本文整理汇总了Python中gbp.deb.git.DebianGitRepository类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python DebianGitRepository类的具体用法?Python DebianGitRepository怎么用?Python DebianGitRepository使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: main
def main(argv):
retval = 0
(options, args) = parse_args(argv)
if not options:
return ExitCodes.parse_error
gbp.log.setup(options.color, options.verbose, options.color_scheme)
if len(args) < 2:
gbp.log.err("No action given.")
return 1
action = args[1]
if args[1] in ["export", "import", "rebase", "drop", "switch"]:
elif args[1] in ["apply"]:
if len(args) != 3:
gbp.log.err("No patch name given.")
return 1
patchfile = args[2]
gbp.log.err("Unknown action '%s'." % args[1])
return 1
repo = DebianGitRepository(os.path.curdir)
except GitRepositoryError:
gbp.log.err("%s is not a git repository" % (os.path.abspath('.')))
return 1
current = repo.get_branch()
if action == "export":
export_patches(repo, current, options)
elif action == "import":
import_pq(repo, current, options)
elif action == "drop":
drop_pq(repo, current)
elif action == "rebase":
rebase_pq(repo, current, options)
elif action == "apply":
patch = Patch(patchfile)
maintainer = get_maintainer_from_control(repo)
apply_single_patch(repo, current, patch, maintainer, options.topic)
elif action == "switch":
switch_pq(repo, current, options)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
retval = 1
gbp.log.err("Interrupted. Aborting.")
except CommandExecFailed:
retval = 1
except (GbpError, GitRepositoryError) as err:
if str(err):
retval = 1
return retval
示例2: main
def main(argv):
retval = 0
(options, args) = parse_args(argv)
if not options:
return 1
if len(args) < 2:
gbp.log.err("Need a repository to clone.")
return 1
source = args[1]
clone_to, auto_name = (os.path.curdir, True) if len(args) < 3 else (args[2], False)
gbp.log.err("Can't run inside a git repository.")
return 1
except GitRepositoryError:
repo = DebianGitRepository.clone(clone_to, source, options.depth,
# Reparse the config files of the cloned repository so we pick up the
# branch information from there:
(options, args) = parse_args(argv)
# Track all branches:
if options.all:
remotes = repo.get_remote_branches()
for remote in remotes:
local = remote.replace("origin/", "", 1)
if not repo.has_branch(local) and \
local != "HEAD":
repo.create_branch(local, remote)
else: # only track gbp's default branches
branches = [ options.debian_branch, options.upstream_branch ]
if options.pristine_tar:
branches += [ repo.pristine_tar_branch ]
gbp.log.debug('Will track branches: %s' % branches)
for branch in branches:
remote = 'origin/%s' % branch
if repo.has_branch(remote, remote=True) and \
not repo.has_branch(branch):
repo.create_branch(branch, remote)
except GitRepositoryError as err:
gbp.log.err("Git command failed: %s" % err)
retval = 1
except GbpError as err:
if len(err.__str__()):
retval = 1
return retval
示例3: main
def main(argv):
ret = 1
repo = None
(options, args) = parse_args(argv)
if not options:
return ExitCodes.parse_error
if len(args) != 2 or args[0] not in ['commit']:
gbp.log.err("No action given")
return 1
tarball = args[1]
repo = DebianGitRepository('.')
except GitRepositoryError:
raise GbpError("%s is not a git repository" % (os.path.abspath('.')))
source = DebianSource('.')
component_tarballs = get_component_tarballs(source.sourcepkg,
upstream_tag = repo.version_to_tag(options.upstream_tag,
ret = 0
except (GitRepositoryError, GbpError, CommandExecFailed) as err:
if str(err):
except KeyboardInterrupt:
gbp.log.err("Interrupted. Aborting.")
if not ret:
comp_msg = (' with additional tarballs for %s'
% ", ".join([os.path.basename(t[1]) for t in component_tarballs])) if component_tarballs else ''
gbp.log.info("Successfully committed pristine-tar data for version %s of %s%s" % (source.upstream_version,
return ret
示例4: setup
def setup():
"""Test module setup"""
TMPDIR = context.new_tmpdir(__name__)
REPODIR = TMPDIR.join('test_repo')
REPO = DebianGitRepository.create(REPODIR)
for name in SUBMODULE_NAMES:
SUBMODULES.append(Submodule(name, str(TMPDIR)))
示例5: main
def main(argv):
retval = 1
(options, args) = parse_args(argv)
if not options:
return ExitCodes.parse_error
gbp.log.setup(options.color, options.verbose, options.color_scheme)
repo = DebianGitRepository(os.path.curdir, toplevel=False)
except GitRepositoryError:
gbp.log.err("%s is not inside a git repository" % (os.path.abspath('.')))
