本文整理汇总了Python中mapit.models.Area.generation_high方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Area.generation_high方法的具体用法?Python Area.generation_high怎么用?Python Area.generation_high使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类mapit.models.Area
示例1: update_or_create
# 需要导入模块: from mapit.models import Area [as 别名]
# 或者: from mapit.models.Area import generation_high [as 别名]
def update_or_create():
if osm_code:
m = osm_code.area
m = Area(
name = name,
type = Type.objects.get(code=area_code),
country = Country.objects.get(code='G'),
parent_area = parent_area,
generation_low = new_generation,
generation_high = new_generation,
if m.generation_high and current_generation and m.generation_high.id < current_generation.id:
raise Exception, "Area %s found, but not in current generation %s" % (m, current_generation)
m.generation_high = new_generation
g = feat.geom.transform(4326, clone=True)
# In generating the data we should have
# excluded any "polygons" with less than four
# points (the final one being the same as the
# first), but just in case:
for polygon in g:
if g.num_points < 4:
poly = [ g ]
if options['commit']:
if name not in kml_data.data:
print json.dumps(kml_data.data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
raise Exception, u"Will fail to find '%s' in the dictionary" % (name,)
for k, v in kml_data.data[name].items():
language_name = None
if k == 'name':
lang = 'default'
language_name = "OSM Default"
name_match = re.search(r'^name:(.+)$', k)
if name_match:
lang = name_match.group(1)
if lang in language_code_to_name:
language_name = language_code_to_name[lang]
if not language_name:
# Otherwise, make sure that a NameType for this language exists:
NameType.objects.update_or_create({'code': lang},
{'code': lang,
'description': language_name})
name_type = NameType.objects.get(code=lang)
m.names.update_or_create({ 'type': name_type }, { 'name': v })
m.codes.update_or_create({ 'type': code_type_osm }, { 'code': osm_id })
save_polygons({ code : (m, poly) })
示例2: handle_label
# 需要导入模块: from mapit.models import Area [as 别名]
# 或者: from mapit.models.Area import generation_high [as 别名]
def handle_label(self, filename, **options):
current_generation = Generation.objects.current()
new_generation = Generation.objects.new()
if not new_generation:
raise Exception, "No new generation to be used for import!"
code_type = CodeType.objects.get(code='n5000')
name_type = NameType.objects.get(code='M')
ds = DataSource(filename)
layer = ds[0]
for feat in layer:
name = unicode(feat['NAVN'].value, 'iso-8859-1')
name = re.sub('\s+', ' ', name)
print " ", name
code = feat['KOMM'].value
code_str = '%04d' % code
area_code = 'NKO'
m = Area.objects.get(codes__type=code_type, codes__code=code_str)
except Area.DoesNotExist:
m = Area(
id = code,
type = Type.objects.get(code=area_code),
country = Country.objects.get(code='O'),
generation_low = new_generation,
generation_high = new_generation,
if m.generation_high and current_generation and m.generation_high.id < current_generation.id:
raise Exception, "Area %s found, but not in current generation %s" % (m, current_generation)
m.generation_high = new_generation
g = feat.geom.transform(4326, clone=True)
poly = [ g ]
if options['commit']:
m.names.update_or_create({ 'type': name_type }, { 'name': name })
m.codes.update_or_create({ 'type': code_type }, { 'code': code_str })
save_polygons({ code : (m, poly) })
示例3: update_or_create
# 需要导入模块: from mapit.models import Area [as 别名]
# 或者: from mapit.models.Area import generation_high [as 别名]
def update_or_create():
m = Area.objects.get(id=int(regionid))
print "Updating area %s with id %d" % (regionname, int(regionid))
except Area.DoesNotExist:
print "Creating new area %s with id %d" % (regionname, int(regionid))
m = Area(
id = int(regionid),
name = regionname,
type = Type.objects.get(code=area_type),
country = Country.objects.get(code='O'),
