本文整理汇总了Python中globals.Response._view_environment[key]方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Response._view_environment[key]方法的具体用法?Python Response._view_environment[key]怎么用?Python Response._view_environment[key]使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类globals.Response
示例1: LOAD
# 需要导入模块: from globals import Response [as 别名]
# 或者: from globals.Response import _view_environment[key] [as 别名]
def LOAD(c=None, f='index', args=None, vars=None,
extension=None, target=None,ajax=False,ajax_trap=False,
url=None,user_signature=False, timeout=None, times=1,
""" LOAD a component into the action's document
Timing options:
-times: An integer or string ("infinity"/"continuous")
specifies how many times the component is requested
-timeout (milliseconds): specifies the time to wait before
starting the request or the frequency if times is greater than
1 or "infinity".
Timing options default to the normal behavior. The component
is added on page loading without delay.
from html import TAG, DIV, URL, SCRIPT, XML
if args is None: args = []
vars = Storage(vars or {})
target = target or 'c'+str(random.random())[2:]
request = current.request
if '.' in f:
f, extension = f.split('.',1)
if url or ajax:
url = url or URL(request.application, c, f, r=request,
args=args, vars=vars, extension=extension,
# timing options
if isinstance(times, basestring):
if times.upper() in ("INFINITY", "CONTINUOUS"):
times = "Infinity"
raise TypeError("Unsupported times argument %s" % times)
elif isinstance(times, int):
if times <= 0:
raise ValueError("Times argument must be greater than zero, 'Infinity' or None")
raise TypeError("Unsupported times argument type %s" % type(times))
if timeout is not None:
if not isinstance(timeout, (int, long)):
raise ValueError("Timeout argument must be an integer or None")
elif timeout <= 0:
raise ValueError("Timeout argument must be greater than zero or None")
statement = "web2py_component('%s','%s', %s, %s);" \
% (url, target, timeout, times)
statement = "web2py_component('%s','%s');" % (url, target)
script = SCRIPT(statement, _type="text/javascript")
if not content is None:
return TAG[''](script, DIV(content,**attr))
return TAG[''](script)
if not isinstance(args,(list,tuple)):
args = [args]
c = c or request.controller
other_request = Storage()
for key, value in request.items():
other_request[key] = value
other_request['env'] = Storage()
for key, value in request.env.items():
other_request.env['key'] = value
other_request.controller = c
other_request.function = f
other_request.extension = extension or request.extension
other_request.args = List(args)
other_request.vars = vars
other_request.get_vars = vars
other_request.post_vars = Storage()
other_response = Response()
other_request.env.path_info = '/' + \
'/'.join([request.application,c,f] + \
map(str, other_request.args))
other_request.env.query_string = \
vars and URL(vars=vars).split('?')[1] or ''
other_request.env.http_web2py_component_location = \
other_request.cid = target
other_request.env.http_web2py_component_element = target
other_response.view = '%s/%s.%s' % (c,f, other_request.extension)
other_environment = copy.copy(current.globalenv) ### NASTY
other_response._view_environment = other_environment
other_response.generic_patterns = \
other_environment['request'] = other_request
other_environment['response'] = other_response
## some magic here because current are thread-locals
original_request, current.request = current.request, other_request
original_response, current.response = current.response, other_response
page = run_controller_in(c, f, other_environment)
if isinstance(page, dict):
other_response._vars = page
for key in page:
other_response._view_environment[key] = page[key]
示例2: LOAD
# 需要导入模块: from globals import Response [as 别名]
# 或者: from globals.Response import _view_environment[key] [as 别名]
def LOAD(c=None, f='index', args=None, vars=None,
extension=None, target=None,ajax=False,ajax_trap=False,
url=None,user_signature=False, content='loading...',**attr):
from html import TAG, DIV, URL, SCRIPT, XML
if args is None: args = []
vars = Storage(vars or {})
target = target or 'c'+str(random.random())[2:]
request = current.request
if '.' in f:
f, extension = f.split('.',1)
if url or ajax:
url = url or URL(request.application, c, f, r=request,
args=args, vars=vars, extension=extension,
script = SCRIPT('web2py_component("%s","%s")' % (url, target),
return TAG[''](script, DIV(content,**attr))
if not isinstance(args,(list,tuple)):
args = [args]
c = c or request.controller
other_request = Storage()
for key, value in request.items():
other_request[key] = value
other_request['env'] = Storage()
for key, value in request.env.items():
other_request.env['key'] = value
other_request.controller = c
other_request.function = f
other_request.extension = extension or request.extension
other_request.args = List(args)
other_request.vars = vars
other_request.get_vars = vars
other_request.post_vars = Storage()
other_response = Response()
other_request.env.path_info = '/' + \
'/'.join([request.application,c,f] + \
map(str, other_request.args))
other_request.env.query_string = \
vars and URL(vars=vars).split('?')[1] or ''
other_request.env.http_web2py_component_location = \
other_request.cid = target
other_request.env.http_web2py_component_element = target
other_response.view = '%s/%s.%s' % (c,f, other_request.extension)
other_environment = copy.copy(current.globalenv) ### NASTY
other_response._view_environment = other_environment
other_response.generic_patterns = \
other_environment['request'] = other_request
other_environment['response'] = other_response
## some magic here because current are thread-locals
original_request, current.request = current.request, other_request
original_response, current.response = current.response, other_response
page = run_controller_in(c, f, other_environment)
if isinstance(page, dict):
other_response._vars = page
for key in page:
other_response._view_environment[key] = page[key]
page = other_response.body.getvalue()
current.request, current.response = original_request, original_response
js = None
if ajax_trap:
link = URL(request.application, c, f, r=request,
args=args, vars=vars, extension=extension,
js = "web2py_trap_form('%s','%s');" % (link, target)
script = js and SCRIPT(js,_type="text/javascript") or ''
return TAG[''](DIV(XML(page),**attr),script)