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Python Path.safeSave方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中exe.engine.path.Path.safeSave方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Path.safeSave方法的具体用法?Python Path.safeSave怎么用?Python Path.safeSave使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在exe.engine.path.Path的用法示例。


示例1: save

# 需要导入模块: from exe.engine.path import Path [as 别名]
# 或者: from exe.engine.path.Path import safeSave [as 别名]
 def save(self, filename=None, tempFile=False):
     Save package to disk
     pass an optional filename
     self.tempFile = tempFile
     if filename:
         filename = Path(filename)
         name = filename.splitpath()[1]
         if not tempFile:
             self.name = name.basename().splitext()[0]
     elif self.filename:
         filename = Path(self.filename)
         raise AssertionError(u'No name passed when saving a new package')
     log.debug(u"Will save %s to: %s" % (self.name, filename))
     if tempFile:
         oldFilename, self.filename = self.filename, unicode(self.filename)
             filename.safeSave(self.doSave, _('SAVE FAILED!\nLast succesful save is %s.'))
             self.filename = oldFilename
         self.filename = filename
         filename.safeSave(self.doSave, _('SAVE FAILED!\nLast succesful save is %s.'))
         self.isChanged = False

示例2: save

# 需要导入模块: from exe.engine.path import Path [as 别名]
# 或者: from exe.engine.path.Path import safeSave [as 别名]
 def save(self, filename=None, tempFile=False):
     if filename:
         filename = Path(filename)
         # If we are being given a new filename...
         # Change our name to match our new filename
         name = filename.splitpath()[1]
         if not tempFile:
             self.name = name.basename().splitext()[0]
     elif self.filename:
         # Otherwise use our last saved/loaded from filename
         filename = Path(self.filename)
         # If we don't have a last saved/loaded from filename,
         # raise an exception because, we need to have a new
         # file passed when a brand new package is saved
         raise AssertionError(u'No name passed when saving a new package')
     if not tempFile:
         # Update our new filename for future saves
         self.filename = filename
         filename.safeSave(self.doSave, _('SAVE FAILED!\nLast succesful save is %s.'))
         self.isChanged = False

示例3: ScormExport

# 需要导入模块: from exe.engine.path import Path [as 别名]
# 或者: from exe.engine.path.Path import safeSave [as 别名]

        self.styleDir.copylist(styleFiles, outputDir)

        # copy the package's resource files

        # Copy the scripts
        if self.scormType == "commoncartridge":
                                      'common.js'), outputDir)
                                      'common.js'), outputDir)
        schemasDir = ""
        if self.scormType == "scorm1.2":
            schemasDir = self.schemasDir/"scorm1.2"
                                'ims_xml.xsd'), outputDir)
        elif self.scormType == "scorm2004":
            schemasDir = self.schemasDir/"scorm2004"
                                'ims_xml.xsd'), outputDir)

        # copy players for media idevices.                
        hasFlowplayer     = False
        hasMagnifier      = False
        hasXspfplayer     = False
        isBreak           = False
        for page in self.pages:
            if isBreak:
            for idevice in page.node.idevices:
                if (hasFlowplayer and hasMagnifier and hasXspfplayer):
                    isBreak = True
                if not hasFlowplayer:
                    if 'flowPlayer.swf' in idevice.systemResources:
                        hasFlowplayer = True
                if not hasMagnifier:
                    if 'magnifier.swf' in idevice.systemResources:
                        hasMagnifier = True
                if not hasXspfplayer:
                    if 'xspf_player.swf' in idevice.systemResources:
                        hasXspfplayer = True
        if hasFlowplayer:
            videofile = (self.templatesDir/'flowPlayer.swf')
        if hasMagnifier:
            videofile = (self.templatesDir/'magnifier.swf')
        if hasXspfplayer:
            videofile = (self.templatesDir/'xspf_player.swf')

        if self.scormType == "scorm1.2" or self.scormType == "scorm2004":
            if package.license == "GNU Free Documentation License":
                # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence
        # Zip it up!
        self.filename.safeSave(self.doZip, _('EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir)
        # Clean up the temporary dir

    def doZip(self, fileObj, outputDir):
        Actually does the zipping of the file. Called by 'Path.safeSave'
        # Zip up the scorm package
        zipped = ZipFile(fileObj, "w")
        for scormFile in outputDir.files():

    def generatePages(self, node, depth):
        Recursive function for exporting a node.
        'node' is the node that we are making a page for
        'depth' is the number of ancestors that the page has +1 (ie. root is 1)
        for child in node.children:
            pageName = child.titleShort.lower().replace(" ", "_")
            pageName = re.sub(r"\W", "", pageName)
            if not pageName:
                pageName = "__"

            page = ScormPage(pageName, depth, child, scormType=self.scormType)

            self.generatePages(child, depth + 1)

