本文整理汇总了Python中jcvi.formats.fasta.SeqIO类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python SeqIO类的具体用法?Python SeqIO怎么用?Python SeqIO使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: extract_ends
def extract_ends(rec, sites, flank, fw, maxfragsize=800):
Extraction of ends of fragments above certain size.
nsites = len(sites)
size = len(rec)
for i, s in enumerate(sites):
newid = "{0}:{1}".format(rec.name, s)
recs = []
if i == 0 or s - sites[i - 1] <= maxfragsize:
newidL = newid + "L"
left = max(s - flank, 0)
right = s
frag = rec.seq[left:right].strip("Nn")
recL = SeqRecord(frag, id=newidL, description="")
if i == 0 and s > maxfragsize: # Contig L-end
if i == nsites - 1 or sites[i + 1] - s <= maxfragsize:
newidR = newid + "R"
left = s
right = min(s + flank, size)
frag = rec.seq[left:right].strip("Nn")
recR = SeqRecord(frag, id=newidR, description="")
if i == nsites - 1 and size - s > maxfragsize: # Contig R-end
SeqIO.write(recs, fw, "fasta")
示例2: filter
def filter(args):
%prog filter consensus.fasta
Filter consensus sequence with min cluster size.
from jcvi.formats.fasta import Fasta, SeqIO
p = OptionParser(filter.__doc__)
p.add_option("--minsize", default=10, type="int",
help="Minimum cluster size")
opts, args = p.parse_args(args)
if len(args) != 1:
sys.exit(not p.print_help())
fastafile, = args
minsize = opts.minsize
f = Fasta(fastafile, lazy=True)
fw = must_open(opts.outfile, "w")
for desc, rec in f.iterdescriptions_ordered():
if desc.startswith("singleton"):
# consensus_for_cluster_0 with 63 sequences
name, w, size, seqs = desc.split()
assert w == "with"
size = int(size)
if size < minsize:
SeqIO.write(rec, fw, "fasta")
示例3: flip
def flip(args):
%prog flip fastafile
Go through each FASTA record, check against Genbank file and determines
whether or not to flip the sequence. This is useful before updates of the
sequences to make sure the same orientation is used.
p = OptionParser(flip.__doc__)
opts, args = p.parse_args(args)
if len(args) != 1:
sys.exit(not p.print_help())
fastafile, = args
outfastafile = fastafile.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".flipped.fasta"
fo = open(outfastafile, "w")
f = Fasta(fastafile, lazy=True)
for name, rec in f.iteritems_ordered():
tmpfasta = "a.fasta"
fw = open(tmpfasta, "w")
SeqIO.write([rec], fw, "fasta")
o = overlap([tmpfasta, name])
if o.orientation == '-':
rec.seq = rec.seq.reverse_complement()
SeqIO.write([rec], fo, "fasta")
示例4: extract
def extract(args):
%prog extract gffile
--contigs: Extract particular contig(s) from the gff file. If multiple contigs are
involved, use "," to separate, e.g. "contig_12,contig_150"
--names: Provide a file with IDs, one each line
p = OptionParser(extract.__doc__)
help="Extract features from certain contigs [default: %default]")
help="Extract features with certain names [default: %default]")
p.add_option("--fasta", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Write FASTA if available [default: %default]")
opts, args = p.parse_args(args)
if len(args) != 1:
sys.exit(not p.print_help())
gffile, = args
contigID = opts.contigs
namesfile = opts.names
contigID = set(contigID.split(",")) if contigID else None
names = set(x.strip() for x in open(namesfile)) if namesfile else None
outfile = opts.outfile
fp = open(gffile)
fw = must_open(outfile, "w")
for row in fp:
atoms = row.split()
if len(atoms) == 0:
tag = atoms[0]
if row[0] == "#":
if not (tag == RegionTag and contigID and atoms[1] not in contigID):
print >> fw, row.rstrip()
if tag == FastaTag:
b = GffLine(row)
is_right_contig = (contigID and tag in contigID) or (not contigID)
is_right_names = (names and b.attributes["Name"][0] in names) or \
(not names)
if is_right_contig and is_right_names:
print >> fw, row.rstrip()
if not opts.fasta:
f = Fasta(gffile)
for s in contigID:
if s in f:
SeqIO.write([f[s]], fw, "fasta")
示例5: extract_full
def extract_full(rec, sites, flank, fw):
Full extraction of seq flanking the sites.