return 1
source = DebianSource(repo.path)
if not (options.ignore_branch or options.ignore_new):
if repo.branch != options.debian_branch:
gbp.log.err("You are not on branch '%s' but on '%s'"
% (options.debian_branch,
repo.branch or 'no branch'))
raise GbpError("Use --ignore-branch to ignore or "
"--debian-branch to set the branch name.")
if not options.ignore_new:
(ret, out) = repo.is_clean()
if not ret:
gbp.log.err("You have uncommitted changes in your source tree:")
raise GbpError("Use --ignore-new to ignore.")
perform_tagging(repo, source, options)
retval = 0
except (GbpError, GitRepositoryError, DebianSourceError) as err:
if str(err):
except KeyboardInterrupt:
gbp.log.err("Interrupted. Aborting.")
return retval
示例6: main
def main(argv):
retval = 0
changelog = 'debian/changelog'
cmd = []
options, args = parse_args(argv)
except Exception as e:
print >>sys.stderr, "%s" % e
return 1
gbp.log.setup(options.color, options.verbose, options.color_scheme)
repo = DebianGitRepository(os.path.curdir)
except GitRepositoryError:
gbp.log.err("%s is not a git repository" % (os.path.abspath('.')))
return 1
branches = []
for branch in [ options.debian_branch, options.upstream_branch ]:
if repo.has_branch(branch):
branches += [ branch ]
if repo.has_pristine_tar_branch() and options.pristine_tar:
branches += [ repo.pristine_tar_branch ]
cp = ChangeLog(filename=changelog)
pkg = cp['Source']
except NoChangeLogError:
pkg = None
if not pkg:
gbp.log.warn("Couldn't parse changelog, will use directory name.")
pkg = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir))
pkg = os.path.splitext(pkg)[0]
remote = parse_url(options.remote_url,
if repo.has_remote_repo(options.name):
raise GbpError("You already have a remote name '%s' defined for this repository." % options.name)
gbp.log.info("Shall I create a repository for '%(pkg)s' at '%(url)s' now? (y/n)?" % remote)
if not read_yn():
raise GbpError("Aborted.")
remote_script = build_remote_script(remote, branches[0])
if options.verbose:
print remote_script
cmd = build_cmd(remote)
if options.verbose:
print cmd
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
if proc.returncode:
raise GbpError("Error creating remote repository")
push_branches(remote, branches)
if options.track:
setup_branch_tracking(repo, remote, branches)
gbp.log.info("You can now add:")
print_config(remote, branches)
gbp.log.info("to your .git/config to 'gbp-pull' and 'git push' in the future.")
except CommandExecFailed:
retval = 1
except (GbpError, GitRepositoryError) as err:
if len(err.__str__()):
retval = 1
return retval
示例7: main
def main(argv):
retval = 0
(options, args) = parse_args(argv)
if not options:
return ExitCodes.parse_error
if len(args) < 2:
gbp.log.err("Need a repository to clone.")
return 1
source = repo_to_url(args[1])
if not source:
return 1
clone_to, auto_name = (os.path.curdir, True) if len(args) < 3 else (args[2], False)
gbp.log.err("Can't run inside a git repository.")
return 1
except GitRepositoryError:
gbp.log.info("Cloning from '%s'%s" % (source, " into '%s'" % clone_to if not auto_name else ''))
repo = DebianGitRepository.clone(clone_to, source, options.depth,
auto_name=auto_name, reference=options.reference)
# Reparse the config files of the cloned repository so we pick up the
# branch information from there but don't overwrite hooks:
postclone = options.postclone
(options, args) = parse_args(argv)
# Track all branches:
if options.all:
remotes = repo.get_remote_branches()
for remote in remotes:
local = remote.replace("origin/", "", 1)
if (not repo.has_branch(local) and
local != "HEAD"):
repo.create_branch(local, remote)
else: # only track gbp's default branches
branches = [options.debian_branch, options.upstream_branch]
if options.pristine_tar:
branches += [repo.pristine_tar_branch]
gbp.log.debug('Will track branches: %s' % branches)
for branch in branches:
remote = 'origin/%s' % branch
if (repo.has_branch(remote, remote=True) and
not repo.has_branch(branch)):
repo.create_branch(branch, remote)
repo_setup.set_user_name_and_email(options.repo_user, options.repo_email, repo)
if postclone:
Hook('Postclone', options.postclone,
extra_env={'GBP_GIT_DIR': repo.git_dir},
except KeyboardInterrupt:
retval = 1
gbp.log.err("Interrupted. Aborting.")
