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Python Logs.error方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中logs.Logs.error方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Logs.error方法的具体用法?Python Logs.error怎么用?Python Logs.error使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在logs.Logs的用法示例。


示例1: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from logs import Logs [as 别名]
# 或者: from logs.Logs import error [as 别名]
class Analysis:
    """A helper for analyzing company data in text."""

    def __init__(self, logs_to_cloud):
        self.logs = Logs(name="analysis", to_cloud=logs_to_cloud)
        self.gcnl_client = language.Client()

    def get_company_data(self, mid):
        """Looks up stock ticker information for a company via its Freebase ID.

        query = MID_TO_TICKER_QUERY % mid
        bindings = self.make_wikidata_request(query)

        if not bindings:
            self.logs.debug("No company data found for MID: %s" % mid)
            return None

        # Collect the data from the response.
        datas = []
        for binding in bindings:
                name = binding["companyLabel"]["value"]
            except KeyError:
                name = None

                root = binding["rootLabel"]["value"]
            except KeyError:
                root = None

                ticker = binding["tickerLabel"]["value"]
            except KeyError:
                ticker = None

                exchange = binding["exchangeNameLabel"]["value"]
            except KeyError:
                exchange = None

            data = {"name": name,
                    "ticker": ticker,
                    "exchange": exchange}

            # Add the root if there is one.
            if root and root != name:
                data["root"] = root

            # Add to the list unless we already have the same entry.
            if data not in datas:
                self.logs.debug("Adding company data: %s" % data)
                self.logs.warn("Skipping duplicate company data: %s" % data)

        return datas

    def find_companies(self, tweet):
        """Finds mentions of companies in a tweet."""

        if not tweet:
            self.logs.warn("No tweet to find companies.")
            return None

        # Use the text of the tweet with any mentions expanded to improve
        # entity detection.
        text = self.get_expanded_text(tweet)
        if not text:
            self.logs.error("Failed to get text from tweet: %s" % tweet)
            return None

        # Run entity detection.
        document = self.gcnl_client.document_from_text(text)
        entities = document.analyze_entities()
        self.logs.debug("Found entities: %s" %

        # Collect all entities which are publicly traded companies, i.e.
        # entities which have a known stock ticker symbol.
        companies = []
        for entity in entities:

            # Use the Freebase ID of the entity to find company data. Skip any
            # entity which doesn't have a Freebase ID (unless we find one via
            # the Twitter handle).
            name = entity.name
            metadata = entity.metadata
                mid = metadata["mid"]
            except KeyError:
                self.logs.debug("No MID found for entity: %s" % name)

            company_data = self.get_company_data(mid)

            # Skip any entity for which we can't find any company data.
            if not company_data:
                self.logs.debug("No company data found for entity: %s (%s)" %
                                (name, mid))

示例2: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from logs import Logs [as 别名]
# 或者: from logs.Logs import error [as 别名]
class Trading:
    """A helper for making stock trades."""

    def __init__(self, logs_to_cloud):
        self.logs = Logs(name="trading", to_cloud=logs_to_cloud)

    def make_trades(self, companies):
        """Executes trades for the specified companies based on sentiment."""

        # Determine whether the markets are open.
        market_status = self.get_market_status()
        if not market_status:
            self.logs.error("Not trading without market status.")
            return False

        # Filter for any strategies resulting in trades.
        actionable_strategies = []
        market_status = self.get_market_status()
        for company in companies:
            strategy = self.get_strategy(company, market_status)
            if strategy["action"] != "hold":
                self.logs.warn("Dropping strategy: %s" % strategy)

        if not actionable_strategies:
            self.logs.warn("No actionable strategies for trading.")
            return False

        # Calculate the budget per strategy.
        balance = self.get_balance()
        budget = self.get_budget(balance, len(actionable_strategies))

        if not budget:
            self.logs.warn("No budget for trading: %s %s %s" %
                           (budget, balance, actionable_strategies))
            return False

        self.logs.debug("Using budget: %s x $%s" %
                        (len(actionable_strategies), budget))

        # Handle trades for each strategy.
        success = True
        for strategy in actionable_strategies:
            ticker = strategy["ticker"]
            action = strategy["action"]

            # TODO: Use limits for orders.
            # Execute the strategy.
            if action == "bull":
                self.logs.debug("Bull: %s %s" % (ticker, budget))
                success = success and self.bull(ticker, budget)
            elif action == "bear":
                self.logs.debug("Bear: %s %s" % (ticker, budget))
                success = success and self.bear(ticker, budget)
                self.logs.error("Unknown strategy: %s" % strategy)

        return success

    def get_strategy(self, company, market_status):
        """Determines the strategy for trading a company based on sentiment and
        market status.

        ticker = company["ticker"]
        sentiment = company["sentiment"]

        strategy = {}
        strategy["name"] = company["name"]
        if "root" in company:
            strategy["root"] = company["root"]
        strategy["sentiment"] = company["sentiment"]
        strategy["ticker"] = ticker
        strategy["exchange"] = company["exchange"]

        # Don't do anything with blacklisted stocks.
        if ticker in TICKER_BLACKLIST:
            strategy["action"] = "hold"
            strategy["reason"] = "blacklist"
            return strategy

        # TODO: Figure out some strategy for the markets closed case.
        # Don't trade unless the markets are open or are about to open.
        if market_status != "open" and market_status != "pre":
            strategy["action"] = "hold"
            strategy["reason"] = "market closed"
            return strategy

        # Can't trade without sentiment.
        if sentiment == 0:
            strategy["action"] = "hold"
            strategy["reason"] = "neutral sentiment"
            return strategy

        # Determine bull or bear based on sentiment direction.
        if sentiment > 0:
            strategy["action"] = "bull"
            strategy["reason"] = "positive sentiment"
            return strategy
