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Python Highlighter.highlight方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中haystack.utils.Highlighter.highlight方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Highlighter.highlight方法的具体用法?Python Highlighter.highlight怎么用?Python Highlighter.highlight使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在haystack.utils.Highlighter的用法示例。


示例1: build_results_for_page

# 需要导入模块: from haystack.utils import Highlighter [as 别名]
# 或者: from haystack.utils.Highlighter import highlight [as 别名]
	def build_results_for_page(games, query):
		highlighter = Highlighter(query)

		return [{'url': game.url,
		         'title': highlighter.highlight(game.title),
		         'intro': highlighter.highlight(game.intro),
		         'city': highlighter.highlight(game.location.city),
		         'state': highlighter.highlight(game.location.state)} for game in games]

示例2: no_query_found

# 需要导入模块: from haystack.utils import Highlighter [as 别名]
# 或者: from haystack.utils.Highlighter import highlight [as 别名]
 def no_query_found(self):
     all_results = SearchQuerySet(self).all()
     #sqs = SearchQuerySet().filter(content='foo').highlight()
     sqs = SearchQuerySet().filter(content=all_results).highlight()
     highlighter = Highlighter(search_query)
     result = sqs[0]
     print highlighter.highlight(sqs[0].text)

示例3: _do_search

# 需要导入模块: from haystack.utils import Highlighter [as 别名]
# 或者: from haystack.utils.Highlighter import highlight [as 别名]
def _do_search(self, request, model):

    self.method_check(request, allowed=['get'])

    # Do the query.
    query = request.GET.get('q', '')
    sqs = SearchQuerySet().models(model).load_all().auto_query(query)
    paginator = Paginator(sqs, 20)

        page = paginator.page(int(request.GET.get('page', 1)))
    except InvalidPage:
        raise Http404("Sorry, no results on that page.")

    objects = []

    for result in page.object_list:
        if result:
            highlighter = Highlighter(query)
            text = highlighter.highlight(result.text)
            bundle = self.build_bundle(obj=result.object, request=request)
            bundle = self.full_dehydrate(bundle)
            bundle.data['text'] = text

    object_list = {
        'objects': objects,

    return self.create_response(request, object_list)

示例4: get_results

# 需要导入模块: from haystack.utils import Highlighter [as 别名]
# 或者: from haystack.utils.Highlighter import highlight [as 别名]
 def get_results(self):
     Override get_results to add the value of the field where query was found
     Also takes care of highlighting the query.
     results = super(FindView, self).get_results()
     query = self.query.lower()
     highlight = Highlighter(query)
     for r in results:
         for field in r.get_stored_fields():
             value = getattr(r, field)
             # assume search index field 'text' is document field
             if isinstance(value, string_types) and\
                     query in value.lower() and\
                     field != 'text':
                 # assume search index field name == model field name
                     name = r.object._meta.get_field(field).verbose_name
                     name = field
                 r.context = {
                     'field': name,
                     'value': highlight.highlight(value)
     return results

示例5: _search

# 需要导入模块: from haystack.utils import Highlighter [as 别名]
# 或者: from haystack.utils.Highlighter import highlight [as 别名]
    def _search(self, request, model, facets=None, page_size=20,

            A list of facets to include with the results
            Limit the search to one or more models
        form = FacetedSearchForm(request.GET, facets=facets or [],
                                 models=(model,), load_all=True)
        if not form.is_valid():
            return self.error_response({'errors': form.errors}, request)
        results = form.search()

        paginator = Paginator(results, page_size)
            page = paginator.page(int(request.GET.get('page', 1)))
        except InvalidPage:
            raise Http404(ugettext("Sorry, no results on that page."))

        objects = []
        query = request.GET.get('q', '')
        highlighter = Highlighter(query)
        for result in page.object_list:
            if not result:
            text = result.text
            if highlight:
                text = highlighter.highlight(text)
            bundle = self.build_bundle(obj=result.object, request=request)
            bundle = self.full_dehydrate(bundle)
            bundle.data['text'] = text

        url_template = self._url_template(query,
        page_data = {
            'number': page.number,
            'per_page': paginator.per_page,
            'num_pages': paginator.num_pages,
            'page_range': paginator.page_range,
            'object_count': paginator.count,
            'url_template': url_template,
        if page.has_next():
            page_data['url_next'] = url_template.format(
        if page.has_previous():
            page_data['url_prev'] = url_template.format(

        object_list = {
            'page': page_data,
            'objects': objects,
        if facets:
            object_list.update({'facets': results.facet_counts()})
        return object_list