generation_low = new_generation,
generation_high = new_generation,
if m.generation_high and current_generation \
and m.generation_high.id < current_generation.id:
raise Exception, "Area %s found, but not in current generation %s" % (m, current_generation)
m.generation_high = new_generation
poly = [ GEOSGeometry(unionoutline).ogr ]
if options['commit']:
save_polygons({ regionid : (m, poly) })
示例4: handle_label
# 需要导入模块: from mapit.models import Area [as 别名]
# 或者: from mapit.models.Area import generation_high [as 别名]
name = feat[name_field].value
choices = ', '.join(layer.fields)
print "Could not find name using name field '%s' - should it be something else? It will be one of these: %s. Specify which with --name_field" % (name_field, choices)
name = name.decode(encoding)
print "Could not decode name using encoding '%s' - is it in another encoding? Specify one with --encoding" % encoding
name = re.sub('\s+', ' ', name)
if not name:
raise Exception( "Could not find a name to use for area" )
code = None
if code_field:
code = feat[code_field].value
choices = ', '.join(layer.fields)
print "Could not find code using code field '%s' - should it be something else? It will be one of these: %s. Specify which with --code_field" % (code_field, choices)
print " looking at '%s'%s" % ( name.encode('utf-8'), (' (%s)' % code) if code else '' )
g = feat.geom.transform(4326, clone=True)
if code:
matching_message = "code %s of code type %s" % (code, code_type)
areas = Area.objects.filter(codes__code=code, codes__type=code_type).order_by('-generation_high')
matching_message = "name %s of area type %s" % (name, area_type)
areas = Area.objects.filter(name=name, type=area_type).order_by('-generation_high')
if len(areas) == 0:
raise Area.DoesNotExist
m = areas[0]
verbose(" found the area")
if options['preserve']:
# Find whether we need to create a new Area:
previous_geos_geometry = m.polygons.collect()
if m.generation_high < current_generation.id:
# Then it was missing in current_generation:
verbose(" area existed previously, but was missing from", current_generation)
create_new_area = True
elif previous_geos_geometry is None:
# It was empty in the previous generation:
verbose(" area was empty in", current_generation)
create_new_area = True
# Otherwise, create a new Area unless the
# polygons were the same in current_generation:
previous_geos_geometry = previous_geos_geometry.simplify(tolerance=0)
new_geos_geometry = g.geos.simplify(tolerance=0)
create_new_area = not previous_geos_geometry.equals(new_geos_geometry)
p = previous_geos_geometry.sym_difference(new_geos_geometry).area / previous_geos_geometry.area
verbose(" change in area is:", "%.03f%%" % (100 * p,))
if create_new_area:
verbose(" the area", m, "has changed, creating a new area due to --preserve")
verbose(" the area remained the same")
if create_new_area:
m = Area(
示例5: handle_label
# 需要导入模块: from mapit.models import Area [as 别名]
# 或者: from mapit.models.Area import generation_high [as 别名]
name = name.decode(encoding)
raise CommandError(
"Could not decode name using encoding '%s' - is it in another encoding? "
"Specify one with --encoding" % encoding)
name = re.sub('\s+', ' ', name)
if not name:
raise Exception("Could not find a name to use for area")
code = None
if override_code:
code = override_code
elif code_field:
code = feat[code_field].value
choices = ', '.join(layer.fields)
raise CommandError(
"Could not find code using code field '%s' - should it be something else? "
"It will be one of these: %s. Specify which with --code_field" % (code_field, choices))
self.stdout.write(" looking at '%s'%s" % (name, (' (%s)' % code) if code else ''))
g = None
if hasattr(feat, 'geom'):
g = feat.geom.transform(settings.MAPIT_AREA_SRID, clone=True)
if options['new']: # Always want a new area
raise Area.DoesNotExist
if code:
matching_message = "code %s of code type %s" % (code, code_type)
