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Python Repo.rev_parse方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中git.Repo.rev_parse方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Repo.rev_parse方法的具体用法?Python Repo.rev_parse怎么用?Python Repo.rev_parse使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在git.Repo的用法示例。


示例1: git_iterator

# 需要导入模块: from git import Repo [as 别名]
# 或者: from git.Repo import rev_parse [as 别名]
def git_iterator(args, options):
  if not HAS_GIT:
    raise ValueError('Git has not been enabled for this checkstyle library!')

  repo = Repo()
  diff_commit = repo.rev_parse(options.diff or repo.git.merge_base('master', 'HEAD'))
  for filename, line_filter in filter(None, map(tuple_from_diff, diff_commit.diff(None))):
    yield os.path.join(repo.working_tree_dir, filename), line_filter

示例2: git_iterator

# 需要导入模块: from git import Repo [as 别名]
# 或者: from git.Repo import rev_parse [as 别名]
def git_iterator(args, options):
  if not HAS_GIT:
    raise ValueError('Git has not been enabled for this checkstyle library!')

  repo = Repo()
  diff_commit = repo.rev_parse(options.diff or 'master')
  for filename, line_filter in filter(None, map(tuple_from_diff, diff_commit.diff(None))):
    yield filename, line_filter

示例3: print_about_page

# 需要导入模块: from git import Repo [as 别名]
# 或者: from git.Repo import rev_parse [as 别名]
def print_about_page(ydk_root, py_api_doc_gen):
    repo = Repo(ydk_root)
    remote = repo.remote().name
    branch = repo.active_branch.name
    url = repo.remote().url.split('://')[-1].split('.git')[0]
    commit_id = repo.rev_parse(remote + '/' + branch).hexsha

    # modify about_ydk.rst page
    for line in fileinput.input(os.path.join(py_api_doc_gen, 'about_ydk.rst'), 'r+w'):
       if 'git clone repo-url' in line:
           print line.replace('repo-url', 'https://{0}.git'.format(url)),
       elif 'git checkout commit-id' in line:
           print line.replace('commit-id', '{}'.format(commit_id))
           print line,

示例4: print_about_ydk_page

# 需要导入模块: from git import Repo [as 别名]
# 或者: from git.Repo import rev_parse [as 别名]
def print_about_ydk_page(ydk_root, py_api_doc_gen):
    repo = Repo(ydk_root)
    remote = repo.remote().name
    branch = repo.active_branch.name
    url = repo.remote().url.split('://')[-1].split('.git')[0]
    commit_id = repo.rev_parse(remote + '/' + branch).hexsha

    contents = ''

    with open(os.path.join(py_api_doc_gen, 'about_ydk.rst'), 'r+w') as about_file:
        contents = about_file.read()
        contents = contents.replace('git clone repo-url', 'git clone https://{0}.git'.format(url))
        contents = contents.replace('git checkout commit-id', 'git checkout {0}'.format(commit_id))

    with open(os.path.join(py_api_doc_gen, 'about_ydk.rst'), 'w') as about_file:

示例5: generate_documentation

# 需要导入模块: from git import Repo [as 别名]
# 或者: from git.Repo import rev_parse [as 别名]
def generate_documentation(output_directory, ydk_root):

    py_api_doc_gen = output_directory + '/python/docsgen'
    py_api_doc = output_directory + '/python/docs_expanded'
    execfile(os.path.join(output_directory, 'python', 'ydk', '_version.py'))

    # set documentation version and release from setup.py setting
    version_number = locals()['__version__']
    release = 'release={}'.format(version_number)
    version = 'version={}'.format(version_number[:version_number.rfind(".")])

