本文整理汇总了Python中git.cmd.Git类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Git类的具体用法?Python Git怎么用?Python Git使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: fork
def fork(self, new_body):
git_path = mkdtemp(prefix=settings.GIT_ROOT_PATH)
git = Git(git_path)
git.clone(os.path.abspath(self.git_path), git_path)
new_fork = Fork.objects.create(body=new_body, parent=self, git_path=git_path)
return new_fork
示例2: init
def init(cls, path=None, mkdir=True, **kwargs):
"""Initialize a git repository at the given path if specified
:param path:
is the full path to the repo (traditionally ends with /<name>.git)
or None in which case the repository will be created in the current
working directory
:parm mkdir:
if specified will create the repository directory if it doesn't
already exists. Creates the directory with a mode=0755.
Only effective if a path is explicitly given
:parm kwargs:
keyword arguments serving as additional options to the git-init command
:return: ``git.Repo`` (the newly created repo)"""
if mkdir and path and not os.path.exists(path):
os.makedirs(path, 0755)
# git command automatically chdir into the directory
git = Git(path)
output = git.init(**kwargs)
return Repo(path)
示例3: init
def init(cls, path=None, mkdir=True, odbt=DefaultDBType, **kwargs):
"""Initialize a git repository at the given path if specified
:param path:
is the full path to the repo (traditionally ends with /<name>.git)
or None in which case the repository will be created in the current
working directory
:parm mkdir:
if specified will create the repository directory if it doesn't
already exists. Creates the directory with a mode=0755.
Only effective if a path is explicitly given
:param odbt:
Object DataBase type - a type which is constructed by providing
the directory containing the database objects, i.e. .git/objects.
It will be used to access all object data
:parm kwargs:
keyword arguments serving as additional options to the git-init command
:return: ``git.Repo`` (the newly created repo)"""
if path:
path = _expand_path(path)
if mkdir and path and not os.path.exists(path):
os.makedirs(path, 0o755)
# git command automatically chdir into the directory
git = Git(path)
return cls(path, odbt=odbt)
示例4: commit
def commit(options, debug, info):
path = getcwd()
git = Git(path)
debug(git.commit('-m', message(options['m'], 'commit')))
info('Committed with message "{message}".'.format(message=options['m']))
示例5: get_days_since_last_update
def get_days_since_last_update(path):
:return: The days since the last update of any of the files in path. If the
path points to a filename, the last update of that filename is
git = Git(".")
cmd_str = "git log -1 --format=%%cd %s" % path
cmd = shlex.split(cmd_str)
date_str = git.execute(command=cmd, with_extended_output=False)
except GitCommandError:
raise ValueError('"%s" is not in tracked by this repository.' % path)
# The date_str is in the following format: Sat Jun 21 10:20:31 2014 -0300
# We need to parse it, and then do some date math to return the result
# We ignore the UTC offset because it was "hard to parse" and we don't care
last_commit_time = datetime.strptime(date_str[:-6], "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
last_commit_date = last_commit_time.date()
today_date = date.today()
time_delta = today_date - last_commit_date
return time_delta.days
示例6: removeItem
def removeItem(self, release, path, comment=None):
result = None
session = None
session = self._manager.getSession()
item = self._get_item(release, path)
item = session.merge(item)
target_path, target_name = self.__get_target(release, path)
module = self._supportedItems[item.item_type]['module'](target_path, target_name)
# Commit changes
if not comment:
comment = "Change made with no comment"
self.log.info("commiting changes for module %s" % target_name)
cmd = Git(target_path)
cmd.commit("-a", "-m", comment)
except GitCommandError as e:
self.log.debug("no commit for %s: %s" % (target_name, str(e)))
result = True
result &= super(PuppetInstallMethod, self).removeItem(release, path)
return result
示例7: gitPush
def gitPush(self, path, comment=None):
# Announce changes to git
cmd = Git(path)
changed = False
for line in cmd.status("--porcelain").splitlines():
changed = True
line = line.lstrip()
self.log.info("staging changes for %s" % line.split(" ", 1)[1:])
mode, file_path = line.split(" ", 1)
file_path = os.path.join(*file_path.split("/")[0:])
# Remove data?
if mode == "D":
cmd.rm("-r", file_path)
