本文整理汇总了Python中eos.types.Slot类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Slot类的具体用法?Python Slot怎么用?Python Slot使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: getText
def getText(self, stuff):
if isinstance(stuff, Drone):
return "%dx %s" % (stuff.amount, stuff.item.name)
elif isinstance(stuff, Cargo):
return "%dx %s" % (stuff.amount, stuff.item.name)
elif isinstance(stuff, Fit):
return "%s (%s)" % (stuff.name, stuff.ship.item.name)
elif isinstance(stuff, Rack):
if service.Fit.getInstance().serviceFittingOptions["rackLabels"]:
if stuff.slot == Slot.MODE:
return u'─ Tactical Mode ─'
return u'─ {} Slots ─'.format(Slot.getName(stuff.slot).capitalize())
return ""
elif isinstance(stuff, Module):
if stuff.isEmpty:
return "%s Slot" % Slot.getName(stuff.slot).capitalize()
return stuff.item.name
item = getattr(stuff, "item", stuff)
if service.Fit.getInstance().serviceFittingOptions["showMarketShortcuts"]:
marketShortcut = getattr(item, "marketShortcut", None)
if marketShortcut:
# use unicode subscript to display shortcut value
shortcut = unichr(marketShortcut+8320)+u" "
return shortcut+item.name
return item.name
示例2: refresh
def refresh(self, stuff):
Displays fitting
Sends data to d.Display.refresh where the rows and columns are set up, then does a
bit of post-processing (colors)
d.Display.refresh(self, stuff)
sFit = service.Fit.getInstance()
fit = sFit.getFit(self.activeFitID)
slotMap = {}
# test for too many modules (happens with t3s / CCP change in slot layout)
for slotType in Slot.getTypes():
slot = Slot.getValue(slotType)
slotMap[slot] = fit.getSlotsFree(slot) < 0
font = (self.GetClassDefaultAttributes()).font
for i, mod in enumerate(self.mods):
self.SetItemBackgroundColour(i, self.GetBackgroundColour())
# only consider changing color if we're dealing with a Module
if type(mod) is Module:
if slotMap[mod.slot]: # Color too many modules as red
self.SetItemBackgroundColour(i, wx.Colour(204, 51, 51))
elif sFit.serviceFittingOptions["colorFitBySlot"]: # Color by slot it enabled
self.SetItemBackgroundColour(i, self.slotColour(mod.slot))
# Set rack face to bold
if isinstance(mod, Rack) and \
sFit.serviceFittingOptions["rackSlots"] and \
self.SetItemFont(i, font)
self.SetItemFont(i, font)
self.itemCount = self.GetItemCount()
self.itemRect = self.GetItemRect(0)
if 'wxMac' in wx.PlatformInfo:
示例3: _exportEftBase
def _exportEftBase(fit):
offineSuffix = " /OFFLINE"
export = "[%s, %s]\n" % (fit.ship.item.name, fit.name)
stuff = {}
sFit = service.Fit.getInstance()
for module in fit.modules:
slot = module.slot
if not slot in stuff:
stuff[slot] = []
curr = module.item.name if module.item else ("[Empty %s slot]" % Slot.getName(slot).capitalize() if slot is not None else "")
if module.charge and sFit.serviceFittingOptions["exportCharges"]:
curr += ", %s" % module.charge.name
if module.state == State.OFFLINE:
curr += offineSuffix
curr += "\n"
for slotType in EFT_SLOT_ORDER:
data = stuff.get(slotType)
if data is not None:
export += "\n"
for curr in data:
export += curr
if len(fit.drones) > 0:
export += "\n\n"
for drone in fit.drones:
export += "%s x%s\n" % (drone.item.name, drone.amount)
if export[-1] == "\n":
export = export[:-1]
return export
示例4: exportEft
def exportEft(self):
offineSuffix = " /OFFLINE"
export = "[%s, %s]\n" % (self.ship.item.name, self.name)
stuff = {}
for module in self.modules:
slot = module.slot
if not slot in stuff: stuff[slot] = []
curr = module.item.name if module.item else ("[Empty %s slot]" % Slot.getName(slot).capitalize() if slot is not None else "")
if module.charge:
curr += ", %s" % module.charge.name
if module.state == State.OFFLINE:
curr += offineSuffix
curr += "\n"
for slotType in self.EXPORT_ORDER_EFT:
data = stuff.get(slotType)
if data is not None:
export += "\n"
for curr in data:
export += curr
if len(self.drones) > 0:
export += "\n\n"
for drone in self.drones:
export += "%s x%s\n" % (drone.item.name, drone.amount)