areas = Area.objects.filter(codes__code=code, codes__type=code_type).order_by('-generation_high')
matching_message = "name %s of area type %s" % (name, area_type)
areas = Area.objects.filter(name=name, type=area_type).order_by('-generation_high')
if len(areas) == 0:
verbose(" the area was not found - creating a new one")
raise Area.DoesNotExist
m = areas[0]
verbose(" found the area")
if options['preserve']:
# Find whether we need to create a new Area:
previous_geos_geometry = m.polygons.collect()
if m.generation_high < current_generation.id:
# Then it was missing in current_generation:
verbose(" area existed previously, but was missing from", current_generation)
raise Area.DoesNotExist
elif g is None:
if previous_geos_geometry is not None:
verbose(" area is now empty")
raise Area.DoesNotExist
verbose(" the area has remained empty")
elif previous_geos_geometry is None:
# It was empty in the previous generation:
verbose(" area was empty in", current_generation)
raise Area.DoesNotExist
# Otherwise, create a new Area unless the
# polygons were the same in current_generation:
previous_geos_geometry = previous_geos_geometry.simplify(tolerance=0)
new_geos_geometry = g.geos.simplify(tolerance=0)
create_new_area = not previous_geos_geometry.equals(new_geos_geometry)
p = previous_geos_geometry.sym_difference(new_geos_geometry).area / previous_geos_geometry.area
示例6: handle_label
# 需要导入模块: from mapit.models import Area [as 别名]
# 或者: from mapit.models.Area import generation_high [as 别名]
def handle_label(self, filename, **options):
country = Country.objects.get(code='N')
oa_type = Type.objects.get(code='OUA')
soa_type = Type.objects.get(code='OLF')
name_type = NameType.objects.get(code='S')
code_type = CodeType.objects.get(code='ons')
current_generation = Generation.objects.current()
new_generation = Generation.objects.new()
if not new_generation:
raise Exception, "No new generation to be used for import!"
# Compile an alphabetical list of NI councils and their wards, OA codes
# are assigned alphabetically.
if not self.councils:
self.councils = Area.objects.filter(type=Type.objects.get(code='LGD')).order_by('name').values()
for lgd in self.councils:
lges = Area.objects.filter(parent_area=lgd['id'])
areas = []
for lge in lges:
lgws = Area.objects.filter(parent_area=lge).values()
areas += lgws
lgd['wards'] = sorted(areas, key=lambda x: x['name'])
ds = DataSource(filename)
layer = ds[0]
layer_name = str(layer)
for feat in layer:
if layer_name == 'soa':
area_type = soa_type
ons_code = feat['SOA_CODE'].value
name = feat['SOA_LABEL'].value.replace('_', ' ')
elif layer_name == 'OA_ni':
area_type = oa_type
ons_code = feat['OA_CODE'].value
name = 'Output Area %s' % ons_code
raise Exception, 'Bad data passed in'
council = ord(ons_code[2:3]) - 65
ward = int(ons_code[4:6]) - 1
if ward == 98: # SOA covers two wards, set parent to council, best we can do
parent = self.councils[council]['id']
parent = self.councils[council]['wards'][ward]['id']
m = Area.objects.get(codes__type=code_type, codes__code=ons_code)
if int(options['verbosity']) > 1:
print " Area matched, %s" % (m, )
except Area.DoesNotExist:
print " New area: %s" % (ons_code)
m = Area(
name = name, # If committing, this will be overwritten by the m.names.update_or_create
type = area_type,
country = country,
parent_area_id = parent,
generation_low = new_generation,
generation_high = new_generation,
if m.generation_high and current_generation and m.generation_high.id < current_generation.id:
raise Exception, "Area %s found, but not in current generation %s" % (m, current_generation)
m.generation_high = new_generation
m.parent_area_id = parent
if options['commit']:
f = feat.geom
f.srid = 29902
poly = [ f ]
if options['commit']:
m.names.update_or_create({ 'type': name_type }, { 'name': name })
if ons_code:
self.ons_code_to_shape[ons_code] = (m, poly)
if options['commit']:
m.codes.update_or_create({ 'type': code_type }, { 'code': ons_code })
