本文整理汇总了Python中geometry_msgs.msg.Pose类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Pose类的具体用法?Python Pose怎么用?Python Pose使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: particle_to_pose
def particle_to_pose(particle):
''' Converts a particle in the form [x, y, theta] into a Pose object '''
pose = Pose()
pose.position.x = particle[0]
pose.position.y = particle[1]
pose.orientation = angle_to_quaternion(particle[2])
return pose
示例2: homogeneous_product_pose_transform
def homogeneous_product_pose_transform(pose, transform):
pose should be Pose() msg
transform is Transform()
# 1. Get the transform homogenous matrix.
Ht = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix([transform.rotation.x, transform.rotation.y,
transform.rotation.z, transform.rotation.w])
Tt = [transform.translation.x, transform.translation.y, transform.translation.z]
Ht[:3,3] = Tt
# 2.Original pose to homogenous matrix
H0 = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix([pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y,
pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w])
T0 = [pose.position.x, pose.position.y, pose.position.z]
H0[:3,3] = T0
H1 = numpy.dot(H0, Ht)
# Get results from matrix
result_position = H1[:3,3].T
result_position = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3(result_position[0], result_position[1], result_position[2])
result_quat = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(H1)
result_quat = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion(result_quat[0], result_quat[1], result_quat[2], result_quat[3])
result_pose = Pose()
result_pose.position = result_position
result_pose.orientation = result_quat
return result_pose
示例3: publisher
def publisher(paths):
publisher = rospy.Publisher('pathfinder', Path, queue_size=20)
rospy.init_node('path_publisher', anonymous=True)
rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10 hertz
msgs=[] #list for all the messages we need to publish
for path in paths:
msg = Path() #new path message
msg.header = create_std_h() #add a header to the path message
for x,y,z in path:
#create a pose for each position in the path
#position is the only field we care about, leave the rest as 0
ps = PoseStamped()
while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # while we're going
#publish each message
for m in msgs:
示例4: calculate_mk2_ik
def calculate_mk2_ik(self):
#goal_point = Point(0.298, -0.249, -0.890) home position
goal_pose = Pose()
# Goto position 1
goal_point = Point(0.298, -0.249, -0.890)
#goal_point = Point(0.298, -0.5, -1.0)
goal_pose.position = goal_point
quat = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # roll, pitch, yaw
goal_pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quat.tolist())
moveit_goal = self.create_move_group_pose_goal(goal_pose, group="manipulator", end_link_name="link_7", plan_only=False)
rospy.loginfo("Sending goal...")
rospy.loginfo("Waiting for result...")
moveit_result = self.moveit_ac.get_result()
# Goto position 2
goal_point = Point(0.305, -0.249, -1.05)
goal_pose.position = goal_point
quat = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # roll, pitch, yaw
goal_pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quat.tolist())
moveit_goal = self.create_move_group_pose_goal(goal_pose, group="manipulator", end_link_name="link_7", plan_only=False)
rospy.loginfo("Sending goal...")
rospy.loginfo("Waiting for result...")
moveit_result = self.moveit_ac.get_result()
示例5: execute
def execute(self, userdata):
userdata.orders = [DrinkOrder('david', 'coke'), DrinkOrder('michael', 'milk')]
pose = Pose()
pose.position = Point(0.059, 6.26, 0.0)
pose.orientation = Quaternion(0, 0, -0.59, 0.8)
userdata.guests_location = pose
return succeeded
示例6: get_grasp_pose
def get_grasp_pose(g_decision_making_state, object_grasp_pose, object_grasp_pose_set):
# load pre-computer grasps
# loaded_file = numpy.load('../grasp_data/' + g_decision_making_state.object_name + '.npz' )
# loaded_grasp = loaded_file['grasp'][0]
# print len(loaded_grasp[g_decision_making_state.object_name])
loaded_file = numpy.load('../grasp_data/' + g_decision_making_state.object_name + '.npz' )
loaded_grasp = loaded_file['grasp'][0]
num_of_grasp = len(loaded_grasp[g_decision_making_state.object_name])
temp = object_grasp_pose
for i in range(0,num_of_grasp):
print i
object_grasp_pose_temp = temp
object_grasp_pose_set[i] = Pose()
object_grasp_pose_set[i].position = temp.position
object_grasp_pose_set[i].orientation = rotate_orientation(object_grasp_pose_temp.orientation, loaded_grasp[g_decision_making_state.object_name][i].orientation)
