本文整理汇总了Python中gluon.globals.Response._view_environment方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Response._view_environment方法的具体用法?Python Response._view_environment怎么用?Python Response._view_environment使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类gluon.globals.Response
示例1: LOAD
# 需要导入模块: from gluon.globals import Response [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.globals.Response import _view_environment [as 别名]
def LOAD(c=None, f='index', args=None, vars=None,
extension=None, target=None, ajax=False, ajax_trap=False,
url=None, user_signature=False, timeout=None, times=1,
content='loading...', **attr):
""" LOAD a component into the action's document
Timing options:
-times: An integer or string ("infinity"/"continuous")
specifies how many times the component is requested
-timeout (milliseconds): specifies the time to wait before
starting the request or the frequency if times is greater than
1 or "infinity".
Timing options default to the normal behavior. The component
is added on page loading without delay.
from html import TAG, DIV, URL, SCRIPT, XML
if args is None:
args = []
vars = Storage(vars or {})
target = target or 'c' + str(random.random())[2:]
attr['_id'] = target
request = current.request
if '.' in f:
f, extension = f.rsplit('.', 1)
if url or ajax:
url = url or URL(request.application, c, f, r=request,
args=args, vars=vars, extension=extension,
# timing options
if isinstance(times, basestring):
if times.upper() in ("INFINITY", "CONTINUOUS"):
times = "Infinity"
raise TypeError("Unsupported times argument %s" % times)
elif isinstance(times, int):
if times <= 0:
raise ValueError("Times argument must be greater than zero, 'Infinity' or None")
raise TypeError("Unsupported times argument type %s" % type(times))
if timeout is not None:
if not isinstance(timeout, (int, long)):
raise ValueError("Timeout argument must be an integer or None")
elif timeout <= 0:
raise ValueError(
"Timeout argument must be greater than zero or None")
statement = "$.web2py.component('%s','%s', %s, %s);" \
% (url, target, timeout, times)
attr['_data-w2p_timeout'] = timeout
attr['_data-w2p_times'] = times
statement = "$.web2py.component('%s','%s');" % (url, target)
attr['_data-w2p_remote'] = url
if not target is None:
return DIV(content, **attr)
if not isinstance(args, (list, tuple)):
args = [args]
c = c or request.controller
other_request = Storage(request)
other_request['env'] = Storage(request.env)
other_request.controller = c
other_request.function = f
other_request.extension = extension or request.extension
other_request.args = List(args)
other_request.vars = vars
other_request.get_vars = vars
other_request.post_vars = Storage()
other_response = Response()
other_request.env.path_info = '/' + \
'/'.join([request.application, c, f] +
map(str, other_request.args))
other_request.env.query_string = \
vars and URL(vars=vars).split('?')[1] or ''
other_request.env.http_web2py_component_location = \
other_request.cid = target
other_request.env.http_web2py_component_element = target
other_response.view = '%s/%s.%s' % (c, f, other_request.extension)
other_environment = copy.copy(current.globalenv) # NASTY
other_response._view_environment = other_environment
other_response.generic_patterns = \
other_environment['request'] = other_request
other_environment['response'] = other_response
## some magic here because current are thread-locals
original_request, current.request = current.request, other_request
original_response, current.response = current.response, other_response
page = run_controller_in(c, f, other_environment)
if isinstance(page, dict):
other_response._vars = page
page = other_response.body.getvalue()
current.request, current.response = original_request, original_response
js = None
示例2: LOAD
# 需要导入模块: from gluon.globals import Response [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.globals.Response import _view_environment [as 别名]
def LOAD(c=None, f='index', args=None, vars=None,
extension=None, target=None, ajax=False, ajax_trap=False,
url=None, user_signature=False, timeout=None, times=1,
content='loading...', post_vars=Storage(), **attr):
""" LOADs a component into the action's document
c(str): controller
f(str): function
args(tuple or list): arguments
vars(dict): vars
extension(str): extension
target(str): id of the target
ajax(bool): True to enable AJAX bahaviour
ajax_trap(bool): True if `ajax` is set to `True`, traps
both links and forms "inside" the target
url(str): overrides `c`,`f`,`args` and `vars`
user_signature(bool): adds hmac signature to all links
with a key that is different for every user
timeout(int): in milliseconds, specifies the time to wait before
starting the request or the frequency if times is greater than
1 or "infinity"
times(integer or str): how many times the component will be requested
"infinity" or "continuous" are accepted to reload indefinitely the
from gluon.html import TAG, DIV, URL, SCRIPT, XML
if args is None:
args = []
vars = Storage(vars or {})
target = target or 'c' + str(random.random())[2:]
attr['_id'] = target
request = current.request
if '.' in f:
f, extension = f.rsplit('.', 1)
if url or ajax:
url = url or URL(request.application, c, f, r=request,
args=args, vars=vars, extension=extension,
# timing options
if isinstance(times, basestring):
if times.upper() in ("INFINITY", "CONTINUOUS"):
times = "Infinity"
raise TypeError("Unsupported times argument %s" % times)
elif isinstance(times, int):
if times <= 0:
raise ValueError("Times argument must be greater than zero, 'Infinity' or None")
raise TypeError("Unsupported times argument type %s" % type(times))
if timeout is not None:
if not isinstance(timeout, (int, long)):
raise ValueError("Timeout argument must be an integer or None")
elif timeout <= 0:
raise ValueError(
"Timeout argument must be greater than zero or None")
statement = "$.web2py.component('%s','%s', %s, %s);" \
% (url, target, timeout, times)
attr['_data-w2p_timeout'] = timeout
attr['_data-w2p_times'] = times
statement = "$.web2py.component('%s','%s');" % (url, target)
attr['_data-w2p_remote'] = url
if not target is None:
return DIV(content, **attr)
if not isinstance(args, (list, tuple)):
args = [args]
c = c or request.controller
other_request = Storage(request)
other_request['env'] = Storage(request.env)
other_request.controller = c
other_request.function = f
other_request.extension = extension or request.extension
other_request.args = List(args)
other_request.vars = vars
other_request.get_vars = vars
other_request.post_vars = post_vars
other_response = Response()
other_request.env.path_info = '/' + \
'/'.join([request.application, c, f] +
map(str, other_request.args))
other_request.env.query_string = \
vars and URL(vars=vars).split('?')[1] or ''
other_request.env.http_web2py_component_location = \
other_request.cid = target
other_request.env.http_web2py_component_element = target
other_request.restful = types.MethodType(request.restful.__func__, other_request) # A bit nasty but needed to use LOAD on action decorates with @request.restful()
other_response.view = '%s/%s.%s' % (c, f, other_request.extension)
other_environment = copy.copy(current.globalenv) # NASTY
other_response._view_environment = other_environment
other_response.generic_patterns = \
other_environment['request'] = other_request
other_environment['response'] = other_response
示例3: env
# 需要导入模块: from gluon.globals import Response [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.globals.Response import _view_environment [as 别名]
def env(
Returns web2py execution environment for application (a), controller (c),
function (f).
If import_models is True the exec all application models into the
extra_request allows you to pass along any extra variables to the request
object before your models get executed. This was mainly done to support
web2py_utils.test_runner, however you can use it with any wrapper scripts
that need access to the web2py environment.
request = Request({})
response = Response()
session = Session()
request.application = a
# Populate the dummy environment with sensible defaults.
if not dir:
request.folder = os.path.join('applications', a)
request.folder = dir
request.controller = c or 'default'
request.function = f or 'index'
response.view = '%s/%s.html' % (request.controller,
if global_settings.cmd_options:
ip = global_settings.cmd_options.ip
port = global_settings.cmd_options.port
request.is_shell = global_settings.cmd_options.shell is not None
request.is_scheduler = global_settings.cmd_options.scheduler is not None
ip, port = '', '8000'
request.env.http_host = '%s:%s' % (ip, port)
request.env.remote_addr = ''
request.env.web2py_runtime_gae = global_settings.web2py_runtime_gae
for k, v in extra_request.items():
request[k] = v
path_info = '/%s/%s/%s' % (a, c, f)
if request.args:
path_info = '%s/%s' % (path_info, '/'.join(request.args))
if request.vars:
vars = ['%s=%s' % (k, v) if v else '%s' % k
for (k, v) in iteritems(request.vars)]
path_info = '%s?%s' % (path_info, '&'.join(vars))
request.env.path_info = path_info
# Monkey patch so credentials checks pass.
def check_credentials(request, other_application='admin'):
return True
fileutils.check_credentials = check_credentials
environment = build_environment(request, response, session)
if import_models:
except RestrictedError as e:
sys.stderr.write(e.traceback + '\n')
response._view_environment = copy.copy(environment)
environment['__name__'] = '__main__'
return environment
示例4: env
# 需要导入模块: from gluon.globals import Response [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.globals.Response import _view_environment [as 别名]
def env(app, dir='', nomodel=False):
import gluon.html as html
import gluon.validators as validators
from gluon.http import HTTP, redirect
from gluon.languages import translator
from gluon.cache import Cache
from gluon.globals import Request, Response, Session
from gluon.sqlhtml import SQLFORM, SQLTABLE
from gluon.dal import BaseAdapter, SQLDB, SQLField, DAL, Field
from gluon.compileapp import local_import_aux, LoadFactory
if not dir:
request.folder = os.path.join('applications', app)
request.folder = dir
# for key in html.__all__: environment[key]=eval('html.%s' % key)
# for key in validators.__all__: environment[key]=eval('validators.%s' % key)
for key in html.__all__:
environment[key] = getattr(html, key)
for key in validators.__all__:
environment[key] = getattr(validators, key)
global __builtins__
environment['__builtins__'] = __builtins__
# environment['HTTP']=HTTP
# environment['redirect']=redirect
# environment['request']=request
# environment['response']=response
# environment['session']=session
# environment['cache']=Cache(request)
# environment['SQLDB']=SQLDB
# SQLDB._set_thread_folder(os.path.join(request.folder,'databases'))
# environment['SQLField']=SQLField
# environment['SQLFORM']=SQLFORM
# environment['SQLTABLE']=SQLTABLE
# if not nomodel:
# model_path = os.path.join(request.folder,'models', '*.py')
# from glob import glob
# for f in glob(model_path):
# fname, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
# execfile(f, environment)
## print 'Imported "%s" model file' % fname
environment['HTTP'] = HTTP
environment['redirect'] = redirect
environment['request'] = request
environment['response'] = response
environment['session'] = session
environment['DAL'] = DAL
environment['Field'] = Field
environment['SQLDB'] = SQLDB # for backward compatibility
environment['SQLField'] = SQLField # for backward compatibility
environment['SQLFORM'] = SQLFORM
environment['SQLTABLE'] = SQLTABLE
environment['LOAD'] = LoadFactory(environment)
environment['local_import'] = \
lambda name, reload=False, app=request.application:\
BaseAdapter.set_folder(os.path.join(request.folder, 'databases'))
response._view_environment = copy.copy(environment)
return environment
示例5: __call__
# 需要导入模块: from gluon.globals import Response [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.globals.Response import _view_environment [as 别名]
def __call__(self, c=None, f='index', args=None, vars=None,
extension=None, target=None, ajax=False, ajax_trap=False,
url=None, user_signature=False, content='loading...', **attr):
if args is None:
args = []
vars = Storage(vars or {})
target = target or 'c' + str(random.random())[2:]
attr['_id'] = target
request = current.request
if '.' in f:
f, extension = f.rsplit('.', 1)
if url or ajax:
url = url or html.URL(request.application, c, f, r=request,
args=args, vars=vars, extension=extension,
script = html.SCRIPT('$.web2py.component("%s","%s")' % (url, target),
return html.TAG[''](script, html.DIV(content, **attr))
if not isinstance(args, (list, tuple)):
args = [args]
c = c or request.controller
other_request = Storage(request)
other_request['env'] = Storage(request.env)
other_request.controller = c
other_request.function = f
other_request.extension = extension or request.extension
other_request.args = List(args)
other_request.vars = vars
other_request.get_vars = vars
other_request.post_vars = Storage()
other_response = Response()
other_request.env.path_info = '/' + \
'/'.join([request.application, c, f] +
[str(a) for a in other_request.args])
other_request.env.query_string = \
vars and html.URL(vars=vars).split('?')[1] or ''
other_request.env.http_web2py_component_location = \
other_request.cid = target
other_request.env.http_web2py_component_element = target
other_response.view = '%s/%s.%s' % (c, f, other_request.extension)
other_environment = copy.copy(self.environment)
other_response._view_environment = other_environment
other_response.generic_patterns = \
other_environment['request'] = other_request
other_environment['response'] = other_response
## some magic here because current are thread-locals
original_request, current.request = current.request, other_request
original_response, current.response = current.response, other_response
page = run_controller_in(c, f, other_environment)
if isinstance(page, dict):
other_response._vars = page
page = run_view_in(other_response._view_environment)
current.request, current.response = original_request, original_response
js = None
if ajax_trap:
link = html.URL(request.application, c, f, r=request,
args=args, vars=vars, extension=extension,
js = "$.web2py.trap_form('%s','%s');" % (link, target)
script = js and html.SCRIPT(js, _type="text/javascript") or ''
return html.TAG[''](html.DIV(html.XML(page), **attr), script)