本文整理汇总了Python中frog.common.Result.value方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Result.value方法的具体用法?Python Result.value怎么用?Python Result.value使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类frog.common.Result
示例1: delete
# 需要导入模块: from frog.common import Result [as 别名]
# 或者: from frog.common.Result import value [as 别名]
def delete(self, request, obj):
obj.deleted = True
res = Result()
res.isSuccess = True
res.value = obj.json()
return JsonResponse(res)
示例2: manage
# 需要导入模块: from frog.common import Result [as 别名]
# 或者: from frog.common.Result import value [as 别名]
def manage(request):
if request.method == "GET":
guids = request.GET.get("guids", "").split(",")
guids = filter(None, guids)
objects = getObjectsFromGuids(guids)
ids = [o.id for o in objects]
imgtags = list(Tag.objects.filter(image__id__in=ids).exclude(artist=True))
vidtags = list(Tag.objects.filter(video__id__in=ids).exclude(artist=True))
tags = list(set(imgtags + vidtags))
if request.GET.get("json", False):
res = Result()
data = {"queries": connection.queries}
res.value = data
res.isSuccess = True
return JsonResponse(res)
return render(request, "frog/tag_manage.html", {"tags": tags})
add = request.POST.get("add", "").split(",")
rem = request.POST.get("rem", "").split(",")
guids = request.POST.get("guids", "").split(",")
add = filter(None, add)
rem = filter(None, rem)
addList = []
for t in add:
except ValueError:
tag, created = Tag.objects.get_or_create(name=t)
objects = getObjectsFromGuids(guids)
addTags = Tag.objects.filter(id__in=addList)
remTags = Tag.objects.filter(id__in=rem)
for o in objects:
for a in addTags:
for r in remTags:
res = Result()
res.isSuccess = True
return JsonResponse(res)
示例3: _filter
# 需要导入模块: from frog.common import Result [as 别名]
# 或者: from frog.common.Result import value [as 别名]
def _filter(request, object_, tags=None, models=(Image, Video), rng=None, more=False):
"""Filters Piece objects from self based on filters, search, and range
:param tags: List of tag IDs to filter
:type tags: list
:param models: List of model classes to filter on
:type models: list
:param rng: Range of objects to return. i.e. 0:100
:type rng: str
:param more -- bool, Returns more of the same filtered set of images based on session range
return list, Objects filtered
NOW = time.clock()
res = Result()
idDict = {}
objDict = {}
lastIDs = {}
data = {}
LOGGER.debug('init: %f' % (time.clock() - NOW))
if request.user.is_anonymous():
gRange = 300
Prefs = json.loads(UserPref.objects.get(user=request.user).data)
gRange = Prefs['batchSize']
request.session.setdefault('frog_range', '0:%i' % gRange)
if rng:
s, e = [int(x) for x in rng.split(':')]
if more:
s = int(request.session.get('frog_range', '0:%i' % gRange).split(':')[1])
e = s + gRange
s, e = 0, gRange
s, e = 0, gRange
## -- Gat all IDs for each model
for m in models:
indexes = list(m.model_class().objects.all().values_list('id', flat=True))
if not indexes:
lastIndex = indexes[0]
if more:
## -- This is a request for more results
idx = request.session.get('last_%s_id' % m.model, lastIndex + 1)
lastIDs.setdefault('last_%s_id' % m.model, idx)
lastIDs['last_%s_id' % m.model] = lastIndex + 1
## -- Start with objects within range
idDict[m.model] = m.model_class().objects.filter(gallery=object_, id__lt=lastIDs['last_%s_id' % m.model])
LOGGER.debug(m.model + '_initial_query: %f' % (time.clock() - NOW))
if tags:
for bucket in tags:
searchQuery = ""
o = None
for item in bucket:
## -- filter by tag
if isinstance(item, int) or isinstance(item, long):
if not o:
o = Q()
o |= Q(tags__id=item)
## -- add to search string
searchQuery += item + ' '
if not HAYSTACK:
if not o:
o = Q()
## -- use a basic search
LOGGER.debug('search From LIKE')
o |= Q(title__icontains=item)
if HAYSTACK and searchQuery != "":
## -- once all tags have been filtered, filter by search
searchIDs = search(searchQuery, m.model_class())
if searchIDs:
if not o:
o = Q()
LOGGER.debug('searchFrom haystack:' + str(searchIDs))
o |= Q(id__in=searchIDs)
if o:
## -- apply the filters
idDict[m.model] = idDict[m.model].filter(o)
idDict[m.model] = idDict[m.model].none()
LOGGER.debug(m.model + '_added_buckets(%i): %f' % (len(tags), time.clock() - NOW))
## -- Get all ids of filtered objects, this will be a very fast query
idDict[m.model] = list(idDict[m.model].values_list('id', flat=True))
LOGGER.debug(m.model + '_queried_ids: %f' % (time.clock() - NOW))
res.message = str(s) + ':' + str(e)
示例4: _filter
# 需要导入模块: from frog.common import Result [as 别名]
# 或者: from frog.common.Result import value [as 别名]
def _filter(request, object_, tags=None, more=False, orderby='created'):
"""Filters Piece objects from self based on filters, search, and range
:param tags: List of tag IDs to filter
:type tags: list
:param more -- bool, Returns more of the same filtered set of images based on session range
return list, Objects filtered
res = Result()
idDict = {}
objDict = {}
data = {}
modelmap = {}
length = 75
# -- Get all IDs for each model
for m in models:
modelmap[m.model_class()] = m.model
if object_:
idDict[m.model] = m.model_class().objects.filter(gallery=object_)
idDict[m.model] = m.model_class().objects.all()
if idDict[m.model] is None:
if tags:
for bucket in tags:
searchQuery = ""
o = None
for item in bucket:
if item == 0:
# -- filter by tagless
if not o:
o = Q()
o |= Q(num_tags__lte=1)
elif isinstance(item, six.integer_types):
# -- filter by tag
if not o:
o = Q()
o |= Q(tags__id=item)
# -- add to search string
searchQuery += item + ' '
if not HAYSTACK:
if not o:
o = Q()
# -- use a basic search
o |= Q(title__icontains=item)
if HAYSTACK and searchQuery != "":
# -- once all tags have been filtered, filter by search
searchIDs = search(searchQuery, m.model_class())
if searchIDs:
if not o:
o = Q()
o |= Q(id__in=searchIDs)
if o:
# -- apply the filters
idDict[m.model] = idDict[m.model].annotate(num_tags=Count('tags')).filter(o)
idDict[m.model] = idDict[m.model].none()
# -- Get all ids of filtered objects, this will be a very fast query
idDict[m.model] = list(idDict[m.model].order_by('-{}'.format(orderby)).values_list('id', flat=True))
lastid = request.session.get('last_{}'.format(m.model), 0)
if not idDict[m.model]:
if not more:
lastid = idDict[m.model][0]
index = idDict[m.model].index(lastid)
if more and lastid != 0:
index += 1
idDict[m.model] = idDict[m.model][index:index + length]
# -- perform the main query to retrieve the objects we want
objDict[m.model] = m.model_class().objects.filter(id__in=idDict[m.model])
objDict[m.model] = objDict[m.model].select_related('author').prefetch_related('tags').order_by('-{}'.format(orderby))
objDict[m.model] = list(objDict[m.model])
# -- combine and sort all objects by date
objects = _sortObjects(orderby, **objDict) if len(models) > 1 else objDict.values()[0]
objects = objects[:length]
# -- Find out last ids
lastids = {}
for obj in objects:
lastids['last_{}'.format(modelmap[obj.__class__])] = obj.id
for key, value in lastids.items():