本文整理汇总了Python中java.awt.image.BufferedImage.setRGB方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python BufferedImage.setRGB方法的具体用法?Python BufferedImage.setRGB怎么用?Python BufferedImage.setRGB使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类java.awt.image.BufferedImage
示例1: _translation
# 需要导入模块: from java.awt.image import BufferedImage [as 别名]
# 或者: from java.awt.image.BufferedImage import setRGB [as 别名]
def _translation(output_png_path, rotation_x, rotation_y):
buffered_image = _create_buffered_image(ImageIcon(output_png_path).getImage())
width, height = buffered_image.getWidth(), buffered_image.getHeight()
buffered_image_matrix = [[buffered_image.getRGB(i, j) for j in xrange(height)] for i in xrange(width)]
buffered_image_matrix = _transpose_matrix(buffered_image_matrix)
m, n = len(buffered_image_matrix), len(buffered_image_matrix[0])
_log.info("Output path: {}".format(output_png_path))
start_x, start_y = 0, 0
end_x, end_y = n, m
if start_x == 0 and end_x == 0 and start_y == 0 and end_y == 0:
return buffered_image
dst_new_width = end_x
dst_new_height = end_y
# overlapping x enhancement
if (rotation_x < end_x) and (rotation_x > 0):
if end_x - rotation_x > end_x/2:
dst_new_width = (end_x - rotation_x) * 2
start_x = dst_new_width/2 - rotation_x
end_x = start_x + end_x
elif end_x - rotation_x < end_x/2:
end_x = 2*rotation_x
dst_new_width = start_x + end_x
# non-overlapping x enhancement
elif rotation_x < 0:
start_x = 2*abs(rotation_x) + end_x
dst_new_width = 2*(abs(rotation_x) + end_x)
end_x = start_x + end_x
elif rotation_x >= end_x:
dst_new_width = 2*rotation_x
if (rotation_y < end_y) and (rotation_y > 0):
if end_y - rotation_y > end_y/2:
dst_new_height = (end_y - rotation_y) * 2
start_y = dst_new_height/2 - rotation_y
end_y = start_y + end_y
elif end_y - rotation_y < end_y/2:
end_y = 2*rotation_y
dst_new_height = start_y + end_y
elif rotation_y < 0:
start_y = 2*abs(rotation_y) + end_y
dst_new_height = 2*(abs(rotation_y) + end_y)
end_y = start_y + end_y
elif rotation_y >= end_y:
dst_new_height = 2*rotation_y
new_buffered_image = BufferedImage(dst_new_width + 1, dst_new_height + 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
g2d = new_buffered_image.createGraphics()
g2d.fillRect(0, 0, dst_new_width, dst_new_height)
for row_y in xrange(start_y, end_y + 1):
for column_x in xrange(start_x, end_x + 1):
if row_y - start_y < buffered_image.getHeight() and column_x - start_x < buffered_image.getWidth():
new_buffered_image.setRGB(column_x,row_y, buffered_image_matrix[row_y-start_y][column_x-start_x])
return new_buffered_image
示例2: indices
# 需要导入模块: from java.awt.image import BufferedImage [as 别名]
# 或者: from java.awt.image.BufferedImage import setRGB [as 别名]
class Image:
"""Holds an image of RGB pixels accessed by column and row indices (col, row).
Origin (0, 0) is at upper left."""
# QUESTION: For efficiency, should we also extract and save self.pixels (at image reading time)?
# Also make setPixel(), getPixel(), setPixels() and getPixels() work on/with self.pixels.
# And when writing, use code in current setPixels() to update image buffer, before writing it out?
# This is something to try.
def __init__(self, filename, width=None, height=None):
"""Create an image from a file, or an empty (black) image with specified dimensions."""
# Since Python does not allow constructors with different signatures,
# the trick is to reuse the first argument as a filename or a width.
# If it is a string, we assume they want is to open a file.
# If it is an int, we assume they want us to create a blank image.
if type(filename) == type(""): # is it a string?
self.filename = filename # treat is a filename
self.image = BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) # create a dummy image
self.read(filename) # and read external image into ti
elif type(filename) == type(1): # is it a int?
# create blank image with specified dimensions
self.filename = "Untitled"
self.width = filename # holds image width (shift arguments)
self.height = width # holds image height
self.image = BufferedImage(self.width, self.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) # holds image buffer (pixels)
raise TypeError("Image(): first argument must a filename (string) or an blank image width (int).")
# display image
self.display = JFrame() # create frame window to hold image
icon = ImageIcon(self.image) # wrap image appropriately for displaying in a frame
container = JLabel(icon)
self.display.setContentPane(container) # and place it
def getWidth(self):
"""Returns the width of the image."""
return self.width
def getHeight(self):
"""Returns the height of the image."""
return self.height
def getPixel(self, col, row):
"""Returns a list of the RGB values for this pixel, e.g., [255, 0, 0]."""
# Obsolete - convert the row so that row zero refers to the bottom row of pixels.
#row = self.height - row - 1
color = Color(self.image.getRGB(col, row)) # get pixel's color
return [color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue()] # create list of RGB values (0-255)
def setPixel(self, col, row, RGBlist):
"""Sets this pixel's RGB values, e.g., [255, 0, 0]."""
# Obsolete - convert the row so that row zero refers to the bottom row of pixels.
#row = self.height - row - 1
color = Color(RGBlist[0], RGBlist[1], RGBlist[2]) # create color from RGB values
self.image.setRGB(col, row, color.getRGB())
def getPixels(self):
"""Returns a 2D list of pixels (col, row) - each pixel is a list of RGB values, e.g., [255, 0, 0]."""
pixels = [] # initialize list of pixels
#for row in range(self.height-1, 0, -1): # load pixels from image
for row in range(0, self.height): # load pixels from image
pixels.append( [] ) # add another empty row
for col in range(self.width): # populate row with pixels
# RGBlist = self.getPixel(col, row) # this works also (but slower)
color = Color(self.image.getRGB(col, row)) # get pixel's color
RGBlist = [color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue()] # create list of RGB values (0-255)
pixels[-1].append( RGBlist ) # add a pixel as (R, G, B) values (0-255, each)
# now, 2D list of pixels has been created, so return it
return pixels
def setPixels(self, pixels):
"""Sets image to the provided 2D list of pixels (col, row) - each pixel is a list of RGB values, e.g., [255, 0, 0]."""
self.height = len(pixels) # get number of rows
self.width = len(pixels[0]) # get number of columns (assume all columns have same length
#for row in range(self.height-1, 0, -1): # iterate through all rows
for row in range(0, self.height): # iterate through all rows
for col in range(self.width): # iterate through every column on this row
示例3: FunctionRepresentation
# 需要导入模块: from java.awt.image import BufferedImage [as 别名]
# 或者: from java.awt.image.BufferedImage import setRGB [as 别名]
if color == 'g':
## gray
pvalue = array(map(int, array(pvalue[0]) * 0xFF))
pvalue = pvalue * 0x10000 + pvalue * 0x100 + pvalue
elif color == 'c':
pvalue = map(int, array(pvalue[0]) * 0xFF * 2)
R = zeros(len(pvalue))
G = zeros(len(pvalue))
B = zeros(len(pvalue))
for i, v in enumerate(pvalue):
if v < 0xFF:
B[i] = 0xFF - v
G[i] = v
G[i] = 2*0xFF - v
R[i] = v - 0xFF
pvalue = R * 0x10000 + G * 0x100 + B
pvalue = reshape(pvalue,[grid_size, grid_size])
rvalue = 0xFF000000 + pvalue
# expand pixel value from grid to raster size
# ratio = float(width) / grid_size
# indeces = map(int, (floor(array(range(width)) / ratio)))
## Tooooooo slow here!
# for i, ii in enumerate(indeces):
# for j, jj in enumerate(indeces) :
# rvalue[i,j] = pvalue[ii,jj]
for zoom in range(2):
zgrid_size = grid_size * (zoom + 1)
rvalue = reshape(rvalue, [zgrid_size * zgrid_size, 1])
rvalue = concatenate([rvalue, rvalue], 1)
rvalue = reshape(rvalue, [zgrid_size, zgrid_size* 2])
rvalue = repeat(rvalue, ones(zgrid_size) * 2)
# draw image
rvalue = reshape(rvalue, [1, width * height])
self.image.setRGB(0, 0, width, height, rvalue[0], 0, width)
g.drawImage( self.image, self.border_left, self.border_top, None)
elif dimension == 1:
if pdftemplate is not None:
for i in range(width*steps):
value=sum([f(j,x)*d for j,d in enumerate(data)])
if i==0:
if 0<y<height:
for i in range(width):
value=sum([f(j,x)*d for j,d in enumerate(data)])
if px is not None and miny<value<maxy:
示例4: _translation
# 需要导入模块: from java.awt.image import BufferedImage [as 别名]
# 或者: from java.awt.image.BufferedImage import setRGB [as 别名]
def _translation(output_png_path, rotation_x, rotation_y):
buffered_image = _create_buffered_image(ImageIcon(output_png_path).getImage())
#buffered_image = ImageIO.read(new File());
width, height = buffered_image.getWidth(), buffered_image.getHeight()
buffered_image_matrix = [[buffered_image.getRGB(i, j) for j in xrange(height)] for i in xrange(width)]
buffered_image_matrix = _transpose_matrix(buffered_image_matrix)
x_coords_list, y_coords_list = [], []
m, n = len(buffered_image_matrix), len(buffered_image_matrix[0])
for y in xrange(m):
for x in xrange(n):
pixel = buffered_image_matrix[y][x]
if (pixel >> 24) != 0x00:
_log.info("-" * 80)
_log.info("Output path: {}".format(output_png_path))
_log.info("height, weight: ({}, {})".format(m, n))
start_x = min(x_coords_list) if len(x_coords_list) > 0 else 0
end_x = max(x_coords_list) if len(x_coords_list) > 0 else 0
start_y = min(y_coords_list) if len(y_coords_list) > 0 else 0
end_y = max(y_coords_list) if len(y_coords_list) > 0 else 0
_log.info("end y, end x: ({}, {})".format(end_y, end_x))
if start_x > rotation_x:
start_x = rotation_x
if end_x < rotation_x:
end_x = rotation_x
if start_y > rotation_y:
start_y = rotation_y
if end_y < rotation_y:
end_y = rotation_y
_log.info("end y, end x: ({}, {})".format(end_y, end_x))
_log.info("-" * 80)
dst_new_width = end_x * 2
dst_new_height = end_y * 2
new_buffered_image = BufferedImage(dst_new_width, dst_new_height,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
g2d = new_buffered_image.createGraphics()
g2d.fillRect(0, 0, dst_new_width, dst_new_height)
# Bottom Right
for old_row_y, new_row_y in zip(xrange(rotation_y, end_y + 1),xrange(end_y, dst_new_height)):
for old_column_x, new_column_x in zip(xrange(rotation_x, end_x + 1),xrange(end_x, dst_new_width)):
if(old_row_y >= 0 and old_column_x >= 0 and old_row_y < buffered_image_matrix.length and old_column_x < buffered_image_matrix[old_row_y].length):
new_buffered_image.setRGB(new_column_x,new_row_y, buffered_image_matrix[old_row_y][old_column_x]);
# Upper Right
for old_row_y, new_row_y in zip(xrange(rotation_y, start_y - 1, -1),xrange(end_y, -1, -1)):
for old_column_x, new_column_x in zip(xrange(rotation_x, end_x + 1),xrange(end_x, dst_new_width)):
if(old_row_y >= 0 and old_column_x >= 0 and old_row_y < buffered_image_matrix.length and old_column_x < buffered_image_matrix[old_row_y].length):
new_buffered_image.setRGB(new_column_x,new_row_y, buffered_image_matrix[old_row_y][old_column_x])
# Upper Left
for old_row_y, new_row_y in zip(xrange(rotation_y, start_y - 1, -1),xrange(end_y, -1, -1)):
for old_column_x, new_column_x in zip(xrange(rotation_x, start_x - 1, -1),xrange(end_x, -1, -1)):
if(old_row_y >= 0 and old_column_x >= 0 and old_row_y < buffered_image_matrix.length and old_column_x < buffered_image_matrix[old_row_y].length):
new_buffered_image.setRGB(new_column_x,new_row_y, buffered_image_matrix[old_row_y][old_column_x])
# Bottom Left
for old_row_y, new_row_y in zip(xrange(rotation_y, end_y + 1),xrange(end_y, dst_new_height)):
for old_column_x, new_column_x in zip(xrange(rotation_x, start_x - 1, -1),xrange(end_x, -1, -1)):
if(old_row_y >= 0 and old_column_x >= 0 and old_row_y < buffered_image_matrix.length and old_column_x < buffered_image_matrix[old_row_y].length):
new_buffered_image.setRGB(new_column_x,new_row_y, buffered_image_matrix[old_row_y][old_column_x])
#color = Color.yellow
#new_buffered_image.setRGB(end_x - 1, end_y - 1, color.getRGB())
return new_buffered_image