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Python execjs.get函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中execjs.get函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python get函数的具体用法?Python get怎么用?Python get使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: execute

    def execute(bot, data, forward=True):
        args = {"peer_id": data['peer_id'], "v": "5.60", }
        if forward:
            args.update({"forward_messages": data['message_id']})
        code = bot.html_decode(' '.join(data['message'].split('<br>')[1:]))
        JavaScript = execjs.get(execjs.runtime_names.Node)
        print('JavaScript runtime -- ', execjs.get().name)
        js = JavaScript.eval(code)

        args['message'] = 'Выполнено {}\n{}'.format(execjs.get().name, js)

示例2: unscramble_galaxy_script

    def unscramble_galaxy_script(self):
        # check script body
        if not self.script_body.startswith('var Deuterium = '):
            self.error_str = 'Invalid format of script body: cannot parse it!'
            return None

        # create JavaScript interpreter runtime
            js_runtime = execjs.get('Node')
        except execjs_exceptions.RuntimeUnavailableError:
            js_runtime = execjs.get()  # default

        # find galaxy script part
        eval_start = self.script_body.find('eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d)')
        if eval_start == -1:
            # try to find an end of galaxy rows declaration; maybe it is not packed (uni5)
            eval_end = self.script_body.find("$('#galaxy').append(PrintRow());")
            if eval_end == -1:
                self.error_str = 'parse error (1) cannot find start (and end) of packed function'
                return None
            # if we are here, probably galaxy script is not scrambled
            # eval_end is pointing at correct location, need to figure eval_start
            rows_end_str = "$('#galaxy').append(PrintSelector(fleet_shortcut));"
            eval_start = self.script_body.find(rows_end_str)
            if eval_start == -1:
                self.error_str = 'parse error (3) cannot find start of unpacked function'
                return None
            eval_start += len(rows_end_str)
            eval_text = self.script_body[eval_start:eval_end]
            eval_text = eval_text.strip()
            eval_text = 'var row = []; ' + eval_text + '\nreturn row;'
            ctx = js_runtime.compile(eval_text)
            self.galaxy_rows = ctx.exec_(eval_text)
            # packed, as usual (uni4)
            eval_end = self.script_body.find("$('#galaxy').append(PrintRow());")
            if eval_end == -1:
                self.error_str = 'parse error(2) cannot find end of function'
                return None
            eval_text = self.script_body[eval_start:eval_end]
            eval_text = eval_text.strip()
            # ^^ [eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){r... ...141|7866|u0426'.split('|')))]
            eval_text = eval_text[5:-1]
            # ^^ [function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=functi... ...0426'.split('|'))]
            eval_res = js_runtime.eval(eval_text)
            # Now, eval_res is a string:
            # row[12]={"planet":12,"id_planet":54448,"ally_planet":0,"metal":0,"crystal":0, ...
            eval_res = 'var row = []; ' + eval_res + "\nreturn row;"
            ctx = js_runtime.compile(eval_res)
            self.galaxy_rows = ctx.exec_(eval_res)

        return self.galaxy_rows

示例3: unscramble_galaxy_script

 def unscramble_galaxy_script(self):
     if not self.script_body.startswith('var Deuterium = '):
         logger.error('Invalid format of script body: cannot parse it!')
         return None
     eval_start = self.script_body.find('eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d)')
     if eval_start == -1:
         logger.error('parse error (1)')
         return None
     eval_end = self.script_body.find("$('#galaxy').append(PrintRow());")
     if eval_end == -1:
         logger.error('parse error (2)')
         return None
     eval_text = self.script_body[eval_start:eval_end]
     eval_text = eval_text.strip()
     logger.debug('eval [{0}]'.format(eval_text))
     # ^^ [eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){r... ...141|7866|u0426'.split('|')))]
     inner_eval = eval_text[5:-1]
     logger.debug('inner eval [{0}]'.format(inner_eval))
     # ^^ [function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=functi... ...0426'.split('|'))]
     # create JS interptreter and eval that
     js_runtimes = execjs.available_runtimes()
     if 'Node' in js_runtimes:
         js = execjs.get('Node')
         js = execjs.get()  # default
     logger.debug('Using [{0}] as JS runtime.'.format(js.name))
     eval_res = js.eval(inner_eval)
     # Now, eval_res is a string:
     # row[12]={"planet":12,"id_planet":54448,"ally_planet":0,"metal":0,"crystal":0,
     # "name":"\u0413\u043b\u0430\u0432\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0435\u0442\u0430",
     # "planet_type":1,"destruyed":0,"image":"normaltempplanet02","last_active":60,"parent_planet":0,
     # "luna_id":null,"luna_name":null,"luna_destruyed":null,"luna_diameter":null,"luna_temp":null,
     # "user_id":71992,"username":"\u041e\u041b\u0415\u0413 \u041a\u0410\u0420\u041f\u0415\u041d\u041a\u041e",
     # "race":4,"ally_id":0,"authlevel":0,"onlinetime":1,"urlaubs_modus_time":0,"banaday":0,"sex":1,
     # "avatar":7,"user_image":"","ally_name":null,"ally_members":null,"ally_web":null,"ally_tag":null,
     # "type":null,"total_rank":7865,"total_points":0};row[9]={"planet":9,"id_planet":54450,"ally_planet":0,
     # "metal":0,"crystal":0,"name":"Arnon","planet_type":1,"destruyed":0,"image":"normaltempplanet08",
     # "last_active":0,"parent_planet":0,"luna_id":null,"luna_name":null,"luna_destruyed":null,
     # "luna_diameter":null,"luna_temp":null,"user_id":71995,"username":"minlexx","race":4,"ally_id":389,
     # "authlevel":0,"onlinetime":0,"urlaubs_modus_time":0,"banaday":0,"sex":1,"avatar":5,
     # "user_image":"71995_1440872455.jpg","ally_name":"Fury","ally_members":8,"ally_web":"",
     # "ally_tag":"Fury","type":null,"total_rank":141,"total_points":115582};
     # ...
     # we ned to eval() this string again, slightly modified, to get resulting row:
     eval_res = 'var row = []; ' + eval_res + "\nreturn row;"
     ctx = js.compile(eval_res)
     self.galaxy_rows = ctx.exec_(eval_res)