if export[-1] == "\n":
export = export[:-1]
return export
示例5: refresh
def refresh(self, stuff):
d.Display.refresh(self, stuff)
sFit = service.Fit.getInstance()
fit = sFit.getFit(self.activeFitID)
slotMap = {}
for slotType in Slot.getTypes():
slot = Slot.getValue(slotType)
slotMap[slot] = fit.getSlotsFree(slot) < 0
bkcolor = self.GetBackgroundColour()
for i, mod in enumerate(self.mods):
if slotMap[mod.slot]:
self.SetItemBackgroundColour(i, wx.Colour(204, 51, 51))
icolor = self.GetItemBackgroundColour(i)
if icolor != bkcolor:
self.SetItemBackgroundColour(i, bkcolor)
示例6: exportXml
def exportXml(cls, *fits):
doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
fittings = doc.createElement("fittings")
for fit in fits:
fitting = doc.createElement("fitting")
fitting.setAttribute("name", fit.name)
description = doc.createElement("description")
description.setAttribute("value", "")
shipType = doc.createElement("shipType")
shipType.setAttribute("value", fit.ship.item.name)
charges = {}
slotNum = {}
for module in fit.modules:
if module.isEmpty:
slot = module.slot
if not slot in slotNum:
slotNum[slot] = 0
slotId = slotNum[slot]
slotNum[slot] += 1
hardware = doc.createElement("hardware")
hardware.setAttribute("type", module.item.name)
slotName = Slot.getName(slot).lower()
slotName = slotName if slotName != "high" else "hi"
hardware.setAttribute("slot", "%s slot %d" % (slotName, slotId))
if module.charge:
if not module.charge.name in charges:
charges[module.charge.name] = 0
# `or 1` because some charges (ie scripts) are without qty
charges[module.charge.name] += module.numShots or 1
for drone in fit.drones:
hardware = doc.createElement("hardware")
hardware.setAttribute("qty", "%d" % drone.amount)
hardware.setAttribute("slot", "drone bay")
hardware.setAttribute("type", drone.item.name)
for cargo in fit.cargo:
if not cargo.item.name in charges:
charges[cargo.item.name] = 0
charges[cargo.item.name] += cargo.amount
for name, qty in charges.items():
hardware = doc.createElement("hardware")
hardware.setAttribute("qty", "%d" % qty)
hardware.setAttribute("slot", "cargo")
hardware.setAttribute("type", name)
return doc.toprettyxml()
示例7: getText
def getText(self, stuff):
if isinstance(stuff, Drone):
return "%dx %s" % (stuff.amount, stuff.item.name)
elif isinstance(stuff, Fit):
return "%s (%s)" % (stuff.name, stuff.ship.item.name)
elif isinstance(stuff, Rack):
if service.Fit.getInstance().serviceFittingOptions["rackLabels"]:
return u'─ {} Slots ─'.format(Slot.getName(stuff.slot).capitalize())
return ""
elif isinstance(stuff, Module):
if stuff.isEmpty:
return "%s Slot" % Slot.getName(stuff.slot).capitalize()
return stuff.item.name
item = getattr(stuff, "item", stuff)
return item.name
示例8: getText
def getText(self, stuff):
if isinstance(stuff, Drone):
return "%dx %s" % (stuff.amount, stuff.item.name)
elif isinstance(stuff, Fighter):
return "%d/%d %s" % \
(stuff.amountActive, stuff.getModifiedItemAttr("fighterSquadronMaxSize"), stuff.item.name)
elif isinstance(stuff, Cargo):
return "%dx %s" % (stuff.amount, stuff.item.name)
elif isinstance(stuff, Fit):
if self.projectedView:
# we need a little more information for the projected view
fitID = self.mainFrame.getActiveFit()
return "%dx %s (%s)" % (stuff.getProjectionInfo(fitID).amount, stuff.name, stuff.ship.item.name)
return "%s (%s)" % (stuff.name, stuff.ship.item.name)
elif isinstance(stuff, Rack):
if Fit.getInstance().serviceFittingOptions["rackLabels"]:
if stuff.slot == Slot.MODE:
return u'─ Tactical Mode ─'
return u'─ {} Slots ─'.format(Slot.getName(stuff.slot).capitalize())
return ""
elif isinstance(stuff, Module):
if stuff.isEmpty:
return "%s Slot" % Slot.getName(stuff.slot).capitalize()
return stuff.item.name
elif isinstance(stuff, Implant):
return stuff.item.name
item = getattr(stuff, "item", stuff)
if Fit.getInstance().serviceFittingOptions["showMarketShortcuts"]:
marketShortcut = getattr(item, "marketShortcut", None)