示例4: IMSExport

# 需要导入模块: from exe.engine.path import Path [as 别名]
# 或者: from exe.engine.path.Path import safeSave [as 别名]

                if not hasXspfplayer:
                    if 'xspf_player.swf' in idevice.systemResources:
                        hasXspfplayer = True
                if not hasGallery:
                    hasGallery = common.ideviceHasGallery(idevice)
                if not hasFX:
                    hasFX = common.ideviceHasFX(idevice)
                if not hasSH:
                    hasSH = common.ideviceHasSH(idevice)
                if not hasGames:
                    hasGames = common.ideviceHasGames(idevice)
                if not hasWikipedia:
                    if 'WikipediaIdevice' == idevice.klass:
                        hasWikipedia = True
                if not hasInstructions:
                    if 'TrueFalseIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'MultichoiceIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'VerdaderofalsofpdIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'EleccionmultiplefpdIdevice' == idevice.klass:
                        hasInstructions = True
                if not hasMediaelement:
                    hasMediaelement = common.ideviceHasMediaelement(idevice)
                if not hasTooltips:
                    hasTooltips = common.ideviceHasTooltips(idevice)

        if hasFlowplayer:
            videofile = (self.templatesDir/'flowPlayer.swf')
            controlsfile = (self.templatesDir/'flowplayer.controls.swf')
        if hasMagnifier:
            videofile = (self.templatesDir/'mojomagnify.js')
        if hasXspfplayer:
            videofile = (self.templatesDir/'xspf_player.swf')
        if hasGallery:
            exeLightbox = (self.scriptsDir/'exe_lightbox')
        if hasFX:
            exeEffects = (self.scriptsDir/'exe_effects')
        if hasSH:
            exeSH = (self.scriptsDir/'exe_highlighter')
        if hasGames:
            exeGames = (self.scriptsDir/'exe_games')
        if hasWikipedia:
            wikipediaCSS = (self.cssDir/'exe_wikipedia.css')
        if hasInstructions:
            common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('panel-amusements.png', self, outputDir)
            common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('stock-stop.png', self, outputDir)
        if hasMediaelement:
            mediaelement = (self.scriptsDir/'mediaelement')
            if dT != "HTML5":
                jsFile = (self.scriptsDir/'exe_html5.js')
        if hasTooltips:
            exe_tooltips = (self.scriptsDir/'exe_tooltips')
        if hasattr(package, 'exportSource') and package.exportSource:

        if package.license == "license GFDL":
            # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence
        # Zip it up!
        self.filename.safeSave(self.doZip, _('EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir)
        # Clean up the temporary dir

    def doZip(self, fileObj, outputDir):
        Actually does the zipping of the file. Called by 'Path.safeSave'
        zipped = ZipFile(fileObj, "w")
        for scormFile in outputDir.files():
                    scormFile.basename().encode('utf8'), ZIP_DEFLATED)

    def generatePages(self, node, depth):
        Recursive function for exporting a node.
        'outputDir' is the temporary directory that we are exporting to
        before creating zip file
        for child in node.children:
            pageName = child.titleShort.lower().replace(" ", "_")
            pageName = re.sub(r"\W", "", pageName)
            if not pageName:
                pageName = "__"

            page = IMSPage(pageName, depth, child, metadataType=self.metadataType)

            self.generatePages(child, depth + 1)

示例5: ScormExport

# 需要导入模块: from exe.engine.path import Path [as 别名]
# 或者: from exe.engine.path.Path import safeSave [as 别名]

            videofile.copyfile(outputDir / "mojomagnify.js")
        if hasXspfplayer:
            videofile = self.templatesDir / "xspf_player.swf"
            videofile.copyfile(outputDir / "xspf_player.swf")
        if hasGallery:
            imageGalleryCSS = self.cssDir / "exe_lightbox.css"
            imageGalleryCSS.copyfile(outputDir / "exe_lightbox.css")
            imageGalleryJS = self.scriptsDir / "exe_lightbox.js"
            imageGalleryJS.copyfile(outputDir / "exe_lightbox.js")
        if hasWikipedia:
            wikipediaCSS = self.cssDir / "exe_wikipedia.css"
            wikipediaCSS.copyfile(outputDir / "exe_wikipedia.css")
        if hasInstructions:
            common.copyFileIfNotInStyle("panel-amusements.png", self, outputDir)
            common.copyFileIfNotInStyle("stock-stop.png", self, outputDir)
        if hasMediaelement:
            mediaelement = self.scriptsDir / "mediaelement"
            if dT != "HTML5":
                jsFile = self.scriptsDir / "exe_html5.js"

        if self.scormType == "scorm1.2" or self.scormType == "scorm2004":
            if package.license == "license GFDL":
                # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence
                (self.templatesDir / "fdl.html").copyfile(outputDir / "fdl.html")

        if hasattr(package, "scowsinglepage") and package.scowsinglepage:
            page = SinglePage("singlepage_index", 1, package.root)
            page.save(outputDir / "singlepage_index.html")
            # Incluide eXe's icon if the Style doesn't have one
            themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir / package.style)
            themeFavicon = themePath.joinpath("favicon.ico")
            if not themeFavicon.exists():
                faviconFile = self.imagesDir / "favicon.ico"
                faviconFile.copyfile(outputDir / "favicon.ico")
        if hasattr(package, "scowwebsite") and package.scowwebsite:
            website = WebsiteExport(self.config, self.styleDir, outputDir, "website_")
            (self.styleDir / "nav.css").copyfile(outputDir / "nav.css")
            # Incluide eXe's icon if the Style doesn't have one
            themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir / package.style)
            themeFavicon = themePath.joinpath("favicon.ico")
            if not themeFavicon.exists():
                faviconFile = self.imagesDir / "favicon.ico"
                faviconFile.copyfile(outputDir / "favicon.ico")
        if hasattr(package, "exportSource") and package.exportSource:
            (G.application.config.webDir / "templates" / "content.xsd").copyfile(outputDir / "content.xsd")
            (outputDir / "content.data").write_bytes(encodeObject(package))
            (outputDir / "contentv3.xml").write_bytes(encodeObjectToXML(package))