示例6: search_view

# 需要导入模块: from haystack.utils import Highlighter [as 别名]
# 或者: from haystack.utils.Highlighter import highlight [as 别名]
def search_view(request):
    keyword = request.GET['q']
    results = SearchQuerySet().filter(content=keyword)
    highlighter = Highlighter(keyword)
    results_dict = {
        'success': True,
        'by': 'search',
        'list': [{
                'title': r.object.title,
                'content': highlighter.highlight(r.object.content),
                'uri': r.object.abs_uri
                } for r in results]
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(results_dict), content_type="application/json")

示例7: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from haystack.utils import Highlighter [as 别名]
# 或者: from haystack.utils.Highlighter import highlight [as 别名]
 def __init__(self, scholarship_key=None, search_result=None, to_highlight=''):
     scholarship_model = search_result.object
     self.scholarship_key = scholarship_key
     scholarship_model = scholarship_model
     highlight = Highlighter(to_highlight, max_length=300)
     self.snippet = highlight.highlight(scholarship_model.description)
     if scholarship_model is not None:
         self.deadline = scholarship_model.deadline
     self.source = scholarship_model.organization
     self.href = scholarship_model.third_party_url
     self.title = scholarship_model.title
     self.essay_required = scholarship_model.essay_required
     self.gender_restriction = scholarship_model.gender_restriction
     safe_title = scholarship_model.title[:100].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
     self.vs_href = u'/scholarship/{}?title={}'.format(self.scholarship_key, safe_title)

示例8: index

# 需要导入模块: from haystack.utils import Highlighter [as 别名]
# 或者: from haystack.utils.Highlighter import highlight [as 别名]
def index(request):
	words = request.GET['key'] 
	results = SearchQuerySet().filter(name__contains=(words))
	highlight = Highlighter(words,max_length=100)
	counts = results.count()
	for r in results:
		r.name = highlight.highlight(r.name)
	#unicode -> string  unicodestring.endcode('utf-8') 
	#string -> unicode unicode(utf8string,'utf-8)
	return render(request,'search/search.html',{'data':results,'counts':counts})

示例9: test_highlight

# 需要导入模块: from haystack.utils import Highlighter [as 别名]
# 或者: from haystack.utils.Highlighter import highlight [as 别名]
 def test_highlight(self):
     highlighter = Highlighter('this test')
     self.assertEqual(highlighter.highlight(self.document_1), u'<span class="highlighted">This</span> is a <span class="highlighted">test</span> of the highlightable words detection. <span class="highlighted">This</span> is only a <span class="highlighted">test</span>. Were <span class="highlighted">this</span> an actual emergency, your text would have exploded in mid-air.')
     self.assertEqual(highlighter.highlight(self.document_2), u'The content of words in no particular order causes nothing to occur.')
     self.assertEqual(highlighter.highlight(self.document_3), u'<span class="highlighted">This</span> is a <span class="highlighted">test</span> of the highlightable words detection. <span class="highlighted">This</span> is only a <span class="highlighted">test</span>. Were <span class="highlighted">this</span> an actual emergency, your text would have exploded in mid-air. The content of words in no particular order causes no...')
     highlighter = Highlighter('this test', html_tag='div', css_class=None)
     self.assertEqual(highlighter.highlight(self.document_1), u'<div>This</div> is a <div>test</div> of the highlightable words detection. <div>This</div> is only a <div>test</div>. Were <div>this</div> an actual emergency, your text would have exploded in mid-air.')
     self.assertEqual(highlighter.highlight(self.document_2), u'The content of words in no particular order causes nothing to occur.')
     self.assertEqual(highlighter.highlight(self.document_3), u'<div>This</div> is a <div>test</div> of the highlightable words detection. <div>This</div> is only a <div>test</div>. Were <div>this</div> an actual emergency, your text would have exploded in mid-air. The content of words in no particular order causes no...')
     highlighter = Highlighter('content detection')
     self.assertEqual(highlighter.highlight(self.document_1), u'...<span class="highlighted">detection</span>. This is only a test. Were this an actual emergency, your text would have exploded in mid-air.')
     self.assertEqual(highlighter.highlight(self.document_2), u'...<span class="highlighted">content</span> of words in no particular order causes nothing to occur.')
     self.assertEqual(highlighter.highlight(self.document_3), u'...<span class="highlighted">detection</span>. This is only a test. Were this an actual emergency, your text would have exploded in mid-air. The <span class="highlighted">content</span> of words in no particular order causes nothing to occur.')
     highlighter = Highlighter('content detection', max_length=100)
     self.assertEqual(highlighter.highlight(self.document_1), u'...<span class="highlighted">detection</span>. This is only a test. Were this an actual emergency, your text would have exploded in mid-...')
     self.assertEqual(highlighter.highlight(self.document_2), u'...<span class="highlighted">content</span> of words in no particular order causes nothing to occur.')
     self.assertEqual(highlighter.highlight(self.document_3), u'This is a test of the highlightable words <span class="highlighted">detection</span>. This is only a test. Were this an actual emerge...')

示例10: homeroom

# 需要导入模块: from haystack.utils import Highlighter [as 别名]
# 或者: from haystack.utils.Highlighter import highlight [as 别名]
def homeroom(request):
    user = request.user
    context = RequestContext(request)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        query = request.POST['course-search']
        results = SearchQuerySet().autocomplete(text=query).models(Course)[:10]
        highlighter = Highlighter(query, html_tag='span', css_class='keyword')
        courses = []
        for result in results:
            course = {}
            course['object'] = result.object
            course['highlight'] = highlighter.highlight(result.text)
        # courses = Course.objects.filter(institute=user.get_profile().institute, title__icontains=query)
        suggestion = None
        # suggestion = SearchQuerySet().spelling_suggestion(query)
        context['courses'] = courses
        context['suggestion'] = suggestion
    sections = [assign.section for assign in SectionAssign.objects.filter(user=user).order_by('-section__start_date')]
    form = AddCourseForm(request=request)
    context['sections'] = sections
    context['form'] = form
    return render_to_response('homeroom/index.html', context)

示例11: slow_highlight

# 需要导入模块: from haystack.utils import Highlighter [as 别名]
# 或者: from haystack.utils.Highlighter import highlight [as 别名]
def slow_highlight(query, text):
    "Invoked only if the search backend does not support highlighting"
    highlight = Highlighter(query)
    value = highlight.highlight(text)
    return value

示例12: highlight_result

# 需要导入模块: from haystack.utils import Highlighter [as 别名]
# 或者: from haystack.utils.Highlighter import highlight [as 别名]
def highlight_result(text, query, length=500):
    hl = Highlighter(query, html_tag='strong', max_length=length)
    hl = hl.highlight(text)
    return hl

示例13: highlighted_persref

# 需要导入模块: from haystack.utils import Highlighter [as 别名]
# 或者: from haystack.utils.Highlighter import highlight [as 别名]
def highlighted_persref(text, query, **kwargs):
    highlight = Highlighter(
        query, html_tag='strong', css_class='found', max_length=120)
    phText = highlight.highlight(text)
    parsedText = add_persref_links(phText)
    return format_html(parsedText)

示例14: return_search_results_ajax

# 需要导入模块: from haystack.utils import Highlighter [as 别名]
# 或者: from haystack.utils.Highlighter import highlight [as 别名]
def return_search_results_ajax(request):
    Process queries issued from the haystack search form and
    validate the form. If the form is valid, highlight the queried terms and
    return the top hundred search results as highlighted snippets.

    NOTE: Due to performance issues, only the top one hundred search results
    will be returned at maximum, no matter how many search results have been
    found. This shortcoming can be improved by providing more efficient
    database queries and adding a sophisticated caching functionality.
    haystack_search_form = HaystackSearchForm(request.GET)
    response = {}

    if haystack_search_form.is_valid():
        search_query = haystack_search_form.cleaned_data['search_query']
        search_source = haystack_search_form.cleaned_data['search_source']
        max_results = haystack_search_form.cleaned_data['max_results']

        search_source_to_model_name = {
            'venyoo_events': 'event',
            'crawled_webpages': 'crawledwebpage'}

        highlighter = Highlighter(

        search_results = SearchQuerySet().filter(content=AutoQuery(search_query))
        end = int(math.ceil(search_results.count() / 1000))

        results = []
        webpage_urls = []
        highlighted_snippets = []

        a, b = 0, 1000

        for i in xrange(end):
            if search_source in ('venyoo_events', 'crawled_webpages'):
                results = results + \
                    [result for result in search_results[a:b]
                     if isinstance(result, SearchResult)
                     and result.model_name ==
                results = results +\
                    [result for result in search_results[a:b]
                     if isinstance(result, SearchResult)]

            webpage_urls = webpage_urls +\
                           [result.get_stored_fields()['url'] for result
                            in results[a:b]]

            highlighted_snippets = highlighted_snippets +\
                                   [highlighter.highlight(result.text) for
                                    result in results[a:b]]
            a += 1000
            b += 1000

        results_total = len(results)

        response['results_total'] = results_total
        response['results_shown'] = max_results if max_results <= results_total else results_total
        response['webpage_urls'] = webpage_urls[:max_results]
        response['highlighted_snippets'] = highlighted_snippets[:max_results]

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), mimetype='application/json')

示例15: highlight

# 需要导入模块: from haystack.utils import Highlighter [as 别名]
# 或者: from haystack.utils.Highlighter import highlight [as 别名]
def highlight(text_block, query, **kwargs):
	highlighter = Highlighter(query, **kwargs)
	highlighted_text = highlighter.highlight(text_block)
	return mark_safe(highlighted_text)
