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Python OptionsWidget.widget方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中gluon.sqlhtml.OptionsWidget.widget方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python OptionsWidget.widget方法的具体用法?Python OptionsWidget.widget怎么用?Python OptionsWidget.widget使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在gluon.sqlhtml.OptionsWidget的用法示例。


示例1: _select_field

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.sqlhtml.OptionsWidget import widget [as 别名]
    def _select_field(self, list_fields, form_values=None, **attr):
            Returns a SELECT of field names

            @param list_fields: the fields to include in the options list
            @param attr: the HTML attributes for the SELECT

        resource = self.resource

        name = attr["_name"]
        if form_values:
            value = form_values.get(name, "")
            value = ""
        if "." not in value.split("$", 1)[0]:
            value = "%s.%s" % (resource.alias, value)

        table = self.table
        rfields, j, l, d = resource.resolve_selectors(list_fields,
        options = [(f.selector, f.label) for f in rfields
                   if f.show and
                      (f.field is None or f.field.name != table._id.name)]

        dummy_field = Storage(name=name, requires=IS_IN_SET(options))
        return OptionsWidget.widget(dummy_field, value, **attr)

示例2: _select_field

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.sqlhtml.OptionsWidget import widget [as 别名]
    def _select_field(self, list_fields, form_values=None, **attr):
            Returns a SELECT of field names

            @param list_fields: the fields to include in the options list
            @param attr: the HTML attributes for the SELECT

        name = attr["_name"]
        if form_values:
            value = form_values.get(name, "")
            value = ""

        table = self.table
        lfields, joins, left, distinct = self.resource.resolve_selectors(list_fields,

        options = []
        for f in lfields:
            if (f.field is None or f.field.name != table._id.name) and f.show:
                options.append((f.selector, f.label))

        dummy_field = Storage(name=name,

        return OptionsWidget.widget(dummy_field, value, **attr)

示例3: widget

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.sqlhtml.OptionsWidget import widget [as 别名]
    def widget(self, field, value,**attributes):

        #generate the standard widget for this field
        if self.multiple == True:
            select_widget = MultipleOptionsWidget.widget(field, value, size=7)
            attr =  MultipleOptionsWidget._attributes(field, {'value':value}, **attributes)
            select_widget = OptionsWidget.widget(field, value)
            attr = OptionsWidget._attributes(field, {'value':value}, **attributes)

        #get the widget's id (need to know later on so can tell receiving controller what to update)
        my_select_id = select_widget.attributes.get('_id', None)
        add_args = [my_select_id]
        #create a div that will load the specified controller via ajax
        form_loader_div = DIV(LOAD(c=self.controller, f=self.function, args=add_args,ajax=True), _id=my_select_id+"_dialog-form", _title=self.form_title)
        #generate the "add" button that will appear next the options widget and open our dialog

        activator_button = A(XML('<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="button">'+T(self.button_text)+'</button>'), _id=my_select_id+"_option_add_trigger")
        #create javascript for creating and opening the dialog
        js = '$( "#%s_dialog-form" ).dialog({autoOpen: false, show: "blind", hide: "explode", width: %s});' % (my_select_id, self.dialog_width)
        js += '$( "#%s_option_add_trigger" ).click(function() { $( "#%s_dialog-form" ).dialog( "open" );return false;}); ' % (my_select_id, my_select_id)        #decorate our activator button for good measure
        js += '$(function() { $( "#%s_option_add_trigger" ).button({text: true, icons: { primary: "ui-icon-circle-plus"} }); });' % (my_select_id)
        jq_script=SCRIPT(js, _type="text/javascript")

        wrapper = DIV(_id=my_select_id+"_adder_wrapper")
        wrapper.components.extend([select_widget, form_loader_div, activator_button, jq_script])
        return wrapper

示例4: _select_method

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.sqlhtml.OptionsWidget import widget [as 别名]
    def _select_method(methods, form_values=None, **attr):
            Returns a SELECT of aggregation methods

            @param methods: list of methods to show
            @param attr: the HTML attributes for the SELECT

        supported_methods = S3Report.METHODS
        if methods:
            methods = [(m, supported_methods[m])
                       for m in methods
                       if m in supported_methods]
            methods = supported_methods.items()

        name = attr["_name"]

        if form_values:
            value = form_values[name]
            value = None

        options = []
        for method, label in methods:
            options.append((method, label))

        dummy_field = Storage(name=name,

        return OptionsWidget.widget(dummy_field, value, **attr)

示例5: axis_options

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.sqlhtml.OptionsWidget import widget [as 别名]
    def axis_options(self, axis,
            Construct an OptionsWidget for rows or cols axis

            @param axis: "rows" or "cols"
            @param options: the report options
            @param get_vars: the GET vars if the request (as dict)
            @param widget_id: the HTML element ID for the widget

        resource = self.resource
        prefix = resource.prefix_selector

        # Get all selectors
        if options and axis in options:
            fields = options[axis]
            fields = resource.get_config("list_fields")
        if not fields:
            fields = [f.name for f in resource.readable_fields()]

        # Resolve the selectors
        pkey = str(resource._id)
        resolve_selector = resource.resolve_selector
        rfields = []
        append = rfields.append
        for f in fields:
            if isinstance(f, (tuple, list)):
                label, selector = f[:2]
                label, selector = None, f
            rfield = resolve_selector(selector)
            if rfield.colname == pkey:
            if label:
                rfield.label = label

        # Get current value
        if get_vars and axis in get_vars:
            value = get_vars[axis]
            value = ""
        if value:
            value = prefix(value)

        # Dummy field
        opts = [(prefix(rfield.selector), rfield.label) for rfield in rfields]
        dummy_field = Storage(name=axis, requires=IS_IN_SET(opts))

        # Construct widget
        return OptionsWidget.widget(dummy_field,
                                    _class="pt-%s" % axis)

示例6: rating_widget

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.sqlhtml.OptionsWidget import widget [as 别名]
def rating_widget(f,v):
    from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget
    import uuid
    id = str(uuid.uuid4())
    for path in DEPENDENCIES:
    return DIV(SPAN(_id="stars-cap"),
               SCRIPT("jQuery(function(){jQuery('#%s').stars({inputType: 'select'});});" % id))

示例7: time_options

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.sqlhtml.OptionsWidget import widget [as 别名]
    def time_options(self,

        T = current.T

        resource = self.resource
        prefix = resource.prefix_selector

        # Time options:
        if options and "time" in options:
            opts = options["time"]
            # (label, start, end, slots)
            # If you specify a start, then end is relative to that - without start, end is relative to now
            opts = (("All up to now", "", "", ""),
                    ("Last Year", "-1year", "", "months"),
                    ("Last 6 Months", "-6months", "", "weeks"),
                    ("Last Quarter", "-3months", "", "weeks"),
                    ("Last Month", "-1month", "", "days"),
                    ("Last Week", "-1week", "", "days"),
                    ("All/+1 Month", "", "+1month", ""),
                    ("All/+2 Month", "", "+2month", ""),
                    ("-6/+3 Months", "-6months", "+9months", "months"),
                    ("-3/+1 Months", "-3months", "+4months", "weeks"),
                    ("-4/+2 Weeks", "-4weeks", "+6weeks", "weeks"),
                    ("-2/+1 Weeks", "-2weeks", "+3weeks", "days"),

        widget_opts = []
        for opt in opts:
            label, start, end, slots = opt
            widget_opts.append(("|".join((start, end, slots)), T(label)))
        # Get current value
        if get_vars:
            start = get_vars.get("start", "")
            end = get_vars.get("end", "")
            slots = get_vars.get("slots", "")
            start = end = slots = ""
        value = "|".join((start, end, slots))

        # Dummy field
        dummy_field = Storage(name="time",

        # Construct widget
        return OptionsWidget.widget(dummy_field,

示例8: create_widget

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.sqlhtml.OptionsWidget import widget [as 别名]
    def create_widget(self, field, value, clean_val, multi, restricted, rval):
        """create either a single select widget or multiselect widget"""

        if multi:
            w = MultipleOptionsWidget.widget(field, value)
            # TODO: Create filtered multiple options widget class
            if rval:
                w = FilteredOptionsWidget.widget(field, value, restricted, rval)
                w = OptionsWidget.widget(field, value)

        return w

示例9: widget

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.sqlhtml.OptionsWidget import widget [as 别名]
 def widget(self, f, v):
     uid = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]
     opts = 'disabled: %s, oneVoteOnly: %s' % (str(self.disabled).lower(),
     wrapper = DIV(SPAN(_id="stars-cap"),
                   _id="stars-wrapper_%s" % uid)
     from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget
     inp = OptionsWidget.widget(f,v)
     scr = SCRIPT('jQuery("#stars-wrapper_%s").stars('\
                  '{inputType: "select", %s});' % (uid, opts))
     scr2 = SCRIPT('$("form").submit(function() {$("[name=%s]").removeAttr("disabled");});'% f.name)
     return wrapper

示例10: _field_select

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.sqlhtml.OptionsWidget import widget [as 别名]
    def _field_select(self, name, options=None, form_values=None, **attr):
            Returns a SELECT of field names

            @param name: the element name
            @param options: the report options
            @param form_values: the form values to populate the widget
            @param attr: the HTML attributes for the widget

        resource = self.resource
        if options and name in options:
            fields = options[name]
            fields = self._config("list_fields", None)
        if not fields:
            fields = [f.name for f in resource.readable_fields()]

        prefix = (
            lambda v: "%s.%s" % (resource.alias, v) if "." not in v.split("$", 1)[0] else v.replace("~", resource.alias)

        attr = Storage(attr)
        if "_name" not in attr:
            attr["_name"] = name
        if "_id" not in attr:
            attr["_id"] = "report-%s" % name

        if form_values:
            value = form_values.get(name, "")
            value = ""
        if value:
            value = prefix(value)

        table = self.table
        rfields, j, l, d = resource.resolve_selectors(fields)
        opts = [
            (prefix(f.selector), f.label)
            for f in rfields
            if f.show and (f.field is None or f.field.name != table._id.name)
        dummy_field = Storage(name=name, requires=IS_IN_SET(opts))
        return OptionsWidget.widget(dummy_field, value, **attr)

示例11: widget

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.sqlhtml.OptionsWidget import widget [as 别名]
 def widget(self, field, value):
     #generate the standard widget for this field
     from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget
     select_widget = OptionsWidget.widget(field, value)
     #get the widget's id (need to know later on so can tell
     #receiving controller what to update)
     my_select_id = select_widget.attributes.get('_id', None)
     add_args = [my_select_id]
     #create a div that will load the specified controller via ajax
     form_loader_div = DIV(LOAD(c=self.controller, f=self.function, args=add_args,ajax=True), _id=my_select_id+"_dialog-form", _title=self.form_title)
     #generate the "add" button that will appear next the options
     #widget and open our dialog
     activator_button = A(T(self.button_text),  _id=my_select_id+"_option_add_trigger")
     #create javascript for creating and opening the dialog
     js = 'jQuery( "#%s_dialog-form" ).dialog({autoOpen: false, show: "blind", hide: "explode", width: %s});' % (my_select_id, self.dialog_width)
     js += 'jQuery( "#%s_option_add_trigger" ).click(function() { jQuery( "#%s_dialog-form" ).dialog( "open" );return false;}); ' % (my_select_id, my_select_id)   
     js += 'jQuery(function() { jQuery( "#%s_option_add_trigger" ).button({text: true, icons: { primary: "ui-icon-circle-plus"} }); });' % (my_select_id)
     jq_script=SCRIPT(js, _type="text/javascript")
     wrapper = DIV(_id=my_select_id+"_adder_wrapper")
     wrapper.components.extend([select_widget, form_loader_div, activator_button, jq_script])
     return wrapper

示例12: widget

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.sqlhtml.OptionsWidget import widget [as 别名]
    def widget(self, field, value):

        width = self.width or getattr(field, "width_lookup", None)

        attr = {}
        if not width:
            attr["_class"] = "span4"
        attr["_style"] = "height: 20px; margin-bottom: 14px;"
        if width:
            attr["_style"] += "width:%s;" % width

        wgt_default = OptionsWidget.widget(field, value, **attr)
        wgt_id = wgt_default.attributes.get("_id", "no_id")

        js = """
            """ % {
            "field_name": wgt_id
        jq_script = SCRIPT(js, _type="text/javascript")

        btn_new = ""
        if self.add_new:
            btn_new = A(
                I(_class="fa fa-plus-circle"),
                _class="btn btn-small",
                _title=current.T("New record"),
                _style="margin-top: 0px; margin-left:3px;",
                **{"_data-toggle": "tooltip"}

        wrapper = DIV(_class="LookupWidget")
        wrapper.components.extend([wgt_default, btn_new, jq_script])
        return wrapper

示例13: type

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.sqlhtml.OptionsWidget import widget [as 别名]
                        opt = w.element(_value=self.value)
                        i = w.elements().index(opt)
                        del w[i - 1]
                        print e
                except Exception, e:
                    print e, type(e)
                pprint([e["_value"] for e in w.elements()])
            if self.orderby or self.rval or self.restrictor:
                w = FilteredOptionsWidget.widget(
                    self.field, self.value, orderby=self.orderby, restricted=self.restricted, rval=self.rval
                w = OptionsWidget.widget(self.field, self.value)

        w["_id"] = "{}_{}".format(self.fieldset[0], self.fieldset[1])
        w["_name"] = self.fieldset[1]
        myclasses = "plugin_ajaxselect "
        if not self.multi in [None, False, "False"]:
            myclasses += "multiple "
        if not self.restrictor in [None, "None", "none"]:
            myclasses += "restrictor for_{} ".format(self.restrictor)
        if not self.restricted in [None, "None", "none"]:
            myclasses += "restricted by_{} ".format(self.restricted)
        w["_class"] = myclasses

        return w

    def _make_refresher(self, wrappername, linktable, uargs, uvars):

示例14: register

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.sqlhtml.OptionsWidget import widget [as 别名]
def register():
        Registration for Organisations
        - custom form


    # Which type of organisation are we registering?
    don = False
    vol = False
    if "type" in request.vars:
        if request.vars.type == "don":
            don = True
        elif request.vars.type == "vol":
            vol = True
            auth.settings.registration_requires_approval = True

    auth.messages.submit_button = T("I accept. Create my account.")
    request.args = ["register"]
    _table_user.language.default = T.accepted_language
    _table_user.language.readable = False
    _table_user.language.writable = False
    form = auth()
    form.attributes["_id"] = "regform"
    # Custom class for Submit Button
    form[0][-1][0][0]["_class"] = "accept-button"

    # Cancel button
    #form[0][-1][1].append(INPUT(_type="reset", _value=T("Cancel")))
                                _onClick="javascript: history.go(-1)"))

    formstyle = s3.crud.formstyle

    # Organisation
    if form.errors.organisation:
        organisation_error = DIV(form.errors.organisation,
                                 _style="display: block;")
        organisation_error = ""
    if don:
        label = T("Corporation/Organization Name")
        label = T("Organization Name")
    row = formstyle(id      = "organisation",
                    label   = LABEL("%s:" % label,
                                    SPAN(" *", _class="req")),
                    widget  = DIV(INPUT(_name="organisation",
                    comment = "")
    form[0].insert(0, row)

    # Industry Sector
    if vol:
        hidden = True
        widget = INPUT(_name="sector_id",
        from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget
        hidden = False
        widget = OptionsWidget.widget(db.org_organisation.sector_id,
    # dropdown
    row = formstyle(id      = "sector_id",
                    label   = LABEL("%s:" % T("Industry Sector")),
                    widget  = widget,
                    comment = "",
                    hidden = hidden)
    form[0].insert(1, row)
    # freetext box for not listed
    row = formstyle(id      = "sector_other",
                    label   = LABEL("%s:" % T("Other Sector not listed"),
                                    SPAN(" *", _class="req")),
                    widget  = INPUT(_name="sector_other",
                    comment = "",
                    hidden = True)
    form[0].insert(2, row)
    table = db.org_sector
    query = (table.uuid == "OTHER_UNLISTED")
    other_unlisted = db(query).select(table.id,
                                      limitby=(0, 1)).first()
    if other_unlisted:
        other_unlisted = other_unlisted.id

    # Primary Contact Person section
    row = TR(TD(LABEL(T("Primary Contact")),

示例15: layer_options

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.sqlhtml import OptionsWidget [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.sqlhtml.OptionsWidget import widget [as 别名]
    def layer_options(self,
            Construct an OptionsWidget for the fact layer

            @param options: the report options
            @param get_vars: the GET vars if the request (as dict)
            @param widget_id: the HTML element ID for the widget

        resource = self.resource

        from s3data import S3PivotTable
        all_methods = S3PivotTable.METHODS

        # Get all layers
        layers = None
        methods = None
        if options:
            if "methods" in options:
                methods = options["methods"]
            if "fact" in options:
                layers = options["fact"]
        if not layers:
            layers = resource.get_config("list_fields")
        if not layers:
            layers = [f.name for f in resource.readable_fields()]
        if not methods:
            methods = all_methods

        # Resolve layers
        prefix = resource.prefix_selector
        opts = []
        for layer in layers:

            # Extract layer option
            if type(layer) is tuple and \
               (isinstance(layer[0], lazyT) or layer[1] not in all_methods):
                opt = [layer]
                opt = list(layer) \
                      if isinstance(layer, (tuple, list)) else [layer]

            # Get field label and selector
            s = opt[0]
            if isinstance(s, tuple):
                label, selector = s
                label, selector = None, s
            selector = prefix(selector)

            # Resolve the selector
            rfield = resource.resolve_selector(selector)
            if not rfield.field and not rfield.virtual:
            if label is not None:
                rfield.label = label

            # Autodetect methods?
            if len(opt) == 1:
                # Only field given -> auto-detect aggregation methods
                is_amount = None
                ftype = rfield.ftype
                if ftype == "integer":
                    is_amount = True
                    requires = rfield.requires
                    if not isinstance(requires, (list, tuple)):
                        requires = [requires]
                    for r in requires:
                        if isinstance(r, IS_IN_SET) or \
                           isinstance(r, IS_EMPTY_OR) and \
                           isinstance(r.other, IS_IN_SET):
                            is_amount = False
                elif ftype == "double":
                    is_amount = True
                elif ftype[:9] == "reference" or \
                     ftype[:5] == "list:" or \
                     ftype in ("id", "string", "text"):
                    is_amount = False
                if ftype in ("datetime", "date", "time"):
                    mopts = ["min", "max", "list"]
                elif is_amount is None:
                    mopts = ["sum", "min", "max", "avg", "count", "list"]
                elif is_amount:
                    mopts = ["sum", "min", "max", "avg"]
                    mopts = ["count", "list"]
                opts.extend([(rfield, selector, m)
                             for m in mopts if m in methods])
                # Explicit method specified
                opt.insert(0, rfield)

        # Construct default labels
        T = current.T
        RECORDS = T("Records")
        layer_opts = []
