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Python objects.File类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中lib.cuckoo.common.objects.File的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python File类的具体用法?Python File怎么用?Python File使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: run

    def run(self):
        """Run analysis.
        @return: list of dropped files with related information.
        self.key = "dropped"
        dropped_files, meta = [], {}

        if os.path.exists(self.dropped_meta_path):
            for line in open(self.dropped_meta_path, "rb"):
                entry = json.loads(line)
                filepath = os.path.join(self.analysis_path, entry["path"])
                meta[filepath] = {
                    "pids": entry["pids"],
                    "filepath": entry["filepath"],

        for dir_name, dir_names, file_names in os.walk(self.dropped_path):
            for file_name in file_names:
                file_path = os.path.join(dir_name, file_name)
                file_info = File(file_path=file_path).get_all()
                file_info.update(meta.get(file_info["path"], {}))

        for dir_name, dir_names, file_names in os.walk(self.package_files):
            for file_name in file_names:
                file_path = os.path.join(dir_name, file_name)
                file_info = File(file_path=file_path).get_all()

        return dropped_files

示例2: run

    def run(self):
        """Run analysis.
        @return: structured results.
        self.key = "procmemory"
        results = []

        if os.path.exists(self.pmemory_path):
            for dmp in os.listdir(self.pmemory_path):
                if not dmp.endswith(".dmp"):

                dump_path = os.path.join(self.pmemory_path, dmp)
                dump_file = File(dump_path)

                if "-" in os.path.basename(dump_path):
                    pid = int(os.path.basename(dump_path).split("-")[0])
                    pid = int(os.path.basename(dump_path).split(".")[0])

                proc = dict(
                    file=dump_path, pid=pid,

                if self.options.get("idapro"):


        return results

示例3: run

    def run(self):
        """Run analysis.
        @return: structured results.
        self.key = "procmemory"
        results = []

        if os.path.exists(self.pmemory_path):
            for dmp in os.listdir(self.pmemory_path):
                dmp_path = os.path.join(self.pmemory_path, dmp)
                dmp_file = File(dmp_path)
                process_name = ""
                process_path = ""
                process_id = int(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(dmp_path))[0])
                if "behavior" in self.results and "processes" in self.results["behavior"]:
                    for process in self.results["behavior"]["processes"]:
                        if process_id == process["process_id"]:
                            process_name = process["process_name"]
                            process_path = process["module_path"]
                proc = dict(
                    yara=dmp_file.get_yara(os.path.join(CUCKOO_ROOT, "data", "yara", "index_memory.yar")),


        return results

示例4: run

    def run(self):
        """Run analysis.
        @return: structured results.
        self.key = "procmemory"
        results = []

        if os.path.exists(self.pmemory_path):
            for dmp in os.listdir(self.pmemory_path):
                dmp_path = os.path.join(self.pmemory_path, dmp)
                dmp_file = File(dmp_path)

                # Let's hope the file is not too big.
                buf = open(dmp_path, "rb").read()
                urls = set()
                for url in re.findall(HTTP_REGEX, buf):
                    if not is_whitelisted_domain(url[1]):

                proc = dict(
                    yara=dmp_file.get_yara(os.path.join(CUCKOO_ROOT, "data", "yara", "index_memory.yar")),


        return results

示例5: run

    def run(self):
        """Run androguard to extract static android information
                @return: list of static features
        self.key = "apkinfo"
        apkinfo = {}

        if "file" not in self.task["category"] or not HAVE_ANDROGUARD:

        f = File(self.task["target"])
        if f.get_name().endswith((".zip", ".apk")) or "zip" in f.get_type():
            if not os.path.exists(self.file_path):
                raise CuckooProcessingError("Sample file doesn't exist: \"%s\"" % self.file_path)