        # Zip it up!
        self.filename.safeSave(self.doZip, _("EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s."), outputDir)
        # Clean up the temporary dir

    def doZip(self, fileObj, outputDir):
        Actually does the zipping of the file. Called by 'Path.safeSave'
        # Zip up the scorm package
        zipped = ZipFile(fileObj, "w")
        ## old method: only files could be copied:
        # for scormFile in outputDir.files():
        #    zipped.write(scormFile,
        #                 scormFile.basename().encode('utf8'),
        #                  ZIP_DEFLATED)
        ## but some folders must be included also, so:
        outputlen = len(outputDir) + 1
        for base, dirs, files in os.walk(outputDir):
            for file in files:
                fn = os.path.join(base, file)
                zipped.write(fn, fn[outputlen:].encode("utf8"), ZIP_DEFLATED)

    def generatePages(self, node, depth):
        Recursive function for exporting a node.
        'node' is the node that we are making a page for
        'depth' is the number of ancestors that the page has +1 (ie. root is 1)
        for child in node.children:
            pageName = child.titleShort.lower().replace(" ", "_")
            pageName = re.sub(r"\W", "", pageName)
            if not pageName:
                pageName = "__"

            page = ScormPage(pageName, depth, child, scormType=self.scormType, metadataType=self.metadataType)

            self.generatePages(child, depth + 1)

示例6: WebsiteExport

# 需要导入模块: from exe.engine.path import Path [as 别名]
# 或者: from exe.engine.path.Path import safeSave [as 别名]

        Export web site
        Cleans up the previous packages pages and performs the export
        outputDir = TempDirPath()

        # Import the Website Page class , if the secure mode is off.  If the style has it's own page class
        # use that, else use the default one.
        if self.styleSecureMode=="0":
            if (self.stylesDir/"websitepage.py").exists():
                global WebsitePage
                module = imp.load_source("websitepage", 
                WebsitePage = module.WebsitePage

        self.pages = [ WebsitePage("index", 0, package.root) ]
        self.generatePages(package.root, 1)

        prevPage = None
        thisPage = self.pages[0]

        for nextPage in self.pages[1:]:
            thisPage.save(outputDir, prevPage, nextPage, self.pages)
            prevPage = thisPage
            thisPage = nextPage

        thisPage.save(outputDir, prevPage, None, self.pages)
        self.copyFiles(package, outputDir)
        # Zip up the website package
        self.filename.safeSave(self.doZip, _('EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir)
        # Clean up the temporary dir

    def doZip(self, fileObj, outputDir):
        Actually saves the zip data. Called by 'Path.safeSave'
        zipped = ZipFile(fileObj, "w")
        for scormFile in outputDir.files():
            zipped.write(scormFile, scormFile.basename().encode('utf8'), ZIP_DEFLATED)

    def appendPageReport(self, page, package):
        if not page.node.idevices:self.report += u'"%s","%s",%d,"%s",,,,,,\n' % (package.filename,page.node.title, page.depth, page.name + '.html')
        for idevice in page.node.idevices:
            if not idevice.userResources:self.report += u'"%s","%s",%d,"%s","%s","%s",,,,\n' % (package.filename,page.node.title, page.depth, page.name + '.html', idevice.klass, idevice.title)
            for resource in idevice.userResources:
                if type(resource) == Resource:
                    self.report += u'"%s","%s",%d,"%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s"\n' % (package.filename,page.node.title, page.depth, page.name + '.html', idevice.klass, idevice.title, resource.storageName, resource.userName, resource.path, resource.checksum)
                    self.report += u'"%s",%d,"%s","%s","%s","%s",,,\n' % (package.filename,page.node.title, page.depth, page.name + '.html', idevice.klass, idevice.title, resource)

    def export(self, package):
        Export web site
        Cleans up the previous packages pages and performs the export
        if not self.report:
            outputDir = self.filename
            if not outputDir.exists():

示例7: Epub3Export

# 需要导入模块: from exe.engine.path import Path [as 别名]
# 或者: from exe.engine.path.Path import safeSave [as 别名]

        if hasWikipedia:
            wikipediaCSS = (self.cssDir / 'exe_wikipedia.css')
            wikipediaCSS.copyfile(contentPages / 'exe_wikipedia.css')
        if hasInstructions:
            common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('panel-amusements.png', self, contentPages)
            common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('stock-stop.png', self, contentPages)
        if hasTooltips:
            exe_tooltips = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_tooltips')
        if hasABCMusic:
            pluginScripts = (self.scriptsDir/'tinymce_4/js/tinymce/plugins/abcmusic/export')

        my_style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle(package.style)
        if my_style.hasValidConfig:
            if my_style.get_jquery() == True:
                jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_jquery.js')
                jsFile.copyfile(contentPages / 'exe_jquery.js')
            jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_jquery.js')
            jsFile.copyfile(contentPages / 'exe_jquery.js')

        # Copy and minify CSS files
        css_files = getFilesCSSToMinify('epub3', self.styleDir)
        exportMinFileCSS(css_files, contentPages)

        # Copy and minify JS files
        js_files = getFilesJSToMinify('epub3', self.scriptsDir)
        exportMinFileJS(js_files, contentPages)