if options['commit']:
示例7: handle_label
# 需要导入模块: from mapit.models import Area [as 别名]
# 或者: from mapit.models.Area import generation_high [as 别名]
area_type = Type.objects.get(code=area_type_code)
type_desc = raw_input('Please give a description for area type code %s: ' % area_type_code)
area_type = Type(code=area_type_code, description=type_desc)
if options['commit']: area_type.save()
name_type = NameType.objects.get(code=name_type_code)
name_desc = raw_input('Please give a description for name type code %s: ' % name_type_code)
name_type = NameType(code=name_type_code, description=name_desc)
if options['commit']: name_type.save()
country = Country.objects.get(code=country_code)
country_name = raw_input('Please give the name for country code %s: ' % country_code)
country = Country(code=country_code, name=country_name)
if options['commit']: country.save()
if code_type_code:
code_type = CodeType.objects.get(code=code_type_code)
code_desc = raw_input('Please give a description for code type %s: ' % code_type_code)
code_type = CodeType(code=code_type_code, description=code_desc)
if options['commit']: code_type.save()
print "Importing from %s" % filename
if not options['commit']:
print '(will not save to db as --commit not specified)'
current_generation = Generation.objects.current()
new_generation = Generation.objects.get( id=generation_id )
ds = DataSource(filename)
layer = ds[0]
for feat in layer:
name = feat[name_field].value
choices = ', '.join(layer.fields)
print "Could not find name using name field '%s' - should it be something else? It will be one of these: %s. Specify which with --name_field" % (name_field, choices)
name = name.decode(encoding)
print "Could not decode name using encoding '%s' - is it in another encoding? Specify one with --encoding" % encoding
name = re.sub('\s+', ' ', name)
if not name:
raise Exception( "Could not find a name to use for area" )
code = None
if code_field:
code = feat[code_field].value
choices = ', '.join(layer.fields)
print "Could not find code using code field '%s' - should it be something else? It will be one of these: %s. Specify which with --code_field" % (code_field, choices)
print " looking at '%s'%s" % ( name.encode('utf-8'), (' (%s)' % code) if code else '' )
if code:
m = Area.objects.get(codes__code=code, codes__type=code_type)
# Assumes unique names if no code column used
m = Area.objects.get(name=name, type=area_type)
except Area.DoesNotExist:
m = Area(
name = name,
type = area_type,
country = country,
# parent_area = parent_area,
generation_low = new_generation,
generation_high = new_generation,
if options['use_code_as_id'] and code:
m.id = int(code)
# check that we are not about to skip a generation
if m.generation_high and current_generation and m.generation_high.id < current_generation.id:
raise Exception, "Area %s found, but not in current generation %s" % (m, current_generation)
m.generation_high = new_generation
g = feat.geom.transform(4326, clone=True)
poly = [ g ]
if options['commit']:
m.names.update_or_create({ 'type': name_type }, { 'name': name })
if code:
m.codes.update_or_create({ 'type': code_type }, { 'code': code })
save_polygons({ m.id : (m, poly) })
示例8: process_file
# 需要导入模块: from mapit.models import Area [as 别名]
# 或者: from mapit.models.Area import generation_high [as 别名]
def process_file(self, filename, area_code, srid, control, options):
code_version = CodeType.objects.get(code=control.code_version())
name_type = NameType.objects.get(code="N")
code_type_osni = CodeType.objects.get(code="osni_oid")
if not hasattr(self, area_code):
raise Exception("Don't know how to extract features from %s files" % area_code)
area_code_info = getattr(self, area_code)(srid)
current_generation = Generation.objects.current()
new_generation = Generation.objects.new()
if not new_generation:
raise Exception("No new generation to be used for import!")