                a = APK(self.file_path)
                if a.is_valid_APK():
                    manifest = {}
                    apkinfo["files"] = self._apk_files(a)
                    manifest["package"] = a.get_package()
                    # manifest["permissions"]=a.get_details_permissions_new()
                    manifest["main_activity"] = a.get_main_activity()
                    manifest["activities"] = a.get_activities()
                    manifest["services"] = a.get_services()
                    manifest["receivers"] = a.get_receivers()
                    # manifest["receivers_actions"]=a.get__extended_receivers()
                    manifest["providers"] = a.get_providers()
                    manifest["libraries"] = a.get_libraries()
                    apkinfo["manifest"] = manifest
                    # apkinfo["certificate"] = a.get_certificate()
                    static_calls = {}
                    if self.check_size(apkinfo["files"]):
                        vm = DalvikVMFormat(a.get_dex())
                        vmx = uVMAnalysis(vm)

                        static_calls["all_methods"] = self.get_methods(vmx)
                        static_calls["is_native_code"] = analysis.is_native_code(vmx)
                        static_calls["is_dynamic_code"] = analysis.is_dyn_code(vmx)
                        static_calls["is_reflection_code"] = analysis.is_reflection_code(vmx)

                        # static_calls["dynamic_method_calls"]= analysis.get_show_DynCode(vmx)
                        # static_calls["reflection_method_calls"]= analysis.get_show_ReflectionCode(vmx)
                        # static_calls["permissions_method_calls"]= analysis.get_show_Permissions(vmx)
                        # static_calls["crypto_method_calls"]= analysis.get_show_CryptoCode(vmx)
                        # static_calls["native_method_calls"]= analysis.get_show_NativeMethods(vmx)
                        log.warning("Dex size bigger than: %s",
                    apkinfo["static_method_calls"] = static_calls
            except (IOError, OSError, BadZipfile) as e:
                raise CuckooProcessingError("Error opening file %s" % e)

        return apkinfo

示例6: run

    def run(self):
        """Run analysis.
        @return: structured results.
        self.key = "procmemory"
        results = []

        if self.options.get("extract_img") and not HAVE_PEFILE:
                "In order to extract PE files from memory dumps it is "
                "required to have pefile installed (`pip install pefile`)."

        if os.path.exists(self.pmemory_path):
            for dmp in os.listdir(self.pmemory_path):
                if not dmp.endswith(".dmp"):

                dump_path = os.path.join(self.pmemory_path, dmp)
                dump_file = File(dump_path)

                pid, num = map(int, re.findall("(\\d+)", dmp))

                proc = dict(
                    file=dump_path, pid=pid, num=num,

                if self.options.get("idapro"):

                if self.options.get("extract_img") and HAVE_PEFILE:
                    proc["extracted"] = list(self.dump_images(proc))

                if self.options.get("dump_delete"):
                    except OSError:
                        log.error("Unable to delete memory dump file at path \"%s\"", dump_path)


        results.sort(key=lambda x: (x["pid"], x["num"]))
        return results

示例7: run

    def run(self):
        """Run analysis.
        @return: structured results.
        self.key = "procmemory"
        results = []

        for dmp in os.listdir(self.pmemory_path):
            dmp_path = os.path.join(self.pmemory_path, dmp)
            dmp_file = File(dmp_path)

            proc = dict(
                yara=dmp_file.get_yara(os.path.join(CUCKOO_ROOT, "data", "yara", "index_memory.yar"))


        return results

示例8: run

    def run(self):
        """Run analysis.
        @return: structured results.
        self.key = "procmemory"
        results = []

        if os.path.exists(self.pmemory_path):
            for dmp in os.listdir(self.pmemory_path):
                if not dmp.endswith(".dmp"):

                dump_path = os.path.join(self.pmemory_path, dmp)
                dump_file = File(dump_path)

                dump_name = os.path.basename(dump_path)
                pid = int(re.findall("(\d{2,5})", dump_name)[0])

                proc = dict(
                    file=dump_path, pid=pid,

                if self.options.get("idapro"):
                if self.options.get("dump_delete"):
                    except OSError:
                        log.error("Unable to delete memory dump file at path \"%s\"", dump_path)


        return results

示例9: run

    def run(self, results):
        """Writes report.
        @param results: analysis results dictionary.
        @raise CuckooReportError: if fails to connect or write to MongoDB.
        # We put the raise here and not at the import because it would
        # otherwise trigger even if the module is not enabled in the config.
        if not HAVE_MONGO:
            raise CuckooDependencyError("Unable to import pymongo "
                                        "(install with `pip install pymongo`)")