for s in sites:
newid = "{0}:{1}".format(rec.name, s)
left = max(s - flank, 0)
right = min(s + flank, len(rec))
frag = rec.seq[left:right].strip("Nn")
newrec = SeqRecord(frag, id=newid, description="")
SeqIO.write([newrec], fw, "fasta")
示例6: merge
def merge(args):
%prog merge gffiles
Merge several gff files into one. When only one file is given, it is assumed
to be a file with a list of gff files.
p = OptionParser(merge.__doc__)
opts, args = p.parse_args(args)
nargs = len(args)
if nargs < 1:
sys.exit(not p.print_help())
if nargs == 1:
listfile, = args
fp = open(listfile)
gffiles = [x.strip() for x in fp]
gffiles = args
outfile = opts.outfile
deflines = set()
fw = must_open(outfile, "w")
fastarecs = {}
for gffile in gffiles:
fp = open(gffile)
for row in fp:
row = row.rstrip()
if row[0] == '#':
if row == FastaTag:
if row in deflines:
print >> fw, row
f = Fasta(gffile, lazy=True)
for key, rec in f.iteritems_ordered():
if key in fastarecs.keys():
fastarecs[key] = rec
print >> fw, FastaTag
SeqIO.write(fastarecs.values(), fw, "fasta")
示例7: filter
def filter(args):
%prog filter *.consensus.fasta
Filter consensus sequence with min cluster size.
from jcvi.formats.fasta import Fasta, SeqIO
p = OptionParser(filter.__doc__)
p.add_option("--minsize", default=2, type="int",
help="Minimum cluster size")
opts, args = p.parse_args(args)
if len(args) < 1:
sys.exit(not p.print_help())
fastafiles = args
minsize = opts.minsize
totalreads = totalassembled = 0
fw = must_open(opts.outfile, "w")
for i, fastafile in enumerate(fastafiles):
f = Fasta(fastafile, lazy=True)
pf = "s{0:03d}".format(i)
nreads = nsingletons = nclusters = 0
for desc, rec in f.iterdescriptions_ordered():
nclusters += 1
if desc.startswith("singleton"):
nsingletons += 1
nreads += 1
# consensus_for_cluster_0 with 63 sequences
name, w, size, seqs = desc.split()
assert w == "with"
size = int(size)
nreads += size
if size < minsize:
rec.description = rec.description.split(None, 1)[-1]
rec.id = pf + "_" + rec.id
SeqIO.write(rec, fw, "fasta")
logging.debug("Scanned {0} clusters with {1} reads ..".\
format(nclusters, nreads))
cclusters, creads = nclusters - nsingletons, nreads - nsingletons
logging.debug("Saved {0} clusters (min={1}) with {2} reads (avg:{3}) [{4}]".\
format(cclusters, minsize, creads, creads / cclusters, pf))
totalreads += nreads
totalassembled += nreads - nsingletons
logging.debug("Total assembled: {0}".\
format(percentage(totalassembled, totalreads)))
示例8: needle
def needle(args):
%prog needle nw.pairs a.pep.fasta b.pep.fasta
Take protein pairs and needle them
Automatically writes output file `nw.scores`
from jcvi.formats.fasta import Fasta, SeqIO
p = OptionParser(needle.__doc__)
opts, args = p.parse_args(args)
if len(args) != 3:
sys.exit(not p.print_help())
manager = mp.Manager()
results = manager.list()
needle_pool = mp.Pool(processes=mp.cpu_count())
pairsfile, apep, bpep = args
afasta, bfasta = Fasta(apep), Fasta(bpep)
fp = must_open(pairsfile)
for i, row in enumerate(fp):
a, b = row.split()
a, b = afasta[a], bfasta[b]
fa, fb = must_open("{0}_{1}_a.fasta".format(pairsfile, i), "w"), \
must_open("{0}_{1}_b.fasta".format(pairsfile, i), "w")
SeqIO.write([a], fa, "fasta")
SeqIO.write([b], fb, "fasta")
needlefile = "{0}_{1}_ab.needle".format(pairsfile, i)
needle_pool.apply_async(_needle, \
(fa.name, fb.name, needlefile, a.id, b.id, results))
scoresfile = "{0}.scores".format(pairsfile.rsplit(".")[0])
fw = must_open(scoresfile, "w")
for result in results:
print(result, file=fw)
示例9: phase
def phase(accession):
gbdir = "gb"
gbfile = op.join(gbdir, accession + ".gb")
if not op.exists(gbfile):
entrez([accession, "--skipcheck", "--outdir=" + gbdir, "--format=gb"])
rec = SeqIO.parse(gbfile, "gb").next()
ph, keywords = get_phase(rec)
return ph, len(rec)
示例10: circular
def circular(args):
%prog circular fastafile startpos
Make circular genome, startpos is the place to start the sequence. This can
be determined by mapping to a reference. Self overlaps are then resolved.