ds = DataSource(filename)
layer = ds[0]
for feat in layer:
name, ons_code, osni_object_id = area_code_info.extract_fields(feat)
name = self.format_name(name)
if ons_code in self.ons_code_to_shape:
m, poly = self.ons_code_to_shape[ons_code]
m_name = m.names.get(type=name_type).name
except Name.DoesNotExist:
m_name = m.name # If running without commit for dry run, so nothing being stored in db
if name != m_name:
raise Exception("ONS code %s is used for %s and %s" % (ons_code, name, m_name))
# Otherwise, combine the two shapes for one area
if osni_object_id in self.osni_object_id_to_shape:
m, poly = self.osni_object_id_to_shape[osni_object_id]
m_name = m.names.get(type=name_type).name
except Name.DoesNotExist:
m_name = m.name # If running without commit for dry run, so nothing being stored in db
if name != m_name:
raise Exception("OSNI Object ID code %s is used for %s and %s" % (osni_object_id, name, m_name))
# Otherwise, combine the two shapes for one area
country = "N"
check = control.check(name, area_code, country, feat.geom)
if check is True:
raise Area.DoesNotExist
if isinstance(check, Area):
m = check
ons_code = m.codes.get(type=code_version).code
elif ons_code:
m = Area.objects.get(codes__type=code_version, codes__code=ons_code)
elif osni_object_id:
m = Area.objects.get(
codes__type=code_type_osni, codes__code=osni_object_id, generation_high=current_generation
m_name = m.names.get(type=name_type).name
if name != m_name:
raise Exception(
"OSNI Object ID code %s is %s in DB but %s in SHP file" % (osni_object_id, m_name, name)
raise Exception('Area "%s" (%s) has neither ONS code nor OSNI Object ID' % (name, area_code))
if int(options["verbosity"]) > 1:
print(" Area matched, %s" % (m,))
except Area.DoesNotExist:
area_type = Type.objects.get(code=area_code)
# It's possible we already have NIE entries (without any codes) in the db
if area_code == "NIE":
matching_name = name.title().replace("And", "and")
m = Area.objects.get(name=matching_name, type=area_type, generation_high=current_generation)
if int(options["verbosity"]) > 1:
print(" Area matched (via name), %s" % (m,))
raise Area.DoesNotExist("Still doesn't exist")
except Area.DoesNotExist:
print(" New area: %s %s %s %s" % (area_code, ons_code, osni_object_id, name))
m = Area(
name=name, # Not overwritten by m.names.update_or_create as no "N" use
if m.generation_high and current_generation and m.generation_high.id < current_generation.id:
raise Exception("Area %s found, but not in current generation %s" % (m, current_generation))
m.generation_high = new_generation
if options["commit"]:
# Make a GEOS geometry only to check for validity:
g = feat.geom
geos_g = g.geos
if not geos_g.valid:
示例9: handle_label
# 需要导入模块: from mapit.models import Area [as 别名]
# 或者: from mapit.models.Area import generation_high [as 别名]
def handle_label(self, filename, **options):
if not options['control']:
raise Exception("You must specify a control file")
control = sys.modules[options['control']]
code_version = CodeType.objects.get(code='gss')
name_type = NameType.objects.get(code='O')
code_type_os = CodeType.objects.get(code='unit_id')
current_generation = Generation.objects.current()
new_generation = Generation.objects.new()
if not new_generation:
raise Exception("No new generation to be used for import!")
ds = DataSource(filename)
layer = ds[0]
for feat in layer:
name = feat['NAME'].value
if not isinstance(name, six.text_type):
name = name.decode('iso-8859-1')
name = re.sub(r'\s*\(DET( NO \d+|)\)\s*(?i)', '', name)
name = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', name)
ons_code = feat['CODE'].value if feat['CODE'].value not in ('999999', '999999999') else None
unit_id = str(feat['UNIT_ID'].value)
area_code = feat['AREA_CODE'].value
patch = self.patch_boundary_line(name, ons_code, unit_id, area_code)
if 'ons-code' in patch:
ons_code = patch['ons-code']
elif 'unit-id' in patch:
unit_id = patch['unit-id']
if area_code == 'NCP':
continue # Ignore Non Parished Areas
if ons_code in self.ons_code_to_shape:
m, poly = self.ons_code_to_shape[ons_code]
m_name = m.names.get(type=name_type).name
except Name.DoesNotExist:
m_name = m.name # If running without commit for dry run, so nothing being stored in db
if name != m_name:
raise Exception("ONS code %s is used for %s and %s" % (ons_code, name, m_name))
# Otherwise, combine the two shapes for one area
if unit_id in self.unit_id_to_shape:
m, poly = self.unit_id_to_shape[unit_id]
m_name = m.names.get(type=name_type).name
except Name.DoesNotExist:
m_name = m.name # If running without commit for dry run, so nothing being stored in db
if name != m_name:
raise Exception("Unit ID code %s is used for %s and %s" % (unit_id, name, m_name))
# Otherwise, combine the two shapes for one area
if ons_code:
country = ons_code[0] # Hooray!
