.match(r'[EW]0[12]\d{6}$', area_code):  # LSOA/MSOA have ONS code type
        area_code_type = CodeType.objects.get(code='ons')
    elif re.match(r'[ENSW]\d{8}$', area_code):
        area_code_type = CodeType.objects.get(code='gss')
    if not area_code_type:
        return None

    args = {'format': format, 'codes__type': area_code_type, 'codes__code': area_code}
    if re.match('[EW]01', area_code):
        args['type__code'] = 'OLF'
    elif re.match('[EW]02', area_code):
        args['type__code'] = 'OMF'

    area = get_object_or_404(Area, **args)
    area_kwargs = {'area_id': area.id}
    if format:
        area_kwargs['format'] = format
    # We're called either by area or area_polygon
        redirect_path = reverse('area', kwargs=area_kwargs)
    except NoReverseMatch:
        redirect_path = reverse('area_polygon', kwargs=area_kwargs)
    # If there was a query string, make sure it's passed on in the
    # redirect:
    if request.META['QUERY_STRING']:
        redirect_path += "?" + request.META['QUERY_STRING']
    return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_path)

示例14: area_intersect

def area_intersect(query_type, title, request, area_id, format):
    area = get_object_or_404(Area, format=format, id=area_id)
    if isinstance(area, HttpResponse): return area

    if not area.polygons.count():
        return output_error(format, 'No polygons found', 404)

    generation = Generation.objects.current()
    args = {
        'generation_low__lte': generation,
        'generation_high__gte': generation,

    type = request.REQUEST.get('type', '')
    if ',' in type:
        args['type__code__in'] = type.split(',')
    elif type:
        args['type__code'] = type
    elif area.type.code in ('EUR'):
        args['type__code'] = area.type.code

        areas = list(Area.objects.intersect(query_type, area).filter(**args).distinct())
        areas = add_codes(areas)
    except QueryCanceledError:
        return output_error(format, 'That query was taking too long to compute - try restricting to a specific type, if you weren\'t already doing so.', 500)
    except DatabaseError, e:
        # Django 1.2+ catches QueryCanceledError and throws its own DatabaseError instead
        if 'canceling statement due to statement timeout' not in e.args[0]: raise
        return output_error(format, 'That query was taking too long to compute - try restricting to a specific type, if you weren\'t already doing so.', 500)

示例15: _area_geometry

def _area_geometry(area_id):
    area = get_object_or_404(Area, id=area_id)
    if isinstance(area, HttpResponse): return area
    all_areas = area.polygons.all().collect()
    if not all_areas:
        return output_json({ 'error': 'No polygons found' }, code=404)
    out = {
        'parts': all_areas.num_geom,
    if int(mysociety.config.get('AREA_SRID')) != 4326:
        out['srid_en'] = mysociety.config.get('AREA_SRID')
        out['area'] = all_areas.area
        out['min_e'], out['min_n'], out['max_e'], out['max_n'] = all_areas.extent
        out['centre_e'], out['centre_n'] = all_areas.centroid
        out['min_lon'], out['min_lat'], out['max_lon'], out['max_lat'] = all_areas.extent
        out['centre_lon'], out['centre_lat'] = all_areas.centroid
    elif mysociety.config.get('COUNTRY') == 'NO':
        out['min_lon'], out['min_lat'], out['max_lon'], out['max_lat'] = all_areas.extent
        out['centre_lon'], out['centre_lat'] = all_areas.centroid
        out['srid_en'] = 32633
        out['area'] = all_areas.area
        out['min_e'], out['min_n'], out['max_e'], out['max_n'] = all_areas.extent
        out['centre_e'], out['centre_n'] = all_areas.centroid
    return out