Startpos is 1-based.
from jcvi.assembly.goldenpath import overlap
p = OptionParser(circular.__doc__)
p.add_option("--flip", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Reverse complement the sequence")
opts, args = p.parse_args(args)
if len(args) != 2:
sys.exit(not p.print_help())
fastafile, startpos = args
startpos = int(startpos)
key, seq = parse_fasta(fastafile).next()
aseq = seq[startpos:]
bseq = seq[:startpos]
aseqfile, bseqfile = "a.seq", "b.seq"
for f, s in zip((aseqfile, bseqfile), (aseq, bseq)):
fw = must_open(f, "w")
print >> fw, ">{0}\n{1}".format(f, s)
o = overlap([aseqfile, bseqfile])
seq = aseq[:o.qstop] + bseq[o.sstop:]
seq = Seq(seq)
if opts.flip:
seq = seq.reverse_complement()
for f in (aseqfile, bseqfile):
fw = must_open(opts.outfile, "w")
rec = SeqRecord(seq, id=key, description="")
SeqIO.write([rec], fw, "fasta")
示例11: needle
def needle(args):
%prog needle pairs a.pep.fasta b.pep.fasta
Take protein pairs and needle them.
from Bio.Emboss.Applications import NeedleCommandline
from jcvi.formats.fasta import Fasta, SeqIO
from jcvi.formats.base import FileShredder
p = OptionParser(needle.__doc__)
opts, args = p.parse_args(args)
if len(args) != 3:
sys.exit(not p.print_help())
pairsfile, apep, bpep = args
afasta = Fasta(apep)
bfasta = Fasta(bpep)
fp = open(pairsfile)
for row in fp:
fa = open(pairsfile + "_a.fasta", "w")
fb = open(pairsfile + "_b.fasta", "w")
a, b = row.split()
a = afasta[a]
b = bfasta[b]
SeqIO.write([a], fa, "fasta")
SeqIO.write([b], fb, "fasta")
needlefile = pairsfile + "_ab.needle"
needle_cline = NeedleCommandline(asequence=fa.name,
gapopen=10, gapextend=0.5,
stdout, stderr = needle_cline()
print >> sys.stderr, stdout + stderr
#align = AlignIO.read(needlefile, "emboss")
nh = NeedleHeader(needlefile)
print "\t".join((a.id, b.id, nh.identity, nh.score))
FileShredder([fa.name, fb.name, needlefile])
示例12: overlapbatch
def overlapbatch(args):
%prog overlapbatch ctgfasta poolfasta
Fish out the sequences in `poolfasta` that overlap with `ctgfasta`.
Mix and combine using `minimus2`.
p = OptionParser(overlap.__doc__)
opts, args = p.parse_args(args)
if len(args) != 2:
sys.exit(not p.print_help())
ctgfasta, poolfasta = args
f = Fasta(ctgfasta)
for k, rec in f.iteritems_ordered():
fastafile = k + ".fasta"
fw = open(fastafile, "w")
SeqIO.write([rec], fw, "fasta")
overlap([fastafile, poolfasta])
示例13: longest
def longest(args):
%prog longest pasa.fasta output.subclusters.out
Find the longest PASA assembly and label it as full-length. Also removes
transcripts shorter than half the length of the longest, or shorter than
200bp. The assemblies for the same locus is found in
`output.subclusters.out`. In particular the lines that look like:
sub-cluster: asmbl_25 asmbl_26 asmbl_27
from jcvi.formats.fasta import Fasta, SeqIO
from jcvi.formats.sizes import Sizes
p = OptionParser(longest.__doc__)
p.add_option("--prefix", default="pasa",
help="Replace asmbl_ with prefix [default: %default]")
opts, args = p.parse_args(args)
if len(args) != 2:
sys.exit(not p.print_help())
fastafile, subclusters = args
prefix = fastafile.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
idsfile = prefix + ".fl.ids"
fw = open(idsfile, "w")
sizes = Sizes(fastafile).mapping
name_convert = lambda x: x.replace("asmbl", opts.prefix)
keep = set() # List of IDs to write
fp = open(subclusters)
nrecs = 0
for row in fp:
if not row.startswith("sub-cluster:"):
asmbls = row.split()[1:]
longest_asmbl = max(asmbls, key=lambda x: sizes[x])
longest_size = sizes[longest_asmbl]
print(name_convert(longest_asmbl), file=fw)
nrecs += 1
cutoff = max(longest_size / 2, 200)
keep.update(set(x for x in asmbls if sizes[x] >= cutoff))
logging.debug("{0} fl-cDNA records written to `{1}`.".format(nrecs, idsfile))
f = Fasta(fastafile, lazy=True)
newfastafile = prefix + ".clean.fasta"
fw = open(newfastafile, "w")
nrecs = 0
for name, rec in f.iteritems_ordered():
if name not in keep:
rec.id = name_convert(name)
rec.description = ""
SeqIO.write([rec], fw, "fasta")
nrecs += 1
logging.debug("{0} valid records written to `{1}`.".format(nrecs, newfastafile))
示例14: load
def load(args):
%prog load gff_file fasta_file [--options]
Parses the selected features out of GFF, with subfeatures concatenated.