    # print commit id page
    repo = Repo(ydk_root)
    remote = repo.remote().name
    branch = repo.active_branch.name
    url = repo.remote().url.split('://')[-1].split('.git')[0]
    commit_id = repo.rev_parse(remote + '/' + branch).hexsha

    with open(os.path.join(py_api_doc_gen, 'commit_id.rst'), 'w') as id_file:
        id_file.write('Commit id\n'
                      'This ydk-py is generated from `this commit '
                      '<https://{}/commit/{}>`_.'.format(url, commit_id)

    # build docs
    # logger.debug('Building docs using sphinx-build...\n')
    print('\nBuilding docs using sphinx-build...\n')

    p = subprocess.Popen(['sphinx-build',
                          '-D', version,
                          '-D', release,
                          py_api_doc_gen, py_api_doc],

    stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
    print >> sys.stderr, stderr
    print('*' * 28 + '\n' + 'DOCUMENTATION ERRORS/WARNINGS\n' +
          '*' * 28 + '\n' + stderr)

示例6: render

# 需要导入模块: from git import Repo [as 别名]
# 或者: from git.Repo import rev_parse [as 别名]
 def render(self, context):
         r = Repo(BASE_DIR)
         version = r.rev_parse("HEAD").hexsha
         context['git'] = {
             "shortHexSha": version[0:7],
             "hexSha": version,
             "shortRemote": "https://github.com",
             "remote": "https://github.com/rubienr/network-monitoring"
     except Exception:
         context['git'] = {
             "shortHexSha": None,
             "hexSha": None,
             "shortRemote": None,
             "remote": None,
     return ""

示例7: find_submit_commit

# 需要导入模块: from git import Repo [as 别名]
# 或者: from git.Repo import rev_parse [as 别名]
def find_submit_commit(args, repo):
    deadline = datetime.datetime.strptime(args.timestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
    tz = timezone('US/Eastern')
    deadline = tz.localize(deadline)
    print "DEADLINE: {}".format(deadline)
    commit = Repo.rev_parse(repo, "HEAD")
    commit_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(commit.committed_date)
    commit_time = tz.localize(commit_time)
    while commit_time > deadline:
        parents = commit.parents
        if len(parents) == 0:
            # No more valid commits. No submission :(
            print "No valid commit found"
            return None
        commit = parents[0]
        commit_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(commit.committed_date)
        commit_time = tz.localize(commit_time)
        print "SUBMITTED: {}".format(commit_time)
    sha = commit.name_rev.split()[0]
    print "SUBMIT COMMIT: {}".format(sha)
    return sha

示例8: GitFlow

# 需要导入模块: from git import Repo [as 别名]
# 或者: from git.Repo import rev_parse [as 别名]

        return len(self.repo.index.diff(self.repo.head.commit)) > 0

    def require_no_merge_conflict(self):
        Raises :exc:`MergeConflict` if the current working directory
        contains a merge conflict.
            git.Reference(self.repo, 'MERGE_HEAD', check_path=False).commit
            # reference exists, so there is a merge conflict
            raise MergeConflict()
        except ValueError:
            # no such reference, so there is no merge conflict

    def is_merged_into(self, commit, target_branch):
        Checks whether `commit` is successfully merged into branch

        :param commit:
            The commit or branch that ought to be merged. This may be
            a full branch-name, a commit-hexsha or any of branch-,
            head-, reference- or commit-object.

        :param target_branch:
            The branch which should contain the commit. This may be a
            full branch-name, or any of branch-, head- or
            commit = self.repo.rev_parse(str(commit))
        except (git.BadObject, git.BadName):
            raise BadObjectError(commit)
        if isinstance(target_branch, git.RemoteReference):
            target_branch = 'remotes/' + target_branch.name
        elif isinstance(target_branch, git.SymbolicReference):
            target_branch = target_branch.name
        # :todo: implement this more efficiently
        return target_branch in [
            b.lstrip('* ')
            for b in self.git.branch('-a', '--contains', commit).splitlines()]

    def must_be_uptodate(self, branch, fetch):
        remote_branch = self.origin_name(branch)
        if remote_branch in self.branch_names(remote=True):
            if fetch:
            self.require_branches_equal(branch, remote_branch)

    def _compare_branches(self, branch1, branch2):
        Tests whether branches and their 'origin' counterparts have
        diverged and need merging first. It returns error codes to
        provide more detail, like so:

        0    Branch heads point to the same commit
        1    First given branch needs fast-forwarding
        2    Second given branch needs fast-forwarding
        3    Branch needs a real merge
        4    There is no merge base, i.e. the branches have no common ancestors

示例9: GitFlow

# 需要导入模块: from git import Repo [as 别名]
# 或者: from git.Repo import rev_parse [as 别名]

        active_branch = self.repo.active_branch
        b = self.repo.heads[name]
        return (name, b.commit.hexsha, b == active_branch)

    def is_dirty(self):
        Returns whether or not the current working directory contains
        uncommitted changes.
        return self.repo.is_dirty()

    def has_staged_commits(self):
        Returns whether or not the current repo contains local changes
        checked into the index but not committed.
        return len(self.repo.index.diff(self.repo.head.commit)) > 0

    def require_no_merge_conflict(self):
        Raises :exc:`MergeConflict` if the current working directory
        contains a merge conflict.
            git.Reference(self.repo, 'MERGE_HEAD', check_path=False).commit
            # reference exists, so there is a merge conflict
            raise MergeConflict()
        except ValueError:
            # no such reference, so there is no merge conflict

    def is_merged_into(self, commit, target_branch):
        Checks whether `commit` is successfully merged into branch

        :param commit:
            The commit or branch that ought to be merged. This may be
            a full branch-name, a commit-hexsha or any of branch-,
            head-, reference- or commit-object.

        :param target_branch:
            The branch which should contain the commit. This may be a
            full branch-name, or any of branch-, head- or
            commit = self.repo.rev_parse(str(commit))
        except git.BadObject:
            raise BadObjectError(commit)
        if isinstance(target_branch, git.RemoteReference):
            target_branch = 'remotes/' + target_branch.name
        elif isinstance(target_branch, git.SymbolicReference):
            target_branch = target_branch.name
        # :todo: implement this more efficiently
        return target_branch in [
            b.lstrip('* ')
            for b in self.git.branch('-a', '--contains', commit).splitlines()]

    def must_be_uptodate(self, branch):
        remote_branch = self.origin_name(branch)
        if remote_branch in self.branch_names(remote=True):
            self.require_branches_equal(branch, remote_branch)

    def _compare_branches(self, branch1, branch2):
        Tests whether branches and their 'origin' counterparts have
        diverged and need merging first. It returns error codes to
        provide more detail, like so:

        0    Branch heads point to the same commit
        1    First given branch needs fast-forwarding
        2    Second given branch needs fast-forwarding
        3    Branch needs a real merge
        4    There is no merge base, i.e. the branches have no common ancestors
            commit1 = self.repo.rev_parse(branch1)
            commit2 = self.repo.rev_parse(branch2)
        except git.BadObject, e:
            raise NoSuchBranchError('Branch {0} not found'.format(e.args[0]))
        if commit1 == commit2:
            return 0
            base = self.repo.git.merge_base(commit1, commit2)
        except GitCommandError:
            return 4
        if base == commit1:
            return 1
        elif base == commit2:
            return 2
            return 3

示例10: open

# 需要导入模块: from git import Repo [as 别名]
# 或者: from git.Repo import rev_parse [as 别名]
        origin = r.remotes.origin

        cw = origin.config_writer
        cw.set('sparseCheckout', 'true')

        fname = 'gen/' + simple_name + '/.git/info/sparse-checkout'
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(fname)):
        with open(fname, 'w') as sparse:
            sparse.write(simple_name + '/' + preview_path)


        date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(r.rev_parse('head').committed_date))
        age = (now - date).days
        if age > active_age_max:
            border = passive
            border = active

        if os.path.isfile( 'gen/' + simple_name + '/' + preview_path):
            f = Image.open('gen/' + simple_name + '/' + preview_path).resize((128, 128)).convert('RGBA')
            Image.alpha_composite(f, border).save('gen/' + simple_name + '.png', "PNG")
            files.append(('gen/' + simple_name + '.png', repo[1], age))
            print("  Don't have preview... skipping.")

    print("Accessing imgur API.")
    client = ImgurClient(config['imgur']['client-id'], config['imgur']['client-secret'])
