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Python Defaults.get_failsafe_kernel_options方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中kiwi.defaults.Defaults.get_failsafe_kernel_options方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Defaults.get_failsafe_kernel_options方法的具体用法?Python Defaults.get_failsafe_kernel_options怎么用?Python Defaults.get_failsafe_kernel_options使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在kiwi.defaults.Defaults的用法示例。


示例1: setup_live_image_config

# 需要导入模块: from kiwi.defaults import Defaults [as 别名]
# 或者: from kiwi.defaults.Defaults import get_failsafe_kernel_options [as 别名]
    def setup_live_image_config(
        self, mbrid, hypervisor='xen.gz', kernel='linux', initrd='initrd'
        Create grub2 config file to boot a live media ISO image

        :param string mbrid: mbrid file name on boot device
        :param string hypervisor: hypervisor name
        :param string kernel: kernel name
        :param string initrd: initrd name
        log.info('Creating grub2 live ISO config file from template')
        self.iso_boot = True
        self.cmdline = self.get_boot_cmdline()
        self.cmdline_failsafe = ' '.join(
            [self.cmdline, Defaults.get_failsafe_kernel_options()]
        parameters = {
            'search_params': '--file --set=root /boot/' + mbrid.get_id(),
            'default_boot': '0',
            'kernel_file': kernel,
            'initrd_file': initrd,
            'boot_options': ' '.join(
                [self.cmdline] + self.live_boot_options
            'failsafe_boot_options': ' '.join(
                [self.cmdline_failsafe] + self.live_boot_options
            'gfxmode': self.gfxmode,
            'theme': self.theme,
            'boot_timeout': self.timeout,
            'title': self.get_menu_entry_title(plain=True),
            'bootpath': '/boot/' + self.arch + '/loader',
            'boot_directory_name': self.boot_directory_name
        if self.multiboot:
            log.info('--> Using multiboot template')
            parameters['hypervisor'] = hypervisor
            template = self.grub2.get_multiboot_iso_template(
                self.failsafe_boot, self.terminal, self.mediacheck_boot
            log.info('--> Using standard boot template')
            hybrid_boot = True
            template = self.grub2.get_iso_template(
                self.failsafe_boot, hybrid_boot,
                self.terminal, self.mediacheck_boot
            self.config = template.substitute(parameters)
        except Exception as e:
            raise KiwiTemplateError(
                '%s: %s' % (type(e).__name__, format(e))

示例2: setup_disk_image_config

# 需要导入模块: from kiwi.defaults import Defaults [as 别名]
# 或者: from kiwi.defaults.Defaults import get_failsafe_kernel_options [as 别名]
    def setup_disk_image_config(
        self, boot_uuid, root_uuid, hypervisor='xen.gz', kernel='linux.vmx',
        initrd='initrd.vmx', boot_options=''
        Create the grub.cfg in memory from a template suitable to boot
        from a disk image

        :param string boot_uuid: boot device UUID
        :param string root_uuid: root device UUID
        :param string hypervisor: hypervisor name
        :param string kernel: kernel name
        :param string initrd: initrd name
        :param string boot_options: kernel options as string
        log.info('Creating grub2 config file from template')
        self.cmdline = ' '.join(
            [self.get_boot_cmdline(root_uuid), boot_options]
        self.cmdline_failsafe = ' '.join(
            [self.cmdline, Defaults.get_failsafe_kernel_options(), boot_options]
        parameters = {
            'search_params': ' '.join(['--fs-uuid', '--set=root', boot_uuid]),
            'default_boot': '0',
            'kernel_file': kernel,
            'initrd_file': initrd,
            'boot_options': self.cmdline,
            'failsafe_boot_options': self.cmdline_failsafe,
            'gfxmode': self.gfxmode,
            'theme': self.theme,
            'boot_timeout': self.timeout,
            'title': self.get_menu_entry_title(),
            'bootpath': self.bootpath,
            'boot_directory_name': self.boot_directory_name
        if self.multiboot:
            log.info('--> Using multiboot disk template')
            parameters['hypervisor'] = hypervisor
            template = self.grub2.get_multiboot_disk_template(
                self.failsafe_boot, self.terminal
            log.info('--> Using hybrid boot disk template')
            template = self.grub2.get_disk_template(
                self.failsafe_boot, self.hybrid_boot, self.terminal
            self.config = template.substitute(parameters)
        except Exception as e:
            raise KiwiTemplateError(
                '%s: %s' % (type(e).__name__, format(e))