For example, to get the CDS sequences, do this::
$ %prog load athaliana.gff athaliana.fa --parents mRNA --children CDS
from jcvi.formats.fasta import Seq, SeqRecord
p = OptionParser(load.__doc__)
p.add_option("--parents", dest="parents", default="mRNA",
help="list of features to extract, use comma to separate (e.g."
"'gene,mRNA') [default: %default]")
p.add_option("--children", dest="children", default="CDS",
help="list of features to extract, use comma to separate (e.g."
"'five_prime_UTR,CDS,three_prime_UTR') [default: %default]")
help="The attribute field to extract [default: %default]")
opts, args = p.parse_args(args)
if len(args) != 2:
gff_file, fasta_file = args
g = make_index(gff_file)
f = Fasta(fasta_file, index=False)
fw = must_open(opts.outfile, "w")
parents = set(opts.parents.split(','))
children_list = set(opts.children.split(','))
attr = opts.attribute
for feat in get_parents(gff_file, parents):
children = []
for c in g.children(feat.id, 1):
if c.featuretype not in children_list:
child = f.sequence(dict(chr=c.chrom, start=c.start, stop=c.stop,
children.append((child, c))
if not children:
print >>sys.stderr, "[warning] %s has no children with type %s" \
% (feat.id, ','.join(children_list))
# sort children in incremental position
children.sort(key=lambda x: x[1].start)
# reverse children if negative strand
if feat.strand == '-':
feat_seq = ''.join(x[0] for x in children)
description = ",".join(feat.attributes[attr]) \
if attr and attr in feat.attributes else ""
description = description.replace("\"", "")
rec = SeqRecord(Seq(feat_seq), id=feat.id, description=description)
SeqIO.write([rec], fw, "fasta")
示例15: install
def install(args):
%prog install patchers.bed patchers.fasta backbone.fasta alt.fasta
Install patches into backbone, using sequences from alternative assembly.
The patches sequences are generated via jcvi.assembly.patch.fill().
The output is a bedfile that can be converted to AGP using
from jcvi.apps.align import blast
from jcvi.formats.fasta import SeqIO
p = OptionParser(install.__doc__)
p.add_option("--maxsize", default=300000, type="int",
help="Maximum size of patchers to be replaced [default: %default]")
p.add_option("--prefix", help="Prefix of the new object [default: %default]")
p.add_option("--strict", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Only update if replacement has no gaps [default: %default]")
opts, args = p.parse_args(args)
if len(args) != 4:
sys.exit(not p.print_help())
pbed, pfasta, bbfasta, altfasta = args
maxsize = opts.maxsize # Max DNA size to replace gap
rclip = opts.rclip
blastfile = blast([altfasta, pfasta,"--wordsize=100", "--pctid=99"])
order = Bed(pbed).order
beforebed, afterbed = blast_to_twobeds(blastfile, order, rclip=rclip,
beforefasta = fastaFromBed(beforebed, bbfasta, name=True, stranded=True)
afterfasta = fastaFromBed(afterbed, altfasta, name=True, stranded=True)
# Exclude the replacements that contain more Ns than before
ah = SeqIO.parse(beforefasta, "fasta")
bh = SeqIO.parse(afterfasta, "fasta")
count_Ns = lambda x: x.seq.count('n') + x.seq.count('N')
exclude = set()
for arec, brec in zip(ah, bh):
an = count_Ns(arec)
bn = count_Ns(brec)
if opts.strict:
if bn == 0:
elif bn < an:
id = arec.id
logging.debug("Ignore {0} updates because of decreasing quality."\
abed = Bed(beforebed, sorted=False)
bbed = Bed(afterbed, sorted=False)
abed = [x for x in abed if x.accn not in exclude]
bbed = [x for x in bbed if x.accn not in exclude]
abedfile = "before.filtered.bed"
bbedfile = "after.filtered.bed"
afbed = Bed()
bfbed = Bed()
shuffle_twobeds(afbed, bfbed, bbfasta, prefix=opts.prefix)