本文整理汇总了Python中joblib.Memory类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Memory类的具体用法?Python Memory怎么用?Python Memory使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: extract_group_components
def extract_group_components(subject_components, variances,
ccs_threshold=None, n_group_components=None,
# Use asarray to cast to a non memmapped array
subject_components = np.asarray(subject_components)
if len(subject_components) == 1:
# We are in a single subject case
return subject_components[0, :n_group_components].T, \
# The group components (concatenated subject components)
group_components = subject_components.T
group_components = np.reshape(group_components,
(group_components.shape[0], -1))
# Save memory
del subject_components
# Inter-subject CCA
memory = Memory(cachedir=cachedir, mmap_mode='r')
svd = memory.cache(linalg.svd)
cca_maps, ccs, _ = svd(group_components, full_matrices=False)
# Save memory
del group_components
if n_group_components is None:
n_group_components = np.argmin(ccs > ccs_threshold)
cca_maps = cca_maps[:, :n_group_components]
ccs = ccs[:n_group_components]
return cca_maps, ccs
示例2: __init__
def __init__(
feature=None, cache=False
super(SpeakerIdentification, self).__init__()
self.gmm_ubm = gmm_ubm
# default features for speaker identification are MFCC
# 13 coefs + delta coefs + delta delta coefs
# + delta energy + delta delta energy
if feature is None:
from pyannote.feature.yaafe import YaafeMFCC
feature = YaafeMFCC(
e=False, De=True, DDe=True,
coefs=13, D=True, DD=True
self.feature = feature
if cache:
# initialize cache
from joblib import Memory
from tempfile import mkdtemp
memory = Memory(cachedir=mkdtemp(), verbose=0)
# cache feature extraction method
self.get_features = memory.cache(self.get_features)
示例3: load_adni_longitudinal_rs_fmri
def load_adni_longitudinal_rs_fmri(dirname='ADNI_longitudinal_rs_fmri',
""" Returns paths of ADNI rs-fMRI
# get file paths and description
images, subject_paths, description = _get_subjects_and_description(
base_dir=dirname, prefix='I[0-9]*')
images = np.array(images)
# get func files
func_files = list(map(lambda x: _glob_subject_img(
x, suffix='func/' + prefix, first_img=True),
func_files = np.array(func_files)
# get motion files
# motions = None
motions = list(map(lambda x: _glob_subject_img(
x, suffix='func/' + 'rp_*.txt', first_img=True), subject_paths))
# get phenotype from csv
dx = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(_get_data_base_dir('ADNI_csv'),
roster = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(_get_data_base_dir('ADNI_csv'),
df = description[description['Image_ID'].isin(images)]
df = df.sort_values(by='Image_ID')
dx_group = np.array(df['DX_Group'])
subjects = np.array(df['Subject_ID'])
exams = np.array(df['EXAM_DATE'])
exams = [date(int(e[:4]), int(e[5:7]), int(e[8:])) for e in exams]
# caching dataframe extraction functions
CACHE_DIR = _get_cache_base_dir()
cache_dir = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, 'joblib', 'load_data_cache')
if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir):
memory = Memory(cachedir=cache_dir, verbose=0)
def _get_ridsfmri(subjects):
return [_ptid_to_rid(s, roster) for s in subjects]
rids = np.array(memory.cache(_get_ridsfmri)(subjects))
def _get_examdatesfmri(rids):
return [_get_dx(rids[i], dx, exams[i], viscode=None, return_code=True)
for i in range(len(rids))]
exam_dates = np.array(memory.cache(_get_examdatesfmri)(rids))
def _get_viscodesfmri(rids):
return [_get_vcodes(rids[i], str(exam_dates[i]), dx)
for i in range(len(rids))]
viscodes = np.array(memory.cache(_get_viscodesfmri)(rids))
vcodes, vcodes2 = viscodes[:, 0], viscodes[:, 1]
return Bunch(func=func_files, dx_group=dx_group, exam_codes=vcodes,
exam_dates=exam_dates, exam_codes2=vcodes2,
subjects=subjects, images=images)
示例4: construct_and_attach_filename_data
def construct_and_attach_filename_data(self):
synsets = self.synset_list
num_per_synset = self.data['num_per_synset']
seed = self.data['seed']
folder = self.local_home('PrecomputedDicts')
mem = Memory(folder)
compute_filename_dict = mem.cache(self.compute_filename_dict)
filenames, filenames_dict = compute_filename_dict(synsets, num_per_synset, seed)
self.filenames_dict = filenames_dict
示例5: add_caching_to_funcs
def add_caching_to_funcs(obj, funcNames):
mem = Memory('../.add_caching_to_funcs', verbose=11)
if obj is None or funcNames is None:
if isScalar(funcNames):
funcNames = [funcNames]
for name in funcNames:
func = getattr(obj, name, None)
if func is not None:
setattr(obj, name, mem.cache(func))
示例6: __init__
def __init__(self):
self.name = self.__class__.__name__
from joblib import Memory
mem = Memory(cachedir=self.home('cache'), verbose=False)
self._get_meta = mem.cache(self._get_meta)
except ImportError:
示例7: _run_suject_level1_glm
def _run_suject_level1_glm(subject_data_dir, subject_output_dir,
Just another wrapper.
mem = Memory(os.path.join(subject_output_dir, "cache_dir"))
return mem.cache(run_suject_level1_glm)(subject_data_dir,
示例8: __init__
def __init__(self, meta=None):
if meta is not None:
self._meta = meta
self.name = self.__class__.__name__
from joblib import Memory
mem = Memory(cachedir=self.home('cache'))
self._get_meta = mem.cache(self._get_meta)
except ImportError:
示例9: __init__
def __init__(self, use_cache=True, cachedir=None):
"""Inits TpsSolverFactory
use_cache: whether to cache solver matrices in file
cache_dir: cached directory. if not specified, the .cache directory in parent directory of top-level package is used.
if use_cache:
if cachedir is None:
# .cache directory in parent directory of top-level package
cachedir = os.path.join(__import__(__name__.split('.')[0]).__path__[0], os.path.pardir, ".cache")
memory = Memory(cachedir=cachedir, verbose=0)
self.get_solver_mats = memory.cache(self.get_solver_mats)
示例10: main
def main():
## subsdir=r'E:\elan projects\L2\submissions\extracted'
## dstdir=os.path.join(subsdir,r'passed')
## copypassedfiles(dstdir,subsdir)
dstdir=r'E:\elan projects\L2\resubmission\full'
import glob
mem = Memory(cachedir=dstdir)
print c
示例11: _niigz2nii
def _niigz2nii(self):
Convert .nii.gz to .nii (crucial for SPM).
