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Python Job.start方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中job.Job.start方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Job.start方法的具体用法?Python Job.start怎么用?Python Job.start使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在job.Job的用法示例。


示例1: routine

# 需要导入模块: from job import Job [as 别名]
# 或者: from job.Job import start [as 别名]
    def routine(self):

        # clean up finished jobs

        # get job actions
            job_actions = self.jrds_client.get_job_actions(self.sandbox_id)
        except JrdsSandboxTerminated:
            global routine_loop
            routine_loop = False

        for job_action in job_actions:
            job_id = job_action["JobId"]
            job_data = self.jrds_client.get_job_data(job_id)
            job_pending_action = job_data.pending_action
            job_status = job_data.job_status

            # issue pending action
            if job_pending_action == pendingactions.ACTIVATE_ENUM_INDEX or \
                    (job_pending_action is None and job_status == jobstatus.ACTIVATING_ENUM_INDEX) or \
                    (job_pending_action is None and job_status == jobstatus.RUNNING_ENUM_INDEX):
                tracer.log_sandbox_pending_action_activate_detected(job_id, job_status, job_pending_action)
                # check if the specified job is already running to prevent duplicate
                if job_id in job_map:

                # create and start the new job
                job_message_queue = Queue()
                job_thread_exception_queue = Queue()
                job = Job(self.sandbox_id, job_id, job_message_queue, self.jrds_client, job_thread_exception_queue)
                job_map[job_id] = (job, job_message_queue, job_thread_exception_queue)
            elif job_pending_action == pendingactions.STOP_ENUM_INDEX:
                tracer.log_sandbox_pending_action_stop_detected(job_id, job_status, job_pending_action)
                # check if the specified job is already running before issuing pending action
                if job_id not in job_map:

                # propagate pending action to job thread
            elif job_pending_action is None:
                tracer.log_sandbox_no_pending_action_detected(job_id, job_status)
                tracer.log_sandbox_unsupported_pending_action_detected(job_id, job_status, job_pending_action)

示例2: routine

# 需要导入模块: from job import Job [as 别名]
# 或者: from job.Job import start [as 别名]
    def routine(self):
        # clean up finished jobs

        # get job actions
            job_actions = self.jrds_client.get_job_actions(self.sandbox_id)
        except JrdsSandboxTerminated:
            tracer.log_debug_trace("Terminating sandbox.")
            global routine_loop
            routine_loop = False

        for job_action in job_actions:
            job_id = job_action["JobId"]
            job_data = self.jrds_client.get_job_data(job_id)
            job_pending_action = job_data["pendingAction"]
            job_status = job_data["jobStatus"]

            # issue pending action
            if job_pending_action == pendingactions.ACTIVATE_ENUM_INDEX or \
                    (job_pending_action is None and job_status == jobstatus.ACTIVATING_ENUM_INDEX) or \
                    (job_pending_action is None and job_status == jobstatus.RUNNING_ENUM_INDEX):
                # check if the specified job is already running to prevent duplicate
                if job_id in job_map:

                # create and start the new job
                job_message_queue = Queue()
                job_thread_exception_queue = Queue()
                job = Job(self.sandbox_id, job_id, job_message_queue, self.jrds_client, job_thread_exception_queue)
                job_map[job_id] = (job, job_message_queue, job_thread_exception_queue)
                tracer.log_debug_trace("Pending action activate detected.[pendingaction=" +
                                       str(job_status) + "]")
            elif job_pending_action == pendingactions.STOP_ENUM_INDEX:
                # check if the specified job is already running before issuing pending action
                if job_id not in job_map:

                # propagate pending action to job thread
                tracer.log_debug_trace("Pending action detected")
            elif job_pending_action is None:
                tracer.log_debug_trace("No pending action detected")
                tracer.log_debug_trace("Unsupported pending action / job action")

示例3: get_status

# 需要导入模块: from job import Job [as 别名]
# 或者: from job.Job import start [as 别名]
 def get_status(self):
     client = foursquare.Foursquare(config.foursquare_client_id, client_secret=config.foursquare_client_secret)
     all_plazas = client.venues.search(params={'near':'New York City', 'limit':50, 'intent':'browse', 'radius':5000, 'categoryId':'4bf58dd8d48988d164941735'} )
     queue = Queue.Queue()
     for i in range(3):
         t = Job(queue)
     ids = []
     for v in all_plazas['venues']:
     return "done"
     return 'ok'

