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Python Markup.escape方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中jinja2.Markup.escape方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Markup.escape方法的具体用法?Python Markup.escape怎么用?Python Markup.escape使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在jinja2.Markup的用法示例。


示例1: get_links

# 需要导入模块: from jinja2 import Markup [as 别名]
# 或者: from jinja2.Markup import escape [as 别名]
 def get_links(self):
     """get all the news links in the page
     soup = BeautifulSoup(self.page)
     vote = 0
     infos = []
     links = []
     for link in soup.find_all('a'):
         l = link['href']
         if l.startswith('vote'):
             vote = 1
         elif vote == 1:
             if l.startswith("item"):
                 l = "%s/%s" % (self.surl, l)
             infos = [Markup.escape(link.string),
             vote = 2
         elif l.startswith('item') and vote == 2:
             infos.append("%s/%s" % (self.surl, l))
             infos.append(uuid3(NAMESPACE_DNS, infos[1]))
             vote = 0
     return links

示例2: toRSSItem

# 需要导入模块: from jinja2 import Markup [as 别名]
# 或者: from jinja2.Markup import escape [as 别名]
    def toRSSItem(self):
        title = self.repo.tagname

        if self.message and len(self.message) > 50: title += " - " + str(Markup.escape(self.message[:50])) + "..."
        elif self.message: title += " - " + str(Markup.escape(self.message))

        if self.dbkeywords: title += " - " + ",".join(self.dbkeywords)
        description  = "<pre>"
        description += str(self.getpprint(True))
        description += "</pre>"
	if type(title) != unicode:
		title = unicode(title, 'utf-8')
	if type(description) != unicode:
		description = unicode(description, 'utf-8')
        title = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', title).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
        description = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', description).encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        guid = Config.rooturl + "/commit/" + self.repo.tagname + "/" + self.uniqueid
        link = ''
        if self.repo.viewlink:
            link = self.repo.viewlink.replace('%ID', self.uniqueid)
            link = guid

        item = RSSItem(
            title = title,
            link = link,
            description = description,
            guid = Guid(guid, isPermaLink=0),
            pubDate = unixToDatetime(self.date)
        return item

示例3: generate_feed

# 需要导入模块: from jinja2 import Markup [as 别名]
# 或者: from jinja2.Markup import escape [as 别名]
def generate_feed(gallery, medias, feed_type=None, feed_url='', nb_items=0):
    root_album = gallery.albums['.']
    cls = Rss201rev2Feed if feed_type == 'rss' else Atom1Feed
    feed = cls(

    nb_medias = len(medias)
    nb_items = min(nb_items, nb_medias) if nb_items > 0 else nb_medias

    for item in medias[:nb_items]:
            title=Markup.escape(item.title or item.url),
            link='%s/#%s' % (item.path, item.url),
            # unique_id='tag:%s,%s:%s' % (urlparse(link).netloc,
            #                             item.date.date(),
            #                             urlparse(link).path.lstrip('/')),
            description='<img src="%s/%s" />' % (item.path, item.thumbnail),
            # categories=item.tags if hasattr(item, 'tags') else None,
            author_name=getattr(item, 'author', ''),
            pubdate=item.date or datetime.now(),

    output_file = os.path.join(root_album.dst_path, feed_url.split('/')[-1])
    logger.info('Generate %s feeds: %s', feed_type.upper(), output_file)
    encoding = 'utf-8' if not compat.PY2 else None
    with codecs.open(output_file, 'w', encoding) as f:
        feed.write(f, 'utf-8')

示例4: get_notes

# 需要导入模块: from jinja2 import Markup [as 别名]
# 或者: from jinja2.Markup import escape [as 别名]
def get_notes(task_id):
    Get one or more analyst notes/comments associated with the specified task.
    task = db.get_task(task_id)
    if not task:

    if 'ts' in request.args and 'uid' in request.args:
        ts = request.args.get('ts', '')
        uid = request.args.get('uid', '')
        response = handler.get_notes(task.sample_id, [ts, uid])
        response = handler.get_notes(task.sample_id)

    if not response:

    if 'hits' in response and 'hits' in response['hits']:
        response = response['hits']['hits']
        for hit in response:
            hit['_source']['text'] = Markup.escape(hit['_source']['text'])
    except Exception as e:
        # TODO: log exception
    return jsonify(response)