elif area_code in ('CED', 'CTY', 'DIW', 'DIS', 'MTW', 'MTD', 'LBW', 'LBO', 'LAC', 'GLA'):
country = 'E'
raise Exception(area_code)
check = control.check(name, area_code, country, feat.geom, ons_code=ons_code, commit=options['commit'])
if check is True:
raise Area.DoesNotExist
if isinstance(check, Area):
m = check
ons_code = m.codes.get(type=code_version).code
except Code.DoesNotExist:
ons_code = None
elif ons_code:
m = Area.objects.get(codes__type=code_version, codes__code=ons_code)
elif unit_id:
m = Area.objects.get(
codes__type=code_type_os, codes__code=unit_id, generation_high=current_generation)
m_name = m.names.get(type=name_type).name
if name != m_name:
raise Exception("Unit ID code %s is %s in DB but %s in SHP file" % (unit_id, m_name, name))
raise Exception('Area "%s" (%s) has neither ONS code nor unit ID' % (name, area_code))
if int(options['verbosity']) > 1:
print(" Area matched, %s" % (m, ))
except Area.DoesNotExist:
print(" New area: %s %s %s %s" % (area_code, ons_code, unit_id, name))
m = Area(
name=name, # If committing, this will be overwritten by the m.names.update_or_create
示例10: handle_label
# 需要导入模块: from mapit.models import Area [as 别名]
# 或者: from mapit.models.Area import generation_high [as 别名]
def handle_label(self, filename, **options):
if not options['control']:
raise Exception, "You must specify a control file"
control = sys.modules[options['control']]
code_version = CodeType.objects.get(code=control.code_version())
name_type = NameType.objects.get(code='O')
code_type_os = CodeType.objects.get(code='unit_id')
print filename
current_generation = Generation.objects.current()
new_generation = Generation.objects.new()
if not new_generation:
raise Exception, "No new generation to be used for import!"
ds = DataSource(filename)
layer = ds[0]
for feat in layer:
name = feat['NAME'].value
if not isinstance(name, unicode):
name = name.decode('iso-8859-1')
name = re.sub('\s*\(DET( NO \d+|)\)\s*(?i)', '', name)
name = re.sub('\s+', ' ', name)
ons_code = feat['CODE'].value if feat['CODE'].value not in ('999999', '999999999') else None
unit_id = str(feat['UNIT_ID'].value)
area_code = feat['AREA_CODE'].value
patch = self.patch_boundary_line(ons_code, area_code)
if patch == True: ons_code = None
elif patch: ons_code = patch
if area_code == 'NCP': continue # Ignore Non Parished Areas
if ons_code in self.ons_code_to_shape:
m, poly = self.ons_code_to_shape[ons_code]
m_name = m.names.get(type=name_type).name
except Name.DoesNotExist:
m_name = m.name # If running without commit for dry run, so nothing being stored in db
if name != m_name:
raise Exception, "ONS code %s is used for %s and %s" % (ons_code, name, m_name)
# Otherwise, combine the two shapes for one area
if unit_id in self.unit_id_to_shape:
m, poly = self.unit_id_to_shape[unit_id]
m_name = m.names.get(type=name_type).name
except Name.DoesNotExist:
m_name = m.name # If running without commit for dry run, so nothing being stored in db
if name != m_name:
raise Exception, "Unit ID code %s is used for %s and %s" % (unit_id, name, m_name)
# Otherwise, combine the two shapes for one area
if code_version.code == 'gss' and ons_code:
country = ons_code[0] # Hooray!
