本文整理汇总了Python中java.lang.ClassLoader类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ClassLoader类的具体用法?Python ClassLoader怎么用?Python ClassLoader使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: archive_read
def archive_read(archive, path):
from java.lang import ClassLoader
from java.io import InputStreamReader, BufferedReader
# --- make sure this works from within .jar files and such
stream = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(path)
reader = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(stream))
示例2: get_jython_jar
def get_jython_jar():
from java.lang import ClassLoader # @UnresolvedImport
cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
paths = map(lambda url: url.getFile(), cl.getURLs())
for p in paths:
if 'jython.jar' in p:
return p
raise RuntimeError('Unable to find jython.jar')
示例3: __init__
def __init__(self):
if ClassPath._instance:
if 'CLASSPATH' in os.environ:
self._path = classpath.split(classpathsep)
raise InstallationError("Cannot find CLASSPATH environmment variable")
self._stdloader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
ClassPath._instance = self
示例4: __init__
def __init__(self):
if ClassPath._instance:
if 'CLASSPATH' in os.environ:
self._path = classpath.split(classpathsep)
self._path = []
self._stdloader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
ClassPath._instance = self
示例5: addURL
def addURL(self, u):
"""Purpose: Call this with u= URL for
the new Class/jar to be loaded"""
sysloader = javaClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
sysclass = URLClassLoader
method = sysclass.getDeclaredMethod("addURL", [javaURL])
a = method.setAccessible(1)
jar_a = jarray.array([u], javaObject)
b = method.invoke(sysloader, [u])
return u
示例6: get_logging_config
def get_logging_config():
"""Returns the absolute path to the logging config file
# We need to find the path to the /pyrig
from java.lang import ClassLoader
cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
paths = map(lambda url: url.getFile(), cl.getURLs())
# Search all available paths for the one to /pyrig
path = next(x for x in paths if "pyrig" in x)
# Now we can return the absolute path to the logging file
return os.path.join(path, "logging.conf")
示例7: _jython_set_classpath
def _jython_set_classpath(jars):
import a jar at runtime (needed for JDBC [Class.forName])
adapted by Bastian Bowe from
from java.net import URL, URLClassLoader
from java.lang import ClassLoader
from java.io import File
m = URLClassLoader.getDeclaredMethod("addURL", [URL])
m.accessible = 1
urls = [File(i).toURL() for i in jars]
m.invoke(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(), urls)
示例8: actionPerformed
def actionPerformed(self, event):
browsers = ["google-chrome", "firefox", "opera", "epiphany", "konqueror", "conkeror", "midori", "kazehakase", "mozilla"]
osName = System.getProperty("os.name")
helpHTML = ClassLoader.getSystemResource("help.html").toString()
if osName.find("Mac OS") == 0:
Class.forName("com.apple.eio.FileManager").getDeclaredMethod( "openURL", [String().getClass()]).invoke(None, [helpHTML])
elif osName.find("Windows") == 0:
Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler " + helpHTML)
browser = None
for b in browsers:
if browser == None and Runtime.getRuntime().exec(["which", b]).getInputStream().read() != -1:
browser = b
Runtime.getRuntime().exec([browser, helpHTML])
示例9: set_font
def set_font(font_size):
Loads font from resources' ttf file.
DejaVuSans doesn't work in Retina display screens properly, so check OS,
if OSX then use Monaco instead.
# Take into account user preferred font size
if "mac" in System.getProperty("os.name").lower():
font = Font("Monaco", Font.PLAIN, font_size)
path_to_ttf = 'resources/fonts/dejavu/ttf/DejaVuSans.ttf'
loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
stream = loader.getResourceAsStream(path_to_ttf)
font = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, stream)
font = font.deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, font_size)
return font
示例10: importJar
def importJar(jarFile):
import a jar at runtime (needed for JDBC [Class.forName])
adapted from http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=300557
Author: SG Langer Jan 2007 translated the above Java to Jython
Author: [email protected] simplified and updated for jython-2.5.3b3
>>> importJar('mysql-connector-java-5.1.29-bin.jar')
>>> import java.lang.Class
>>> java.lang.Class.forName('com.mysql.jdbc.Driver')
<type 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'>
from java.net import URL, URLClassLoader
from java.lang import ClassLoader
from java.io import File
m = URLClassLoader.getDeclaredMethod("addURL", [URL])
m.accessible = 1
m.invoke(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(), [File(jarFile).toURL()])
示例11: get_yaml_config
def get_yaml_config(yaml_filename):
Load contents of <yaml_filename> into dictionary.