示例5: install

# 需要导入模块: from jinja2 import Markup [as 别名]
# 或者: from jinja2.Markup import escape [as 别名]
def install(request):
    addon_id = request.GET.get('addon_id', None)
    if addon_id:
            addon_id = int(addon_id)
        except ValueError:
            addon_id = Markup.escape(addon_id)
    addon_key = request.GET.get('addon_key', None)
    addon_name = request.GET.get('addon_name', None)
    if addon_id in addons:
        addon = addons[addon_id]
    elif addon_key in addons:
        addon = addons[addon_key]
    elif addon_name and addon_id:
        xpi = prefix('/en-US/firefox/downloads/latest/%s') % addon_id
        icon = prefix('/en-US/firefox/images/addon_icon/%s') % addon_id
        addon = {'name': addon_name, 'xpi': xpi, 'icon': icon}
        return HttpResponseNotFound()
    addon_link = addon.get('link', None)
    if addon_link:
        return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(addon_link)
    if 'xpi' not in addon:
        return HttpResponseNotFound()
    src = request.GET.get('src', 'installservice')
    addon['xpi'] = urlparams(addon['xpi'], src=src)
    addon_params = {'URL': addon['xpi']}
    if 'icon' in addon:
        addon_params['IconURL'] = addon['icon']
    if 'hash' in addon:
        addon_params['Hash'] = addon['hash']
    referrers = ' || '.join(addon.get('referrers', default_referrers))
    return render(request, 'services/install.html',
                  {'referrers': referrers, 'addon': addon,
                   'params': json.dumps({'name': addon_params})})

示例6: get_default_meta_description

# 需要导入模块: from jinja2 import Markup [as 别名]
# 或者: from jinja2.Markup import escape [as 别名]
    def get_default_meta_description(cls, article):
        summary = Markup(article.summary).striptags()
        description = textwrap.wrap(summary, META_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH)[0]
        description = Markup.escape(description)

        if len(summary) > META_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH:
            return description + '...'
            return description

示例7: _convert_out

# 需要导入模块: from jinja2 import Markup [as 别名]
# 或者: from jinja2.Markup import escape [as 别名]
 def _convert_out(v, o=None):
     if getattr(filter_func, "is_safe", False) and isinstance(o, SafeData):
         v = mark_safe(v)
     elif isinstance(o, EscapeData):
         v = mark_for_escaping(v)
     if isinstance(v, SafeData):
         return Markup(v)
     if isinstance(v, EscapeData):
         return Markup.escape(v)  # not 100% equivalent, see mod docs
     return v

示例8: get_escaped_var_value

# 需要导入模块: from jinja2 import Markup [as 别名]
# 或者: from jinja2.Markup import escape [as 别名]
 def get_escaped_var_value(value):
     Encodes XML reserved chars in value (eg. &, <, >) and also replaces
     the control chars \n and \t control chars to their ODF counterparts.
     value = Markup.escape(value)
     return (
         value.replace('\n', Markup('<text:line-break/>'))
              .replace('\t', Markup('<text:tab/>'))
              .replace('\x0b', '<text:space/>')
              .replace('\x0c', '<text:space/>')

示例9: tweet_content

# 需要导入模块: from jinja2 import Markup [as 别名]
# 或者: from jinja2.Markup import escape [as 别名]
def tweet_content(s):
    def user_url(match):
        user_id = match.group(1)
        return Markup(u'<a href="%s">@%s</a>') % (Markup.escape(url_for('user', user_id=user_id.lower())), Markup.escape(user_id))

    def tag_url(match):
        tag_id = match.group(1)
        return Markup(u'<a href="%s">#%s</a>') % (Markup.escape(url_for('tag', tag_id=tag_id.lower())), Markup.escape(tag_id))

    content = Markup.escape(s)
    content = Markup(re.sub(r'@([a-zA-Z]+)', user_url, content))
    content = Markup(re.sub(r'(?<!&)#([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', tag_url, content))
    return content