        # Set mongo schema version.
        # TODO: This is not optimal becuase it run each analysis. Need to run
        # only one time at startup.
        if "cuckoo_schema" in self.db.collection_names():
            if self.db.cuckoo_schema.find_one()["version"] != self.SCHEMA_VERSION:
                CuckooReportError("Mongo schema version not expected, check data migration tool")
            self.db.cuckoo_schema.save({"version": self.SCHEMA_VERSION})

        # Set an unique index on stored files, to avoid duplicates.
        # From pymongo docs:
        #  Returns the name of the created index if an index is actually
        #    created.
        #  Returns None if the index already exists.
        # TODO: This is not optimal because it run each analysis. Need to run
        # only one time at startup.
        self.db.fs.files.ensure_index("sha256", unique=True,
                                      sparse=True, name="sha256_unique")

        # Create a copy of the dictionary. This is done in order to not modify
        # the original dictionary and possibly compromise the following
        # reporting modules.
        report = dict(results)
        if not "network" in report:
            report["network"] = {}
        # Store the sample in GridFS.
        if results["info"]["category"] == "file" and "target" in results:
            sample = File(self.file_path)
            if sample.valid():
                fname = results["target"]["file"]["name"]
                sample_id = self.store_file(sample, filename=fname)
                report["target"] = {"file_id": sample_id}

        # Store the PCAP file in GridFS and reference it back in the report.
        pcap_path = os.path.join(self.analysis_path, "dump.pcap")
        pcap = File(pcap_path)
        if pcap.valid():
            pcap_id = self.store_file(pcap)
            report["network"]["pcap_id"] = pcap_id

        sorted_pcap_path = os.path.join(self.analysis_path, "dump_sorted.pcap")
        spcap = File(sorted_pcap_path)
        if spcap.valid():
            spcap_id = self.store_file(spcap)
            report["network"]["sorted_pcap_id"] = spcap_id

        if "procmemory" in report:
            # Store the process memory dump file in GridFS and reference it back in the report.
            for idx, procmem in enumerate(report['procmemory']):
                procmem_path = os.path.join(self.analysis_path, "memory", "{0}.dmp".format(procmem['pid']))
                procmem_file = File(procmem_path)
                if procmem_file.valid():
                    procmem_id = self.store_file(procmem_file)
                    report["procmemory"][idx].update({"procmem_id": procmem_id})

        # Store the suri extracted files in GridFS and reference it back in the report.
        suri_extracted_zip_path = os.path.join(self.analysis_path, "logs/files.zip")
        suri_extracted_zip = File(suri_extracted_zip_path)
        if suri_extracted_zip.valid():
            suri_extracted_zip_id = self.store_file(suri_extracted_zip)
            report["suricata"] = {"suri_extracted_zip": suri_extracted_zip_id}

        # Walk through the dropped files, store them in GridFS and update the
        # report with the ObjectIds.
        new_dropped = []
        if "dropped" in report:
            for dropped in report["dropped"]:
                new_drop = dict(dropped)
                drop = File(dropped["path"])
                if drop.valid():
                    dropped_id = self.store_file(drop, filename=dropped["name"])
                    new_drop["object_id"] = dropped_id


        report["dropped"] = new_dropped

        # Store the Zipped Droppings file in GridFS and reference it back in the report.
        #cuckoo_dropped_zip_path = os.path.join(self.analysis_path, "cuckoodroppings.zip")
        #cuckoo_dropped_zip = File(cuckoo_dropped_zip_path)
        #if cuckoo_dropped_zip.valid():
        #    cuckoo_droppings_id = self.store_file(cuckoo_dropped_zip)
        #    report["zippeddroppings"] = {"cuckoo_droppings_id": cuckoo_droppings_id}
        #    report["zippeddroppings"].update(results["zippeddroppings"])


示例10: run

    def run(self, results):
        """Writes report.
        @param results: analysis results dictionary.
        @raise CuckooReportError: if fails to connect or write to Elasticsearch.
        # We put the raise here and not at the import because it would
        # otherwise trigger even if the module is not enabled in the config.
        if not HAVE_ELASTICSEARCH:
            raise CuckooDependencyError("Unable to import elasticsearch "
                                        "(install with `pip install elasticsearch`)")

        index_prefix  = self.options.get("index", "cuckoo")
        search_only   = self.options.get("searchonly", False)

        # Create a copy of the dictionary. This is done in order to not modify
        # the original dictionary and possibly compromise the following
        # reporting modules.
        report = dict(results)

        idxdate = report["info"]["started"].split(" ")[0]
        self.index_name = '{0}-{1}'.format(index_prefix, idxdate)

        if not search_only:
            if not "network" in report:
                report["network"] = {}

            # Store API calls in chunks for pagination in Django
            if "behavior" in report and "processes" in report["behavior"]:
                new_processes = []
                for process in report["behavior"]["processes"]:
                    new_process = dict(process)
                    chunk = []
                    chunks_ids = []
                    # Loop on each process call.
                    for index, call in enumerate(process["calls"]):
                        # If the chunk size is 100 or if the loop is completed then
                        # store the chunk in Elastcisearch.
                        if len(chunk) == 100:
                            to_insert = {"pid": process["process_id"],
                                         "calls": chunk}
                            pchunk = self.es.index(index=self.index_name,
                                                   doc_type="calls", body=to_insert)
                            chunk_id = pchunk['_id']
                            # Reset the chunk.
                            chunk = []

                        # Append call to the chunk.

                    # Store leftovers.
                    if chunk:
                        to_insert = {"pid": process["process_id"], "calls": chunk}
                        pchunk = self.es.index(index=self.index_name, 
                                               doc_type="calls", body=to_insert)
                        chunk_id = pchunk['_id']

                    # Add list of chunks.
                    new_process["calls"] = chunks_ids

                # Store the results in the report.
                report["behavior"] = dict(report["behavior"])
                report["behavior"]["processes"] = new_processes

            # Add screenshot paths
            report["shots"] = []
            shots_path = os.path.join(self.analysis_path, "shots")
            if os.path.exists(shots_path):
                shots = [shot for shot in os.listdir(shots_path)
                         if shot.endswith(".jpg")]
                for shot_file in sorted(shots):
                    shot_path = os.path.join(self.analysis_path, "shots",
                    screenshot = File(shot_path)
                    if screenshot.valid():
                        # Strip the extension as it's added later 
                        # in the Django view
                        report["shots"].append(shot_file.replace(".jpg", ""))

            if results.has_key("suricata") and results["suricata"]:
                if results["suricata"].has_key("tls") and len(results["suricata"]["tls"]) > 0:
                    report["suri_tls_cnt"] = len(results["suricata"]["tls"])
                if results["suricata"] and results["suricata"].has_key("alerts") and len(results["suricata"]["alerts"]) > 0:
                    report["suri_alert_cnt"] = len(results["suricata"]["alerts"])
                if results["suricata"].has_key("files") and len(results["suricata"]["files"]) > 0:
                    report["suri_file_cnt"] = len(results["suricata"]["files"])
                if results["suricata"].has_key("http") and len(results["suricata"]["http"]) > 0:
                    report["suri_http_cnt"] = len(results["suricata"]["http"])
            report = {}
            report["task_id"] = results["info"]["id"]
            report["info"]    = results.get("info")
            report["target"]  = results.get("target")
            report["summary"] = results.get("behavior", {}).get("summary")
            report["network"] = results.get("network")
            report["virustotal"] = results.get("virustotal")


示例11: run

    def run(self, results):
        """Writes report.
        @param results: analysis results dictionary.
        @raise CuckooReportError: if fails to connect or write to MongoDB.
        # We put the raise here and not at the import because it would
        # otherwise trigger even if the module is not enabled in the config.
        if not HAVE_MONGO:
            raise CuckooDependencyError("Unable to import pymongo "
                                        "(install with `pip install pymongo`)")


        # Set an unique index on stored files, to avoid duplicates.
        # From pymongo docs:
        #  Returns the name of the created index if an index is actually
        #    created.
        #  Returns None if the index already exists.
        self.db.fs.files.ensure_index("sha256", unique=True,
                                      sparse=True, name="sha256_unique")

        # Create a copy of the dictionary. This is done in order to not modify
        # the original dictionary and possibly compromise the following
        # reporting modules.
        report = dict(results)

        # Store the sample in GridFS.
        if results["info"]["category"] == "file":
            sample = File(self.file_path)
            if sample.valid():
                fname = results["target"]["file"]["name"]
                sample_id = self.store_file(sample, filename=fname)
                report["target"] = {"file_id": sample_id}

        # Store the PCAP file in GridFS and reference it back in the report.
        pcap_path = os.path.join(self.analysis_path, "dump.pcap")
        pcap = File(pcap_path)
        if pcap.valid():
            pcap_id = self.store_file(pcap)
            report["network"] = {"pcap_id": pcap_id}

        # Walk through the dropped files, store them in GridFS and update the
        # report with the ObjectIds.
        new_dropped = []
        for dropped in report["dropped"]:
            new_drop = dict(dropped)
            drop = File(dropped["path"])
            if drop.valid():
                dropped_id = self.store_file(drop, filename=dropped["name"])
                new_drop["object_id"] = dropped_id


        report["dropped"] = new_dropped

        # Add screenshots.
        report["shots"] = []
        shots_path = os.path.join(self.analysis_path, "shots")
        if os.path.exists(shots_path):
            # Walk through the files and select the JPGs.
            shots = [shot for shot in os.listdir(shots_path)
                     if shot.endswith(".jpg")]

            for shot_file in sorted(shots):
                shot_path = os.path.join(self.analysis_path,
                                         "shots", shot_file)
                shot = File(shot_path)
                # If the screenshot path is a valid file, store it and
                # reference it back in the report.
                if shot.valid():
                    shot_id = self.store_file(shot)

        # Store chunks of API calls in a different collection and reference
        # those chunks back in the report. In this way we should defeat the
        # issue with the oversized reports exceeding MongoDB's boundaries.
        # Also allows paging of the reports.
        new_processes = []
        for process in report["behavior"]["processes"]:
            new_process = dict(process)

            chunk = []
            chunks_ids = []
            # Loop on each process call.
            for index, call in enumerate(process["calls"]):
                # If the chunk size is 100 or if the loop is completed then
                # store the chunk in MongoDB.
                if len(chunk) == 100:
                    to_insert = {"pid": process["process_id"],
                                 "calls": chunk}
                    chunk_id = self.db.calls.insert(to_insert)
                    # Reset the chunk.
                    chunk = []

                # Append call to the chunk.


示例12: run

    def run(self):
        """Run Google play unofficial python api the get the google play information
        @return: list of google play features
        self.key = "googleplay"
        googleplay = {}

        if not HAVE_GOOGLEPLAY:
            log.error("Unable to import the GooglePlay library, has it been "
                      "installed properly?")

        if not HAVE_ANDROGUARD:
            log.error("Could not find the Androguard library, please install "
                      "it. (`pip install androguard`)")

        if ("file" not in self.task["category"]):

        f = File(self.task["target"])
        if f.get_name().endswith((".zip", ".apk")) or "zip" in f.get_type():
            if not os.path.exists(self.file_path):
                raise CuckooProcessingError("Sample file doesn't exist: \"%s\"" % self.file_path)

            android_id = self.options.get("android_id")
            google_login = self.options.get("google_login")
            google_password = self.options.get("google_password")
            # auth_token = self.options.get("auth_token", None)

            if not android_id and not google_login and not google_password:
                raise CuckooProcessingError("Google Play Credentials not configured, skip")

                a = APK(self.file_path)
                if a.is_valid_APK():
                    package = a.get_package()
                    # Connect
                    api = GooglePlayAPI(android_id)
                    api.login(google_login, google_password, None)

                    # Get the version code and the offer type from the app details
                    app_data = api.details(package)
                    app_detail = app_data.docV2.details.appDetails

                    if not app_detail.installationSize:
                        return googleplay

                    googleplay["title"] = app_detail.title
                    googleplay["app_category"] = app_detail.appCategory._values
                    googleplay["version_code"] = app_detail.versionCode
                    googleplay["app_type"] = app_detail.appType
                    googleplay["content_rating"] = app_detail.contentRating
                    googleplay["developer_email"] = app_detail.developerEmail
                    googleplay["developer_name"] = app_detail.developerName
                    googleplay["developer_website"] = app_detail.developerWebsite
                    googleplay["installation_size"] = app_detail.installationSize
                    googleplay["num_downloads"] = app_detail.numDownloads
                    googleplay["upload_date"] = app_detail.uploadDate
                    googleplay["permissions"] = app_detail.permission._values
            except (IOError, OSError, BadZipfile) as e:
                raise CuckooProcessingError("Error opening file %s" % e)

        return googleplay

示例13: run

    def run(self, results):
        """Writes report.
        @param results: Cuckoo results dict.
        @raise CuckooReportError: if fails to connect or write to MongoDB.

        # Set an unique index on stored files, to avoid duplicates.
        # From pymongo docs:
        #  Returns the name of the created index if an index is actually created. 
        #  Returns None if the index already exists.
        self._db.fs.files.ensure_index("md5", unique=True, name="md5_unique")

        # Add pcap file, check for dups and in case add only reference.
        pcap_file = os.path.join(self.analysis_path, "dump.pcap")
        pcap = File(pcap_file)
        if pcap.valid():
            pcap_id = self.store_file(pcap)

            # Preventive key check.
            if "network" in results and isinstance(results["network"], dict):
                results["network"]["pcap_id"] = pcap_id
                results["network"] = {"pcap_id": pcap_id}

        # Add dropped files, check for dups and in case add only reference.
        dropped_files = {}
        for dir_name, dir_names, file_names in os.walk(os.path.join(self.analysis_path, "files")):
            for file_name in file_names:
                file_path = os.path.join(dir_name, file_name)
                drop = File(file_path)
                dropped_files[drop.get_md5()] = drop

        result_files = dict((dropped.get("md5", None), dropped) for dropped in results["dropped"])

        # hopefully the md5s in dropped_files and result_files should be the same
        if set(dropped_files.keys()) - set(result_files.keys()):
            log.warning("Dropped files in result dict are different from those in storage.")

        # store files in gridfs
        for md5, fileobj in dropped_files.items():
            # only store in db if we have a filename for it in results (should be all)
            resultsdrop = result_files.get(md5, None)
            if resultsdrop and fileobj.valid():
                drop_id = self.store_file(fileobj, filename=resultsdrop["name"])
                resultsdrop["dropped_id"] = drop_id

        # Add screenshots.
        results["shots"] = []
        shots_path = os.path.join(self.analysis_path, "shots")
        if os.path.exists(shots_path):
            shots = [f for f in os.listdir(shots_path) if f.endswith(".jpg")]
            for shot_file in sorted(shots):
                shot_path = os.path.join(self.analysis_path, "shots", shot_file)
                shot = File(shot_path)
                if shot.valid():
                    shot_id = self.store_file(shot)

        # Save all remaining results.
            self._db.analysis.save(results, manipulate=False)
        except InvalidDocument:
            # The document is too big, we need to shrink it and re-save it.
            results["behavior"]["processes"] = ""

            # Let's add an error message to the debug block.
            error = ("The analysis results were too big to be stored, " +
                     "the detailed behavioral analysis has been stripped out.")

            # Try again to store, if it fails, just abort.
            except Exception as e:
                raise CuckooReportError("Failed to store the document into MongoDB: %s" % e)

示例14: run

    def run(self):
        """Runs VirusTotal processing
        @return: full VirusTotal report.
        self.key = "virustotal"
        virustotal = []

        key = self.options.get("key", None)
        timeout = self.options.get("timeout", 60)
        urlscrub = self.options.get("urlscrub", None)
        do_file_lookup = self.getbool(self.options.get("do_file_lookup", False))
        do_url_lookup = self.getbool(self.options.get("do_url_lookup", False))

        if not key:
            raise CuckooProcessingError("VirusTotal API key not "
                                        "configured, skip")

        if self.task["category"] == "file" and do_file_lookup:
            if not os.path.exists(self.file_path):
                raise CuckooProcessingError("File {0} not found, skipping it".format(self.file_path))

            resource = File(self.file_path).get_sha256()
            url = VIRUSTOTAL_FILE_URL

        elif self.task["category"] == "url" and do_url_lookup:
            resource = self.task["target"]
            if urlscrub:
                urlscrub_compiled_re = None
                    urlscrub_compiled_re = re.compile(urlscrub)
                except Exception as e:
                    raise CuckooProcessingError("Failed to compile urlscrub regex" % (e))
                   resource = re.sub(urlscrub_compiled_re,"",resource)
                except Exception as e:
                    raise CuckooProcessingError("Failed to scrub url" % (e))

            # normalize the URL the way VT appears to
            if not resource.lower().startswith("http://") and not resource.lower().startswith("https://"):
                resource = "http://" + resource
            slashsplit = resource.split('/')
            slashsplit[0] = slashsplit[0].lower()
            slashsplit[2] = slashsplit[2].lower()
            if len(slashsplit) == 3:
            resource = "/".join(slashsplit)

            resource = hashlib.sha256(resource).hexdigest()
            url = VIRUSTOTAL_URL_URL
            # Not supported type, exit.
            return virustotal

        data = {"resource": resource, "apikey": key}

            r = requests.get(url, params=data, verify=True, timeout=int(timeout))
            response_data = r.content
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            raise CuckooProcessingError("Unable to complete connection "
                                        "to VirusTotal: {0}".format(e))

            virustotal = json.loads(response_data)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise CuckooProcessingError("Unable to convert response to "
                                        "JSON: {0}".format(e))

        # Work around VT brain-damage
        if isinstance(virustotal, list) and len(virustotal):
            virustotal = virustotal[0]

        if "scans" in virustotal:
            items = virustotal["scans"].items()
            virustotal["scans"] = dict((engine.replace(".", "_"), signature)
                                       for engine, signature in items)
            virustotal["resource"] = resource
            virustotal["results"]=list(({"vendor":engine.replace(".", "_"),"sig": signature["result"]}) 
                                            for engine, signature in items)
        return virustotal