except GitRepositoryError as err:
gbp.log.err("Git command failed: %s" % err)
retval = 1
except GbpError as err:
if str(err):
retval = 1
return retval
示例8: main
def main(argv):
retval = 0
prefix = "git-"
source = None
branch = None
hook_env = {}
options, gbp_args, dpkg_args = parse_args(argv, prefix)
if not options:
return 1
repo = DebianGitRepository(os.path.curdir)
except GitRepositoryError:
gbp.log.err("%s is not a git repository" % (os.path.abspath('.')))
return 1
repo_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)
Command(options.cleaner, shell=True)()
if not options.ignore_new:
(ret, out) = repo.is_clean()
if not ret:
gbp.log.err("You have uncommitted changes in your source tree:")
raise GbpError("Use --git-ignore-new to ignore.")
branch = repo.get_branch()
except GitRepositoryError:
# Not being on any branch is o.k. with --git-ignore-branch
if not options.ignore_branch:
if not options.ignore_new and not options.ignore_branch:
if branch != options.debian_branch:
gbp.log.err("You are not on branch '%s' but on '%s'" % (options.debian_branch, branch))
raise GbpError("Use --git-ignore-branch to ignore or --git-debian-branch to set the branch name.")
head = repo.head
tree = write_tree(repo, options)
source = source_vfs(repo, options, tree)
check_tag(options, repo, source)
if not options.tag_only:
output_dir = prepare_output_dir(options.export_dir)
tarball_dir = options.tarball_dir or output_dir
# Get/build the upstream tarball if necessary. We delay this in
# case of a postexport hook so the hook gets a chance to modify the
# sources and create different tarballs (#640382)
# We don't delay it in general since we want to fail early if the
# tarball is missing.
if not source.is_native():
if options.postexport:
gbp.log.info("Postexport hook set, delaying tarball creation")
prepare_upstream_tarball(repo, source.changelog, options, tarball_dir,
build_env, hook_env = setup_pbuilder(options, repo, source.is_native())
# Export to another build dir if requested:
if options.export_dir:
tmp_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "%s-tmp" % source.sourcepkg)
export_source(repo, tree, source, options, tmp_dir, output_dir)
# Run postexport hook
if options.postexport:
Hook('Postexport', options.postexport,
{'GBP_GIT_DIR': repo.git_dir,
'GBP_TMP_DIR': tmp_dir})
major = (source.changelog.debian_version if source.is_native()
else source.changelog.upstream_version)
export_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "%s-%s" % (source.sourcepkg, major))
gbp.log.info("Moving '%s' to '%s'" % (tmp_dir, export_dir))
os.rename(tmp_dir, export_dir)
# Delayed tarball creation in case a postexport hook is used:
if not source.is_native() and options.postexport:
prepare_upstream_tarball(repo, source.changelog, options, tarball_dir,
if options.export_dir:
build_dir = export_dir
build_dir = repo_dir
if options.prebuild:
Hook('Prebuild', options.prebuild,
{'GBP_GIT_DIR': repo.git_dir,
'GBP_BUILD_DIR': build_dir})
示例9: main
def main(argv):
ret = 0
changelog = 'debian/changelog'
until = 'HEAD'
found_snapshot_header = False
version_change = {}
parser = GbpOptionParserDebian(command=os.path.basename(argv[0]), prefix='',
usage='%prog [options] paths')
except ConfigParser.ParsingError as err:
return 1
range_group = GbpOptionGroup(parser, "commit range options",
"which commits to add to the changelog")
version_group = GbpOptionGroup(parser, "release & version number options",
"what version number and release to use")
commit_group = GbpOptionGroup(parser, "commit message formatting",
"howto format the changelog entries")
naming_group = GbpOptionGroup(parser, "branch and tag naming",
"branch names and tag formats")
custom_group = GbpOptionGroup(parser, "customization",
"options for customization")
parser.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name = "ignore-branch", dest="ignore_branch")
naming_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="debian-branch", dest="debian_branch")
naming_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="upstream-tag", dest="upstream_tag")
naming_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="debian-tag", dest="debian_tag")
naming_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="snapshot-number", dest="snapshot_number",
help="expression to determine the next snapshot number, default is '%(snapshot-number)s'")
parser.add_config_file_option(option_name="git-log", dest="git_log",
help="options to pass to git-log, default is '%(git-log)s'")
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False,
help="verbose command execution")
