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Python QueryHelper.get_service_status_by_tmobile方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中helpers.queryhelper.QueryHelper.get_service_status_by_tmobile方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python QueryHelper.get_service_status_by_tmobile方法的具体用法?Python QueryHelper.get_service_status_by_tmobile怎么用?Python QueryHelper.get_service_status_by_tmobile使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在helpers.queryhelper.QueryHelper的用法示例。


示例1: post

# 需要导入模块: from helpers.queryhelper import QueryHelper [as 别名]
# 或者: from helpers.queryhelper.QueryHelper import get_service_status_by_tmobile [as 别名]
    def post(self):
        username = self.get_argument("username")
        password = self.get_argument("password")
        user_type = self.get_argument("user_type", UWEB.USER_TYPE.PERSON)
        biz_type = self.get_argument("biz_type", UWEB.BIZ_TYPE.YDWS)
        devid = self.get_argument("devid", "")
        versionname = self.get_argument("versionname", "")
        version_type = int(self.get_argument("version_type", 0))
        logging.info("[UWEB] Android login request, username: %s, password: %s, user_type: %s, devid: %s",
                     username, password, user_type, devid)
        # must check username and password avoid sql injection.
        if not (username.isalnum() and password.isalnum()):
            status = ErrorCode.ILLEGAL_LABEL

        # check the user, return uid, tid, sim and status
        cid, oid, uid, terminals, user_type, status = self.login_passwd_auth(username, password, user_type)
            "[UWEB] Login auth, cid:%s, oid:%s, uid:%s, user_type:%s", cid, oid, uid, user_type)
        if status == ErrorCode.SUCCESS:
            # role: 0: person; 1: operator; 2: enterprise
            # method 0: web; 1: android; 2: ios
            # NOTE: keep the login log
            login_info = dict(uid=uid,
            record_login_user(login_info, self.db)


            user_info = QueryHelper.get_user_by_uid(uid, self.db)

            # NOTE: add cars_info, it's same as lastinfo
            cars_info = {}

            if user_type == UWEB.USER_TYPE.PERSON:
                terminals = QueryHelper.get_terminals_by_uid(uid, biz_type, self.db)
            elif user_type == UWEB.USER_TYPE.OPERATOR:
                terminals = QueryHelper.get_terminals_by_oid(oid, biz_type, self.db)
            elif user_type == UWEB.USER_TYPE.CORP:
                terminals = QueryHelper.get_terminals_by_cid(cid, biz_type, self.db)
                logging.error("[UWEB] Invalid user_type: %s", user_type)

            for terminal in terminals:
                # 1: get terminal
                tid = terminal.tid

                group_info = get_group_info_by_tid(self.db, tid)

                terminal_info_key = get_terminal_info_key(tid)
                terminal_cache = self.redis.getvalue(terminal_info_key)
                if terminal_cache:
                    terminal['gps'] = terminal_cache['gps']
                    terminal['gsm'] = terminal_cache['gsm']
                    terminal['pbat'] = terminal_cache['pbat']

                mobile = terminal['mobile']
                terminal['keys_num'] = 0
                if terminal['login'] == GATEWAY.TERMINAL_LOGIN.SLEEP:
                    terminal['login'] = GATEWAY.TERMINAL_LOGIN.ONLINE
                # NOTE: if alias is null, provide cnum or sim instead
                terminal['alias'] = QueryHelper.get_alias_by_tid(
                    tid, self.redis, self.db)
                fobs = self.db.query("SELECT fobid FROM T_FOB"
                                     "  WHERE tid = %s", tid)
                terminal['fob_list'] = [fob.fobid for fob in fobs]
                terminal['sim'] = terminal['mobile']

                # 2: get location
                location = QueryHelper.get_location_info(tid, self.db, self.redis)
                if location and not (location.clatitude or location.clongitude):
                    location_key = get_location_key(str(tid))
                    locations = [location, ]
                    locations = get_locations_with_clatlon(locations, self.db)
                    location = locations[0]
                    self.redis.setvalue(location_key, location, EVENTER.LOCATION_EXPIRY)

                if location and location['name'] is None:
                    location['name'] = ''

                avatar_name, avatar_path, avatar_full_path, avatar_time = self.get_avatar_info(mobile)

                service_status = QueryHelper.get_service_status_by_tmobile(
                    self.db, mobile)
                car_dct = {}

                if location and location['type'] == 1:  # cellid
                    location['locate_error'] = 500  # mile

                car_info = dict(defend_status=terminal['defend_status'] if terminal['defend_status'] is not None else 1,
                            mannual_status=terminal['mannual_status'] if terminal['mannual_status'] is not None else 1,
                            fob_status=terminal['fob_status'] if terminal['fob_status'] is not None else 0,

示例2: _on_finish

# 需要导入模块: from helpers.queryhelper import QueryHelper [as 别名]
# 或者: from helpers.queryhelper.QueryHelper import get_service_status_by_tmobile [as 别名]

                        logging.info("[UWEB] Lastinfo step2 used time: %s > 5s",
                                    _now_time - _start_time)

                    res[tid] = {'car_info':{},

                    # 0: get group info
                    group_info = get_group_info_by_tid(self.db, tid)

                    # 1: get terminal info 
                    terminal = QueryHelper.get_terminal_info(tid, self.db, self.redis) 
                    mobile = terminal['mobile']
                    if terminal['login'] == GATEWAY.TERMINAL_LOGIN.SLEEP:
                        terminal['login'] = GATEWAY.TERMINAL_LOGIN.ONLINE

                    # 2: get location 
                    location = QueryHelper.get_location_info(tid, self.db, self.redis)
                    if location and not (location.clatitude or location.clongitude):
                        location_key = get_location_key(str(tid))
                        locations = [location,] 
                        #locations = get_locations_with_clatlon(locations, self.db) 
                        location = locations[0]
                        if location.clatitude and location.clongitude:
                            self.redis.setvalue(location_key, location, EVENTER.LOCATION_EXPIRY)

                    if location and location['name'] is None:
                        location['name'] = location['name'] if location['name'] else ''

                    if location and location['type'] == 1: # cellid
                        location['locate_error'] = 500  # mile

                    avatar_full_path, avatar_path, avatar_name, avatar_time = self.get_avatar_info(mobile)
                    service_status = QueryHelper.get_service_status_by_tmobile(self.db, mobile)

                    acc_status_info = QueryHelper.get_acc_status_info_by_tid(self.client_id, tid, self.db, self.redis)
                    acc_message = acc_status_info['acc_message']

                    car_info=dict(defend_status=terminal['defend_status'] if terminal.get('defend_status', None) is not None else 1,
                                  mannual_status=terminal['mannual_status'] if terminal.get('mannual_status', None) is not None else 1,
                                  fob_status=terminal['fob_status'] if terminal.get('fob_status', None) is not None else 0,
                                  timestamp=location['timestamp'] if location else 0,
                                  speed=location.speed if location else 0,
                                  # NOTE: degree's type is Decimal, float() it before json_encode
                                  degree=float(location.degree) if location else 0.00,
                                  locate_error=location.get('locate_error', 20) if location else 20,
                                  name=location.name if location else '',
                                  type=location.type if location else 1,
                                  latitude=location['latitude'] if location else 0,
                                  longitude=location['longitude'] if location else 0, 
                                  clatitude=location['clatitude'] if location else 0,
                                  clongitude=location['clongitude'] if location else 0, 
                                  login=terminal['login'] if terminal['login'] is not None else 0,
                                  bt_name=terminal.get('bt_name', '') if terminal else '',
                                  bt_mac=terminal.get('bt_mac', '') if terminal else '',
                                  dev_type=terminal['dev_type'] if terminal.get('dev_type', None) is not None else 'A',
                                  gps=terminal['gps'] if terminal['gps'] is not None else 0,
                                  gsm=terminal['gsm'] if terminal['gsm'] is not None else 0,
                                  pbat=terminal['pbat'] if terminal['pbat'] is not None else 0,
                                  owner_mobile = terminal['owner_mobile'],
                                  alias=terminal['alias'] if terminal['alias'] else terminal['mobile'],
                                  #keys_num=terminal['keys_num'] if terminal['keys_num'] is not None else 0,