示例4: create_job

# 需要导入模块: from job import Job [as 别名]
# 或者: from job.Job import start [as 别名]
 def create_job(self, name, config, running=False, port=5000):
     Stores information about job in the job dictionary.
     If running is true then starts the job.
     module = self._get_plugin_with_name(name)
     job_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
     job_api_key = str(uuid.uuid4())
     # TODO: Try/Catch if run does not exist
     job = Job(
     logger.debug("Creating Job:{0} UUID:{1}".format(name, job_uuid))
     self.jobs[job.uuid] = job
     if running:
     return job

示例5: generate

# 需要导入模块: from job import Job [as 别名]
# 或者: from job.Job import start [as 别名]
	def generate(self):
		if self.filenamein != None and self.filenameout != None:
			# Read all the information
			jobs = {}
			attempts = []
			nodes = {}
			power = []
			maxpower = 0.0
			for line in self.filein.readlines():
				if line.startswith('Job'):
					ret = self.getDict(line.split(' ')[1:-1])
					jobId = ret['JOBID']
					if jobId not in jobs:
						jobs[jobId] = Job(jobId=jobId)
					jobs[jobId].status = ret['JOB_STATUS']
					jobs[jobId].submit = int(ret['SUBMIT_TIME'])
					jobs[jobId].start =  int(ret['START_TIME'])
					jobs[jobId].finish = int(ret['FINISH_TIME'])
					job.nmapsapprox = 0
					job.nredsapprox = 0
					for attempt in attempts:
						if job.jobId == attempt.getJobId():
							if attempt.isMap():
								job.nmaps += 1
								if attempt.approx or attempt.status == Job.Status.DROPPED:
									job.nmapsapprox += 1
							if attempt.isMap():
								job.nreds += 1
								if attempt.approx or attempt.status == Job.Status.DROPPED:
									job.nredsapprox += 1
					job.quality = 1.0 - (1.0*job.nmapsapprox/job.nmaps)
				elif line.startswith('Task'):
				elif line.startswith('MapAttempt') or line.startswith('ReduceAttempt'):
					ret = self.getDict(line.split(' ')[1:-1])
					attempt = Attempt()
					attempt.attemptId = ret['TASK_ATTEMPT_ID']
					attempt.start =  int(ret['START_TIME'])
					attempt.finish = int(ret['FINISH_TIME'])
					attempt.approx = (ret['APPROXIMATED'] == 'True' or ret['APPROXIMATED'] == 'true')
					attempt.status = ret['TASK_STATUS']
					attempt.nodeId = ret['HOSTNAME']
					# Update job information
					jobId = attempt.getJobId()
					if jobId not in jobs:
						jobs[jobId] = Job(jobId=jobId)
				elif line.startswith('Node'):
					ret = self.getDict(line.split(' ')[1:-1])
					nodeId = ret['HOSTNAME']
					if nodeId not in nodes:
						nodes[nodeId] = []
					nodes[nodeId].append((int(ret['TIME']), ret['STATUS']))
				elif line.startswith('Power'):
					ret = self.getDict(line.split(' ')[1:-1])
					power.append((int(ret['TIME']), float(ret['POWER'])))
					maxpower = max(maxpower, float(ret['POWER']))
			# Node -> Attempts
			nodeAttempts = {}
			totalAttemptsApprox = 0
			totalAttemptsDropped = 0
			totalAttemptsPrecise = 0
			for attempt in attempts:
				if attempt.approx:
					totalAttemptsApprox += 1
				if attempt.status == Job.Status.DROPPED:
					totalAttemptsDropped += 1
				if attempt.status != Job.Status.DROPPED and not attempt.approx:
					totalAttemptsPrecise += 1
				if attempt.nodeId not in nodeAttempts:
					nodeAttempts[attempt.nodeId] = []
			if 'None' in nodeAttempts:
				del nodeAttempts['None']
			totalJobTime = 0
			totalJobRunTime = 0
			totalQuality = 0.0
			for jobId in jobs:
				job = jobs[jobId]
				totalJobTime += job.finish - job.submit
				totalJobRunTime += job.finish - job.start
				totalQuality += job.getQuality()
			totalJobTime = totalJobTime/len(jobs)
			totalJobRunTime = totalJobRunTime/len(jobs)
			totalJobQuality = totalQuality/len(jobs)
			# Power
			power = sorted(power, key=itemgetter(0))
			totalenergy = 0.0
			for t, p in power:
				totalenergy += p
			totaltime = power[-1][0]
			# Generate output HTML

示例6: logger_init

# 需要导入模块: from job import Job [as 别名]
# 或者: from job.Job import start [as 别名]

    This project aims to ease the computation of certain problems by introducing
    tools parallelization and multiprocessing.