#         if hasattr(package, 'exportSource') and package.exportSource:
#             (G.application.config.webDir / 'templates' / 'content.xsd').copyfile(outputDir / 'content.xsd')
#             (outputDir / 'content.data').write_bytes(encodeObject(package))
#             (outputDir / 'contentv3.xml').write_bytes(encodeObjectToXML(package))

        if package.license == "license GFDL":
            # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence
            (self.templatesDir / 'fdl.html').copyfile(contentPages / 'fdl.html')

        # Create the nav.xhtml file
        container = NavEpub3(self.pages, contentPages)

        # Create the publication file
        publication = PublicationEpub3(self.config, contentPages, package, self.pages, cover)

        # Create the container file
        container = ContainerEpub3(metainfPages)

        # Zip it up!
        self.filename.safeSave(self.doZip, _(u'EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir)
        # Clean up the temporary dir


    def doZip(self, fileObj, outputDir):
        Actually does the zipping of the file. Called by 'Path.safeSave'
        zipped = ZipFile(fileObj, "w")

        mimetype = outputDir / "mimetype"
        zipped.write(mimetype, "mimetype", ZIP_STORED)

        for epubFile in outputDir.walkfiles():
            if epubFile.basename() == 'mimetype':
            relativePath = epubFile.basename()
            parentdir = epubFile.splitpath()[0]
            while (outputDir.basename() != parentdir.basename()):
                relativePath = parentdir.basename() / relativePath
                parentdir = parentdir.splitpath()[0]


    def generatePages(self, node, depth):
        Recursive function for exporting a node.
        'node' is the node that we are making a page for
        'depth' is the number of ancestors that the page has +1 (ie. root is 1)
        pageName = node.titleShort.lower().replace(" ", u"_")
        pageName = re.sub(r"\W", "", pageName)
        if not pageName:
            pageName = u"__"

        if pageName[0] in [unicode(i) for i in range(0, 10)]:
            pageName = u'_' + pageName

        page = Epub3Page(pageName, depth, node)

        for child in node.children:
            self.generatePages(child, depth + 1)

示例8: IMSExport

# 需要导入模块: from exe.engine.path import Path [as 别名]
# 或者: from exe.engine.path.Path import safeSave [as 别名]

        # Export the package content
        self.pages = [ IMSPage("index", 1, package.root) ]

        self.generatePages(package.root, 2)

        for page in self.pages:

        # Create the manifest file
        manifest = Manifest(self.config, outputDir, package, self.pages)
        # Copy the scripts
                                  'common.js'), outputDir)
                                  'ims_xml.xsd'), outputDir)

        # copy players for media idevices.                
        hasFlowplayer     = False
        hasMagnifier      = False
        hasXspfplayer     = False
        hasGallery        = False
        isBreak           = False
        for page in self.pages:
            if isBreak:
            for idevice in page.node.idevices:
                if (hasFlowplayer and hasMagnifier and hasXspfplayer and hasGallery):
                    isBreak = True
                if not hasFlowplayer:
                    if 'flowPlayer.swf' in idevice.systemResources:
                        hasFlowplayer = True
                if not hasMagnifier:
                    if 'magnifier.swf' in idevice.systemResources:
                        hasMagnifier = True
                if not hasXspfplayer:
                    if 'xspf_player.swf' in idevice.systemResources:
                        hasXspfplayer = True
                if not hasGallery:
                    if 'GalleryIdevice' == idevice.klass:
                        hasGallery = True
        if hasFlowplayer:
            videofile = (self.templatesDir/'flowPlayer.swf')
            controlsfile = (self.templatesDir/'flowplayer.controls.swf')
        if hasMagnifier:
            videofile = (self.templatesDir/'magnifier.swf')
        if hasXspfplayer:
            videofile = (self.templatesDir/'xspf_player.swf')
        if hasGallery:
            imageGalleryCSS = (self.cssDir/'exe_lightbox.css')
            imageGalleryJS = (self.scriptsDir/'exe_lightbox.js')
            self.imagesDir.copylist(('exeGallery_actions.png', 'exeGallery_loading.gif', 'stock-insert-image.png'), outputDir)

        if package.license == "GNU Free Documentation License":
            # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence
        # Zip it up!
        self.filename.safeSave(self.doZip, _('EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir)
        # Clean up the temporary dir

    def doZip(self, fileObj, outputDir):
        Actually does the zipping of the file. Called by 'Path.safeSave'
        zipped = ZipFile(fileObj, "w")
        for scormFile in outputDir.files():
                    scormFile.basename().encode('utf8'), ZIP_DEFLATED)

    def generatePages(self, node, depth):
        Recursive function for exporting a node.
        'outputDir' is the temporary directory that we are exporting to
        before creating zip file
        for child in node.children:
            pageName = child.titleShort.lower().replace(" ", "_")
            pageName = re.sub(r"\W", "", pageName)
            if not pageName:
                pageName = "__"

            page = IMSPage(pageName, depth, child)

            self.generatePages(child, depth + 1)

示例9: WebsiteExport

# 需要导入模块: from exe.engine.path import Path [as 别名]
# 或者: from exe.engine.path.Path import safeSave [as 别名]
class WebsiteExport(object):
    WebsiteExport will export a package as a website of HTML pages
    def __init__(self, config, styleDir, filename):
        'stylesDir' is the directory where we can copy the stylesheets from
        'outputDir' is the directory that will be [over]written
        with the website
        self.config       = config
        self.imagesDir    = config.webDir/"images"
        self.scriptsDir   = config.webDir/"scripts"
        self.templatesDir = config.webDir/"templates"
        self.stylesDir    = Path(styleDir)
        self.filename     = Path(filename)
        self.pages        = []
    def exportZip(self, package):
        Export web site
        Cleans up the previous packages pages and performs the export
        outputDir = TempDirPath()
        self.copyFiles(package, outputDir)
        if (self.stylesDir/"websitepage.py").exists():
            global WebsitePage
            module = imp.load_source("websitepage", 
            WebsitePage = module.WebsitePage
        self.pages = [ WebsitePage("index", 1, package.root) ]
        self.generatePages(package.root, 1)
        prevPage = None
        thisPage = self.pages[0]
        for nextPage in self.pages[1:]:
            thisPage.save(outputDir, prevPage, nextPage, self.pages)
            prevPage = thisPage
            thisPage = nextPage
        thisPage.save(outputDir, prevPage, None, self.pages)
        self.filename.safeSave(self.doZip, _('EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir)
    def doZip(self, fileObj, outputDir):
        Actually saves the zip data. Called by 'Path.safeSave'
        zipped = ZipFile(fileObj, "w")
        for scormFile in outputDir.files():
            zipped.write(scormFile, scormFile.basename().encode('utf8'), ZIP_DEFLATED)
    def export(self, package):
        Export web site
        Cleans up the previous packages pages and performs the export
        outputDir = self.filename
        if not outputDir.exists(): 
        self.copyFiles(package, outputDir)
        if (self.stylesDir/"websitepage.py").exists():
            global WebsitePage
            module = imp.load_source("websitepage", 
            WebsitePage = module.WebsitePage
        self.pages = [ WebsitePage("index", 1, package.root) ]
        self.generatePages(package.root, 1)
        prevPage = None
        thisPage = self.pages[0]
        for nextPage in self.pages[1:]:
            thisPage.save(outputDir, prevPage, nextPage, self.pages)
            prevPage = thisPage
            thisPage = nextPage
        thisPage.save(outputDir, prevPage, None, self.pages)
    def copyFiles(self, package, outputDir):
        Copy all the files used by the website.
        styleFiles  = [self.stylesDir/'..'/'base.css']
        styleFiles += [self.stylesDir/'..'/'popup_bg.gif']
        styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.css")
        styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.jpg")
        styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.gif")
        styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.png")
        styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.js")
        styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.html")
        self.stylesDir.copylist(styleFiles, outputDir)
        self.scriptsDir.copylist(('libot_drag.js', 'common.js'), 
        self.templatesDir.copylist(('videoContainer.swf', 'magnifier.swf',
                                    'xspf_player.swf'), outputDir)
    def generatePages(self, node, depth):
        Recursively generate pages and store in pages member variable
        for retrieving later
        for child in node.children:
            pageName = child.titleShort.lower().replace(" ", "_")
            pageName = re.sub(r"\W", "", pageName)

示例10: ScormExport

# 需要导入模块: from exe.engine.path import Path [as 别名]
# 或者: from exe.engine.path.Path import safeSave [as 别名]

            common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('stock-stop.png', self, outputDir)
        if hasMediaelement:
            mediaelement = (self.scriptsDir/'mediaelement')
            if dT != "HTML5":
                jsFile = (self.scriptsDir/'exe_html5.js')
        if hasTooltips:
            exe_tooltips = (self.scriptsDir/'exe_tooltips')
        if hasABCMusic:
            pluginScripts = (self.scriptsDir/'tinymce_4/js/tinymce/plugins/abcmusic/export')
        ext = ".html"
        if G.application.config.cutFileName == "1":
            ext = ".htm"

        if self.scormType == "scorm1.2" or self.scormType == "scorm2004":
            if package.license == "license GFDL":
                # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence
                (self.templatesDir/'fdl' + ext).copyfile(outputDir/'fdl' + ext)

        if hasattr(package, 'scowsinglepage') and package.scowsinglepage:
            page = SinglePage("singlepage_index", 1, package.root)
            page.save(outputDir/"singlepage_index" + ext)
            # Incluide eXe's icon if the Style doesn't have one
            themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir/package.style)
            themeFavicon = themePath.joinpath("favicon.ico")
            if not themeFavicon.exists():
                faviconFile = (self.imagesDir/'favicon.ico')
        if hasattr(package, 'scowwebsite') and package.scowwebsite:
            website = WebsiteExport(self.config, self.styleDir, outputDir, "website_")
            # Incluide eXe's icon if the Style doesn't have one
            themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir/package.style)
            themeFavicon = themePath.joinpath("favicon.ico")
            if not themeFavicon.exists():
                faviconFile = (self.imagesDir/'favicon.ico')
        if hasattr(package, 'exportSource') and package.exportSource:

        # Zip it up!
        self.filename.safeSave(self.doZip, _('EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir)
        # Clean up the temporary dir

        return modifiedMetaData

    def doZip(self, fileObj, outputDir):
        Actually does the zipping of the file. Called by 'Path.safeSave'
        # Zip up the scorm package
        zipped = ZipFile(fileObj, "w")
        ## old method: only files could be copied:
        # for scormFile in outputDir.files():
        #    zipped.write(scormFile,
        #                 scormFile.basename().encode('utf8'),
        #                  ZIP_DEFLATED)
        ## but some folders must be included also, so:
        outputlen = len(outputDir) + 1
        for base, dirs, files in os.walk(outputDir):
            for file in files:
                fn = os.path.join(base, file)
                zipped.write(fn, fn[outputlen:].encode('utf8'), ZIP_DEFLATED)

    def generatePages(self, node, depth):
        Recursive function for exporting a node.
        'node' is the node that we are making a page for
        'depth' is the number of ancestors that the page has +1 (ie. root is 1)
        for child in node.children:
            pageName = child.titleShort.lower().replace(" ", "_")
            pageName = re.sub(r"\W", "", pageName)
            if not pageName:
                pageName = "__"

            page = ScormPage(pageName, depth, child, scormType=self.scormType, metadataType=self.metadataType)

            self.generatePages(child, depth + 1)

    def hasUncutResources(self):
        Check if any of the resources in the exported package has an uncut filename
        for page in self.pages:
            for idevice in page.node.idevices:
                for resource in idevice.userResources:
                    if type(resource) == Resource and len(resource.storageName) > 12:
                        return True
        return False

示例11: WebsiteExport

# 需要导入模块: from exe.engine.path import Path [as 别名]
# 或者: from exe.engine.path.Path import safeSave [as 别名]

    def exportZip(self, package):
        Export web site
        Cleans up the previous packages pages and performs the export
        outputDir = TempDirPath()

        # Import the Website Page class , if the secure mode is off.  If the style has it's own page class
        # use that, else use the default one.
        if self.styleSecureMode=="0":
            if (self.stylesDir/"websitepage.py").exists():
                global WebsitePage
                module = imp.load_source("websitepage", 
                WebsitePage = module.WebsitePage

        self.pages = [ WebsitePage("index", 0, package.root) ]
        self.generatePages(package.root, 1)

        prevPage = None
        thisPage = self.pages[0]

        for nextPage in self.pages[1:]:
            thisPage.save(outputDir, prevPage, nextPage, self.pages)
            prevPage = thisPage
            thisPage = nextPage

        thisPage.save(outputDir, prevPage, None, self.pages)
        self.copyFiles(package, outputDir)
        # Zip up the website package
        self.filename.safeSave(self.doZip, _('EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir)
        # Clean up the temporary dir

    def doZip(self, fileObj, outputDir):
        Actually saves the zip data. Called by 'Path.safeSave'
        zipped = ZipFile(fileObj, "w")
        for scormFile in outputDir.files():
            zipped.write(scormFile, scormFile.basename().encode('utf8'), ZIP_DEFLATED)

    def appendPageReport(self, page, package):
        if not page.node.idevices:self.report += u'"%s","%s",%d,"%s",,,,,,\n' % (package.filename,page.node.title, page.depth, page.name + '.html')
        for idevice in page.node.idevices:
            if not idevice.userResources:self.report += u'"%s","%s",%d,"%s","%s","%s",,,,\n' % (package.filename,page.node.title, page.depth, page.name + '.html', idevice.klass, idevice.title)
            for resource in idevice.userResources:
                if type(resource) == Resource:
                    self.report += u'"%s","%s",%d,"%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s"\n' % (package.filename,page.node.title, page.depth, page.name + '.html', idevice.klass, idevice.title, resource.storageName, resource.userName, resource.path, resource.checksum)
                    self.report += u'"%s",%d,"%s","%s","%s","%s",,,\n' % (package.filename,page.node.title, page.depth, page.name + '.html', idevice.klass, idevice.title, resource)

    def export(self, package):
        Export web site
        Cleans up the previous packages pages and performs the export
        if not self.report:
            outputDir = self.filename
            if not outputDir.exists():

示例12: ScormExport

# 需要导入模块: from exe.engine.path import Path [as 别名]
# 或者: from exe.engine.path.Path import safeSave [as 别名]

        hasXspfplayer     = False
        hasGallery        = False
        isBreak           = False
        for page in self.pages:
            if isBreak:
            for idevice in page.node.idevices:
                if (hasFlowplayer and hasMagnifier and hasXspfplayer and hasGallery):
                    isBreak = True
                if not hasFlowplayer:
                    if 'flowPlayer.swf' in idevice.systemResources:
                        hasFlowplayer = True
                if not hasMagnifier:
                    if 'magnifier.swf' in idevice.systemResources:
                        hasMagnifier = True
                if not hasXspfplayer:
                    if 'xspf_player.swf' in idevice.systemResources:
                        hasXspfplayer = True
                if not hasGallery:
                    if 'GalleryIdevice' == idevice.klass:
                        hasGallery = True
        if hasFlowplayer:
            videofile = (self.templatesDir/'flowPlayer.swf')
            controlsfile = (self.templatesDir/'flowplayer.controls.swf')
        if hasMagnifier:
            videofile = (self.templatesDir/'magnifier.swf')
        if hasXspfplayer:
            videofile = (self.templatesDir/'xspf_player.swf')
        if hasGallery:
            imageGalleryCSS = (self.cssDir/'exe_lightbox.css')
            imageGalleryJS = (self.scriptsDir/'exe_lightbox.js')
            self.imagesDir.copylist(('exeGallery_actions.png', 'exeGallery_loading.gif', 'stock-insert-image.png'), outputDir)

        if self.scormType == "scorm1.2" or self.scormType == "scorm2004":
            if package.license == "GNU Free Documentation License":
                # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence
        if hasattr(package, 'scowsinglepage') and package.scowsinglepage:
            page = SinglePage("singlepage_index", 1, package.root)
        if hasattr(package, 'scowwebsite') and package.scowwebsite:
            website = WebsiteExport(self.config, self.styleDir, outputDir, "website_")
        if hasattr(package, 'scowsource') and package.scowsource:

        # Zip it up!
        self.filename.safeSave(self.doZip, _('EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir)
        # Clean up the temporary dir

    def doZip(self, fileObj, outputDir):
        Actually does the zipping of the file. Called by 'Path.safeSave'
        # Zip up the scorm package
        zipped = ZipFile(fileObj, "w")
        ## old method: only files could be copied:
        # for scormFile in outputDir.files():
        #    zipped.write(scormFile,
        #                 scormFile.basename().encode('utf8'),
        #                  ZIP_DEFLATED)
        ## but some folders must be included also, so:
        outputlen = len(outputDir) + 1
        for base, dirs, files in os.walk(outputDir):
            for file in files:
                fn = os.path.join(base, file)
                zipped.write(fn, fn[outputlen:].encode('utf8'), ZIP_DEFLATED)

    def generatePages(self, node, depth):
        Recursive function for exporting a node.
        'node' is the node that we are making a page for
        'depth' is the number of ancestors that the page has +1 (ie. root is 1)
        for child in node.children:
            pageName = child.titleShort.lower().replace(" ", "_")
            pageName = re.sub(r"\W", "", pageName)
            if not pageName:
                pageName = "__"

            page = ScormPage(pageName, depth, child, scormType=self.scormType, metadataType=self.metadataType)

            self.generatePages(child, depth + 1)

示例13: ScormExport

# 需要导入模块: from exe.engine.path import Path [as 别名]
# 或者: from exe.engine.path.Path import safeSave [as 别名]
class ScormExport(object):
    Exports an eXe package as a SCORM package
    def __init__(self, config, styleDir, filename, scormType):
        'styleDir' is the directory from which we will copy our style sheets
        (and some gifs)
        self.config       = config
        self.imagesDir    = config.webDir/"images"
        self.scriptsDir   = config.webDir/"scripts"
        self.templatesDir = config.webDir/"templates"
        self.styleDir     = Path(styleDir)
        self.filename     = Path(filename)
        self.pages        = []
        self.hasForum     = False
        self.scormType    = scormType
    def export(self, package):
        Export SCORM package
        outputDir = TempDirPath()
        styleFiles  = [self.styleDir/'..'/'base.css']
        styleFiles += [self.styleDir/'..'/'popup_bg.gif']
        styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.css")
        if "nav.css" in styleFiles:
        styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.jpg")
        styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.gif")
        styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.png")
        styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.js")
        styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.html")
        self.styleDir.copylist(styleFiles, outputDir)
        self.pages = [ ScormPage("index", 1, package.root) ]
        self.generatePages(package.root, 2)
        for page in self.pages:
            if not self.hasForum:
                for idevice in page.node.idevices:
                    if hasattr(idevice, "isForum"):
                        if idevice.forum.lms.lms == "moodle":
                            self.hasForum = True
        manifest = Manifest(self.config, outputDir, package, self.pages, self.scormType)
        if self.hasForum:
                                  'common.js'), outputDir)
        self.templatesDir.copylist(('videoContainer.swf', 'magnifier.swf',
        self.filename.safeSave(self.doZip, _('EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir)
    def doZip(self, fileObj, outputDir):
        Actually does the zipping of the file. Called by 'Path.safeSave'
        zipped = ZipFile(fileObj, "w")
        for scormFile in outputDir.files():
    def generatePages(self, node, depth):
        Recursive function for exporting a node.
        'node' is the node that we are making a page for
        'depth' is the number of ancestors that the page has +1 (ie. root is 1)
        for child in node.children:
            pageName = child.titleShort.lower().replace(" ", "_")
            pageName = re.sub(r"\W", "", pageName)
            if not pageName:
                pageName = "__"
            page = ScormPage(pageName, depth, child)
            self.generatePages(child, depth + 1)

示例14: WebsiteExport

# 需要导入模块: from exe.engine.path import Path [as 别名]
# 或者: from exe.engine.path.Path import safeSave [as 别名]
class WebsiteExport(object):
    WebsiteExport will export a package as a website of HTML pages
    def __init__(self, config, styleDir, filename, prefix="", report=False):
        'stylesDir' is the directory where we can copy the stylesheets from
        'outputDir' is the directory that will be [over]written
        with the website
        self.config          = config
        self.imagesDir       = config.webDir/"images"
        self.scriptsDir      = config.webDir/"scripts"
        self.cssDir          = config.webDir/"css"
        self.templatesDir    = config.webDir/"templates"
        self.stylesDir       = Path(styleDir)
        self.filename        = Path(filename)
        self.pages           = []
        self.prefix          = prefix
        self.report          = report
        self.styleSecureMode = config.styleSecureMode

    def exportZip(self, package):
        Export web site
        Cleans up the previous packages pages and performs the export
        outputDir = TempDirPath()

        # Import the Website Page class , if the secure mode is off.  If the style has it's own page class
        # use that, else use the default one.
        if self.styleSecureMode=="0":
            if (self.stylesDir/"websitepage.py").exists():
                global WebsitePage
                module = imp.load_source("websitepage", 
                WebsitePage = module.WebsitePage

        self.pages = [ WebsitePage("index", 0, package.root) ]
        self.generatePages(package.root, 1)

        prevPage = None
        thisPage = self.pages[0]

        for nextPage in self.pages[1:]:
            thisPage.save(outputDir, prevPage, nextPage, self.pages)
            prevPage = thisPage
            thisPage = nextPage

        thisPage.save(outputDir, prevPage, None, self.pages)
        self.copyFiles(package, outputDir)
        # Zip up the website package
        self.filename.safeSave(self.doZip, _('EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir)
        # Clean up the temporary dir

    def doZip(self, fileObj, outputDir):
        Actually saves the zip data. Called by 'Path.safeSave'
        zipped = ZipFile(fileObj, "w")
        for scormFile in outputDir.files():
            zipped.write(scormFile, scormFile.basename().encode('utf8'), ZIP_DEFLATED)

    def appendPageReport(self, page, package):
        if not page.node.idevices:self.report += u'"%s","%s",%d,"%s",,,,,,\n' % (package.filename,page.node.title, page.depth, page.name + '.html')
        for idevice in page.node.idevices:
            if not idevice.userResources:self.report += u'"%s","%s",%d,"%s","%s","%s",,,,\n' % (package.filename,page.node.title, page.depth, page.name + '.html', idevice.klass, idevice.title)
            for resource in idevice.userResources:
                if type(resource) == Resource:
                    self.report += u'"%s","%s",%d,"%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s"\n' % (package.filename,page.node.title, page.depth, page.name + '.html', idevice.klass, idevice.title, resource.storageName, resource.userName, resource.path, resource.checksum)
                    self.report += u'"%s",%d,"%s","%s","%s","%s",,,\n' % (package.filename,page.node.title, page.depth, page.name + '.html', idevice.klass, idevice.title, resource)

    def export(self, package):
        Export web site
        Cleans up the previous packages pages and performs the export
        if not self.report:
            outputDir = self.filename
            if not outputDir.exists():

        # Import the Website Page class.  If the style has it's own page class
        # use that, else use the default one.
        if (self.stylesDir/"websitepage.py").exists():
            global WebsitePage
            module = imp.load_source("websitepage", 
            WebsitePage = module.WebsitePage

        self.pages = [ WebsitePage(self.prefix + "index", 0, package.root) ]
        self.generatePages(package.root, 1)

示例15: WebsiteExport

# 需要导入模块: from exe.engine.path import Path [as 别名]
# 或者: from exe.engine.path.Path import safeSave [as 别名]
class WebsiteExport(object):
    WebsiteExport will export a package as a website of HTML pages
    def __init__(self, config, styleDir, filename, prefix=""):
        'stylesDir' is the directory where we can copy the stylesheets from
        'outputDir' is the directory that will be [over]written
        with the website
        self.config       = config
        self.imagesDir    = config.webDir/"images"
        self.scriptsDir   = config.webDir/"scripts"
        self.cssDir       = config.webDir/"css"
        self.templatesDir = config.webDir/"templates"
        self.stylesDir    = Path(styleDir)
        self.filename     = Path(filename)
        self.pages        = []
        self.prefix       = prefix

    def exportZip(self, package):
        Export web site
        Cleans up the previous packages pages and performs the export
        outputDir = TempDirPath()

        # Import the Website Page class.  If the style has it's own page class
        # use that, else use the default one.
        if (self.stylesDir/"websitepage.py").exists():
            global WebsitePage
            module = imp.load_source("websitepage", 
            WebsitePage = module.WebsitePage

        self.pages = [ WebsitePage("index", 1, package.root) ]
        self.generatePages(package.root, 1)

        prevPage = None
        thisPage = self.pages[0]

        for nextPage in self.pages[1:]:
            thisPage.save(outputDir, prevPage, nextPage, self.pages)
            prevPage = thisPage
            thisPage = nextPage

        thisPage.save(outputDir, prevPage, None, self.pages)
        self.copyFiles(package, outputDir)
        # Zip up the website package
        self.filename.safeSave(self.doZip, _('EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir)
        # Clean up the temporary dir

    def doZip(self, fileObj, outputDir):
        Actually saves the zip data. Called by 'Path.safeSave'
        zipped = ZipFile(fileObj, "w")
        for scormFile in outputDir.files():
            zipped.write(scormFile, scormFile.basename().encode('utf8'), ZIP_DEFLATED)
    def export(self, package):
        Export web site
        Cleans up the previous packages pages and performs the export
        outputDir = self.filename
        if not outputDir.exists(): 
        # Import the Website Page class.  If the style has it's own page class
        # use that, else use the default one.
        if (self.stylesDir/"websitepage.py").exists():
            global WebsitePage
            module = imp.load_source("websitepage", 
            WebsitePage = module.WebsitePage

        self.pages = [ WebsitePage(self.prefix + "index", 1, package.root) ]
        self.generatePages(package.root, 1)

        prevPage = None
        thisPage = self.pages[0]

        for nextPage in self.pages[1:]:
            thisPage.save(outputDir, prevPage, nextPage, self.pages)
            prevPage = thisPage
            thisPage = nextPage

        thisPage.save(outputDir, prevPage, None, self.pages)
        if self.prefix == "":
            self.copyFiles(package, outputDir)