elif area_code in ('CED', 'CTY', 'DIW', 'DIS', 'MTW', 'MTD', 'LBW', 'LBO', 'LAC', 'GLA'):
country = 'E'
elif code_version.code == 'gss':
raise Exception, area_code
elif (area_code == 'EUR' and 'Scotland' in name) or area_code in ('SPC', 'SPE') or (ons_code and ons_code[0:3] in ('00Q', '00R')):
country = 'S'
elif (area_code == 'EUR' and 'Wales' in name) or area_code in ('WAC', 'WAE') or (ons_code and ons_code[0:3] in ('00N', '00P')):
country = 'W'
elif area_code in ('EUR', 'UTA', 'UTE', 'UTW', 'CPC'):
country = 'E'
else: # WMC
# Make sure WMC are loaded after all wards...
area_within = Area.objects.filter(type__code__in=('UTW','UTE','MTW','COP','LBW','DIW'), polygons__polygon__contains=feat.geom.geos.point_on_surface)[0]
country = area_within.country.code
# Can't do the above ons_code checks with new GSS codes, will have to do more PinP checks
# Do parents in separate P-in-P code after this is done.
check = control.check(name, area_code, country, feat.geom)
if check == True:
raise Area.DoesNotExist
if isinstance(check, Area):
m = check
ons_code = m.codes.get(type=code_version).code
elif ons_code:
m = Area.objects.get(codes__type=code_version, codes__code=ons_code)
elif unit_id:
m = Area.objects.get(codes__type=code_type_os, codes__code=unit_id, generation_high=current_generation)
m_name = m.names.get(type=name_type).name
if name != m_name:
raise Exception, "Unit ID code %s is %s in DB but %s in SHP file" % (unit_id, m_name, name)
raise Exception, 'Area "%s" (%s) has neither ONS code nor unit ID' % (name, area_code)
if int(options['verbosity']) > 1:
print " Area matched, %s" % (m, )
except Area.DoesNotExist:
print " New area: %s %s %s %s" % (area_code, ons_code, unit_id, name)
m = Area(
name = name, # If committing, this will be overwritten by the m.names.update_or_create
示例11: handle_label
# 需要导入模块: from mapit.models import Area [as 别名]
# 或者: from mapit.models.Area import generation_high [as 别名]
except Name.DoesNotExist:
m_name = m.name # If running without commit for dry run, so nothing being stored in db
if name != m_name:
raise Exception, "ONS code %s is used for %s and %s" % (ons_code, name, m_name)
# Otherwise, combine the two shapes for one area
if unit_id in self.unit_id_to_shape:
m, poly = self.unit_id_to_shape[unit_id]
m_name = m.names.get(type=name_type).name
except Name.DoesNotExist:
m_name = m.name # If running without commit for dry run, so nothing being stored in db
if name != m_name:
raise Exception, "Unit ID code %s is used for %s and %s" % (unit_id, name, m_name)
# Otherwise, combine the two shapes for one area
if code_version.code == "gss" and ons_code:
country = ons_code[0] # Hooray!
elif area_code in ("CED", "CTY", "DIW", "DIS", "MTW", "MTD", "LBW", "LBO", "LAC", "GLA"):
country = "E"
elif code_version.code == "gss":
raise Exception, area_code
elif (
(area_code == "EUR" and "Scotland" in name)
or area_code in ("SPC", "SPE")
or (ons_code and ons_code[0:3] in ("00Q", "00R"))
country = "S"
elif (
(area_code == "EUR" and "Wales" in name)
or area_code in ("WAC", "WAE")
or (ons_code and ons_code[0:3] in ("00N", "00P"))
country = "W"
elif area_code in ("EUR", "UTA", "UTE", "UTW", "CPC"):
country = "E"