parser.add_config_file_option(option_name="color", dest="color", type='tristate')
range_group.add_option("-s", "--since", dest="since", help="commit to start from (e.g. HEAD^^^, debian/0.4.3)")
range_group.add_option("-a", "--auto", action="store_true", dest="auto", default=False,
help="autocomplete changelog from last snapshot or tag")
version_group.add_option("-R", "--release", action="store_true", dest="release", default=False,
help="mark as release")
version_group.add_option("-S", "--snapshot", action="store_true", dest="snapshot", default=False,
help="mark as snapshot build")
version_group.add_option("-N", "--new-version", dest="new_version",
help="use this as base for the new version number")
version_group.add_option("--bpo", dest="bpo", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Increment the Debian release number for an upload to backports, and add a backport upload changelog comment.")
version_group.add_option("--nmu", dest="nmu", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Increment the Debian release number for a non-maintainer upload")
version_group.add_option("--qa", dest="qa", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Increment the Debian release number for a Debian QA Team upload, and add a QA upload changelog comment.")
version_group.add_option("--team", dest="team", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Increment the Debian release number for a Debian Team upload, and add a Team upload changelog comment.")
version_group.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="git-author", dest="git_author")
commit_group.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="meta", dest="meta")
commit_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="meta-closes", dest="meta_closes",
help="Meta tags for the bts close commands, default is '%(meta-closes)s'")
commit_group.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="full", dest="full")
commit_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="id-length", dest="idlen",
help="include N digits of the commit id in the changelog entry, default is '%(id-length)s'",
type="int", metavar="N")
commit_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="ignore-regex", dest="ignore_regex",
help="Ignore commit lines matching regex, default is '%(ignore-regex)s'")
commit_group.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="multimaint", dest="multimaint")
commit_group.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="multimaint-merge", dest="multimaint_merge")
commit_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="spawn-editor", dest="spawn_editor")
parser.add_option("-c", "--commit", action="store_true", dest="commit", default=False,
help="commit changelog file after generating")
help_msg = ('Load Python code from CUSTOMIZATION_FILE. At the moment,'
' the only useful thing the code can do is define a custom'
' format_changelog_entry() function.')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
gbp.log.setup(options.color, options.verbose)
dch_options = process_options(options, parser)
editor_cmd = process_editor_option(options)
repo = DebianGitRepository('.')
except GitRepositoryError:
raise GbpError("%s is not a git repository" % (os.path.abspath('.')))
branch = repo.get_branch()
if options.debian_branch != branch and not options.ignore_branch:
gbp.log.err("You are not on branch '%s' but on '%s'" % (options.debian_branch, branch))
raise GbpError("Use --ignore-branch to ignore or --debian-branch to set the branch name.")
cp = ChangeLog(filename=changelog)
示例10: main
def main(argv):
retval = 0
prefix = "git-"
source = None
branch = None
options, gbp_args, dpkg_args = parse_args(argv, prefix)
if not options:
return 1
repo = DebianGitRepository(os.path.curdir)
except GitRepositoryError:
gbp.log.err("%s is not a git repository" % (os.path.abspath('.')))
return 1
repo_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)
Command(options.cleaner, shell=True)()
if not options.ignore_new:
(ret, out) = repo.is_clean()
if not ret:
gbp.log.err("You have uncommitted changes in your source tree:")
raise GbpError("Use --git-ignore-new to ignore.")
branch = repo.get_branch()
except GitRepositoryError:
# Not being on any branch is o.k. with --git-ignore-branch
if not options.ignore_branch:
if not options.ignore_new and not options.ignore_branch:
if branch != options.debian_branch:
gbp.log.err("You are not on branch '%s' but on '%s'" % (options.debian_branch, branch))
raise GbpError("Use --git-ignore-branch to ignore or --git-debian-branch to set the branch name.")