if marketShortcut:
# use unicode subscript to display shortcut value
shortcut = unichr(marketShortcut + 8320) + u" "
del item.marketShortcut
return shortcut + item.name
return item.name
示例9: refresh
def refresh(self, stuff):
d.Display.refresh(self, stuff)
sFit = service.Fit.getInstance()
fit = sFit.getFit(self.activeFitID)
slotMap = {}
for slotType in Slot.getTypes():
slot = Slot.getValue(slotType)
slotMap[slot] = fit.getSlotsFree(slot) < 0
for i, mod in enumerate(self.mods):
if slotMap[mod.slot]:
self.SetItemBackgroundColour(i, wx.Colour(204, 51, 51))
elif sFit.serviceFittingOptions["colorFitBySlot"]:
self.SetItemBackgroundColour(i, self.slotColour(mod.slot))
self.SetItemBackgroundColour(i, self.GetBackgroundColour())
self.itemCount = self.GetItemCount()
self.itemRect = self.GetItemRect(0)
if 'wxMac' in wx.PlatformInfo:
示例10: getText
def getText(self, stuff):
if isinstance(stuff, Drone):
return "%dx %s" % (stuff.amount, stuff.item.name)
elif isinstance(stuff, Fit):
return "%s (%s)" % (stuff.name, stuff.ship.item.name)
elif isinstance(stuff, Module):
if stuff.isEmpty:
return "%s Slot" % Slot.getName(stuff.slot).capitalize()
return stuff.item.name
item = getattr(stuff, "item", stuff)
return item.name
示例11: getImageId
def getImageId(self, stuff):
if isinstance(stuff, Drone):
return -1
if isinstance(stuff, Fit):
return self.shipImage
if isinstance(stuff, Module):
if stuff.isEmpty:
return self.fittingView.imageList.GetImageIndex("slot_%s_small" % Slot.getName(stuff.slot).lower(), "icons")
return self.loadIconFile(stuff.item.icon.iconFile if stuff.item.icon else "")
item = getattr(stuff, "item", stuff)
return self.loadIconFile(item.icon.iconFile if item.icon else "")
示例12: getImageId
def getImageId(self, stuff):
if isinstance(stuff, Drone):
return -1
elif isinstance(stuff, Fit):
return self.shipImage
elif isinstance(stuff, Rack):
return -1
elif isinstance(stuff, Implant):
if stuff.character: # if it has a character as it's parent
return self.fittingView.imageList.GetImageIndex("character_small", "gui")
return self.shipImage
elif isinstance(stuff, Module):
if stuff.isEmpty:
return self.fittingView.imageList.GetImageIndex("slot_%s_small" % Slot.getName(stuff.slot).lower(),
return self.loadIconFile(stuff.item.icon.iconFile if stuff.item.icon else "")
item = getattr(stuff, "item", stuff)
return self.loadIconFile(item.icon.iconFile if item.icon else "")
示例13: exportXml
def exportXml(cls, *fits):
doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
fittings = doc.createElement("fittings")
for fit in fits:
fitting = doc.createElement("fitting")
fitting.setAttribute("name", fit.name)
description = doc.createElement("description")
description.setAttribute("value", "")
shipType = doc.createElement("shipType")
shipType.setAttribute("value", fit.ship.item.name)
slotNum = {}
for module in fit.modules:
if module.isEmpty:
slot = module.slot
if not slot in slotNum: slotNum[slot] = 0
slotId = slotNum[slot]
slotNum[slot] += 1
hardware = doc.createElement("hardware")
hardware.setAttribute("type", module.item.name)
slotName = Slot.getName(slot).lower()
slotName = slotName if slotName != "high" else "hi"
hardware.setAttribute("slot", "%s slot %d" % (slotName, slotId))
for drone in fit.drones:
hardware = doc.createElement("hardware")
hardware.setAttribute("qty", "%d" % drone.amount)
hardware.setAttribute("slot", "drone bay")
hardware.setAttribute("type", drone.item.name)
return doc.toprettyxml()
示例14: exportXml
def exportXml(cls, callback=None, *fits):
doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
fittings = doc.createElement("fittings")
sFit = service.Fit.getInstance()
for i, fit in enumerate(fits):
fitting = doc.createElement("fitting")
fitting.setAttribute("name", fit.name)
description = doc.createElement("description")
description.setAttribute("value", "")
shipType = doc.createElement("shipType")
shipType.setAttribute("value", fit.ship.item.name)
charges = {}
