本文整理汇总了Python中mantid.kernel.Logger类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Logger类的具体用法?Python Logger怎么用?Python Logger使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: PluginLoader
class PluginLoader(object):
extension = ".py"
def __init__(self, filepath):
if not _os.path.isfile(filepath):
raise ValueError("PluginLoader expects a single filename. '%s' does not point to an existing file" % filepath)
if not filepath.endswith(self.extension):
raise ValueError("PluginLoader expects a filename ending with .py. '%s' does not have a .py extension" % filepath)
self._filepath = filepath
self._logger = Logger("PluginLoader")
def run(self):
Try and load the module we are pointing at and return
the module object.
Any ImportErrors raised are not caught and are passed
on to the caller
pathname = self._filepath
name = _os.path.basename(pathname) # Including extension
name = _os.path.splitext(name)[0]
self._logger.debug("Loading python plugin %s" % pathname)
return _imp.load_source(name, pathname)
示例2: SaveIqAscii
def SaveIqAscii(reducer=None, process=''):
""" Old command for backward compatibility """
output_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')
msg = "SaveIqAscii is not longer used:\n "
msg += "Please use 'SaveIq' instead\n "
msg += "Your output files are currently in %s" % output_dir
ReductionSingleton().reduction_properties["OutputDirectory"] = output_dir
ReductionSingleton().reduction_properties["ProcessInfo"] = str(process)
示例3: find_data
def find_data(file, instrument='', allow_multiple=False):
Finds a file path for the specified data set, which can either be:
- a run number
- an absolute path
- a file name
@param file: file name or part of a file name
@param instrument: if supplied, FindNeXus will be tried as a last resort
# First, assume a file name
file = str(file).strip()
# If we allow multiple files, users may use ; as a separator,
# which is incompatible with the FileFinder
n_files = 1
if allow_multiple:
toks = file.split(',')
n_files = len(toks)
instrument = str(instrument)
file_path = FileFinder.getFullPath(file)
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
return file_path
# Second, assume a run number and pass the instrument name as a hint
# FileFinder doesn't like dashes...
f = FileFinder.findRuns(instrument+file)
if os.path.isfile(f[0]):
if allow_multiple:
# Mantid returns its own list object type, so make a real list out if it
if len(f)==n_files:
return [i for i in f]
else: return f[0]
# FileFinder couldn't make sense of the the supplied information
# Third, assume a run number, without instrument name to take care of list of full paths
f = FileFinder.findRuns(file)
if os.path.isfile(f[0]):
if allow_multiple:
# Mantid returns its own list object type, so make a real list out if it
if len(f)==n_files:
return [i for i in f]
else: return f[0]
# FileFinder couldn't make sense of the the supplied information
# If we didn't find anything, raise an exception
Logger.get('find_data').error("\n\nCould not find a file for %s: check your reduction parameters\n\n" % str(file))
raise RuntimeError, "Could not find a file for %s" % str(file)
示例4: __init__
def __init__(self, name="", facility=""):
self.instrument_name = name
self.facility_name = facility
self._observers = []
self._output_directory = os.path.expanduser('~')
config = ConfigService.Instance()
head, tail = os.path.split(config.getUserFilename())
if os.path.isdir(head):
self._output_directory = head
Logger.get("scripter").debug("Could not get user filename")
示例5: test_logger_creation_does_not_raise_an_error
def test_logger_creation_does_not_raise_an_error(self):
logger = Logger.get("LoggerTest")
self.assertTrue(isinstance(logger, Logger))
attrs = ['fatal', 'error','warning','notice', 'information', 'debug']
for att in attrs:
if not hasattr(logger, att):
self.fail("Logger object does not have the required attribute '%s'" % att)
示例6: __init__
def __init__(self, filepath):
if not _os.path.isfile(filepath):
raise ValueError("PluginLoader expects a single filename. '%s' does not point to an existing file" % filepath)
if not filepath.endswith(self.extension):
raise ValueError("PluginLoader expects a filename ending with .py. '%s' does not have a .py extension" % filepath)
self._filepath = filepath
self._logger = Logger.get("PluginLoader")
示例7: __init__
def __init__(self, parent_presenter, WorkHandler, BeamCentreModel, SANSCentreFinder):
super(BeamCentrePresenter, self).__init__()
self._view = None
self._parent_presenter = parent_presenter
self._work_handler = WorkHandler()
self._logger = Logger("SANS")
self._beam_centre_model = BeamCentreModel(SANSCentreFinder)
示例8: find_beam_centre
def find_beam_centre(self, state):
This is called from the GUI and runs the find beam centre algorithm given a state model and a beam_centre_model object.
:param state: A SANS state object
:param beam_centre_model: An instance of the BeamCentreModel class.
