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Python Helpers.createObjectives方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中helperRecip.Helpers.Helpers.createObjectives方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Helpers.createObjectives方法的具体用法?Python Helpers.createObjectives怎么用?Python Helpers.createObjectives使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在helperRecip.Helpers.Helpers的用法示例。


示例1: testProgramAuditSetup

# 需要导入模块: from helperRecip.Helpers import Helpers [as 别名]
# 或者: from helperRecip.Helpers.Helpers import createObjectives [as 别名]
    def testProgramAuditSetup(self):
        util = WebdriverUtilities()
        element = Elements()
        grcobject = GRCObject()
        do = Helpers()
        objectiveID = {}
        # 1: Create New Program 
        #program_name = "The Program for Auto Test of Audit"  
        #temporary to use one program with unique name
        current_time = do.getTimeId()

        program_name = "Program for Auto Test of Audit"  +current_time
        last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Program", program_name, "checked",True, config.username)
        #object_name = str(util.getTextFromXpathString(last_created_object_link)).strip() 
        # 2.  Navigate to that Program page
        # 3. Select Regulations tab in Object pg Nav to bring up the Mapped Regulations widget
        # 4. Click +Regulation button to bring up modal selector for mapping Regulation to the Program
        # 5. In modal, click green +Regulation button to bring up create a new Regulation modal
        # 6.  Fill in title for the new Regulation, "Regulation for Auto Test of Audit"
        # 7.  click Save (this dismisses the 2nd modal and puts the newly created Regulation at the top of the list in the 1st modal (the mapping modal)
        regulation_name = "Regulation for Auto Test of Audit"+current_time
        do.createObject("Regulation", regulation_name,"unchecked",False)
        # 8.  Select "Regulation for Auto test of Audit" at top of list then click Map button (dismisses modal and returns to Program pg now with the Regulation mapped)
        mapped_object_id = do.mapFirstObject("Regulation",False,regulation_name)
        # 9.  Click on Regulation for Auto Test of Audit in Mapped Regulations widget to expand the drop down and reveal Sections list
        #expand regulation area
        mapped_object_link = element.mapped_object.replace("OBJECT", "regulation").replace("ID", mapped_object_id)
        self.assertTrue(util.isElementPresent(mapped_object_link),"doesn't see the newly created mapped object")
        # 10.  Hover over +Sections link to reveal 3 options, then click on Create Section to launch the Create new Section modal
        # 11.  New Section modal:Title: "Section 1 of Regulation for Auto Test of Audit"
        # 12. Click Save - returns you to the Program pg > Regulation widget > Section now shows in revealed Sections display area
        do.createSectionFor("regulation",mapped_object_id,"Section 1 of Regulation for Auto Test of Audit"+current_time)
        section_id= do.getTheIdOfTheLastCreated("section")
        # 13. Click on "Section 1 of Regulation for Auto Test of Audit" title in the Sections display area - this reveals the Text of Section we entered and the "OBJECTIVES, CONTROLS, AND BUSINESS OBJECTS (0)" display area.
        #expand section area
        self.assertTrue(util.isElementPresent(element.sections_area_first_section),"doesn't see the newly created Section in the section area")
        self.assertTrue(util.isElementPresent(element.theShortDescriptionElement),"doesn't see the short description element")
        #make objectiveID link visible
        self.assertTrue(util.isElementPresent(element.section_area_add_object_link),"doesn't see +Objective link")
        # 16. Repeat steps  14-15 3 times, increment Objective name, leave the next bullet point in description
        for n in range(3):
            print "objective number " + str(n+1)
            # 14.  Hover over +Object to reveal 2 options

            util.hoverOverAndWaitFor(element.section_area_add_object_link, element.section_area_add_objective_link)
            self.assertTrue(util.isElementPresent(element.section_area_add_objective_link),"doesn't see the section_area_add_objective_link")
            # 15.  Click on +Objectives to open "Map New Objective to Section 1 of Regulation for Auto Test of Audit" modal, input data and click Save
            util.clickOn( element.section_area_add_objective_link)
            #create new objective
            do.createObjectives(grcobject.objective_title[n], grcobject.objective_description[n])
            last_created_object_element = element.objective_elemet_in_the_inner_tree_with_index.replace("INDEX",str(n+1 ))
            print "the last created objective element is "+last_created_object_element
            self.assertTrue(util.isElementPresent(last_created_object_element), "cannot see the newly created objective")
            # store objectiveID ids
            objective_id= do.getTheIdOfTheLastCreatedObjective(last_created_object_element)
            print objectiveID[n]

        # 17.after creating 3 Objectives, Hover over +Object 1 more time but this time click on +Object to launch the multi object mapper modal 
        #util.clickOnAndWaitFor(element.section_area_add_object_link, element.section_area_add_objective_link)
        # 18.  Select Controls from top filter selector in modal