move_ok = plan_and_move_end_effector_to(object_grasp_pose, 0.3,
# raw_input("press Enter to continue...")
return object_grasp_pose_set
示例7: obj_response_cb
def obj_response_cb(userdata, response):
if response.exists:
pose = Pose()
#Wont there be problems mixing float32 with 64? TODO
pose.position = Point(response.base_coordinates.x, response.base_coordinates.y, 0)
#TODO, this may give problems
pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, response.base_coordinates.z))
pose = pose_at_distance(pose, DISTANCE_FROM_OBJECT)
userdata.object_location = pose
release_pose = ObjectPose()
release_pose.pose = response.arm_coordinates
userdata.object_release_location = release_pose
print "\n\n printing pose for move to object"
print pose
print "\n\n printing pose for releasing the object"
print release_pose
print "\n that was the pose of the object\n\n"
print userdata.object_name
print "is the object name"
return succeeded
userdata.object_location = None
return aborted
示例8: get_pose_msg_from_2d
def get_pose_msg_from_2d(x, y, yaw):
pose = Pose()
pose.position.x = x
pose.position.y = y
pose.position.z = 0
pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(0,0,yaw))
return pose
示例9: publishSphere2
def publishSphere2(self, pose, color, scale, lifetime=None):
Publish a sphere Marker. This renders a smoother, flatter-looking sphere.
@param pose (numpy matrix, numpy ndarray, ROS Pose)
@param color name (string) or RGB color value (tuple or list)
@param scale (ROS Vector3, float)
@param lifetime (float, None = never expire)
if (self.muted == True):
return True
# Convert input pose to a ROS Pose Msg
if (type(pose) == numpy.matrix) or (type(pose) == numpy.ndarray):
sphere_pose = mat_to_pose(pose)
elif type(pose) == Pose:
sphere_pose = pose
elif type(pose) == Point:
pose_msg = Pose()
pose_msg.position = pose
sphere_pose = pose_msg
rospy.logerr("Pose is unsupported type '%s' in publishSphere()", type(pose).__name__)
return False
# Convert input scale to a ROS Vector3 Msg
if type(scale) == Vector3:
sphere_scale = scale
elif type(scale) == float:
sphere_scale = Vector3(scale, scale, scale)
rospy.logerr("Scale is unsupported type '%s' in publishSphere()", type(scale).__name__)
return False
# Increment the ID number
self.sphere_marker.id += 1
# Get the default parameters
sphere_marker = self.sphere_marker2 # sphere_marker2 = SPHERE_LIST
if lifetime == None:
sphere_marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(0.0) # 0 = Marker never expires
sphere_marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(lifetime) # in seconds
# Set the timestamp
sphere_marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
# Set marker size
sphere_marker.scale = sphere_scale
# Set marker color
sphere_marker.color = self.getColor(color)
# Set the pose of one sphere in the list
sphere_marker.points[0] = sphere_pose.position
sphere_marker.colors[0] = self.getColor(color)
return self.publishMarker(sphere_marker)
示例10: transform_pose
def transform_pose(pose_in, transform):
Transforms a pose
Takes a pose defined in the frame defined by transform (i.e. the frame in which transform is the origin) and
returns it in the frame in which transform is defined. Calling this with the origin pose will return transform.
This returns
pose.point = transform_point(pose_in.point, transform)
pose.orientation = transform_orientation(pose_in.orientation, transform)
**pose (geometry_msgs.msg.Pose):** Pose to transform
**transform (geometry_msgs.msg.Pose):** The transform
A geometry_msgs.msg.Pose
pose = Pose()
pose.position = transform_point(pose_in.position, transform)
pose.orientation = transform_quaternion(pose_in.orientation, transform)
return pose
示例11: _create_vertices_array
def _create_vertices_array(self) :
for node in self.topo_map.nodes :
marker = Marker()
marker.header.frame_id = "/map"
marker.type = marker.LINE_STRIP
marker.scale.x = 0.1
marker.color.a = 0.8
marker.color.r = 0.7
marker.color.g = 0.1
marker.color.b = 0.2
for i in node.vertices :
#print i[0], i[1]
Vert = Point()
Vert.z = 0.05
Vert.x = node.px + i[0]
Vert.y = node.py + i[1]
vertname = "%s-%d" %(node.name, count)
Pos = Pose()
Pos.position = Vert
self._vertex_marker(vertname, Pos, vertname)
idn = 0
for m in self.node_zone.markers:
m.id = idn
idn += 1
示例12: find_joint_pose
def find_joint_pose(self, pose, targ_x=0.0, targ_y=0.0, targ_z=0.0,
targ_ox=0.0, targ_oy=0.0, targ_oz=0.0):
Finds the joint position of the arm given some pose and the
offsets from it (to avoid opening the structure all the time
outside of the function).