cache_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'cache_dir')
mem = Memory(cache_dir, verbose=100)
self.func = mem.cache(do_niigz2nii)(self.func,
if not self.anat is None:
self.anat = mem.cache(do_niigz2nii)(self.anat,
示例12: load_adni_longitudinal_hippocampus_volume
def load_adni_longitudinal_hippocampus_volume():
""" Returns longitudinal hippocampus measures
BASE_DIR = _get_data_base_dir('ADNI_csv')
roster = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'ROSTER.csv'))
dx = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'DXSUM_PDXCONV_ADNIALL.csv'))
fs = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'UCSFFSX51_05_20_15.csv'))
# extract hippocampus numerical values
column_idx = np.arange(131, 147)
cols = ['ST' + str(c) + 'HS' for c in column_idx]
hipp = fs[cols].values
idx_num = np.array([~np.isnan(h).all() for h in hipp])
hipp = hipp[idx_num, :]
# extract roster id
rids = fs['RID'].values[idx_num]
# caching dataframe extraction functions
CACHE_DIR = _get_cache_base_dir()
cache_dir = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, 'joblib', 'load_data_cache')
if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir):
memory = Memory(cachedir=cache_dir, verbose=0)
# get subject id
def _getptidshippo(rids):
return [_rid_to_ptid(rid, roster) for rid in rids]
ptids = memory.cache(_getptidshippo)(rids)
# extract exam date
exams = fs['EXAMDATE'].values[idx_num]
vcodes = fs['VISCODE'].values[idx_num]
vcodes2 = fs['VISCODE2'].values[idx_num]
exams = list(map(
lambda e: date(int(e[:4]), int(e[5:7]), int(e[8:])), exams))
exams = np.array(exams)
# extract diagnosis
def _getdxhippo(rids, exams):
return np.array(list(map(_get_dx, rids, [dx]*len(rids), exams)))
dx_ind = memory.cache(_getdxhippo)(rids, exams)
dx_group = DX_LIST[dx_ind]
return Bunch(dx_group=np.array(dx_group), subjects=np.array(ptids),
hipp=np.array(hipp), exam_dates=np.array(exams),
exam_codes=np.array(vcodes), exam_codes2=np.array(vcodes2))
示例13: _load_data
def _load_data(root_dir="/",
cache_dir="/volatile/storage/workspace/parietal_retreat/" +
from joblib import Memory
mem = Memory(cachedir=cache_dir)
load_data_ = mem.cache(setup_data_paths.run)
df = setup_data_paths.get_all_paths(root_dir=root_dir, data_set=data_set)
# region_signals = joblib.load(os.path.join(root_dir, dump_file))
region_signals = load_data_(root_dir=root_dir, data_set=data_set,
dump_dir=os.path.join(cache_dir, data_set))
return df, region_signals
示例14: __init__
def __init__(self, data_same, normalize=True, min_max_scale=False,
scale_f1=None, scale_f2=None,
nframes=1, batch_size=1, marginf=0, only_same=False,
self.ratio_same = 0.5 # init
self.ratio_same = self.compute_ratio_speakers(data_same)
self._nframes = nframes
print "nframes:", self._nframes
(self._x1, self._x2, self._y_word, self._y_spkr,
self._scale_f1, self._scale_f2) = self.prep_data(data_same,
normalize, min_max_scale, scale_f1, scale_f2)
self._y1 = [numpy.zeros(x.shape[0], dtype='int8') for x in self._x1]
self._y2 = [numpy.zeros(x.shape[0], dtype='int8') for x in self._x1]
# self._y1 says if frames in x1 and x2 belong to the same (1) word or not (0)
# self._y2 says if frames in x1 and x2 were said by the same (1) speaker or not(0)
for ii, yy in enumerate(self._y_word):
self._y1[ii][:] = yy
for ii, yy in enumerate(self._y_spkr):
self._y2[ii][:] = yy
self._nwords = batch_size
self._margin = marginf
# marginf says if we pad taking a number of frames as margin
self._x1_mem = []
self._x2_mem = []
self._y1_mem = []
self._y2_mem = []
self.cache_to_disk = cache_to_disk
if self.cache_to_disk:
from joblib import Memory
self.mem = Memory(cachedir='joblib_cache', verbose=0)
示例15: ica_step
def ica_step(group_maps, group_variance, cachedir=None):
memory = Memory(cachedir=cachedir, mmap_mode='r')
# We do a spatial ICA: the arrays are transposed in the following,
# axis1 = component, and axis2 is voxel number.
_, ica_maps = memory.cache(fastica)(group_maps.T, whiten=False)
# Project the ICAs on the group maps to give a 'cross-subject
# reproducibility' score.
proj = np.dot(ica_maps, group_maps)
reproducibility_score = (np.abs(proj)*group_variance).sum(axis=-1)
order = np.argsort(reproducibility_score)[::-1]
ica_maps = ica_maps[order, :]
return ica_maps.T