    :copyright: 2015 Manuel Martins, see AUTHORS for more details
    :license: Apache 2.0, see LICENSE for more details

import argparse
from logger import initialize as logger_init
import json_parser
from job import Job
import logging

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Main entry point for Broccoli Module. Usage: python -m broccoli -i <input.json>'
    args_parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='increase output verbosity', action='store_true',
    args_parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', help='input json file / string', action='store',
                             dest='input', required=True)
    logging.info('Broccoli - Initializing...')
    args = args_parser.parse_args()
    json = json_parser.parse(args.input)
    logger_init(json, args.verbose)
    job = Job(json)

示例7: Robot

# 需要导入模块: from job import Job [as 别名]
# 或者: from job.Job import start [as 别名]
class Robot(object):
    The bridge class of the Robot.
    Receives the request from the Front and
    passes the command to the Back End (our_create).
    Contributor: Xiangqing Zhang, Matthew O'Brien and Tianyu Liu.
    def __init__(self, port="sim"):
        self.connection = None
        self.port = port
        self.eliza = eliza()
        self.job = None
        self.robotEncryption = RobotEncryption(0)
        self._send_bytecode_flag = False
        self._receive_bytecode_flag = False
        self._take_other_robot_flag = False
        self._follow_other_robot_flag = False
        self.__receive_bytecode_flag = False
        self._sendIR = False
        self._follow_line = False
        self._forward_until_black_line = False
        self._forward_until_bumps = False
        self._encode_message = False
        self._teleportspeed = [0, 0];
        self._forward_until_ir_signal = -1;
        self.ir_time = 0.1

    def _job(self, function, args=None, kwargs=None, life_span=0):
        Schedules a job for the robot.
        @Parameter function: The NAME of the function.
        @Parameter args: Must be LIST type.
        @Parameter kwargs: Must be DICTIONARY type.
        @Parameter life_span: Terminate the job after the given seconds.
                              If life_span==0, It will run forever unless
                              1. being terminated by code like this:
                           OR 2. calling this function (_job) again.

        E.g. _job(robot_go_forward, args=[robot, 10], kwargs={"seconds": 2})
            where robot_go_forward is defined as:
            def robot_go_forward(robot, speed, seconds=2): ...
            Calling this function is doing the same thing as:
            robot_go_forward(robot, 10, seconds=2)
        E.g.2 Check self.go_forward_until_black_line

        Contributor: Xiangqing Zhang
        if not self.connection: self.connect()
        if self.job:
            self._log("The robot connection is busy. Terminating the current process...", "_job", "WARNING")
            self._log("The robot connection has been terminated successfully.", "SUCCESS")
        self.job = None
        self.job = Job(function, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
        if life_span > 0:
            t = Timer(life_span, lambda: self._job_clear())
    def _job_clear(self):
        Clears all jobs.
        Contributor: Xiangqing Zhang
        if self.job:
            Job.in_use = False
            self.job = None
        if self.connection: self.connection.stop()

    def _log(self, message, method_name, level="DEBUG", logger=None):
        Method that calls the logger to log events.
        @Parameter message: A STR which is the content of the event to log.
        @Parameter method_name: The name of the method where the event happens.
        @Parameter level: Should be "DEBUG", "WARNING", "SEVERE", "INFO" and "SUCCESS".
        @Parameter logger: Optional. By default, all loggers will be called to log the event.

        E.g.1 self._log("Lost connection.", "disconnect", "DEBUG")
        E.g.2 self._log("This will only be shown on the console.",
                        "test_function", logger="ConsoleLogger")
        Contributor: Xiangqing Zhang
        robotLogger.add(message, method_name, level, logger)
    def connect(self):
        Connects the our_create module.
        Contributor: Tianyu Liu
        if not self.connection:
                self._log("Establishing the connection...", "_job")
                self.connection = our_create.Create(self.port)
                self._log("Connection established.", "_job", "SUCCESS")
            except Exception as e:
                self._log("Error occured while connecting: %s" % e, "connect")
    def disconnect(self):
        Detach from the our_create module.
        Contributor: Tianyu Liu