ik_srv = "ExternalTools/right/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService"
iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy(ik_srv, SolvePositionIK)
ik_request = SolvePositionIKRequest()
the_pose = deepcopy(pose)
the_pose['position'] = Point(x=targ_x + self.baxter_off.linear.x,
y=targ_y + self.baxter_off.linear.y,
z=targ_z + self.baxter_off.linear.z)
angles = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( \
targ_ox + self.baxter_off.angular.x, \
targ_oy + self.baxter_off.angular.y, \
targ_oz + self.baxter_off.angular.z)
the_pose['orientation'] = Quaternion(x=angles[0],
approach_pose = Pose()
approach_pose.position = the_pose['position']
approach_pose.orientation = the_pose['orientation']
hdr = Header(stamp=rospy.Time.now(), frame_id='base')
pose_req = PoseStamped(header=hdr, pose=approach_pose)
resp = iksvc(ik_request)
return dict(zip(resp.joints[0].name, resp.joints[0].position))
示例13: detect_faces_cb_ros_pkg
def detect_faces_cb_ros_pkg(userdata, status, result):
'''This code detects faces using the ROS package and then checks the list of people who are not able to walk.
If the distance of people who are not able to walk is close to the detected faces they are popped from the list.
First perosn who is closer than ---closestPersonDistance--- are sent to userdata'''
print "CallBack is called"
people = result.face_positions
# pose_in_map = transform_pose(people.pos, people.header.frame_id, "/map")
if userdata.location_list:
for person in people:
pose_in_stereo = Pose()
pose_in_stereo.position = person.pos
pose_in_map = transform_pose(pose_in_stereo, userdata.message.header.frame_id, "/map")
for not_walking in userdata.location_list:
distance_from_list = ((pose_in_map.position.x - not_walking[0])**2 + (pose_in_map.position.pos.y - not_walking[1])**2)
if distance_from_list < LOCATION_LIST_DISTANCE:
closestPerson = None
closestPersonDistance = sys.maxint
for person in people:
dist = person.pos.z
if dist < closestPersonDistance:
closestPerson = person
closestPersonDistance = dist
# FIXME: blacklist already seen people
userdata.closest_person = closestPerson
print "Closest person (from find_person_with_visit_checker): ", closestPerson
return succeeded if closestPerson else aborted
示例14: __init__
def __init__(self, from_frame, to_frame, position, orientation):
self.server = InteractiveMarkerServer("posestamped_im")
o = orientation
r, p, y = euler_from_quaternion([o.x, o.y, o.z, o.w])
rospy.loginfo("Publishing transform and PoseStamped from: " +
from_frame + " to " + to_frame +
" at " + str(position.x) + " " + str(position.y) + " " + str(position.z) +
" and orientation " + str(o.x) + " " + str(o.y) +
" " + str(o.z) + " " + str(o.w) + " or rpy " +
str(r) + " " + str(p) + " " + str(y))
self.menu_handler = MenuHandler()
self.from_frame = from_frame
self.to_frame = to_frame
# Transform broadcaster
self.tf_br = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
self.pub = rospy.Publisher('/posestamped', PoseStamped, queue_size=1)
rospy.loginfo("Publishing posestampeds at topic: " + str(self.pub.name))
pose = Pose()
pose.position = position
pose.orientation = orientation
self.last_pose = pose
示例15: execute
def execute(self, userdata):
rospy.loginfo("Creating goal to put robot in front of handle")
pose_handle = Pose()
if userdata.door_detection_data_in_base_link.handle_side == "left" or userdata.door_detection_data_in_base_link.handle_side == "right": # closed door
(r, p, theta) = euler_from_quaternion(( userdata.door_detection_data_in_base_link.door_handle.pose.orientation.x,
userdata.door_detection_data_in_base_link.door_handle.pose.orientation.w)) # gives back r, p, y
theta += 3.1416 # the orientation of the door is looking towards the robot, we need the inverse
pose_handle.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, theta)) # orientation to look parallel to the door
pose_handle.position.x = userdata.door_detection_data_in_base_link.door_handle.pose.position.x - 0.4 # to align the shoulder with the handle
pose_handle.position.y = userdata.door_detection_data_in_base_link.door_handle.pose.position.y + 0.2 # refer to upper comment
pose_handle.position.z = 0.0 # we dont need the Z for moving
userdata.door_handle_pose_goal = pose_handle
else: # open door
# if it's open... just cross it?
(r, p, theta) = euler_from_quaternion(( userdata.door_detection_data_in_base_link.door_position.pose.orientation.x,
userdata.door_detection_data_in_base_link.door_position.pose.orientation.w)) # gives back r, p, y
theta += 3.1416 # the orientation of the door is looking towards the robot, we need the inverse
pose_handle.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, theta)) # orientation to look parallel to the door
pose_handle.position.x = userdata.door_detection_data_in_base_link.door_position.pose.position.x + 1.0 # enter the door
pose_handle.position.y = userdata.door_detection_data_in_base_link.door_position.pose.position.y
userdata.door_handle_pose_goal = pose_handle
rospy.loginfo("Move base goal: \n" + str(pose_handle))
return succeeded