本文整理汇总了Python中lib.pil.Image类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Image类的具体用法?Python Image怎么用?Python Image使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: setink
def setink(self, ink):
# compatibility
if warnings:
"'setink' is deprecated; use keyword arguments instead",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2
if Image.isStringType(ink):
ink = ImageColor.getcolor(ink, self.mode)
if self.palette and not Image.isNumberType(ink):
ink = self.palette.getcolor(ink)
self.ink = self.draw.draw_ink(ink, self.mode)
示例2: open
def open(filename):
# FIXME: modify to return a WalImageFile instance instead of
# plain Image object ?
if hasattr(filename, "read"):
fp = filename
import __builtin__
fp = __builtin__.open(filename, "rb")
# read header fields
header = fp.read(32+24+32+12)
size = i32(header, 32), i32(header, 36)
offset = i32(header, 40)
# load pixel data
im = Image.fromstring("P", size, fp.read(size[0] * size[1]))
im.format = "WAL"
im.format_description = "Quake2 Texture"
# strings are null-terminated
im.info["name"] = header[:32].split("\0", 1)[0]
next_name = header[56:56+32].split("\0", 1)[0]
if next_name:
im.info["next_name"] = next_name
return im
示例3: grabclipboard
def grabclipboard():
debug = 0 # temporary interface
data = Image.core.grabclipboard(debug)
if Image.isStringType(data):
import BmpImagePlugin, StringIO
return BmpImagePlugin.DibImageFile(StringIO.StringIO(data))
return data
示例4: __fixup
def __fixup(self, im1):
# convert image to suitable mode
if isinstance(im1, _Operand):
# argument was an image.
if im1.im.mode in ("1", "L"):
return im1.im.convert("I")
elif im1.im.mode in ("I", "F"):
return im1.im
raise ValueError, "unsupported mode: %s" % im1.im.mode
# argument was a constant
if _isconstant(im1) and self.im.mode in ("1", "L", "I"):
return Image.new("I", self.im.size, im1)
return Image.new("F", self.im.size, im1)
示例5: load
def load(self, im):
im.fp.seek(0) # rewind
return Image.fromstring(
"RGB", im.size,
Image.core.drawwmf(im.fp.read(), im.size, self.bbox),
"raw", "BGR", (im.size[0]*3 + 3) & -4, -1
示例6: __init__
def __init__(self, im):
data = None
colortable = None
# handle filename, if given instead of image name
if hasattr(im, "toUtf8"):
# FIXME - is this really the best way to do this?
im = unicode(im.toUtf8(), "utf-8")
if Image.isStringType(im):
im = Image.open(im)
if im.mode == "1":
format = QImage.Format_Mono
elif im.mode == "L":
format = QImage.Format_Indexed8
colortable = []
for i in range(256):
colortable.append(rgb(i, i, i))
elif im.mode == "P":
format = QImage.Format_Indexed8
colortable = []
palette = im.getpalette()
for i in range(0, len(palette), 3):
elif im.mode == "RGB":
data = im.tostring("raw", "BGRX")
format = QImage.Format_RGB32
elif im.mode == "RGBA":
data = im.tostring("raw", "BGRA")
except SystemError:
# workaround for earlier versions
r, g, b, a = im.split()
im = Image.merge("RGBA", (b, g, r, a))
format = QImage.Format_ARGB32
raise ValueError("unsupported image mode %r" % im.mode)
# must keep a reference, or Qt will crash!
self.__data = data or im.tostring()
QImage.__init__(self, self.__data, im.size[0], im.size[1], format)
if colortable:
示例7: __init__
def __init__(self, profile):
# accepts a string (filename), a file-like object, or a low-level
# profile object
if Image.isStringType(profile):
self._set(core.profile_open(profile), profile)
elif hasattr(profile, "read"):
self._set(profile) # assume it's already a profile
示例8: load_path
def load_path(filename):
"Load a font file, searching along the Python path."