# Add data...
# No need to deal...
if not changed:
return False
# Commit changes
if not comment:
comment = "Change made with no comment"
self.log.info("committing changes for module %s" % path)
cmd.commit("-m", comment)
return True
示例8: init_remotes
def init_remotes():
path = getcwd()
git = Git(path)
has_upstream = raw_input('Is this a fork? (y/N) ')
if has_upstream.lower() == 'y':
upstream = raw_input('What is the url of the upstream project? ')
git.remote('add', 'upstream', upstream)
示例9: merge
def merge(self, remoteref, wd=None, **kwargs):
if wd is None:
git = self.git
git = Git(wd)
git.extra = dict(self.git.extra)
git.extra["env"]["GIT_WORK_TREE"] = wd
示例10: command
def command(self, command):
Runs the Git command in self.repo
args = split(command)
cmd = Git(self.repodir)
示例11: merge_index
def merge_index(self, *args, **kwargs):
wd = kwargs.get("work_tree")
if wd is None:
git = self.git
git = Git(wd)
git.extra = dict(self.git.extra)
git.extra["env"]["GIT_WORK_TREE"] = wd
return git.merge_index(*args, **kwargs)
示例12: init_branches
def init_branches(options, error, info, debug):
path = getcwd()
git = Git(path)
create = options.release_tool_settings['branches']
for branch in create:
debug('creating branch "%s"...' % branch)
info('Created branches ' + ', '.join(create))
示例13: clone_from
def clone_from(cls, url, to_path, progress=None, env=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a clone from the given URL
:param url: valid git url, see http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-clone.html#URLS
:param to_path: Path to which the repository should be cloned to
:param progress: See 'git.remote.Remote.push'.
:param env: Optional dictionary containing the desired environment variables.
:param kwargs: see the ``clone`` method
:return: Repo instance pointing to the cloned directory"""
git = Git(os.getcwd())
if env is not None:
return cls._clone(git, url, to_path, GitCmdObjectDB, progress, **kwargs)
示例14: _clone
def _clone(cls, git, url, path, odb_default_type, progress, **kwargs):
if progress is not None:
progress = to_progress_instance(progress)
odbt = kwargs.pop('odbt', odb_default_type)
# when pathlib.Path or other classbased path is passed
if not isinstance(path, str):
path = str(path)
## A bug win cygwin's Git, when `--bare` or `--separate-git-dir`
# it prepends the cwd or(?) the `url` into the `path, so::
# git clone --bare /cygwin/d/foo.git C:\\Work
# becomes::
# git clone --bare /cygwin/d/foo.git /cygwin/d/C:\\Work
clone_path = (Git.polish_url(path)
if Git.is_cygwin() and 'bare' in kwargs
else path)
sep_dir = kwargs.get('separate_git_dir')
if sep_dir:
kwargs['separate_git_dir'] = Git.polish_url(sep_dir)
proc = git.clone(Git.polish_url(url), clone_path, with_extended_output=True, as_process=True,
v=True, universal_newlines=True, **add_progress(kwargs, git, progress))
if progress:
handle_process_output(proc, None, progress.new_message_handler(), finalize_process, decode_streams=False)
(stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
log.debug("Cmd(%s)'s unused stdout: %s", getattr(proc, 'args', ''), stdout)
finalize_process(proc, stderr=stderr)
# our git command could have a different working dir than our actual
# environment, hence we prepend its working dir if required
if not osp.isabs(path) and git.working_dir:
path = osp.join(git._working_dir, path)
repo = cls(path, odbt=odbt)
# retain env values that were passed to _clone()
# adjust remotes - there may be operating systems which use backslashes,
# These might be given as initial paths, but when handling the config file
# that contains the remote from which we were clones, git stops liking it
# as it will escape the backslashes. Hence we undo the escaping just to be
# sure
if repo.remotes:
with repo.remotes[0].config_writer as writer:
writer.set_value('url', Git.polish_url(repo.remotes[0].url))
# END handle remote repo
return repo
示例15: __init__
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not kwargs.get('parent', None):
# Initialize a new repo
git_path = mkdtemp(prefix=settings.GIT_ROOT_PATH)
git = Git(git_path)
body_path = os.path.join(git_path, 'BODY')
self.message = "created new"
kwargs['git_path'] = git_path
super(Fork, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)