示例10: create_meta_attribute

# 需要导入模块: from jinja2 import Markup [as 别名]
# 或者: from jinja2.Markup import escape [as 别名]
    def create_meta_attribute(cls, article):
        article.meta = {
            'canonical': cls.get_canonical(article),

        for key in META_ATTRIBUTES:
            article_attrib = "meta_%s" % key

            if hasattr(article, article_attrib):
                meta_value = Markup.escape(getattr(article, article_attrib))
                meta_value = getattr(cls, "get_default_%s" % article_attrib)(article)

            article.meta[key] = meta_value

示例11: getpprint

# 需要导入模块: from jinja2 import Markup [as 别名]
# 或者: from jinja2.Markup import escape [as 别名]
    def getpprint(self, htmlize=False):
        if not self.initialized:
            raise Exception("called getpprint on unitialized Commit object")

        if htmlize:
            process = lambda x : Markup.escape(x)
            process = lambda x : x
        eol = "\r\n"
        s = ""
        s += "Project:\t %s%s" % (self.repo.name, eol)
        if htmlize:
            s += "Project URL:\t <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>%s" % (self.repo.url, self.repo.url, eol)
            s += "Project URL:\t %s %s" % (self.repo.url, eol)
        s += "Commit Date:\t %s (%s)%s" % (unixToGitDateFormat(self.date), self.date, eol)
        s += "Log Message:\t %s%s" % (process(self.message), eol)
        s += eol + eol
        if self.files:
            s += "Files:\t\t %s%s" % (process(self.files[0]), eol)
            for p in self.files[1:14]:
                s += "\t\t %s%s" % (process(p), eol)
            if len(self.files) > 15:
                s += "\t\t ...%s" % (eol)
        if self.base_paths:
            plural = len(self.base_paths) > 1
            s += "Base Path%s:\t %s%s" % ("s" if plural else "", process(self.base_paths[0]), eol)
            for p in self.base_paths[1:]:
                s += "\t\t %s%s" % (process(p), eol)

        s += "Keywords:\t %s%s" % (", ".join(self.keywords), eol)
        s += "ID:\t\t %s%s" % (self.uniqueid, eol)
        internallink = Config.rooturl + "/commit/" + self.repo.tagname + "/" + self.uniqueid
        if htmlize:
            s += "Internal:\t <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>%s" % (internallink, internallink, eol)
            s += "Internal:\t %s%s" % (internallink, eol)
        if self.repo.viewlink:
            externallink = self.repo.viewlink.replace('%ID', self.uniqueid)
            if htmlize:
                s += "External:\t <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>%s" % (externallink, externallink, eol)
                s += "External:\t %s%s" % (externallink, eol)
        if htmlize:
            return Markup(s)
            return s

示例12: _render

# 需要导入模块: from jinja2 import Markup [as 别名]
# 或者: from jinja2.Markup import escape [as 别名]
 def _render(self, context):
     result = {
         'filters': sorted(self.environment.filters.keys()),
         'tests': sorted(self.environment.tests.keys()),
         'context': context.get_all()
     # We set the depth since the intent is basically to show the top few
     # names. TODO: provide user control over this?
     if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 4):
         text = pprint.pformat(result, depth=3, compact=True)
         text = pprint.pformat(result, depth=3)
     text = Markup.escape(text)
     return text

示例13: render

# 需要导入模块: from jinja2 import Markup [as 别名]
# 或者: from jinja2.Markup import escape [as 别名]
 def render(self, show_title=False, extra_css=None, closing_tag=True, tag='a', **kw):
     title = kw.get('title') or self.title
     attrs = {
         'title': title,
         'class': ' '.join(['icon', extra_css or '']).strip(),
     if tag == 'a':
         attrs['href'] = '#'
     attrs = ew._Jinja2Widget().j2_attrs(attrs)
     visible_title = u''
     if show_title:
         visible_title = u'&nbsp;{}'.format(Markup.escape(title))
     closing_tag = u'</{}>'.format(tag) if closing_tag else u''
     icon = u'<{} {}><i class="{}"></i>{}{}'.format(tag, attrs, self.css, visible_title, closing_tag)
     return Markup(icon)