head = repo.head
tree = write_tree(repo, options)
source = source_vfs(repo, options, tree)
check_tag(options, repo, source)
if not options.tag_only:
output_dir = prepare_output_dir(options.export_dir)
tarball_dir = options.tarball_dir or output_dir
# Get/build the upstream tarball if necessary. We delay this in
# case of a postexport hook so the hook gets a chance to modify the
# sources and create different tarballs (#640382)
# We don't delay it in general since we want to fail early if the
# tarball is missing.
is_native = source.is_native()
gbp.log.debug('Is the package Debian-native? %s' % (is_native,))
if not is_native:
if options.postexport:
gbp.log.info("Postexport hook set, delaying tarball creation")
gbp.log.info('Preparing upstream tarball (not delayed)...')
prepare_upstream_tarball(repo, source.changelog, options, tarball_dir,
# Export to another build dir if requested:
if options.export_dir:
gbp.log.debug('export_dir is set...')
sourcepkg = source.sourcepkg
assert sourcepkg is not None
gbp.log.debug('sourcepkg = %s' % (sourcepkg,))
tmp_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "%s-tmp" % sourcepkg)
export_source(repo, tree, source, options, tmp_dir, output_dir)
# XXX: @KK:
gbp.log.debug('Changing source to use tmp_dir=%s' % (tmp_dir,))
source = DebianSource(tmp_dir)
# Run postexport hook
gbp.log.debug('running post-export hook...')
if options.postexport:
Hook('Postexport', options.postexport, shell=True,
extra_env={'GBP_GIT_DIR': repo.git_dir,
'GBP_TMP_DIR': tmp_dir})(dir=tmp_dir)
# @KK: This is unnecessary because we are creating a new DebianSource object above now, anyhow.
assert source._changelog is None
# # XXX: Using source.sourcepkg causes debian/changelog to be parsed (and then
# # cached); but we want our post-export hook to be able to change it!
# source._changelog = None
if source.changelog.upstream_version is None and not source.is_native():
raise GbpError('This package is not Debian-native (according to debian/source/format), but the '
'last version number in debian/changelog does not seem to contain a dash (-) to '
'separate the Debian version from the upstream version. (The raw version string '
'is {!r}.)'.format(source.changelog.version))
major = (source.changelog.debian_version if source.is_native()
else source.changelog.upstream_version)
if major is None:
示例11: main
def main(argv):
ret = 0
tmpdir = ""
pristine_orig = None
linked = False
(options, args) = parse_args(argv)
if not options:
return 1
repo = DebianGitRepository(".")
except GitRepositoryError:
raise GbpError("%s is not a git repository" % (os.path.abspath(".")))
# an empty repo has now branches:
initial_branch = repo.get_branch()
is_empty = False if initial_branch else True
if not repo.has_branch(options.upstream_branch) and not is_empty:
raise GbpError(no_upstream_branch_msg % options.upstream_branch)
(clean, out) = repo.is_clean()
if not clean and not is_empty:
gbp.log.err("Repository has uncommitted changes, commit these first: ")
raise GbpError(out)
# Download the source
if options.download:
source = download_orig(args[0])
source = find_source(options.uscan, args)
if not source:
return ret
(sourcepackage, version) = detect_name_and_version(repo, source, options)
tag = repo.version_to_tag(options.upstream_tag, version)
if repo.has_tag(tag):
raise GbpError("Upstream tag '%s' already exists" % tag)
if repo.bare:
if not source.is_dir():
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir="../")
source.unpack(tmpdir, options.filters)
gbp.log.debug("Unpacked '%s' to '%s'" % (source.path, source.unpacked))
if orig_needs_repack(source, options):
gbp.log.debug("Filter pristine-tar: repacking '%s' from '%s'" % (source.path, source.unpacked))
(source, tmpdir) = repack_source(source, sourcepackage, version, tmpdir, options.filters)
(pristine_orig, linked) = prepare_pristine_tar(source.path, sourcepackage, version)
# Don't mess up our repo with git metadata from an upstream tarball
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(source.unpacked, ".git/")):
raise GbpError("The orig tarball contains .git metadata - giving up.")
except OSError:
upstream_branch = [options.upstream_branch, "master"][is_empty]
filter_msg = ["", " (filtering out %s)" % options.filters][len(options.filters) > 0]
gbp.log.info("Importing '%s' to branch '%s'%s..." % (source.path, upstream_branch, filter_msg))
gbp.log.info("Source package is %s" % sourcepackage)
gbp.log.info("Upstream version is %s" % version)
import_branch = [options.upstream_branch, None][is_empty]
msg = upstream_import_commit_msg(options, version)
if options.vcs_tag:
parents = [repo.rev_parse("%s^{}" % repo.version_to_tag(options.vcs_tag, version))]
parents = None
commit = repo.commit_dir(source.unpacked, msg=msg, branch=import_branch, other_parents=parents)
if options.pristine_tar:
if pristine_orig:
repo.pristine_tar.commit(pristine_orig, upstream_branch)
gbp.log.warn("'%s' not an archive, skipping pristine-tar" % source.path)
msg="Upstream version %s" % version,
if is_empty:
repo.create_branch(options.upstream_branch, rev=commit)
repo.force_head(options.upstream_branch, hard=True)
if options.debian_branch != "master":
repo.rename_branch("master", options.debian_branch)
elif options.merge:
debian_branch_merge(repo, tag, version, options)
示例12: main
def main(argv):
ret = 0
(options, args) = parse_args(argv)
sources = find_sources(options, args)
if not sources:
return ret
except GbpError as err:
if len(err.__str__()):
return 1
repo = DebianGitRepository('.')
except GitRepositoryError:
raise GbpError("%s is not a git repository" % (os.path.abspath('.')))
# an empty repo has no branches:
initial_branch = repo.get_branch()
is_empty = False if initial_branch else True
initial_head = None if is_empty else repo.rev_parse('HEAD', short=40)
(clean, out) = repo.is_clean()
if not clean and not is_empty:
gbp.log.err("Repository has uncommitted changes, commit these first: ")
raise GbpError(out)
if repo.bare:
# Collect upstream branches, ensuring they're unique and exist if appropriate
upstream_branches = []
for source in sources:
source.detect_name_version_and_component(repo, options)
upstream_branch = options.upstream_branch
if source.component:
upstream_branch += '-' + source.component
if upstream_branch in upstream_branches:
raise GbpError("Duplicate component '%s'" % ( component, ))
if not repo.has_branch(upstream_branch) and not is_empty:
raise GbpError(no_upstream_branch_msg % upstream_branch)
# Unpack/repack each source, ensuring that there's no git metadata present
for source in sources:
# Import each source into the relevant upstream branch, and create tag
for source in sources:
source.import_into_upstream_branch(repo, options)
# If merge has been requested, merge each upstream branch onto the debian branch
# TODO: what happens if a merge fails?
if options.merge:
for source in sources:
source.merge_into_debian_branch(repo, options)
# If the repository is empty and master isn't the selected debian branch, merge onto master, too
# TODO: what happens if a merge fails?
if is_empty and options.debian_branch != 'master':
options.debian_branch = 'master'
for source in sources:
source.merge_into_debian_branch(repo, options)
# TODO: why is this conditional on merge?
if options.merge and options.postimport:
epoch = ''
if os.access('debian/changelog', os.R_OK):
# No need to check the changelog file from the
# repository, since we're certain that we're on
# the debian-branch
cp = ChangeLog(filename='debian/changelog')
if cp.has_epoch():
epoch = '%s:' % cp.epoch
info = { 'version': "%s%s-1" % (epoch, sources[0].version) }
env = { 'GBP_BRANCH': options.debian_branch }
gbpc.Command(options.postimport % info, extra_env=env, shell=True)()
if not is_empty:
# Restore the working copy to the pre-import state
current_head = repo.rev_parse('HEAD', short=40)
if current_head != initial_head:
repo.force_head(initial_head, hard=True)
except (gbpc.CommandExecFailed, GbpError) as err:
if len(err.__str__()):
ret = 1
for source in sources:
if not ret:
gbp.log.info("Successfully imported version %s of %s" % (sources[0].version, sources[0].name))
return ret
示例13: tag_to_version
def tag_to_version(self, tag, format):
return DebianGitRepository.tag_to_version(tag, format)
示例14: main
def main(argv):
retval = 1
branch = None
dest = None
to_push = {
'refs': [],
'tags': [],
(options, args) = parse_args(argv)
if not options:
return ExitCodes.parse_error
if len(args) > 2:
gbp.log.err("Only a single remote repository can be given")
elif len(args) == 2:
dest = args[1]
gbp.log.setup(options.color, options.verbose, options.color_scheme)
repo = DebianGitRepository(os.path.curdir, toplevel=False)
except GitRepositoryError:
gbp.log.err("%s is not inside a git repository" % (os.path.abspath('.')))