else: # WMC
# Make sure WMC are loaded after all wards...
area_within = Area.objects.filter(
type__code__in=("UTW", "UTE", "MTW", "COP", "LBW", "DIW"),
country = area_within.country.code
# Can't do the above ons_code checks with new GSS codes, will have to do more PinP checks
# Do parents in separate P-in-P code after this is done.
check = control.check(name, area_code, country, feat.geom)
if check == True:
raise Area.DoesNotExist
if isinstance(check, Area):
m = check
ons_code = m.codes.get(type=code_version).code
elif ons_code:
m = Area.objects.get(codes__type=code_version, codes__code=ons_code)
elif unit_id:
m = Area.objects.get(codes__type=code_type_os, codes__code=unit_id)
m_name = m.names.get(type=name_type).name
if name != m_name:
raise Exception, "Unit ID code %s is %s in DB but %s in SHP file" % (unit_id, m_name, name)
raise Exception, 'Area "%s" (%s) has neither ONS code nor unit ID' % (name, area_code)
if int(options["verbosity"]) > 1:
print " Area matched, %s" % (m,)
except Area.DoesNotExist:
print " New area: %s %s %s %s" % (area_code, ons_code, unit_id, name)
m = Area(
name=name, # If committing, this will be overwritten by the m.names.update_or_create
if m.generation_high and current_generation and m.generation_high.id < current_generation.id:
raise Exception, "Area %s found, but not in current generation %s" % (m, current_generation)
m.generation_high = new_generation
if options["commit"]:
poly = [feat.geom]
if options["commit"]:
m.names.update_or_create({"type": name_type}, {"name": name})
if ons_code:
self.ons_code_to_shape[ons_code] = (m, poly)
if options["commit"]:
m.codes.update_or_create({"type": code_version}, {"code": ons_code})
if unit_id:
self.unit_id_to_shape[unit_id] = (m, poly)
if options["commit"]:
m.codes.update_or_create({"type": code_type_os}, {"code": unit_id})
if options["commit"]:
示例12: handle_label
# 需要导入模块: from mapit.models import Area [as 别名]
# 或者: from mapit.models.Area import generation_high [as 别名]
def handle_label(self, filename, **options):
for k in ['generation_id','area_type_code','name_type_code','country_code']:
if options[k]: continue
raise Exception("Missing argument '--%s'" % k)
generation_id = options['generation_id']
area_type_code = options['area_type_code']
name_type_code = options['name_type_code']
country_code = options['country_code']
area_type = Type.objects.get(code=area_type_code)
name_type = NameType.objects.get(code=name_type_code)
country = Country.objects.get(code=country_code)
print "Importing from %s" % filename
if not options['commit']:
print '(will not save to db as --commit not specified)'
current_generation = Generation.objects.current()
new_generation = Generation.objects.get( id=generation_id )
# Need to parse the KML manually to get the ExtendedData
kml_data = KML()
xml.sax.parse(filename, kml_data)
ds = DataSource(filename)
layer = ds[0]
for feat in layer:
name = feat['Name'].value.decode('utf-8')
name = re.sub('\s+', ' ', name)
if not name:
raise Exception( "Could not find a name to use for area" )
print " looking at '%s'" % name.encode('utf-8')
m = Area.objects.get(name=name, type=area_type)
except Area.DoesNotExist:
m = Area(
name = name,
type = area_type,
country = country,
# parent_area = parent_area,
generation_low = new_generation,
generation_high = new_generation,
# check that we are not about to skip a generation
if m.generation_high and current_generation and m.generation_high.id < current_generation.id:
raise Exception, "Area %s found, but not in current generation %s" % (m, current_generation)
m.generation_high = new_generation
g = feat.geom.transform(4326, clone=True)
poly = [ g ]
if options['commit']:
m.names.update_or_create({ 'type': name_type }, { 'name': name })
save_polygons({ m.id : (m, poly) })