示例4: solve_cf_challenge

    def solve_cf_challenge(self, resp, headers, **kwargs):
        headers = headers.copy()
        url = resp.url
        parsed = urlparse(url)
        domain = parsed.netloc
        page = resp.content
        kwargs.pop("params", None)  # Don't pass on params
            # Extract the arithmetic operation
            challenge = re.search(r'name="jschl_vc" value="(\w+)"', page).group(1)
            builder = re.search(
                r"setTimeout\(function\(\){\s+(var t,r,a,f.+?\r?\n[\s\S]+?a\.value =.+?)\r?\n", page
            builder = re.sub(r"a\.value =(.+?) \+ .+?;", r"\1", builder)
            builder = re.sub(r"\s{3,}[a-z](?: = |\.).+", "", builder)

        except AttributeError:
            # Something is wrong with the page. This may indicate Cloudflare has changed their
            # anti-bot technique. If you see this and are running the latest version,
            # please open a GitHub issue so I can update the code accordingly.
            raise IOError(
                "Unable to parse Cloudflare anti-bots page. Try upgrading cfscrape, or "
                "submit a bug report if you are running the latest version."

        # Lock must be added explicitly, because PyV8 bypasses the GIL
        ctxt = execjs.get("PhantomJS")
        # Safely evaluate the Javascript expression
        answer = str(int(ctxt.eval(builder)) + len(domain))

        params = {"jschl_vc": challenge, "jschl_answer": answer}
        submit_url = "%s://%s/cdn-cgi/l/chk_jschl" % (parsed.scheme, domain)
        headers["Referer"] = url

        return requests.get(submit_url, params=params, headers=headers, **kwargs)

示例5: create_scraper

    def create_scraper(cls, sess=None, js_engine=None):
        Convenience function for creating a ready-to-go requests.Session (subclass) object.
        if js_engine:
            os.environ["EXECJS_RUNTIME"] = js_engine

        js_engine = execjs.get().name

        if not js_engine:
            raise EnvironmentError("No Javascript runtime installed. "
                                   "Please install Node.js or equivalent Javascript runtime. ")

        #if not ("Node" in js_engine or "V8" in js_engine):
            #raise EnvironmentError("Your Javascript runtime '%s' is not supported due to security concerns. "
                                   #"Please use Node.js or PyV8. To force a specific engine, "
                                   #"such as Node, call create_scraper(js_engine=\"Node\")" % js_engine)

        scraper = cls(js_engine=js_engine)

        if sess:
            attrs = ["auth", "cert", "cookies", "headers", "hooks", "params", "proxies", "data"]
            for attr in attrs:
                val = getattr(sess, attr, None)
                if val:
                    setattr(scraper, attr, val)

        return scraper

示例6: main

def main():
    parser = ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--print-available-runtimes', action=PrintRuntimes)
    parser.add_argument('-r', '--runtime', action='store', dest='runtime')
    parser.add_argument('-e', '--eval', action='store', dest='expr')
    parser.add_argument("--encoding", action="store", dest="files_encoding", default="utf8")
    parser.add_argument(nargs="*", action='store', dest='files')
    opts = parser.parse_args()
    runtime = execjs.get(opts.runtime)
    codes = []
    for f in opts.files:
        with io.open(f, encoding=opts.files_encoding) as fp:
    context = runtime.compile("\n".join(codes))
    if opts.expr:
        if isinstance(opts.expr, bytes):
            expr = opts.expr.decode()
            expr = opts.expr
        sys.stdout.write(repr(context.eval(expr)) + "\n")
        ret = context.eval(sys.stdin.read())
        sys.stdout.write(repr(ret) + "\n")

示例7: _get_runntime

def _get_runntime():
    :param path: 加密js的路径,注意js中不要使用中文!估计是pyexecjs处理中文还有一些问题
    :return: 编译后的js环境,不清楚pyexecjs这个库的用法的请在github上查看相关文档
    phantom = execjs.get()  # 这里必须为phantomjs设置环境变量,否则可以写phantomjs的具体路径
    with open(js_path, 'r') as f:
        source = f.read()
    return phantom.compile(source)