return 1
source = DebianSource(repo.path)
branch = repo.branch
if not options.ignore_branch:
if branch != options.debian_branch:
gbp.log.err("You are not on branch '%s' but %s" %
"on '%s'" % branch if branch else 'in detached HEAD state'))
raise GbpError("Use --ignore-branch to ignore or --debian-branch to set the branch name.")
if not dest:
dest = get_remote(repo, branch)
if options.debian_tag != '':
dtag = repo.version_to_tag(options.debian_tag, source.version)
if repo.has_tag(dtag):
if source.is_releasable() and branch:
ref = 'refs/heads/%s' % branch
to_push['refs'].append((ref, get_push_src(repo, ref, dtag)))
if not source.is_native():
if options.upstream_tag != '':
utag = repo.version_to_tag(options.upstream_tag,
if repo.has_tag(utag):
if options.upstream_branch != '':
ref = 'refs/heads/%s' % options.upstream_branch
to_push['refs'].append((ref, get_push_src(repo, ref, utag)))
if options.pristine_tar:
commit = repo.get_pristine_tar_commit(source)
if commit:
ref = 'refs/heads/pristine-tar'
to_push['refs'].append((ref, get_push_src(repo, ref, commit)))
if do_push(repo, [dest], to_push, dry_run=options.dryrun):
retval = 0
gbp.log.err("Failed to push some refs.")
retval = 1
except (GbpError, GitRepositoryError, DebianSourceError) as err:
if str(err):
except KeyboardInterrupt:
gbp.log.err("Interrupted. Aborting.")
return retval
示例15: main
def main(argv):
ret = 0
changelog = "debian/changelog"
until = "HEAD"
found_snapshot_banner = False
version_change = {}
branch = None
options, args, dch_options, editor_cmd = parse_args(argv)
repo = DebianGitRepository(".")
except GitRepositoryError:
raise GbpError("%s is not a git repository" % (os.path.abspath(".")))
branch = repo.get_branch()
except GitRepositoryError:
# Not being on any branch is o.k. with --ignore-branch
if not options.ignore_branch:
if options.debian_branch != branch and not options.ignore_branch:
gbp.log.err("You are not on branch '%s' but on '%s'" % (options.debian_branch, branch))
raise GbpError("Use --ignore-branch to ignore or --debian-branch to set the branch name.")
source = DebianSource(".")
cp = source.changelog
if options.since:
since = options.since
since = ""
if options.auto:
since = guess_documented_commit(cp, repo, options.debian_tag)
if since:
msg = "Continuing from commit '%s'" % since
msg = "Starting from first commit"
found_snapshot_banner = has_snapshot_banner(cp)
else: # Fallback: continue from last tag
since = repo.find_version(options.debian_tag, cp["Version"])
if not since:
raise GbpError("Version %s not found" % cp["Version"])
if args:
gbp.log.info("Only looking for changes on '%s'" % " ".join(args))
commits = repo.get_commits(since=since, until=until, paths=args, options=options.git_log.split(" "))
# add a new changelog section if:
if options.new_version or options.bpo or options.nmu or options.qa or options.team or options.security:
if options.bpo:
version_change["increment"] = "--bpo"
elif options.nmu:
version_change["increment"] = "--nmu"
elif options.qa:
version_change["increment"] = "--qa"
elif options.team:
version_change["increment"] = "--team"
elif options.security:
version_change["increment"] = "--security"
version_change["version"] = options.new_version
# the user wants to force a new version
add_section = True
elif cp["Distribution"] != "UNRELEASED" and not found_snapshot_banner and commits:
# the last version was a release and we have pending commits
add_section = True
elif options.snapshot and not found_snapshot_banner:
# the user want to switch to snapshot mode
add_section = True
add_section = False
if add_section and not version_change and not source.is_native():
# Get version from upstream if none provided
v = guess_version_from_upstream(repo, options.upstream_tag, cp)
if v:
version_change["version"] = v
i = 0
for c in commits:
i += 1
parsed = parse_commit(repo, c, options, last_commit=i == len(commits))
commit_msg, (commit_author, commit_email) = parsed
if not commit_msg:
# Some commits can be ignored
if add_section:
# Add a section containing just this message (we can't
# add an empty section with dch)