for dir in sys.path:
if Image.isDirectory(dir):
return load(os.path.join(dir, filename))
except IOError:
raise IOError("cannot find font file")
示例9: grab
def grab(bbox=None):
size, data = grabber()
im = Image.fromstring(
"RGB", size, data,
# RGB, 32-bit line padding, origo in lower left corner
"raw", "BGR", (size[0]*3 + 3) & -4, -1
if bbox:
im = im.crop(bbox)
return im
示例10: build_prototype_image
def build_prototype_image():
image = Image.new("L", (1,len(_Palm8BitColormapValues),))
palettedata = ()
for i in range(len(_Palm8BitColormapValues)):
palettedata = palettedata + _Palm8BitColormapValues[i]
for i in range(256 - len(_Palm8BitColormapValues)):
palettedata = palettedata + (0, 0, 0)
return image
示例11: _getink
def _getink(self, ink, fill=None):
if ink is None and fill is None:
if self.fill:
fill = self.ink
ink = self.ink
if ink is not None:
if Image.isStringType(ink):
ink = ImageColor.getcolor(ink, self.mode)
if self.palette and not Image.isNumberType(ink):
ink = self.palette.getcolor(ink)
ink = self.draw.draw_ink(ink, self.mode)
if fill is not None:
if Image.isStringType(fill):
fill = ImageColor.getcolor(fill, self.mode)
if self.palette and not Image.isNumberType(fill):
fill = self.palette.getcolor(fill)
fill = self.draw.draw_ink(fill, self.mode)
return ink, fill
示例12: bdf_char
def bdf_char(f):
# skip to STARTCHAR
while 1:
s = f.readline()
if not s:
return None
if s[:9] == "STARTCHAR":
id = string.strip(s[9:])
# load symbol properties
props = {}
while 1:
s = f.readline()
if not s or s[:6] == "BITMAP":
i = string.find(s, " ")
props[s[:i]] = s[i+1:-1]
# load bitmap
bitmap = []
while 1:
s = f.readline()
if not s or s[:7] == "ENDCHAR":
bitmap = string.join(bitmap, "")
[x, y, l, d] = map(int, string.split(props["BBX"]))
[dx, dy] = map(int, string.split(props["DWIDTH"]))
bbox = (dx, dy), (l, -d-y, x+l, -d), (0, 0, x, y)
im = Image.fromstring("1", (x, y), bitmap, "hex", "1")
except ValueError:
# deal with zero-width characters
im = Image.new("1", (x, y))
return id, int(props["ENCODING"]), bbox, im
示例13: getcolor
def getcolor(color, mode):
# same as getrgb, but converts the result to the given mode
color = getrgb(color)
if mode == "RGB":
return color
if mode == "RGBA":
r, g, b = color
return r, g, b, 255
if Image.getmodebase(mode) == "L":
r, g, b = color
return (r*299 + g*587 + b*114)/1000
return color
示例14: _save
def _save(im, fp, tile):
"Helper to save image based on tile list"
if not hasattr(im, "encoderconfig"):
im.encoderconfig = ()
# FIXME: make MAXBLOCK a configuration parameter
bufsize = max(MAXBLOCK, im.size[0] * 4) # see RawEncode.c
fh = fp.fileno()
except AttributeError:
# compress to Python file-compatible object
for e, b, o, a in tile:
e = Image._getencoder(im.mode, e, a, im.encoderconfig)
if o > 0:
fp.seek(o, 0)
e.setimage(im.im, b)
while 1:
l, s, d = e.encode(bufsize)
if s:
if s < 0:
raise IOError("encoder error %d when writing image file" % s)
# slight speedup: compress to real file object
for e, b, o, a in tile:
e = Image._getencoder(im.mode, e, a, im.encoderconfig)
if o > 0:
fp.seek(o, 0)
e.setimage(im.im, b)
s = e.encode_to_file(fh, bufsize)
if s < 0:
raise IOError("encoder error %d when writing image file" % s)
示例15: __init__
def __init__(self, image, size=None):
if hasattr(image, "mode") and hasattr(image, "size"):
mode = image.mode
size = image.size
mode = image
image = None
if mode not in ["1", "L", "P", "RGB"]:
mode = Image.getmodebase(mode)
self.image = Image.core.display(mode, size)
self.mode = mode
self.size = size
if image: