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Python Lexer.index方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中lexer.Lexer.index方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Lexer.index方法的具体用法?Python Lexer.index怎么用?Python Lexer.index使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在lexer.Lexer的用法示例。


示例1: make_func_declarations

# 需要导入模块: from lexer import Lexer [as 别名]
# 或者: from lexer.Lexer import index [as 别名]
	def make_func_declarations(self):
		"""Creates function declarations with parameter
		types and return types. Higher order functions
		are supported. Function declarations are also
		used as function signatures.

		Precondition: make_func_dict must have been called

		for name in self.func_dict:
			body = Lexer(self.func_dict[name]).get_tokens()
			i = body.index('\\')  + 1 #Start of parameters
			j = body.match_paren(i)
			param_tokens = body[i + 1: j] #Stuff inside parentheses
			#			print "param list:", param_tokens

			params = self.split_params(param_tokens)
			params = map(lambda n: n.split(':'), params)
			#params is now [[<name>,<type>],...]
			c_types = map(lambda n: self.convert_type(*n), params)
			#			print c_types

			return_type = ''
			#     +2 to skip over ")" and ":"
			if body[j+2] == '(': #Function returns another function
				#                                  +3 for [")","->","<type>"]
				for x in xrange(j+2, body.match_paren(j+2)+3):
					return_type += body[x]
			else: #Function returns a concrete type
				return_type = body[j+2] #+2 to skip over ")" and ":"

			func_type = self.convert_type(name, return_type)
			#			print "params", params
			#			print "c_types", c_types
			#while True:exec raw_input() in globals(), locals()
			self.cpp_declarations[name] = func_type + '(' + ', '.join(c_types) + ')'

		self.cpp_declarations['main'] = 'int main()' #actually this isn't used

示例2: start

# 需要导入模块: from lexer import Lexer [as 别名]
# 或者: from lexer.Lexer import index [as 别名]
def start(name):
    print('%s %s' % (name, '-'*(60-(len(name)+1))))
    return (name, time.time())

def stop(s):
    o = "%sms" % (int((time.time() - s[1]) * 1000))
    print('%s: %s %s' % (s[0], o, '-'*(60-(len(o)+len(s[0])+1))))

# start timer
s = start('Indexing')
sources = os.listdir('sources')
for file in sources:
    if file.endswith('.txt'):
        print("Indexing [%s/%s]" % (sources.index(file)+1, len(sources)+1))
        print("Skipped non-source: %s" % (file))

# Stop timer

s = start('Statistics')
print("\tTokens: %s" % (len(l.tokens)))
print("\tDocuments: %s" % (len(l.documents)))

range = (0,5)

print("Finding %s-%s most seen tokens" % (range[0], range[1]))