示例8: evaljs

 async def evaljs(self, *, code:str):
     """eval JS code in Node.JS"""
     code_clean = "{0}".format(code.strip("```"))
     node = execjs.get("Node")
     execute = node.eval(code_clean)
         result = node.eval(code_clean)
         await self.bot.say(code.format(result))
     except execjs.ProgramError as e:
         await self.bot.say(code.format(type(e).__name__ + ': ' + str(e)))

示例9: __init__

    def __init__(self, script, logger=None):
            import execjs
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError('Please install PyExecJS')

        self.runner = execjs.get()
        self.logger = getLogger('js', logger)

        self.ctx = self.runner.compile(self.HEADER + script)

示例10: book

def book(session, kid, action=None):
    with open("./ios/bus.js") as r:
        js = execjs.get("Node").compile(r.read())
    if not action:
        res = session.post('http://bus.kuas.edu.tw/API/Reserves/add', data="{busId:"+ kid +"}")
        kid['reserveId'] = int(kid['key'])
        res = session.post('http://bus.kuas.edu.tw/API/Reserves/remove?_dc='+str(js.call('getTime')), data=json.dumps(kid))

    resource = json.loads(res.content)

    return resource['message']

示例11: list_js_runtimes

def list_js_runtimes():
    ajsr = execjs.available_runtimes()
    if len(ajsr) > 0:
        print('Detected {0} JavaScript runtimes:'.format(len(ajsr)))
        for js in ajsr:
            jsr = execjs.get(js)
            pref_str = ''
            if js == 'Node':
                pref_str = ' <== I prefer this one!'
            print('   {0}: {1}{2}'.format(js, jsr.name, pref_str))
        print('No JS runtimes detected! Install Node.js, spidermonkey or something!')

示例12: initialize_javascript_runtime

def initialize_javascript_runtime():
    global jsrt, jsctx, jsinitcnt
    pac_content = main_gfwlist2pac()
    jsrts = execjs.available_runtimes()
    logging.debug(str(jsrts.keys()))  # [u'Node', u'SpiderMonkey', u'Spidermonkey']
    # SpiderMonkey 引擎比Node引擎用内存与CPU资源少,速度更快。
    # 在archlinux上是包会自动使用js185,js包和js17包都不认。
    # 好像有很严重的内存泄漏
    # 内存问题好像不是出在execjs上的,而是mitmproxy本身就有问题
    # https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/620
    # 如果这有真有内存问题的话,可以考虑试用pacparser包。
    jsrt = execjs.get('SpiderMonkey')
    # jsrt = execjs.get('Node')
    jsctx = jsrt.compile(pac_content)
    jsinitcnt += 1


示例13: run_script

def run_script(code, func_name, func_input, errorlogger) :
	sandboxcode = """
	"use strict";
	var vm = require('vm');

	function safe_run(code, func_name, input) {
		var vm_output = [];
		var sandbox = {	vm_input : input,
						vm_output: vm_output,
						require : function() {throw Error('require not allowed');}}
		vm.runInContext('"use strict";\\n'+code,sandbox,{'timeout':200});

		return vm_output[0];

	js_ctx = execjs.get('Node').compile(sandboxcode)

		response = js_ctx.call('safe_run',code,func_name,func_input)
	# except execjs.ProgramError as e:
	# 	print str(e)
	# 	return {'error':str(e)}
	# except execjs.RuntimeError as e:
	# 	print str(e)
	# 	return {'error':str(e)}
	except execjs.Error as e:
		print str(e)
		return {}
		print traceback.format_exc()
		errorlogger.log_error('Error: Unknown Error')
		return {}

	print response
	return response

示例14: __init__

    def __init__(self, script, logger=None, domain=""):
            import execjs
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError('Please install PyExecJS')

        self.runner = execjs.get()
        self.logger = getLogger('js', logger)

        window_emulator = self.HEADER

        if domain:
            window_emulator += "document.domain = '" + domain + "';"
            window_emulator += """
            if (typeof(location) === "undefined") {
                var location = window.location = {
                    host: document.domain

        self.ctx = self.runner.compile(window_emulator + script)

示例15: list_js_runtimes

def list_js_runtimes():
    # AttributeError: module 'execjs' has no attribute 'available_runtimes'
        ajsr = execjs.available_runtimes()
    except AttributeError:
        # Newer execjs does not have available_runtimes() method?
        ajsr = []
        supported_runtimes = execjs.runtimes()
        for sr in supported_runtimes:
            if supported_runtimes[sr].is_available():
    if len(ajsr) > 0:
        print('Detected {0} JavaScript runtimes:'.format(len(ajsr)))
        for js in ajsr:
            jsr = execjs.get(js)
            pref_str = ''
            if js == 'Node':
                pref_str = ' <== I prefer this one!'
            print('   {0}: {1}{2}'.format(js, jsr.name, pref_str))
        print('No JS runtimes detected! Install Node.js, spidermonkey or something!')