示例14: streamer_page

# 需要导入模块: from jinja2 import Markup [as 别名]
# 或者: from jinja2.Markup import escape [as 别名]
def streamer_page(streamer_name, page):
    streamer = Streamer.query.filter_by(reddit_username=streamer_name).first_or_404()
    wpc_stream = streamer.streams.filter_by(type='wpc_stream').first()
    streams = streamer.streams
    if wpc_stream:
        streams = streams.filter(Stream.id != wpc_stream.id)
    streams = streams.order_by(Stream.actual_start_time.desc().nullslast()).paginate(page, per_page=5)
    info_form = EditStreamerInfoForm(prefix='info')
    title_form = EditStreamTitleForm(prefix='title')

    if current_user.is_authenticated() and current_user == streamer:
        if request.method == 'POST':
            if info_form.submit_button.data:
                if info_form.validate_on_submit():
                    flash("Updated successfully", category='success')
                    return redirect(url_for('.streamer_page', streamer_name=streamer_name, page=page))
                    return render_template('streamer.html', streamer=streamer,
                                           streams=streams, info_form=info_form,
                                           title_form=title_form, edit_info=True,
                                           edit_title=False, wpc_stream=wpc_stream)

            elif title_form.submit_button.data:
                if title_form.validate_on_submit():
                    wpc_stream.title = title_form.title.data
                    return jsonify(newTitle=Markup.escape(title_form.title.data))

                    return render_template('streamer.html', streamer=streamer,
                                           streams=streams, info_form=info_form,
                                           title_form=title_form, edit_info=False,
                                           edit_title=True, wpc_stream=wpc_stream)
            info_form.youtube_channel.data = current_user.youtube_channel
            info_form.twitch_channel.data = current_user.twitch_channel
            info_form.info.data = current_user.info
            if wpc_stream:
                title_form.title.data = wpc_stream.title

    return render_template('streamer.html', streamer=streamer,
                           streams=streams, info_form=info_form,
                           title_form=title_form, edit_info=False,
                           edit_title=False, wpc_stream=wpc_stream)

示例15: _list_entry

# 需要导入模块: from jinja2 import Markup [as 别名]
# 或者: from jinja2.Markup import escape [as 别名]
 def _list_entry(self, context, model, name):
     parsed_url = urlparse(model.url)
     netloc, scheme = parsed_url.netloc, parsed_url.scheme
     is_scheme_valid = scheme in ('http', 'https')
     tag_text = []
     tag_tmpl = '<a class="btn btn-default" href="{1}">{0}</a>'
     for tag in model.tags.split(','):
         if tag:
             tag_text.append(tag_tmpl.format(tag, url_for(
                 'bookmark.index_view', flt2_tags_contain=tag)))
     if not netloc:
         return Markup("""\
             model, ''.join(tag_text), Markup.escape(model.url)
     netloc_tmpl = '<img src="{}{}"/> '
     res = netloc_tmpl.format(
         'http://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=', netloc)
     title = model.title if model.title else '&lt;EMPTY TITLE&gt;'
     if is_scheme_valid:
         res += '<a href="{0.url}">{1}</a>'.format(model, title)
         res += title
     if self.url_render_mode == 'netloc':
         res += ' (<a href="{1}">{0}</a>)'.format(
             url_for('bookmark.index_view', flt2_url_netloc_match=netloc)
     res += '<br/>'
     if not is_scheme_valid:
         res += model.url
     elif self.url_render_mode is None or self.url_render_mode == 'full':
         res += '<a href="{0.url}">{0.url}</a>'.format(model)
         res += '<br/>'
     if self.url_render_mode != 'netloc':
         res += tag_tmpl.format(
             url_for('bookmark.index_view', flt2_url_netloc_match=netloc)
     res += ''.join(tag_text)
     description = model.description
     if description:
         res += '<br/>'
         res += description.replace('\n', '<br/>')
     return Markup(res)
