本文整理汇总了Python中etgen.html.E.b方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python E.b方法的具体用法?Python E.b怎么用?Python E.b使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类etgen.html.E
示例1: show_state
# 需要导入模块: from etgen.html import E [as 别名]
# 或者: from etgen.html.E import b [as 别名]
def show_state():
#~ l.append(E.b(unicode(state),style="vertical-align:middle;"))
if state.button_text:
l.append(E.b(u"{} {}".format(state.button_text, state)))
示例2: about_html
# 需要导入模块: from etgen.html import E [as 别名]
# 或者: from etgen.html.E import b [as 别名]
def about_html(cls):
body = []
if settings.SITE.languages:
body.append(E.p(str(_("Languages")) + ": " + ', '.join([
lng.django_code for lng in settings.SITE.languages])))
# print "20121112 startup_time", settings.SITE.startup_time.date()
def dtfmt(dt):
if isinstance(dt, float):
dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(dt)
# raise ValueError("Expected float, go %r" % dt)
return str(_("%(date)s at %(time)s")) % dict(
value = settings.SITE.startup_time
label = _("Server uptime")
str(label), ' : ', E.b(dtfmt(value)),
' ({})'.format(settings.TIME_ZONE)))
if settings.SITE.is_demo_site:
s = str(_("This is a Lino demo site."))
if settings.SITE.the_demo_date:
s = _("We are running with simulated date set to {0}.").format(
body.append(E.p(str(_("Source timestamps:"))))
items = []
times = []
packages = set(['lino', 'django', 'atelier'])
for p in settings.SITE.installed_plugins:
for src in packages:
label = src
value = codetime('%s.*' % src)
if value is not None:
times.append((label, value))
times.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
for label, value in times:
items.append(E.li(str(label), ' : ', E.b(dtfmt(value))))
return rt.html_text(E.div(*body))
示例3: body_subject_to_elems
# 需要导入模块: from etgen.html import E [as 别名]
# 或者: from etgen.html.E import b [as 别名]
def body_subject_to_elems(ar, title, description):
Convert the given `title` and `description` to a list of HTML
Used by :mod:`lino.modlib.notify` and by :mod:`lino_xl.lib.sales`
if description:
elems = [E.p(E.b(title), E.br())]
elems += rich_text_to_elems(ar, description)
elems = [E.b(title)]
# return E.span(self.title)
return elems
示例4: get_change_desc_html
# 需要导入模块: from etgen.html import E [as 别名]
# 或者: from etgen.html.E import b [as 别名]
def get_change_desc_html(self, f, old, new):
from lino.core.choicelists import ChoiceListField
if isinstance(f, models.TextField):
old = old or ''
new = new or ''
if False:
diff = difflib.unified_diff(
old.splitlines(), new.splitlines(),
fromfile="before", tofile="after", lineterm='')
txt = E.pre('\n'.join(diff))
labels = {
'+': _("lines added"),
'-': _("lines removed"),
'?': _("modifications"),
' ': _("lines changed")}
diff = list(difflib.ndiff(
old.splitlines(), new.splitlines()))
counters = {}
for ln in diff:
if ln:
k = ln[0]
c = counters.get(k, 0)
counters[k] = c + 1
txt = ', '.join([
"{0} {1}".format(n, labels[op])
for op, n in counters.items()])
return E.li(
E.b(str(f.verbose_name)), " : ", txt)
if isinstance(f, models.DateTimeField):
if isinstance(f, models.ForeignKey):
if old:
old = f.remote_field.model.objects.get(pk=old)
if new:
new = f.remote_field.model.objects.get(pk=new)
elif isinstance(f, ChoiceListField):
if isinstance(old, six.string_types):
old = f.choicelist.get_by_value(old)
if isinstance(new, six.string_types):
new = f.choicelist.get_by_value(new)
old = obj2unicode(old)
new = obj2unicode(new)
return E.li(
E.b(str(f.verbose_name)), " : ",
u"{0} --> {1}".format(old, new))
示例5: href_button
# 需要导入模块: from etgen.html import E [as 别名]
# 或者: from etgen.html.E import b [as 别名]
def href_button(self, url, text, title=None, icon_name=None, **kw):
"""Returns an etree object of a ``<a href>`` tag to the given URL
`url` is what goes into the `href` part. If `url` is `None`,
then we return just a ``<b>`` tag.
`text` is what goes between the ``<a>`` and the ``</a>``. This
can be either a string or a tuple (or list) of strings (or
etree elements).
# logger.info('20121002 href_button %s', unicode(text))
if title:
# Remember that Python 2.6 doesn't like if title is a Promise
#~ return xghtml.E.a(text,href=url,title=title)
if not isinstance(text, (tuple, list)):
text = (text,)
text = forcetext(text)
if url is None:
return E.b(*text)
if icon_name is not None:
src = settings.SITE.build_static_url(
'images', 'mjames', icon_name + '.png')
img = E.img(src=src, alt=icon_name)
return E.a(img, **kw)
return E.a(*text, **kw)
示例6: value2html
# 需要导入模块: from etgen.html import E [as 别名]
# 或者: from etgen.html.E import b [as 别名]
def value2html(self, ar):
txt = dd.format_currency(self.value, False, True)
if self.item.is_heading():
# return E.b(txt)
return E.div(E.b(txt), align="right")
# return txt
return E.div(txt, align="right")
示例7: what
# 需要导入模块: from etgen.html import E [as 别名]
# 或者: from etgen.html.E import b [as 别名]
def what(self, obj, ar):
chunks = []
if obj.name:
chunks += [E.b(str(obj)), E.br()]
chunks += sepjoin(obj.features.all())
#~ if obj.url:
#~ chunks += [E.br(),E.a(_("More"),href=obj.url)]
return E.p(*chunks)
示例8: description
# 需要导入模块: from etgen.html import E [as 别名]
# 或者: from etgen.html.E import b [as 别名]
def description(self, ar):
if self.ref is None:
s = self.get_designation()
s = self.ref
s = u' ' * (len(s)-1) + s
s += " " + self.get_designation()
if self.is_heading():
s = E.b(s)
return s
示例9: question
# 需要导入模块: from etgen.html import E [as 别名]
# 或者: from etgen.html.E import b [as 别名]
def question(self, obj, ar):
if obj.question.number:
txt = obj.question.NUMBERED_TITLE_FORMAT % (
obj.question.number, obj.question.title)
txt = obj.question.title
attrs = {}
if obj.question.details:
if obj.question.is_heading:
txt = E.b(txt, **attrs)
return ar.html_text(E.span(txt, **attrs))
示例10: get_rfc_description
# 需要导入模块: from etgen.html import E [as 别名]
# 或者: from etgen.html.E import b [as 别名]
def get_rfc_description(self, ar):
html = ''
_ = gettext
if self.description:
# html += tostring(E.b(_("Description")))
html += ar.parse_memo(self.description)
if self.upgrade_notes:
html += tostring(E.b(_("Resolution"))) + ": "
html += ar.parse_memo(self.upgrade_notes)
if self.duplicate_of_id:
html += tostring(_("Duplicate of")) + " "
html += tostring(self.duplicate_of.obj2href(ar))
return html
示例11: get_table_summary
# 需要导入模块: from etgen.html import E [as 别名]
# 或者: from etgen.html.E import b [as 别名]
def get_table_summary(self, obj, ar):
"""Customized :meth:`summary view
<lino.core.actors.Actor.get_table_summary>` for this table.
sar = self.request_from(ar, master_instance=obj)
html = []
states = {}
for s, d in VoteStates.choices:
states[s] = []
u = ar.get_user()
for o in sar:
states[o.state].append(ar.obj2html(o, o.user.initials or str(o.user), title=o.state))
if u == o.user:
html.insert(0, E.span(
u" \u2192 ",
*join_elems([sar.action_button(ba, o) for ba in sar.actor.get_actions()
if ba.action.show_in_workflow and
sar.actor.get_row_permission(o, sar, o.state, ba) and
isinstance(ba.action, dd.ChangeStateAction)],
" ")
*[E.li(*([str(s.text), ": "] + join_elems(states[s], sep=", "))) for s, c in VoteStates.choices
if states[s]
# print(tostring(html))
# items = [
# ar.obj2html(o, o.user.username or str(o.user))
# for o in rt.models.votes.Vote.objects.filter(
# votable=obj).order_by('-id')]
# sar.get_user() == v.user
sar = self.insert_action.request_from(sar)
if sar.get_permission():
# btn = sar.ar2button(None, _("Add voter"), icon_name=None)
btn = sar.ar2button()
# btn = sar.ar2button(None, u"⏍", icon_name=None) # 23CD SQUARE FOOT
# btn = sar.ar2button(None, u"⊞", icon_name=None) # 229e SQUARED PLUS
return ar.html_text(E.div(*html))
示例12: answer_buttons
# 需要导入模块: from etgen.html import E [as 别名]
# 或者: from etgen.html.E import b [as 别名]
def answer_buttons(self, obj, ar):
# assert isinstance(obj, Answer)
cs = obj.question.get_choiceset()
if cs is None:
return ''
elems = []
pv = dict(question=obj.question)
# ia = obj.response.toggle_choice
sar = obj.response.toggle_choice.request_from(
ar, is_on_main_actor=False)
# print(20170731, sar.is_on_main_actor)
if False: # since 20170129
ba = Responses.actions.toggle_choice
if ba is None:
raise Exception("No toggle_choice on {0}?".format(ar.actor))
sar = ba.request_from(ar)
# print("20150203 answer_buttons({0})".format(sar))
# if the response is registered, just display the choice, no
# toggle buttons since answer cannot be toggled:
# 20151211
sar.selected_rows = [obj.response]
if not sar.get_permission():
return str(obj)
AnswerChoice = rt.models.polls.AnswerChoice
for c in cs.choices.all():
text = str(c)
qs = AnswerChoice.objects.filter(
response=obj.response, **pv)
if qs.count() == 1:
text = [E.b('[', text, ']')]
elif qs.count() == 0:
raise Exception(
"Oops: %s returned %d rows." % (qs.query, qs.count()))
e = sar.ar2button(obj.response, text, style="text-decoration:none")
return ar.html_text(E.span(*join_elems(elems)))
示例13: welcome_messages
# 需要导入模块: from etgen.html import E [as 别名]
# 或者: from etgen.html.E import b [as 别名]
def welcome_messages(ar):
"""Yield messages for the welcome page."""
#todo show all users active sessions
Session = rt.models.working.Session
# Ticket = rt.models.tickets.Ticket
# TicketStates = rt.models.tickets.TicketStates
me = ar.get_user()
# your open sessions (i.e. those you are busy with)
qs = Session.objects.filter(end_time__isnull=True)
working = {me:[E.b(six.text_type(_("You are busy with ")))]}
if qs.count() == 0:
for ses in qs:
if ses.user not in working:
working[ses.user] = [ar.obj2html(ses.user),
gettext(" is working on: ")]
txt = six.text_type(ses.ticket)
ar.obj2html(ses.ticket, txt, title=getattr(ses.ticket,'summary',"") or
if ses.user == me:
working[ses.user] += [
' (',
ses.end_session, EndTicketSession.label),
working[ses.user].append(', ')
if len(working[me]) > 1:
working[me][-1] = working[me][-1].replace(", ", ".")
result = E.p(*working.pop(me))
result = E.p()
for u, s in working.items():
if len(result):
s[-1] = s[-1].replace(", ", ".")
yield result
示例14: show_menu
# 需要导入模块: from etgen.html import E [as 别名]
# 或者: from etgen.html.E import b [as 别名]
def show_menu(self, ar, mnu, level=1):
Render the given menu as an HTML element.
Used for writing test cases.
if not isinstance(mnu, Menu):
assert isinstance(mnu, MenuItem)
if mnu.bound_action:
sar = mnu.bound_action.actor.request(
user=ar.user, subst_user=ar.subst_user,
renderer=self, **mnu.params)
# print("20170113", sar)
url = sar.get_request_url()
url = mnu.href
assert mnu.label is not None
if url is None:
return E.p() # spacer
return E.li(E.a(str(mnu.label), href=url, tabindex="-1"))
items = [self.show_menu(ar, mi, level + 1) for mi in mnu.items]
#~ print 20120901, items
if level == 1:
return E.ul(*items, **{'class':'nav navbar-nav'})
if mnu.label is None:
raise Exception("%s has no label" % mnu)
if level == 2:
cl = 'dropdown'
menu_title = E.a(
str(mnu.label), E.b(' ', **{'class': "caret"}), href="#",
data_toggle="dropdown", **{'class':'dropdown-toggle'})
elif level == 3:
menu_title = E.a(str(mnu.label), href="#")
cl = 'dropdown-submenu'
raise Exception("Menu with more than three levels")
return E.li(
E.ul(*items, **{'class':'dropdown-menu'}),
示例15: eid_info
# 需要导入模块: from etgen.html import E [as 别名]
# 或者: from etgen.html.E import b [as 别名]
def eid_info(self, ar):
"Display some information about the eID card."
attrs = {'class':"lino-info"}
if ar is None:
return E.div(**attrs)
must_read = False
elems = []
if self.card_number:
elems += ["%s %s (%s)" %
(ugettext("Card no."), self.card_number, self.card_type)]
if self.card_issuer:
elems.append(", %s %s" %
(ugettext("issued by"), self.card_issuer))
#~ card_issuer = _("issued by"),
if self.card_valid_until is not None:
valid = ", %s %s %s %s" % (
ugettext("valid from"), dd.dtos(self.card_valid_from),
ugettext("until"), dd.dtos(self.card_valid_until))
if self.card_valid_until < dd.today():
must_read = True
must_read = True
must_read = True
if must_read:
msg = _("Must read eID card!")
if dd.plugins.beid:
self.read_beid, msg, icon_name=None))
# same red as in lino.css for .x-grid3-row-red td
# ~ attrs.update(style="background-color:#FA7F7F; padding:3pt;")
attrs['class'] = "lino-info-red"
return E.div(*elems, **attrs)