本文整理汇总了Python中h5py.File类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python File类的具体用法?Python File怎么用?Python File使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: TestSimpleSlicing
class TestSimpleSlicing(TestCase):
Feature: Simple NumPy-style slices (start:stop:step) are supported.
def setUp(self):
self.f = File(self.mktemp(), 'w')
self.arr = np.arange(10)
self.dset = self.f.create_dataset('x', data=self.arr)
def tearDown(self):
if self.f:
def test_negative_stop(self):
""" Negative stop indexes work as they do in NumPy """
self.assertArrayEqual(self.dset[2:-2], self.arr[2:-2])
def test_write(self):
"""Assigning to a 1D slice of a 2D dataset
dset = self.f.create_dataset('x2', (10, 2))
x = np.zeros((10, 1))
dset[:, 0] = x[:, 0]
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
dset[:, 1] = x
示例2: test_blocksize
def test_blocksize(self):
""" Core driver supports variable block size """
fname = self.mktemp()
fid = File(fname, 'w', driver='core', block_size=1024,
示例3: dump
def dump( histogram, filename = None, pathinfile = '/',
mode = 'c', fs = None, compression = 'lzf'):
'''dump( histogram, hdf_filename, path_in_hdf_file, mode ) -> save histogram into a hdf file.
The histogram to be written
The hdf filename in which the histogram will be saved
The path inside the hdf file where the histogram is located.
The mode to be used to write to the hdf file.
'c': create new hdf file. If hdf file of the same name exists, this command will fail.
'w': write to existing hdf file. If the path_in_hdf_file already exists in the hdf file, this command will fail.
The compression ratio. If it is 0, no compression will be done.
The valid values are integers from 0 to 9 (inclusive).
from Renderer import Renderer
#g = graphFromHDF5File( filename, pathinfile, fs = fs )
pathinfile = pathinfile.split( '/' )
p = pathinfile + [histogram.name()]
p = '/'.join( p )
if not p.startswith('/'):
p = '/' + p
writeCodes = {'c':'w','w':'a'}
if fs is None:
from h5py import File
fs = File(filename, writeCodes[mode])
Renderer(fs, compression).render(histogram)
Renderer(fs, compression).render(histogram)
示例4: __init__
def __init__(self, fname):
from h5py import File
from numpy import array, log10
import json
h5f = File(fname, "r")
log = sorted(json.loads(h5f["measure"].value).values(),
key=lambda e: e["Status"]["Iteration"])
runargs = json.loads(h5f["runargs"].value)
self.N = runargs["N"]
self.zeta = runargs.get("zeta", 1.0)
self.time = array([entry["Status" ]["CurrentTime"] for entry in log])
self.mean_T = array([entry["mean_T" ] for entry in log])
self.max_T = array([entry["max_T" ] for entry in log])
self.mean_Ms = array([entry["mean_Ms"] for entry in log])
self.max_Ms = array([entry["max_Ms" ] for entry in log])
self.mean_Ma = array([entry["mean_Ma"] for entry in log])
self.min_Ma = array([entry["min_Ma" ] for entry in log])
self.kin = array([entry["energies"]["kinetic" ] for entry in log])
self.tie = array([entry["energies"]["internal"] for entry in log])
self.mag = array([entry["energies"]["magnetic"] for entry in log])
self.tot = array([entry["energies"]["total" ] for entry in log])
self.mean_gamma = array([entry["mean_velocity"][0] for entry in log])
self.max_gamma = array([entry["max_lorentz_factor"] for entry in log])
self.runargs = runargs
示例5: BaseDataset
class BaseDataset(TestCase):
data is a 3-dimensional dataset with dimensions [z, y, x]
The z dimension is labeled. It does not have any attached scales.
The y dimension is not labeled. It has one attached scale.
The x dimension is labeled. It has two attached scales.
data2 is a 3-dimensional dataset with no associated dimension scales.
def setUp(self):
self.f = File(self.mktemp(), 'w')
self.f['data'] = np.ones((4, 3, 2), 'f')
self.f['data2'] = np.ones((4, 3, 2), 'f')
self.f['x1'] = np.ones((2), 'f')
h5py.h5ds.attach_scale(self.f['data'].id, self.f['x1'].id, 2)
self.f['x2'] = np.ones((2), 'f')
h5py.h5ds.set_scale(self.f['x2'].id, b'x2 name')
h5py.h5ds.attach_scale(self.f['data'].id, self.f['x2'].id, 2)
self.f['y1'] = np.ones((3), 'f')
h5py.h5ds.set_scale(self.f['y1'].id, b'y1 name')
h5py.h5ds.attach_scale(self.f['data'].id, self.f['y1'].id, 1)
self.f['z1'] = np.ones((4), 'f')
h5py.h5ds.set_label(self.f['data'].id, 0, b'z')
h5py.h5ds.set_label(self.f['data'].id, 2, b'x')
def tearDown(self):
if self.f:
示例6: BasH5
class BasH5(object):
This class is deprecated.
.. deprecated:: 0.3.0
Use `BasH5Reader` instead.
def __init__(self, filename, readType='Raw'):
self._h5f = File(filename, 'r')
self.rgnTable = RegionTable(self._h5f)
self.baseCallsDG = None
if readType == 'Raw':
self.baseCallsDG = BaseCallsDataGroup(self._h5f, '/PulseData/BaseCalls')
elif readType == 'CCS':
self.baseCallsDG = CCSBaseCallsDataGroup(self._h5f, '/PulseData/ConsensusBaseCalls')
self.rbaseCallsDG = BaseCallsDataGroup(self._h5f, '/PulseData/BaseCalls')
def __del__(self):
def getZMWs(self):
for hn in self.baseCallsDG.holeNumber:
yield hn
def getSequencingZMWs(self):
for hn in self.getZMWs():
if self.baseCallsDG.getStatusStringForZMW(hn) == 'SEQUENCING' and self.baseCallsDG.getBaseCallLenForZMW(hn):
yield hn
示例7: BaseDataset
class BaseDataset(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.f = File(self.mktemp(), 'w')
def tearDown(self):
if self.f:
示例8: hasVersion
def hasVersion(filename):
"""Check filename as sassena version"""
from h5py import File
f = File(filename,'r')
if 'sassena_version' in f.attrs.keys(): value=True
return value
示例9: test_create_exclusive
def test_create_exclusive(self):
""" Mode 'w-' opens file in exclusive mode """
fname = self.mktemp()
fid = File(fname, 'w-')
with self.assertRaises(IOError):
File(fname, 'w-')
示例10: test_core
def test_core(self):
""" Core driver is supported (no backing store) """
fname = self.mktemp()
fid = File(fname, 'w', driver='core', backing_store=False)
self.assertEqual(fid.driver, 'core')
示例11: test_mode
def test_mode(self):
""" Retrieved File objects have a meaningful mode attribute """
hfile = File(self.mktemp(),'w')
grp = hfile.create_group('foo')
self.assertEqual(grp.file.mode, hfile.mode)
示例12: test_iter_zero
def test_iter_zero(self):
""" Iteration works properly for the case with no group members """
hfile = File(self.mktemp(), 'w')
lst = [x for x in hfile]
self.assertEqual(lst, [])
示例13: get_dataset
def get_dataset(h5file: File, path: DatasetPath) -> Dataset:
res = None
if isinstance(path, DatasetPathContains):
res = h5file.visititems(partial(_v_item, path.path))
elif isinstance(path, DatasetPathWithAttribute):
res = h5file.visititems(partial(_v_attrs,
path.attribute, path.value))
return res
示例14: ReadFiniteRadiusWaveform
def ReadFiniteRadiusWaveform(n, filename, WaveformName, ChMass, InitialAdmEnergy, YLMRegex, LModes, DataType, Ws) :
This is just a worker function defined for ReadFiniteRadiusData,
below, reading a single waveform from an h5 file of many
waveforms. You probably don't need to call this directly.
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz as integrate
from numpy import setdiff1d, empty, delete, sqrt, log, array
from h5py import File
import GWFrames
try :
f = File(filename, 'r')
except IOError :
print("ReadFiniteRadiusWaveform could not open the file '{0}'".format(filename))
try :
W = f[WaveformName]
NTimes_Input = W['AverageLapse.dat'].shape[0]
T = W['AverageLapse.dat'][:,0]
Indices = MonotonicIndices(T)
T = T[Indices]
Radii = array(W['ArealRadius.dat'])[Indices,1]
AverageLapse = array(W['AverageLapse.dat'])[Indices,1]
CoordRadius = W['CoordRadius.dat'][0,1]
YLMdata = [DataSet for DataSet in list(W) for m in [YLMRegex.search(DataSet)] if (m and int(m.group('L')) in LModes)]
YLMdata = sorted(YLMdata, key=lambda DataSet : [int(YLMRegex.search(DataSet).group('L')), int(YLMRegex.search(DataSet).group('M'))])
LM = sorted([[int(m.group('L')), int(m.group('M'))] for DataSet in YLMdata for m in [YLMRegex.search(DataSet)] if m])
NModes = len(LM)
# Lapse is given by 1/sqrt(-g^{00}), where g is the full 4-metric
T[1:] = integrate(AverageLapse/sqrt(((-2.0*InitialAdmEnergy)/Radii) + 1.0), T) + T[0]
T -= (Radii + (2.0*InitialAdmEnergy)*log((Radii/(2.0*InitialAdmEnergy))-1.0))
# WRONG!!!: # Radii /= ChMass
NTimes = Ws[n].NTimes()
# Ws[n].SetFrame is not done, because we assume the inertial frame
Ws[n].SetFrameType(GWFrames.Inertial) # Assumption! (but this should be safe)
Ws[n].SetRIsScaledOut(True) # Assumption! (but it should be safe)
Ws[n].SetMIsScaledOut(True) # We have made this true
Data = empty((NModes, NTimes), dtype='complex')
if(DataType == GWFrames.h) :
UnitScaleFactor = 1.0 / ChMass
elif(DataType == GWFrames.hdot) :
UnitScaleFactor = 1.0
elif(DataType == GWFrames.Psi4) :
UnitScaleFactor = ChMass
else :
raise ValueError('DataType "{0}" is unknown.'.format(DataType))
RadiusRatio = Radii / CoordRadius
for m,DataSet in enumerate(YLMdata) :
modedata = array(W[DataSet])
Data[m,:] = (modedata[Indices,1] + 1j*modedata[Indices,2]) * RadiusRatio * UnitScaleFactor
finally :
return Radii/ChMass
示例15: test_filename
def test_filename(self):
""" .filename behaves properly for string data """
fname = self.mktemp()
fid = File(fname, 'w')
self.assertEqual(fid.filename, fname)
self.assertIsInstance(fid.filename, six.text_type)