Note file_handler's filename needs to be an absolute path and hence
manually changed from here.
# Create helper object to load log config from jar resources
# Load config details from yaml file.
# Note getResource returns a java.net.URL object which is incompatible
# with Python's open method, so we need to work around it by copying the
# file to the home directory and open from there.
yaml_path = 'resources/config/{}'.format(yaml_filename)
loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
config_file_url = loader.getResource(yaml_path)
# In Unix getResource returns the path with prefix "file:" but in
# Windows prefix is "jar:file:"
path_to_jar = str(config_file_url).split('file:')[1]
path_to_jar = path_to_jar.split('!')[0]
path_to_config = get_log_path(yaml_filename)
# Check if log config file exists already.
# If it doesn't, paste it from JAR's resources to there.
# If it does, check is up to date with latest version
if not os.path.isfile(path_to_config):
copy_yaml_to_home(path_to_jar, yaml_path, path_to_config)
# We are running from the JAR file, not the local console
update_yaml_config(path_to_jar, yaml_path, path_to_config)
# Load local YAML file and perform required patches on the settings in
# memory if the settings version is different between the jar and the local
# file. Ensures that memory and file settings always match.
(jar_config, local_config,
jar_version, local_version) = get_config_versions(path_to_jar, yaml_path,
if yaml_filename == 'settings.yaml':
if different_versions(jar_version, local_version):
return patch_config(local_config)
return local_config
示例12: read_from_jar
def read_from_jar(relative_path):
reads a file from within a jar. returns the file content
from java.lang import ClassLoader
from java.io import InputStreamReader, BufferedReader
loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
stream = loader.getResourceAsStream(relative_path)
reader = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(stream))
line = reader.readLine()
buf = ''
while line is not None:
buf += line
line = reader.readLine()
return buf
示例13: addFile
def addFile(jarFile):
import a jar at runtime (needed for JDBC [Class.forName])
adapted from http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=300557
Author: SG Langer Jan 2007 translated the above Java to Jython
Author: [email protected] simplified and updated for jython-2.5.3b3
>>> importJar('jars/jtds-1.2.5.jar')
>>> import java.lang.Class
>>> java.lang.Class.forName('net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver')
<type 'net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver'>
from java.net import URL, URLClassLoader
from java.lang import ClassLoader
from java.io import File
m = URLClassLoader.getDeclaredMethod("addURL", [URL])
m.accessible = 1
m.invoke(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(), [File(jarFile).toURL()])
示例14: getResourceDirectoryForModuleName
def getResourceDirectoryForModuleName(moduleName):
resourceDirectory = None
prefix = "content/"
moduleNamePath = moduleName.replace(".", "/")
resourcePath = prefix + moduleNamePath
# serving from the "content" directory embedded in the JAR file
resourceDirectory = _ClassLoader.getSystemResource(resourcePath).toExternalForm()
# serving from the "content" directory from the debug root
resourceDirectory = _File(PYCYCLE_DEBUG_RESOURCE_ROOT, resourcePath).toString()
except Exception as ex:
message = "Could not get resource directory for module '" + str(moduleName) + "'. "
message += "Caused by: \n" + repr(ex)
raise RuntimeError(message)
return resourceDirectory
示例15: load
def load(self, img_file, namehint=None):
Load image from file as a java.awt.image.BufferedImage.
Return the bufferedimage as a Surface.
f = env.japplet.class.getResource(img_file.replace('\\','/')) #java uses /, not os.path Windows \
if not f:
cload = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
f = cload.getResourceAsStream(img_file.replace('\\','/'))
print "fe"
f = File(img_file)
bimage = ImageIO.read(f)
surf = Surface(bimage)
return surf