:returns: The centre position found.
centre_finder = self.SANSCentreFinder()
find_direction = None
if self.up_down and self.left_right:
find_direction = FindDirectionEnum.All
elif self.up_down:
find_direction = FindDirectionEnum.Up_Down
elif self.left_right:
find_direction = FindDirectionEnum.Left_Right
logger = Logger("CentreFinder")
logger.notice("Have chosen no find direction exiting early")
return {"pos1": self.lab_pos_1, "pos2": self.lab_pos_2}
if self.COM:
centre = centre_finder(state, r_min=self.r_min, r_max=self.r_max,
x_start=self.lab_pos_1, y_start=self.lab_pos_2,
find_direction=find_direction, reduction_method=False, component=self.component)
centre = centre_finder(state, r_min=self.r_min, r_max=self.r_max,
x_start=centre['pos1'], y_start=centre['pos2'],
find_direction=find_direction, reduction_method=True,
verbose=self.verbose, component=self.component)
centre = centre_finder(state, r_min=self.r_min, r_max=self.r_max,
max_iter=self.max_iterations, x_start=self.lab_pos_1,
y_start=self.lab_pos_2, tolerance=self.tolerance,
find_direction=find_direction, reduction_method=True,
verbose=self.verbose, component=self.component)
return centre
示例9: __init__
def __init__(self, data_file, workspace_name=None):
self.errors = []
if workspace_name is None:
self.data_ws = "__raw_data_file"
self.data_ws = str(workspace_name)
api.HFIRLoad(Filename=str(data_file), OutputWorkspace=self.data_ws)
ws = AnalysisDataService.retrieve(self.data_ws)
x = ws.dataX(0)
self.wavelength = (x[0]+x[1])/2.0
self.wavelength_spread = x[1]-x[0]
self.sample_detector_distance = ws.getRun().getProperty("sample_detector_distance").value
self.sample_thickness = ws.getRun().getProperty("sample-thickness").value
self.beam_diameter = ws.getRun().getProperty("beam-diameter").value
Logger.get("hfir_data_proxy").information("Loaded data file: %s" % data_file)
Logger.get("hfir_data_proxy").error("Error loading data file:\n%s" % sys.exc_value)
self.errors.append("Error loading data file:\n%s" % sys.exc_value)
示例10: pre_process
def pre_process(self):
Reduction steps that are meant to be executed only once per set
of data files. After this is executed, all files will go through
the list of reduction steps.
Logger.get("Reducer").information("Setting up reduction options")
if self.setup_algorithm is not None:
alg = AlgorithmManager.create(self.setup_algorithm)
props = [p.name for p in alg.getProperties()]
for key in self.reduction_properties.keys():
if key in props:
alg.setProperty(key, self.reduction_properties[key])
msg = "Error setting %s=%s" % (key, str(self.reduction_properties[key]))
msg += "\n %s" % sys.exc_value
Logger.get("Reducer").warning("Setup algorithm has no %s property" % key)
if "ReductionProperties" in props:
示例11: __init__
def __init__(self, reducer, coord1_scale_factor, coord2_scale_factor):
super(BeamCenterLogger, self).__init__()
self.logger = Logger("CentreFinder")
self.using_angle = False
if is_workspace_which_requires_angle(reducer):
self.coord1_scale_factor = 1.
self.using_angle = True
# Find the bench rotation. Only supply the bench rotation if it is really needed. If we supply an offset
# through a bench rotation we need to take into account that the directionality of the angles is not
# the same as in Mantid. We need to reverse the sign of the bench rotation to get the correct rotation.
self.offset_coord1 = -1*get_bench_rotation(reducer)
self.coord1_scale_factor = coord1_scale_factor
self.offset_coord1 = 0.0
self.coord2_scale_factor = coord2_scale_factor
self.offset_coord2 = 0.0
示例12: CentreFinder
class CentreFinder(object):
Aids estimating the effective centre of the particle beam by calculating Q in four
quadrants and using the asymmetry to calculate the direction to the beam centre. A
better estimate for the beam centre position can hence be calculated iteratively
QUADS = ['Left', 'Right', 'Up', 'Down']
def __init__(self, guess_centre, sign_policy, find_direction = FindDirectionEnum.ALL):
Takes a loaded reducer (sample information etc.) and the initial guess of the centre
position that are required for all later iterations
@param guess_centre: the starting position that the trial x and y are relative to
@param sign_policy: sets the sign for the move operation.
@param find_direction: Find beam centre for directions, ie if all or only up/down
or only left right
self.logger = Logger("CentreFinder")
self._last_pos = guess_centre
self.detector = None
self.coord1_scale_factor = 1.0
self.coord2_scale_factor = 1.0
self.find_direction = find_direction
self.sign_coord1 = -1.
self.sign_coord2 = -1.
if sign_policy is not None and len(sign_policy) == 2:
self.sign_coord1 = sign_policy[0]
self.sign_coord2 = sign_policy[1]
def SeekCentre(self, setup, trial):
Does four calculations of Q to estimate a better centre location than the one passed
to it
@param setup: the reduction chain object that contains information about the reduction
@param trial: the coordinates of the location to test as a list in the form [x, y]
@return: the asymmetry in the calculated Q in the x and y directions
self.detector = setup.instrument.cur_detector().name()
# populate the x and y scale factor values at this point for the text box
self.coord1_scale_factor = setup.instrument.beam_centre_scale_factor1
self.coord2_scale_factor = setup.instrument.beam_centre_scale_factor2
# We are looking only at the differnce between the old position and the trial.
self.move(setup, trial[0]-self._last_pos[0], trial[1]-self._last_pos[1])
#phi masking will remove areas of the detector that we need
setup.mask.mask_phi = False
setup.output_wksp = 'centre'
steps = setup._conv_Q
steps = steps[0:len(steps)-1]
setup._reduce(init=False, post=False, steps=steps)
self._group_into_quadrants(setup, 'centre', suffix='_tmp')
if setup.get_can():
#reduce the can here
setup.reduce_can('centre_can', run_Q=False)
self._group_into_quadrants(setup, 'centre_can', suffix='_can')
Minus(LHSWorkspace='Left_tmp',RHSWorkspace= 'Left_can',OutputWorkspace= 'Left_tmp')
Minus(LHSWorkspace='Right_tmp',RHSWorkspace= 'Right_can',OutputWorkspace= 'Right_tmp')
Minus(LHSWorkspace='Up_tmp',RHSWorkspace= 'Up_can',OutputWorkspace= 'Up_tmp')
Minus(LHSWorkspace='Down_tmp',RHSWorkspace= 'Down_can',OutputWorkspace= 'Down_tmp')
self._last_pos = trial
# prepare the workspaces for "publication", after they have their
# standard names calculations will be done on them and they will be plotted
for out_wksp in self.QUADS:
in_wksp = out_wksp+'_tmp'
rem_nans = StripEndNans()
rem_nans.execute(setup, in_wksp)
RenameWorkspace(InputWorkspace=in_wksp,OutputWorkspace= out_wksp)
return self._calculate_residue()
def move(self, setup, x, y):
Move the selected detector in both the can and sample workspaces, remembering the
that ISIS SANS team see the detector from the other side
@param setup: the reduction chain object that contains information about the reduction
@param x: the distance to move in the x (-x) direction in metres
@param y: the distance to move in the y (-y) direction in metres
# Displacing the beam by +5 is equivalent to displacing the isntrument by -5. Hence we change
# the sign here. LARMOR does this correction in the instrument itself, while for the others
# we don't
x = self.sign_coord1*x
y = self.sign_coord2*y
示例13: __init__
def __init__(self, parent_presenter):
super(SettingsDiagnosticPresenter, self).__init__()
self._view = None
self._parent_presenter = parent_presenter
# Logger
self.gui_logger = Logger("SANS GUI LOGGER")
示例14: MaskingTablePresenter
class MaskingTablePresenter(object):
DISPLAY_WORKSPACE_NAME = "__sans_mask_display_dummy_workspace"
class ConcreteMaskingTableListener(MaskingTable.MaskingTableListener):
def __init__(self, presenter):
super(MaskingTablePresenter.ConcreteMaskingTableListener, self).__init__()
self._presenter = presenter
def on_row_changed(self):
def on_update_rows(self):
def on_display(self):
class DisplayMaskListener(WorkHandler.WorkListener):
def __init__(self, presenter):
super(MaskingTablePresenter.DisplayMaskListener, self).__init__()
self._presenter = presenter
def on_processing_finished(self, result):
def on_processing_error(self, error):
def __init__(self, parent_presenter):
super(MaskingTablePresenter, self).__init__()
self._view = None
self._parent_presenter = parent_presenter
self._work_handler = WorkHandler()
self._logger = Logger("SANS")
def on_row_changed(self):
row_index = self._view.get_current_row()
state = self.get_state(row_index, file_lookup=False)
if state:
def on_display(self):
# Get the state information for the selected row.
# Disable the button
row_index = self._view.get_current_row()
state = self.get_state(row_index)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e)) # propagate errors for run_tab_presenter to deal with
if not state:
self._logger.information("You can only show a masked workspace if a user file has been loaded and there"
"valid sample scatter entry has been provided in the selected row.")
# Run the task
listener = MaskingTablePresenter.DisplayMaskListener(self)
state_copy = copy.copy(state)
self._work_handler.process(listener, load_and_mask_workspace, 0, state_copy, self.DISPLAY_WORKSPACE_NAME)
def on_processing_finished_masking_display(self, result):
# Enable button
# Display masked workspace
def on_processing_error_masking_display(self, error):
self._logger.warning("There has been an error. See more: {}".format(error))
# Enable button
def on_processing_error(self, error):
def on_update_rows(self):
Update the row selection in the combobox
current_row_index = self._view.get_current_row()
valid_row_indices = self._parent_presenter.get_row_indices()
new_row_index = -1
if current_row_index in valid_row_indices:
new_row_index = current_row_index
elif len(valid_row_indices) > 0:
new_row_index = valid_row_indices[0]
if new_row_index != -1:
def set_row(self, index):
示例15: __init__
def __init__(self, parent_presenter):
super(MaskingTablePresenter, self).__init__()
self._view = None
self._parent_presenter = parent_presenter
self._work_handler = WorkHandler()
self._logger = Logger("SANS")