示例15: run

    def run(self, results):
        """Writes report.
        @param results: analysis results dictionary.
        @raise CuckooReportError: if fails to connect or write to S3.
        # We put the raise here and not at the import because it would
        # otherwise trigger even if the module is not enabled in the config.
        self.s3_region = self.options.get("region", "us-west-2")
        self.s3_access_key = self.options.get("access_key", "")
        self.s3_secret_key = self.options.get("secret_key", "")
        s3_reports_bucket_name = self.options.get("reports_bucket", "")
        s3_shots_bucket_name = self.options.get("shots_bucket", "")
        s3_samples_bucket_name = self.options.get("samples_bucket", "")
        s3_files_bucket_name = self.options.get("files_bucket", "")
        s3_aux_bucket_name = self.options.get("aux_bucket", "")
        s3_logs_bucket_name = self.options.get("logs_bucket", "")
        s3_pcap_bucket_name = self.options.get("pcap_bucket", "")
        s3_md5_bucket_name = self.options.get("md5_bucket", "")
        cleanup = self.options.get("cleanup", False)

        # Create a copy of the dictionary. This is done in order to not modify
        # the original dictionary and possibly compromise the following
        # reporting modules.
        report = dict(results)

        if not "network" in report:
            report["network"] = {}

        # Add screenshot paths
        report["shots"] = []
        shots_path = os.path.join(self.analysis_path, "shots")
        if os.path.exists(shots_path):
            shots = [shot for shot in os.listdir(shots_path)
                     if shot.endswith(".jpg")]
            for shot_file in sorted(shots):
                shot_path = os.path.join(self.analysis_path, "shots",
                screenshot = File(shot_path)
                if screenshot.valid():
                    #report["shots"].append("{0}/{1}".format(results['info']['id'], shot_file))
                    report["shots"].append(shot_file.replace(".jpg", ""))

        # Store chunks of API calls in a different collection and reference
        # those chunks back in the report.
        # Also allows paging of the reports.
        if "behavior" in report and "processes" in report["behavior"]:
            new_processes = []
            for process in report["behavior"]["processes"]:
                new_process = dict(process)

                chunk = []
                chunks_ids = []
                chunk_count = 0
                # Using this type of prefix is useful because you can always re-construct it from
                # the original results
                #chunk_prefix = str(results['info']['id']) + '/' + process['process_name']
                chunk_prefix = str(results['info']['id']) + '/' + str(process['process_id'])
                # Loop on each process call.
                for index, call in enumerate(process["calls"]):
                    # If the chunk size is 100 or if the loop is completed then
                    # store the chunk in S1.

                    if len(chunk) == 100:
                        chunk_name = "{0}.{1}".format(chunk_prefix, chunk_count)
                        #log.debug("INFO TIME!")
                        #log.debug("%s %s %s" %(s3_reports_bucket_name, chunk_name, chunk_prefix))
                        err = self.save_to_s3(s3_reports_bucket_name, chunk_name, json.dumps(chunk))
                        if err != '':
                            log.error("Non-size related issue saving analysis JSON to S3 for chunk {0} - {1}".format(chunk_name, err))
                            chunks_ids.append("{0}.{1}".format(chunk_prefix, chunk_count))
                            chunk_count += 1
                        chunk = []

                    # Append call to the chunk.

                # Store leftovers.
                if chunk:
                    chunk_name = "{0}.{1}".format(chunk_prefix, chunk_count)
                    #log.debug("%s %s %s" %(s3_reports_bucket_name, chunk_name, chunk_prefix))
                    err = self.save_to_s3(s3_reports_bucket_name, chunk_name, json.dumps(chunk))
                    if err != '':
                        log.error("Non-size related issue saving analysis JSON to S3 for chunk {0} - {1}".format(chunk_name, err))
                        chunks_ids.append("{0}.{1}".format(chunk_prefix, chunk_count))

                # Add list of chunks.
                new_process["calls"] = chunks_ids

            # Store the results in the report.
            report["behavior"] = dict(report["behavior"])
            report["behavior"]["processes"] = new_processes

        #Other info we want Quick access to from the web UI
        if results.has_key("virustotal") and results["virustotal"] and results["virustotal"].has_key("positives") and results["virustotal"].has_key("total"):
            report["virustotal_summary"] = "%s/%s" % (results["virustotal"]["positives"], results["virustotal"]["total"])
        if results.has_key("suricata") and results["suricata"]:
