本文整理汇总了Python中gluon._compat.StringIO.close方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python StringIO.close方法的具体用法?Python StringIO.close怎么用?Python StringIO.close使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类gluon._compat.StringIO
示例1: Response
# 需要导入模块: from gluon._compat import StringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon._compat.StringIO import close [as 别名]
class Response(Storage):
Defines the response object and the default values of its members
response.write( ) can be used to write in the output html
def __init__(self):
self.status = 200
self.headers = dict()
self.headers['X-Powered-By'] = 'web2py'
self.body = StringIO()
self.session_id = None
self.cookies = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
self.postprocessing = []
self.flash = '' # used by the default view layout
self.meta = Storage() # used by web2py_ajax.html
self.menu = [] # used by the default view layout
self.files = [] # used by web2py_ajax.html
self._vars = None
self._caller = lambda f: f()
self._view_environment = None
self._custom_commit = None
self._custom_rollback = None
self.generic_patterns = ['*']
self.delimiters = ('{{', '}}')
self.formstyle = 'table3cols'
self.form_label_separator = ': '
def write(self, data, escape=True):
if not escape:
def render(self, *a, **b):
from gluon.compileapp import run_view_in
if len(a) > 2:
raise SyntaxError(
'Response.render can be called with two arguments, at most')
elif len(a) == 2:
(view, self._vars) = (a[0], a[1])
elif len(a) == 1 and isinstance(a[0], str):
(view, self._vars) = (a[0], {})
elif len(a) == 1 and hasattr(a[0], 'read') and callable(a[0].read):
(view, self._vars) = (a[0], {})
elif len(a) == 1 and isinstance(a[0], dict):
(view, self._vars) = (None, a[0])
(view, self._vars) = (None, {})
if view:
from gluon._compat import StringIO
(obody, oview) = (self.body, self.view)
(self.body, self.view) = (StringIO(), view)
page = run_view_in(self._view_environment)
(self.body, self.view) = (obody, oview)
page = run_view_in(self._view_environment)
return page
def include_meta(self):
s = "\n"
for meta in iteritems((self.meta or {})):
k, v = meta
if isinstance(v, dict):
s += '<meta' + ''.join(' %s="%s"' % (to_native(xmlescape(key)),
to_native(xmlescape(v[key]))) for key in v) + ' />\n'
s += '<meta name="%s" content="%s" />\n' % (k, to_native(xmlescape(v)))
self.write(s, escape=False)
def include_files(self, extensions=None):
Includes files (usually in the head).
Can minify and cache local files
By default, caches in ram for 5 minutes. To change,
response.cache_includes = (cache_method, time_expire).
Example: (cache.disk, 60) # caches to disk for 1 minute.
app = current.request.application
# We start by building a files list in which adjacent files internal to
# the application are placed in a list inside the files list.
# We will only minify and concat adjacent internal files as there's
# no way to know if changing the order with which the files are apppended
# will break things since the order matters in both CSS and JS and
# internal files may be interleaved with external ones.
files = []
# For the adjacent list we're going to use storage List to both distinguish
# from the regular list and so we can add attributes
internal = List()
internal.has_js = False
internal.has_css = False
done = set() # to remove duplicates
for item in self.files:
示例2: render
# 需要导入模块: from gluon._compat import StringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon._compat.StringIO import close [as 别名]
def render(content="hello world",
delimiters=('{{', '}}'),
Generic render function
content: default content
stream: file-like obj to read template from
filename: where to find template
path: base path for templates
context: env
lexers: custom lexers to use
delimiters: opening and closing tags
writer: where to inject the resulting stream
>>> render()
'hello world'
>>> render(content='abc')
>>> render(content="abc'")
>>> render(content=''''a"'bc''')
>>> render(content='a\\nbc')
>>> render(content='a"bcd"e')
>>> render(content="'''a\\nc'''")
>>> render(content="'''a\\'c'''")
>>> render(content='{{for i in range(a):}}{{=i}}<br />{{pass}}', context=dict(a=5))
'0<br />1<br />2<br />3<br />4<br />'
>>> render(content='{%for i in range(a):%}{%=i%}<br />{%pass%}', context=dict(a=5),delimiters=('{%','%}'))
'0<br />1<br />2<br />3<br />4<br />'
>>> render(content="{{='''hello\\nworld'''}}")
>>> render(content='{{for i in range(3):\\n=i\\npass}}')
# here to avoid circular Imports
from gluon.globals import Response
except ImportError:
# Working standalone. Build a mock Response object.
Response = DummyResponse
# Add it to the context so we can use it.
if 'NOESCAPE' not in context:
if isinstance(content, unicodeT):
content = content.encode('utf8')
# save current response class
if context and 'response' in context:
old_response_body = context['response'].body
context['response'].body = StringIO()
old_response_body = None
context['response'] = Response()
# If we don't have anything to render, why bother?
if not content and not stream and not filename:
raise SyntaxError("Must specify a stream or filename or content")
# Here for legacy purposes, probably can be reduced to
# something more simple.
close_stream = False
if not stream:
if filename:
stream = open(filename, 'rb')
close_stream = True
elif content:
stream = StringIO(to_native(content))
# Execute the template.
code = str(TemplateParser(stream.read(
), context=context, path=path, lexers=lexers, delimiters=delimiters, writer=writer))
exec(code, context)
except Exception:
# for i,line in enumerate(code.split('\n')): print i,line
if close_stream:
# Returned the rendered content.
text = context['response'].body.getvalue()