slotNum = {}
for module in fit.modules:
if module.isEmpty:
slot = module.slot
if slot == Slot.SUBSYSTEM:
# Order of subsystem matters based on this attr. See GH issue #130
slotId = module.getModifiedItemAttr("subSystemSlot") - 124
if not slot in slotNum:
slotNum[slot] = 0
slotId = slotNum[slot]
slotNum[slot] += 1
hardware = doc.createElement("hardware")
hardware.setAttribute("type", module.item.name)
slotName = Slot.getName(slot).lower()
slotName = slotName if slotName != "high" else "hi"
hardware.setAttribute("slot", "%s slot %d" % (slotName, slotId))
if module.charge and sFit.serviceFittingOptions["exportCharges"]:
if not module.charge.name in charges:
charges[module.charge.name] = 0
# `or 1` because some charges (ie scripts) are without qty
charges[module.charge.name] += module.numCharges or 1
for drone in fit.drones:
hardware = doc.createElement("hardware")
hardware.setAttribute("qty", "%d" % drone.amount)
hardware.setAttribute("slot", "drone bay")
hardware.setAttribute("type", drone.item.name)
for cargo in fit.cargo:
if not cargo.item.name in charges:
charges[cargo.item.name] = 0
charges[cargo.item.name] += cargo.amount
for name, qty in charges.items():
hardware = doc.createElement("hardware")
hardware.setAttribute("qty", "%d" % qty)
hardware.setAttribute("slot", "cargo")
hardware.setAttribute("type", name)
print "Failed on fitID: %d"%fit.ID
if callback:
wx.CallAfter(callback, i)
return doc.toprettyxml()
示例15: run
def run(self, elite = 0.05, crossoverChance = 0.8, slotMutationChance = 0.5, typeMutationChance = 0.5):
#Use a copy of the original for all our calcs. We don't want to damage it
fit = copy.deepcopy(self.original)
#First of all, lets check the number of slots we got to play with
chromLength = -1
slotAmounts = {}
for type in Slot.getTypes():
slot = Slot.getValue(type)
amount = fit.getSlotsFree(slot)
if amount > 0:
slotAmounts[slot] = amount
chromLength += amount
if not slotAmounts:
#Nothing to do, joy
slotModules = {}
metaModules = {}
for slotType in slotAmounts:
slotModules[slotType] = modules = []
for module in self.modules:
#Store the variations of each base for ease and speed
metaParent = self.__getMetaParent(module.item)
metaList = metaModules.get(metaParent)
if metaList is None:
metaList = metaModules[metaParent] = []
#Sort stuff by slotType for ease and speed
slot = module.slot
if slot in slotModules:
for slotType, modules in slotModules.iteritems():
if len(modules) == 0:
chromLength -= slotAmounts[slotType]
del slotAmounts[slotType]
#Now, we need an initial set, first thing to do is decide how big that set will be
setSize = 10
#Grab some variables locally for performance improvements
rchoice = random.choice
rrandom = random.random
rrandint = random.randint
bbisect = bisect.bisect
ccopy = copy.copy
#Get our list for storage of our chromosomes
chromosomes = []
# Helpers
weigher = lambda chromosome: (self.fitness(fit, chromosome), chromosome)
keyer = lambda info: info[0]
eliteCutout = int(math.floor(setSize * (1 - elite)))
lastEl = setSize - 1
#Generate our initial set entirely randomly
#Subtelies to take in mind:
# * modules of the same slotType are kept together for easy cross-overing
state = self.state
for _ in xrange(setSize):
chrom = []
for type, amount in slotAmounts.iteritems():
for _ in xrange(amount):
#Sort our initial set
currentGeneration = chromosomes
#Yield the best result from our initial set, this is gonna be pretty bad
yield currentGeneration[lastEl]
#Setup's done, now we can actualy apply our genetic algorithm to optimize all this
while True:
moo = time.time()
#First thing we do, we're gonna be elitair
#Grab the top x%, we'll put em in the next generation
nextGeneration = []
for i in xrange(lastEl, eliteCutout - 1, -1):
#Figure out our ratios to do our roulette wheel
fitnessList = map(keyer, currentGeneration)
totalFitness = float(sum(fitnessList))
curr = 0
ratios = []
for fitness in fitnessList:
curr += fitness