示例3: post_init

# 需要导入模块: from kiwi.defaults import Defaults [as 别名]
# 或者: from kiwi.defaults.Defaults import get_failsafe_kernel_options [as 别名]
    def post_init(self, custom_args):
        zipl post initialization method

        :param dict custom_args:
            Contains zipl config arguments

            .. code:: python

                {'targetbase': 'device_name'}
        self.custom_args = custom_args
        arch = platform.machine()
        if 's390' in arch:
            self.arch = arch
            raise KiwiBootLoaderZiplPlatformError(
                'host architecture %s not supported for zipl setup' % arch

        if not custom_args or 'targetbase' not in custom_args:
            raise KiwiBootLoaderZiplSetupError(
                'targetbase device name is required for zipl setup'

        self.bootpath = '.'
        self.timeout = self.get_boot_timeout_seconds()
        self.cmdline = self.get_boot_cmdline()
        self.cmdline_failsafe = ' '.join(
            [self.cmdline, Defaults.get_failsafe_kernel_options()]
        self.target_blocksize = self.xml_state.build_type.get_target_blocksize()
        if not self.target_blocksize:
            self.target_blocksize = Defaults.get_s390_disk_block_size()

        self.target_type = self.xml_state.build_type.get_zipl_targettype()
        if not self.target_type:
            self.target_type = Defaults.get_s390_disk_type()

        self.failsafe_boot = self.failsafe_boot_entry_requested()
        self.target_device = custom_args['targetbase']
        self.firmware = FirmWare(self.xml_state)
        self.target_table_type = self.firmware.get_partition_table_type()

        self.zipl = BootLoaderTemplateZipl()
        self.config = None

示例4: post_init

# 需要导入模块: from kiwi.defaults import Defaults [as 别名]
# 或者: from kiwi.defaults.Defaults import get_failsafe_kernel_options [as 别名]
    def post_init(self, custom_args):
        isolinux post initialization method

        Setup class attributes
        self.custom_args = custom_args
        arch = platform.machine()
        if arch == 'x86_64':
            self.arch = arch
        elif arch == 'i686' or arch == 'i586':
            self.arch = 'ix86'
            raise KiwiBootLoaderIsoLinuxPlatformError(
                'host architecture %s not supported for isolinux setup' % arch

        self.volume_id = self.xml_state.build_type.get_volid() or \

        self.live_type = self.xml_state.build_type.get_flags()
        if not self.live_type:
            self.live_type = Defaults.get_default_live_iso_type()

        self.live_boot_options = [
        self.install_boot_options = [
        if self.xml_state.get_initrd_system() == 'dracut':

        if self.xml_state.build_type.get_hybridpersistent():
            self.live_boot_options += \

        self.terminal = self.xml_state.build_type.get_bootloader_console()
        self.gfxmode = self.get_gfxmode('isolinux')
        # isolinux counts the timeout in units of 1/10 sec
        self.timeout = self.get_boot_timeout_seconds() * 10
        self.cmdline = self.get_boot_cmdline()
        self.cmdline_failsafe = ' '.join(
            [self.cmdline, Defaults.get_failsafe_kernel_options()]
        self.failsafe_boot = self.failsafe_boot_entry_requested()
        self.mediacheck_boot = self.xml_state.build_type.get_mediacheck()

        self.multiboot = False
        if self.xml_state.is_xen_server():
            self.multiboot = True

        self.isolinux = BootLoaderTemplateIsoLinux()
        self.config = None
        self.config_message = None
