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Python E.header方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中lxml.html.builder.E.header方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python E.header方法的具体用法?Python E.header怎么用?Python E.header使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在lxml.html.builder.E的用法示例。


示例1: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from lxml.html.builder import E [as 别名]
# 或者: from lxml.html.builder.E import header [as 别名]
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        footer = E.footer(role='contentinfo', id='layout-footer')
        content = E.main(role='main', id='layout-content')
        header = E.header(role='banner', id='layout-header')
        layout = E.div(header, content, footer, id='layout-wrapper')
        body = E.body(layout)
        head = E.head(prefix='og: http://ogp.me/ns#')
        html = E.html(head, body, dir='rtl' if self.locale.rtl else 'ltr')

        self.elements = Elements(html=html, head=head, body=body,
            layout=layout, header=header, content=content, footer=footer)
        self.meta = HTMLMeta()
        self.links = HTMLLinks()

        self.stylesheets = []
        self.scripts = []

        self.meta.app_name = self.handler.application.settings[

示例2: main

# 需要导入模块: from lxml.html.builder import E [as 别名]
# 或者: from lxml.html.builder.E import header [as 别名]


        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        info("Add Google Fonts support")
        head.extend(google_fonts(["Alegreya", "Alegreya SC"], standalone=standalone))

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        info("Add Mathjax support")

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        info("Add Font Awesome support")

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        info("Add artdoc css & js files")

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        info("Setting language to english (required for hyphens)")
        html.set("lang", "en") 

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        info("Ensure ids uniqueness")
        id_count = {}
        for elt in html.iter():
          _id = elt.get("id")
          if _id is not None:
             count = id_count.get(_id, 0)
             if count > 0:
                 elt.set("id", _id + "-" + str(count))
             id_count[_id] = count + 1

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        info("Turning headers into self-links")
        sections = html.cssselect("section")
        for section in sections:
            id_ = section.get("id")
            heading = None
            if len(section):
                first = section[0]
                if first.tag in "h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6".split():
                    heading = first
            if id_ and heading is not None:
                contents = [heading.text or ""] + heading[:]
                heading.text, heading[:] = None, []
                href = {"href": "#" + id_}
                link = HTML.a(href, *contents)
                heading.insert(0, link)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        # TODO: deal with metadata & insert a document header with:
        #   - title, 
        #   - date (format: Month Day, Year), autoformat, autogen ? 
        #   - author(s) (with mail & affiliation when available ?).
        #     Assume custom metadata or parse the author field ?
        #     Representation of multiple authors ? MMm eLIFEsciences use
        #     popup for author info. Ex: http://elifesciences.org/content/4/e06356 !
        #     here, use hints from http://dtd.nlm.nih.gov/book/tag-library/:
        #       - name (don't be more precise)
        #       - affiliation (concatenate)
        #       - address ???
        #       - email  --> Font Awesome Icon
        #       - url / uri ?
